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Messages - gander

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Pond Chat / Re: Recommended Tropical Waterlilies for Small Pond?
« on: May 13, 2007, 07:13:52 PM »
My main lily pond is only 3 foot wide and I fill it full of water lilies of all sizes and they do well for me.

Pond Chat / Re: Another Season, another reason to take fish photos!
« on: May 13, 2007, 05:20:04 PM »
Allways looks good Joann have you ever had a bad pond day?

Jerry thats not nice at all. Very pretty flower though,

I have some small ones that I left outside. While they are not supposed to winter over here these did. They just started sending up pads this week. I live in northeast Oklahoma.

Pond Chat / Re: Recommended Tropical Waterlilies for Small Pond?
« on: May 13, 2007, 12:54:21 PM »
I like Tina for a small pond too and also Ruby. I find that the vivip babies winter over better for me than the older plants. I just found 4 more pots of lavender lace vivip babies that I left out over winter that are sending up pads. I also have a seedling with beautiful leaves that wintered over outside. I hope it blooms this year.

My camera is just a point and shoot model So these are about as good as I can do.

Pond Chat / I have a hard time taking pics of white flowers
« on: May 10, 2007, 10:19:33 AM »
This is about my favorite hardy. I love Gonnere It was given to me by Marion (Smokey Pa). It always looks blurry no matter how many pics of it I take,

Pond Chat / Re: I found a pot of tropicals I left outside again
« on: May 10, 2007, 12:28:17 AM »
I am pretty sure it wont be Indian goddess. Lawanna took that witht he hardies. I cant kill it I have tried. It wont freeze. I have left Miami Rose. Albert greenberg and vivip starts of Lavender lace out  all winter and they have lived.  A grown Lavender lace will not winter over for me but starts in 4 inch pots will for some strange reason.

Pond Chat / I found a pot of tropicals I left outside again
« on: May 09, 2007, 08:35:54 AM »
Lawanna came the other day and took most of my hardy lilies. Well at least the ones in the kiddie pools. We found quite a few pots of trops that I had left out, I left N. 'Nangkwag' out of purpose as I hate that lily. The sad thing about it it winters over here for me. We also left a couple of pots that I thought were empty setting out to dry out. Well after the rain this is what sprouted in one of the pots. I am almost sure its a Miami Rose. These are tubers not seedlings. Well not sure what the green one is yet just going to have to wait and see, This had better not be another pot of that N. 'Nangkwag' I just hate that lily. I guess thats why it grows under the ice for me. ::)

Pond Chat / Re: Warm Thoughts
« on: January 15, 2007, 05:35:44 PM »
Love the charlies pride.

Pond Chat / Re: The top grower in my garden.... identify???
« on: January 15, 2007, 05:33:49 PM »
I was first thinking it looked a lot like a radish or wild turnip my book does not list bitterweed/ I have them also but when my chickweed starts it looks a lot like that too. I was going to go out and take a pic of mine but it was covered in ice.

Pond Chat / Re: Pond Plants at Wal Mart? Has anyone tried these??
« on: January 15, 2007, 11:18:42 AM »
I have bought these before and not always had bad luck with them. I bought one of those kits and everything in it lived. I have bought some that did not. This year I am going to get rid of most of my hardies and just go with the tropicals. I have got to down size.

Pond Chat / Re: The top grower in my garden.... identify???
« on: January 15, 2007, 11:03:37 AM »
Kind of looks like chickweed when its first gets started.

Pond Chat / Re: Warm Thoughts
« on: January 13, 2007, 11:19:46 AM »
Very nice Craig. It is starting to ice over here and I love to see blooms when its gets like this. Now show us something warm and inviting.

Pond Chat / Re: Its going to get real bad here tomorrow night
« on: January 13, 2007, 07:01:33 AM »
well so far no ice but lots of rain. we did loose power for about 3 hours this morning. It is supposed to get worse tonight and in the morning.

Kay they said it wont hit us until tomorrow night. It is not cold outside right now here. It is sprinkling though.

I am still spending quite a bit of time outside by the pond. I cant build afire in the pit today and stay out there though wind is blowing real bad.

