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Messages - thepitclub

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Pond Chat / Re: Tadpoles!!!!!
« on: June 17, 2007, 09:05:47 AM »
Those look like "toad-poles". We have a marshy bog not to far behind or house, and we were OVERUN with tiny toads this week. Kinda cute, but you have to watch everywhere you step-yikes....  :redface:

Toad tadpoles are black, stay small and you end up with teeny tiny toads (not much bigger than the tadpoles; frog tadpoles (the ones around here anyway) are green/brown and grow bigger and bigger untill they develop into small frogs.
 Even though we have lots of tree frogs, wood frogs, etc. around here, I am not sure what those tadpoles look like.
Maybe you could capture a few of each and contain them until they mature. I'd love to see pics of that!  O0

Chit Chat / Re: Braeden update.
« on: June 17, 2007, 08:54:39 AM »
Sending prayers and uplifting wishes your way.  :angel:

Have lots of Lillies of the Valley. Hardy shade ground cover, with beautiful, very sweet smelling white flowers in spring. Would like to trade for something different, maybe some other shade  plants- or basically anything hardy in zone 5 (or not, I'm not really picky).  I have an area full of these, I would like to clear some out and add more hostas to the area (a trade for hostas would be great).

I also have some other plants/trees. If you are into herbs, I have tons of spearmint and lemon balm- have to check but I did still have chocolate (mint/balm?) too.  I am going to take a walk around and see what else I have and post back. Pretty sure I still have a ton of white lilac seedlings.

Terrestrial Gardening / Anyone ever purchase from Hirts?
« on: June 17, 2007, 07:23:19 AM »
I ordered some ladybugs from them on ebay (for amphid control) and visited the link to thier site. I was pretty impressed with thier selections!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: a rose is a rose...
« on: June 17, 2007, 07:16:46 AM »
Don't feel bad Monica, I can't grow them like that either! Mine always end up with fungus and amphids, etc. NEVER look like that. My Mum (who grows gorgeous, to die for roses) only lives about 1/2 hour away, and has the same growing conditions as I.
I guess some of us just weren't meant to grow roses.  ::)

Very creative planters Bonnie! I enjoy seeing all the different ideas everyone here comes up with!


I don't believe I had ever seen a lotus bloom before coming to this forum. So beautiful! Way up here in MI, I don't think I'm ready to try that yet. Maybe next year I'll be bugging you for help with a lotus- if I succeed with lillies this year.

Looking forward to more posts of your incredible flowers!  o(:-)

I appreciate your input! They look quite content in your pond. I'm not planning on purchasing any until I have a bigger pond established; as a complete greenhorn to proper ponding, my lil' ponds are overstocked. But I'm looking forward to researching them until the time is right. The ebay seller mentioned above is only about an hour from me, so I'm hoping they will still have some when I'm ready. I browsed around the local pet shops, but no one around here had ever heard of them. Have you had your for some time now?

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: How to make a new bench...
« on: June 16, 2007, 12:36:59 PM »
Nicely done! It looks fabulous there.  O0
Makes me want to hit the garage sales to see what I can find to "spruce up"!  8)

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: a rose is a rose...
« on: June 16, 2007, 12:32:53 PM »
I just love the lavender one. Is that what you referred to as a Fragrant Plum? Beautiful!  o(:-)

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Look at my fishies
« on: June 16, 2007, 12:23:20 PM »
Very pretty! I read somewhere that in China they believe solid black koi bring good luck. Maybe that is why they cost more? 
I have one just like the silver with the yellow head, it's one of my fav's!

Terrestrial Gardening / Where I got my green thumb..
« on: June 16, 2007, 05:54:21 AM »
 :teehee: Mum would kill me for posting this early morning pic of her, but I had to share how beautiful some of her roses are this year. I've been trying to convince her she needs a water garden too. I think she's weakening; wait till she see's my lillies this year, and I bet she'll be begging me to start digging for her next year.

Thanks for the replies, and I think I have found all I need for now.   :)

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: fairy flowers
« on: June 15, 2007, 03:28:01 PM »
I love them, and I do think Fairy Flowers is a much more befitting name, BTW. ;)
Some grow wild up here that are a gorgeous delicate pink; haven't seen any yet this year though.

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Clematis finally taking off
« on: June 15, 2007, 03:24:52 PM »
Beautiful! I planted one early this spring (don't know the name, just that it's supposed to be purple). Can't wait for it to take off like yours!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: This Budd's for you.......
« on: June 15, 2007, 03:22:23 PM »
Yes, I'll be needing several magic pots myself. Where do we order those again? Ohh, Tim and Mikey usually keep them all to themselves?  lol

Seriously though- very pretty!

