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Messages - karen J

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 50 51 52 [53] 54 55 56 57 58 ... 62
Chit Chat / Re: What kind of physical hobby should I have?
« on: November 08, 2006, 07:16:57 PM »
Cath, thanks. I have an evil streak when it comes to bosses.  ;) And coworkers.  >:(- ;)

Chit Chat / Re: What kind of physical hobby should I have?
« on: November 08, 2006, 07:06:31 PM »
1. Get a boxing bag and gloves. Pretend that you are making a Holiday photo mosaic and take pictures of everyone at work. Print out several copies and tape them to the boxing bag. Box away.

2. Get a dartboard and tape the pictures to it. Not much excercise, but still a great stress-reliever.

3. Get a stand, put a baseball on it with a picture of (_____). Bat away.

PS-almost forgot the most beneficial-

4. Karate.

Chit Chat / Re: One egg or two?
« on: November 08, 2006, 07:02:08 PM »
I'll take two, with bacon and sausage.

Pond Chat / Re: Goldie grows up in the pump filter.
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:26:34 AM »
Louis, I'll bet he thinks he's died & gone to Heaven!
I had one like that, though it wasn't as big. Poor little thing had zero fins left and his whole side was severely abraded. He completely healed after only a couple weeks in an aquarium. His fins took a little longer to grow back completely.

Mucky- "Despite the fact that the upper pond is only about 18" deep and developed close to 12" of ice over the winter, the frogs and 2 goldfish managed to survive till spring when I did the upper pond reno."

I have the same thing happen every year. Once the filtration gets turned off, the upper pond becomes pretty much a sewer. The leaves & muck stay there all winter under a foot of ice (or more). I'm always amazed at how much life is in there come spring.

Pond Chat / Re: Massacree
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:18:20 AM »
Do you still have them, Craig? Seems they would have made quite a stunning bouquet.  (8:-)

Pond Chat / Re: November 2006 Pondsai
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:16:58 AM »
I got to see that Maple in person  :-)~ and it's truly stunning. I still find it amazing that it was going to be tossed in the garbage. What a lucky find!

Pondsai looks terrific.  O0

Pond Chat / Re: something on back of lily pads, help.
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:06:06 AM »
Unfortunately, there is no correlation between Snails and String Algae (which favors cooler climates).

True, there is nothing wrong with Ramshorn, Apple, or Trapdoor snails. They are insignificant scavengers. However, what Cambria Koi has discovered are the eggs of the Great Pond Snail, Limnaea stagnalis. These are not good snails. They can spread quickly (multiply like bunnies), choke up filtration, and are intermediate hosts of certain parasites (anchor worm). As they complete their life cycles and die, the dead  ones smell pretty bad, and decaying snails can mess up water quality.

I've found that I can't really get rid of them, but I can keep their populations somewhat in check by constantly wiping off the eggs from the undersides of the lily pads, and tossing any that I find in the filters, pond, or pots. I can toss dozens at a time from one Lotus pot.  &-)

Chit Chat / Re: November and December
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:10:02 PM »
Kittyzee, Sorry about your Mom. My Mom is still alive, but 1,000 miles away. I sooo wish she would move out here.
GAJen, have you ever considered that you may have Seasonal Affective Disorder? I do have it, and every year change my lightbulbs to full spectrum flourescents in the fall. Not the big giant bulbs that some unfortunate folks have to get, these are just enough for me.
My bulbs are on the way, so I've already been a month without adequate sunlight and it is bugging me to bits.

Christmas is also bugging me. You'd think my kids were clones of Veruca Salt.  &-)

Veruca Salt, that little brute
has just gone down the garbage chute
and she will meet, as she descends
a rather different set of friends
A rather different set of friends, a rather different set of friends!
A fish head for example, caught
this morning, from a Halibut
An oyster from a oyster stew
A steak that no one else could chew.....

For Christmas I want to give my kids: NO TV, NO candy, NO toys...
I am sooooo mean!  :-)~ ;D Doesn't help that I'm totally obcessed with "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory"  O0 O0 O0

Chit Chat / Re: Hair Color
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:02:48 PM »
My hubby couldn't give a hoot about my hair color. He says to just let it all go gray, because that's what nature intended. He certainly doesn't care about his hair color.
I am not quite sure about that. I do agree that it is what nature intends, but I do like having my original color. If I let it go, people start asking me if I'm feeling OK and is there something wrong??? And why have I "let myself go?"
It does look nice and it feels great after a good cut & color. Doesn't last long, though!
Geez. :-)~

But then I think of my Mom. 76 years old, and her hair is an absolute mess from coloring for years and years. Don't want that, either...