Pond Chat / Its going to get real bad here tomorrow night
« on: January 12, 2007, 11:28:16 AM »
They are predicting over an inch of Ice. I have a few tropicals that are still outside. I know I left a couple of huge Lavender laces outside but I hve lots of smaller ones to take their place. I noticed this 4 inch pot the other day, I went out today and stuck my hands down in the cold water and plucked it out. I am not sure what it is. I am sure it will be a blue though. It will either be Bob Tricket. Woods Blue Goddess or Robert Strawn. There are 3 nice sized tubers in this pot. We have had quite a bit of ice already this year but I have had quite a few tropical water lilies winter over before.
Here is a list of ones that wintered over outside for me last year. I left these out by mistake but it was a good thing as the ones I tried to winter over died. I am in zone 7b also brought in the last of the wh.
Miami Rose
Albert Greenberg
Robert Strawn
Woods Blue Goddess
Lavender lace
and that God awful one that I wanted to die Nangkwag Indian Goddess

Pond Chat / Re: Great news I got the pic of Max back
« on: January 10, 2007, 05:37:44 PM »
Thanks Guys I am real happy to have gotten it back. It has always been one of my favorite pics..

Pond Chat / Great news I got the pic of Max back
« on: January 10, 2007, 01:16:16 PM »
I went to lunch with my old boss Monday. I asked him if he could locate my computer and retrieve my pics, He sent them to me in about 30 emails today. I was so glad to get them back. I figured since they have had so many layoffs since my job was eliminated my computer would still be untouched and it was.

Hybridizing How To's... / Re: 7 year old seeds sprouted with no problem.
« on: January 09, 2007, 06:08:51 PM »
Looks good Louis I hope soem day to be able to grow some more seedlings. I just dont have the room in this house.

Pond Chat / Re: Summer Pictures
« on: January 09, 2007, 05:11:18 PM »
Very nice looking pond and pics.

Pond Chat / Re: Which water lily?
« on: January 09, 2007, 05:09:32 PM »
I had Lindsey woods this summer. It is a beautiful Lily. I did not get any vivip babies off the leaves but that is probably my fault. I let the wh and lettuce take over the pond.

Pond Chat / Re: An Observation...
« on: January 08, 2007, 03:40:46 PM »
I never saved any seeds from my Nymphaea pygmaea but I have it planted in a whiskey barrel with liner. last 100s of seeds sprouted. I will pot some of them this spring. what I was thinking is this lily might be dangerous planted in a natural setting. These are the first hard lilies that I have ever had to sprout. It seems like they might spread real bad if let loose in a natural setting. just wondering.

Pond Chat / Re: Which water lily?
« on: January 08, 2007, 03:32:40 PM »
I had Judge Hitchcock year before last and loved it. It was one of my favorite blues. I sent Louann a tuber and then lost mine. One of these days I will get another one when hers tubers again. I did not have time to miss it last year I had too many irons in the fire.

Pond Chat / Re: An Observation...
« on: January 07, 2007, 10:24:31 AM »
I know from working in my greenhouse that some seeds need light and some dont. I have an old Ball seed red book. It tells which seeds need to be covered and which dont, of course it does not have anything at all about water lilies in it.

Pond Chat / Re: Winter Blooms
« on: December 28, 2006, 05:26:42 PM »

Chit Chat / Merry Christmas to all my ponding friends
« on: December 24, 2006, 03:45:07 PM »
I hope you have a great Christmas and Happy New Year. gary

Pond Chat / Re: I lost most of my pictures.
« on: December 17, 2006, 11:20:06 AM »
 my computer crashed and I restored it wiping it clean. I knew the forums had my pics on them and then they crashed too about the same time and I could not recover them.

Pond Chat / I lost most of my pictures.
« on: December 16, 2006, 05:28:03 PM »
I had a great picture of my pond and max my great nephew setting at the pond feeding the fish. It was a couple of years ago and my pond was covered with water lettuce. I have lost that pic and would love to find it. I know I had posted it on AWGS and Koiphen but cannot find it. Some people asked if they could save if for their desktop and I wonder if anyone has that picture? Thanks if advance.

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