Terrestrial Gardening / Blooms n' bugs
« on: June 15, 2007, 03:14:21 PM »
From around the yard today; a daylily and "friend", mullberry bush, and sweet smelling dogwood blooms.

I found time to get mine planted today!  :clap:

Since I couldn't figure out where to fit them in the landscaping, I just figured I'd pot them up for now. I found the planters I was looking for at JoAnns- on sale at that.  O0

Here's a couple pics.

Well I hope he does! I too read up about the High-fin Banded Sharks, and now I think it might be a neat fish to have in the pond. Since I bring my fish inside for the winter, it wouldn't be an "annual".
I couldn't imagine having annual fish- how cruel.  :'(

Photo Album / Re: Lily Floral Boquets
« on: June 15, 2007, 12:39:19 PM »
I put in some feeder fish to keep the skeeters at bay. I also found a solar powered fountain at Harbor Freight Tools to help oxygenate the water; it only works in direct sunlight, so it will run for most of the daylight hours. I was a bit worried about the splashing water on the pads in the direct sun though, (even though its not very powerful). I'll run down to my local pond store and ask for Anacharis tomorrow.
 I planted as you directed, with the granular plant food and then put 2 Pond Tabs in the big pots and one in each small pot. I picked up 3 bottles of the FloraFin because it was 75% off at Meijers. I thought maybe it would help the floating plants as well the lillies. I asked everywhere for the Osmocote, but no one around here had it. Maybe I'll check eBay or see if I can find it elsewhere online tonight.

Thanks!  O0

Photo Album / Re: something finchey
« on: June 15, 2007, 04:19:05 AM »
Ohh, how pretty! I love goldfinches. Watching the birds is almost as much fun as watching the fish.

I have several birdfeeders that I used to fill, but then the two barn kitties that adopted us started treating the feeders as bird buffets.   {nono}

No matter how much I fed the cats they wouldn't stay away from the feeders, so I quit filling them.  :(

Photo Album / Re: Lily Floral Boquets
« on: June 15, 2007, 04:11:15 AM »

Amanda, nice set up. Until the pads fill it out you might want to throw some oxygenator plants in there to keep the algae at bay a bit. Just a thought.
If you fed them heavy and have warm weather it might only be a few weeks to a month. Good Luck.

Do you mean the ones that sit on the bottom; the long feathery ones? I saw those at my local pond shop when I picked up the other marginals and frog's bit I have in there. What about the liquid stuff you can buy to get rid of algae, is it something I would not want to use?
I also bought the liquid fertilizer you add to the water and put that in as well (I think it's called FloraFin, by Tetrapond).

Thanks!  :)

I swear I posted on this thread earlier, but it's gone?  ?)(? Anyways....

I got my order today also, they look great! Thanks Bonnie!!

Pond Chat / Re: Gotta love those garage sales!!
« on: June 14, 2007, 02:05:11 PM »

Photo Album / Re: Lily Floral Boquets
« on: June 14, 2007, 02:02:22 PM »
Man I wish I had seen them. I am paying 12 buck a piece and I usually buy 2 at a time to double the thickness so my weedeater doesn't cause holes and leaks.
It has in the past. >:(-

OHHHHH... I never thought of that. Yikes, I'd hate to have to put a hit out on my lawn guys....

Pond Chat / Gotta love those garage sales!!
« on: June 14, 2007, 12:14:19 PM »
I found a preformed waterfall/spillway thingy with a 10'x10' liner (new) at a garage sale for $10! @O@
There's ALWAYS room for one more wet spot around here....
Wait till hubbie gets home from work and see's the mess I'm making... Hee HEEE  :teehee:

I def want the Black Prince. I have the ones on ebay on watch, maybe I should wait to pay you for the Black Prince to see what happens with the ebay ones?

Amanda  :)

Do any of these have buds, or are they near blooming size?
I wish our growing season was not so short!  :(

I'm interested in the Black Prince and the Purple Indian Goddess.

 :) Amanda

I've decided to give tropicals a try! We don't have a very long growing season here, so I'm looking for mature plants, hopefully ready to bloom. If anyone has any available for sale, please let me know.

What kind of summer high temps do you get in Michigan? If you put them in an above ground metal tank in full sun, the water heats up quite a lot and you get some nice blooms. At least I do here in Maryland. You can overwinter tropical lilies, either under grow lights or in a dormant state. If you really want a blue or purple, give it a try!

We get temps in my area anywhere from 75 - 95 degrees F. Summers vary year to year here (this week has been in the 80's). And I think you are right, I'll give it a try! I'm going to repost a request to see if anyone has any available. Thanks SheilaJ!


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