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Messages - karen J

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Pond Chat / Re: Some pictures
« on: October 09, 2006, 01:23:17 PM »
Tammie, I remember when you built that waterfall. It sure has matured. It looks old, and nestled in. Love it!

Pond Chat / Re: Manassas loves Albert
« on: October 09, 2006, 01:20:06 PM »
Wonderful combo.

Chit Chat / Re: Wind power and Cool cottage
« on: October 09, 2006, 01:15:49 PM »
frloplady, Wow. Can you send hubby here to build one for us? I think they are amazing.

I wonder how much energy I could generate here- too many trees I suspect.

I've clicked on this thread a few times now, and every time I look I see something else in that cottage. Like the hole in the roof for the tree, and all the different stones. It really is unique.

Chit Chat / Re: A kid, a dog and a slug...
« on: October 09, 2006, 09:54:27 AM »

Well said!  :P

Cute doggie, though. Look at that silky, shiny hair.

Chit Chat / Re: We NOW have "PAY PAL" many have asked.
« on: October 09, 2006, 09:51:14 AM »

Thank you for doing that. I guess I'm just a lazy bum, but Paypal is so much easier.

PS- Paypal is currently paying a higher rate of interest than my bank. But if I put a lot of money there, then hubby will spend it all at ebay.  (8:-) >:(- ;)

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Sunny, Warm October Afternoon...
« on: October 09, 2006, 07:56:19 AM »
Jamie & GiGi are adorable. Nice plants, too! I got exactly one toad lily bloom this year. Groundhog (or deer) ate whatever growth that poor plant consistently tried to put out.  &-)

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: My Greenhouse
« on: October 09, 2006, 07:52:28 AM »
It looks very nice, LeeAnne. I especially like the base (good idea).
I hope you get lots of enjoyment out of it.

Pond Chat / Re: Pondside Today
« on: October 09, 2006, 06:32:27 AM »
Joann, how nice to see you. I hope your kitchen remodel is coming along nicely (how bout some pics?  ;)).
As usual, your fish are gorgeous.  o(:-)

Chit Chat / Re: Fall colors
« on: October 09, 2006, 06:27:53 AM »
Wow, that is an absolutely beautiful picture!

Don't let them push you too hard.  {nono} A little bit- good, a lot- bad! Remember to rest! Another movie! Popcorn is good  O0 (bad  {nono}) too.

What a fish!  :D

BTW, Steve, how was your Mississipi River fishing trip? You seem to be back home safe and sound (good!). Did you catch anything?

Chit Chat / Re: Wind power and Cool cottage
« on: October 08, 2006, 07:25:42 PM »
Hoe Lee Cow, what a beautiful cottage.  8-)~ o(:-) Love the stonework, the arch, and the cool windows! I'll bet the person who lives in there feels happy.  (8:-)

The windmills are wonderful. I'd love to have a real windmill generating any amount (not picky) of electricity.

Chit Chat / Re: LA Weight Loss
« on: October 08, 2006, 05:01:11 PM »
"my skin will NEVER get back to where is was before I became fat"

I totally agree with that. I lost 30% of my body weight and my skin will never be the same. Granted, we're all a lot older now and our skin has lost much of it's elasticity. Things could be worse.

I don't agree on the "calorie is a calorie, energy in- energy out" theory. 1,000 calories of starch and sugar does not react the same in your body as 1,000 calories of broccoli. Insulin is a lot more powerful, and does a lot more jobs in the body than shuffling sugar. Keeping it in tight control is the single most important thing anyone can do.

Chit Chat / Re: A scam is in the works
« on: October 08, 2006, 04:55:32 PM »
Jerry, that is definitely a scam. Paypal does not work that way, they will never ever send you an email requiring you to click on a link and/or provide account information. Do not follow the links, do not provide any information.