Chit Chat / Re: Addictive game, try it
« on: November 07, 2006, 07:53:36 PM »
Oh yeah, my insurance just skyrocketed. Poor little dog!  :'(

Chit Chat / Re: Did You?
« on: November 07, 2006, 07:21:40 PM »
Just got back from voting, took both kids as well, just like we always do, so they know the process, and how important it is, and how many dads/moms/brothers/ and sisters gave their lives so we could vote. Just my opinon, but I belive it is very disrespectful to all those who have fought and died for this one freedom, not to vote!


Same wavelength here.  ;) We took our kids too, and always do.

Unfortunately, my guys (actually a guy and a gal) didn't win.  :'( Ahh, well, more pork and corruption for Illinois. As if we didn't expect it.  ;)

Chit Chat / Re: I just love Hollywood
« on: November 06, 2006, 09:10:09 PM »
Ewww. I was there once, on an overnight wait for the flight to Hawaii. Several "men", with funny hats and boots, tried to pick me up, and all my Mom could do was shuff them away. The wierd thing is that I was only 14! What a strange town... no thanks...
 :D :o

Chit Chat / Re: Pictures of Naomi and Daddy's
« on: November 06, 2006, 09:04:57 PM »
Wow, he looks amazing!  O0 What a handsome couple.

He doesn't look a day over 65.  O0 8) 8) 8) (8:-)

Chit Chat / Re: Prayers please
« on: November 06, 2006, 09:01:31 PM »
Ditto here, Cath. I totally understand the hearing problem, have it myself. It is not a character flaw to be hard of hearing! ( Find myself defending my "flaw" frequently).

I sincerely pray that the infection is stopped.

Don't let him eat any sugar!  >:(-

Pond Chat / Re: Record high and low temps...results might surprise you!
« on: November 06, 2006, 01:21:50 PM »
John Johns- thanks for the reminder of things to come.  :P
Seems like it's always the first snow that brings out the idiots.

I remember we had a massive snow storm on LI when I was a kid. The power was out, and school was closed for days. My Dad took me and a friend to see Star Wars, and they kept losing power. We sat and sat- took forever to see that movie! Worth it, though.

Pond Chat / Re: High definition pond video
« on: November 06, 2006, 01:12:49 PM »
Mucky W, if I were to buy the Sony HDR-HC1, or something like it, would I be able to play the video on my Sony wega HD widescreen using a simple cable? Or would I have to buy some sort of interface device?
I want to get rid of my old Hi8 Sony camcorder because it's a pain to use.

Nice waterfall!

Chit Chat / Re: Show Us Your Desk Top Screen
« on: November 06, 2006, 08:15:48 AM »
Thanks for starting this, and thanks Timgod for the instructions.

Years ago, on the old forum, someone posted this picture-

Unfortunately, I right clicked on the photo and hit the "save as wallpaper" option. I've had it ever since, because I didn't know where the pic was stored. I was afraid to replace it for fear of losing it forever.
So, thanks to Timgod, I was actually able to track it down. It was stored in a very obscure place.
Yippee- now I can replace it! Still love it, just need a change.

BTW, does anyone remember that photo or who posted it?

I'm replacing it with John's F14 pic.  8) O0 I also think it's sad that it has been removed from service. There is no plane qualified enough to replace it.  :no:

Chit Chat / Re: Obcessed with a Wagner Ear Worm
« on: November 04, 2006, 07:47:20 PM »
The arrangement is by Liszt, so it can't be too bad.

Ewww. It's terrible.

Thanks Viv & Jerry. I am sooo glad to be away from the Barney song! However, I must now endure Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues, and The Backyardigans. Thank goodness for Little Bear.  o(:-) Now that's decent kids music.  (8:-)

Chit Chat / Re: My great wife!
« on: November 04, 2006, 07:42:47 PM »
I am a liberal arts major, who makes no real money as a result.

Oh my... I suspect you and I have much in common, except for the servants.

Kay, I had seen that 50's one before, but never saw the updated one. I like that.  o(:-) ;) ;) ;D

Pond Chat / Re: something on back of lily pads, help.
« on: November 03, 2006, 09:28:45 PM »
Yes, snail eggs!

Ewww. Can't stand them. >:( {-) Wipe them off.

Chit Chat / Re: Hot Air Balloons
« on: November 01, 2006, 08:38:11 PM »
...and you move so slowly that you do not feel like anything can go wrong.

Funny, but my Mom said the same thing. She said she felt like the balloon was stationary, and the Earth was moving by at a very slow and confortable pace.

Pa Nancy, thanks for that link! I enjoyed that article very much!  O0

Funny that my 76 year-old Mom will go on one, but I'm a wimp.  :D

Whenever I tried using a "medium" to store them, they failed. I've tried peat moss, wood shavings, sand, whatever.
Finally, last year I just tossed them into a rubbermaid container, didn't even cover it, and tossed it into the crawlspace. They survived. Go figure.

Pond Chat / Re: The Pond is really cold
« on: November 01, 2006, 08:25:35 PM »
"Help, I've fallen and I can't reach my wine".

 lol lol lol lol lol

Sorry, Steve, just had to laugh.

Really though, y'all should see that nice fountain of Steve's!  o(:-) Niiiice.

Ace Hardware can wait. A fire and some wine is far more important. ;)

Pond Chat / Re: Clarity and cold weather?
« on: November 01, 2006, 08:18:11 PM »
  I have alot of eggy smell and alot of minerals in the water that turn my showers and toilets orange. The water tests fine. It is from a 171 ft well.

I have a very similar situation. The well water often cycles between seasons, getting smelliest in the spring. We also get that orange stuff, but I am presuming that it is a specific species of mold or mildew that favors this type of water. It happens more when I shut the water softener off... so I keep that puppy going.  ;) It certainly is not iorn, which instead produces a rust-colored stain.

The water softener will remove a little bit of iron, not much, but it doesn't need to be all that much unless you have huge amounts of iron.

"Iron Reducing Bacteria" and "Sulphur Reducing Bacteria" are pretty common problems with wells, we've been "diagnosed" with both.

The rotten egg smell is caused by hydrogen sulphide (H2S), either from dissolved organics or sulphate reducing bacteria.

A couple links- the first is general well maintence and the second is about iron reducing bacteria in wellwater. Sorry, my Sulpher links are dead.  ?)(?

Do you ever get screens clogged with little black specks?  &-) >:(

Chit Chat / Re: Noah WON!!! Grandma Brag.
« on: November 01, 2006, 06:13:40 PM »
Wow! 19 months old!

I think he was only about 5 months old when we stopped by your place. Too bad he was sleeping, I would have liked to pinch those cute little cheeks! Amazing how fast they grow.

He sure is a cutie! Love the costume.

Chit Chat / Re: Pray for my sister and family
« on: November 01, 2006, 06:11:05 PM »
frloplady, I'm sorry about your sister. I pray she heals faster & better than anyone would ever dream.

Chit Chat / Re: My house was broken into and robbed
« on: November 01, 2006, 06:07:33 PM »
Jessica, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you're all OK, and glad that you & your family weren't home at the time. Hopefully the police will get some nice prints.

I second the vote- report them.

There are an awful lot of people who pad the shipping charges- and ebay specifically prohibits it.

I bought a small screen protector for my camera, and it was something like 10.00 plus  a couple bucks for shipping. They sent it a .37 envelope.
Then I found out I could have purchased it directly from the manufacturer for 8.00, free shipping.

The thing with those people is that they are so smug. They think there is nothing wrong with what they are doing. And the poor schmucks that are following the rules are the ones who pay.

Chit Chat / Obcessed with a Wagner Ear Worm
« on: November 01, 2006, 05:58:08 PM »
Do you ever get Ear Worms? An ear worm is a song you get stuck in your head.

Well, I have Wagner's "Pilgrims Chorus" from Tannhauser stuck in my head. It has happened many times before. Once, I even got the orchestral score and tried reducing it so I could play it on the piano. Talk about tedious work- hours just for the first couple pages.

Well- I found this really great website called "" and actually found the piano version, and it cost me all of 1.99!  This site has thousands of scores.

I am not fond of cheesy arrangements of great classical pieces, or pieces arranged for instruments that the composer never intended, but I think the only way for me to get rid of the worm is to learn it. The arrangement is by Liszt, so it can't be too bad.
Hopefully, the quality of the music will transcend the medium on which it's played.

Does anybody know/like this piece? Please listen to it and send me a good vibe. It gets really difficult starting on the third page.  :o

Pond Chat / Re: There be Nile Perch here!
« on: October 31, 2006, 10:56:22 AM »
But aren't all Tilapia "farmed" nowadays? Somebody told me that, and I notice that I never find a label that says "wild caught" anymore.

Do they look pretty in the pond? I think Rosy reds are quite pretty.

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