Forward the email to

Chit Chat / Re: LA Weight Loss
« on: October 08, 2006, 11:34:13 AM »
I suppose that people will consider me pretty radical, but my "beliefs" about what people should eat are based on science. There are so many nutritional myths out there now- how can people know what to eat?
1. Eat a low fat diet- low fat dairy, etc.
2. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
3. Use vegetable oils and avoid butter
4. Saturated fat is bad
5. Eat plenty of whole grains
6. Red meat is bad for you
7. Take Calcium to prevent Osteoporosis

NONE of those things are true (except the part about vegetables, maybe). The Framingham study showed that the men who ate the most saturated fat had the fewest coronary events (heart attack, stroke). The nurses study showed that post-menopausal women who at the most saturated fat also had the fewest coronary events AND that saturated fat is protective.
The only vitamin that humans can't get from meat is vitamin C.

Most diseases are sugar or grain metabolism diseases. Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, most cancers, MS, PCOS, Crohn's, Celiac, Dental caries, Periodontal disease, Osteoporosis.

That's because processed grains are not food. They are edible, but they are not food.
"Whole" grains are no bargain, either. The fiber damages the digestive tract, the proteins are exorphic, and the carbohydrates are all broken down to sugar. There is no human requirement for sugar; there are no carbohydrate deficiency diseases.

Here are some things that might be giving you a problem:
pasta twice a month
potatoes several times a week (5 teaspoons of sugar in a medium potato)
whole grain bread, (baked) crackers, croutons, rolls (think mostly sugar with not much fiber, nutritionally void)
It not a bad thing to go without food if you are not hungry. That myth was busted recently when research showed that rats and humans lived longer using Calorie Restriction. When Intermittent Fasting was used- the rats and humans lived even longer than the CR subjects.


Chit Chat / Re: It's for real offical now!
« on: October 07, 2006, 06:13:43 PM »
Congratulations! I could use a decent lawyer. Could you send him this way?  O0

Chit Chat / Re: LA Weight Loss
« on: October 07, 2006, 06:02:22 PM »
One of the largest studies recently has been the 45,000 Danish folks over 5 years, published in THE most prestigious journal (The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).
Dr. Eades blogged about it, click for more:

"The take home message from this Danish study is that if you want to minimize the growth of your abdomin over time, you should eat meat, avoid vegetable oil, eat non-starchy fruits and vegetables and avoid sugar and refined grains. Hmmm, I've heard that somewhere else." -M.R. Eades

If you don't like Atkins, try

One of my best friends lost a tone of weight using LA Weightloss, but it keeps coming back. Making a lifetime commitment to a low carb way of eating can literally save your life.

Pond Chat / Re: What is inversion?
« on: October 07, 2006, 09:52:05 AM »
I have kept thermometers in my pond for years, at different levels. The lowest temp ever recorded at the deepest level was 33.4, middle of Jan '06. Oddly enough, the dome/greenhouse I built last year was the best one yet, and I had very little ice on the surface (normal is 8-10").
If I had expendable fish, I'd try running my filter all winter. I used to do that when I had the submersible-type filtration, but I have a lot more to lose now.

I honestly don't believe that thermocline temp inversions are an issue with our smallish garden ponds. We have a lake management team in our town, and get annual reports- they post the winter temps at various water levels and yes there is quite a temp difference, but the lake is 350 acres and 60' deep.

Chit Chat / Re: Horror movies
« on: October 06, 2006, 08:46:55 PM »
Ahhh, The Ring.  :D I've been wanting to see that, but what about the kids? Is it appropriate for them? I'm not really interested in movies that we have to hide from the kids (we do a family movie night). If my kids were OK with LOTR, would they be OK with the Ring? The kids are pretty sturdy, but things scare them that I never would have guessed- like giant zucchini monsters.
They're OK with Orcs getting their heads chopped off- but please omit those giant zucchini monsters!  lol

Chit Chat / Re: Please try...
« on: October 06, 2006, 08:27:11 PM »
Joyce, OK. I bought a dang bagel for ya, but I didn't eat it! Please excuse the following rant.  >:(-

I have a problem with organizations selling garbage food to supposedly "help" a cause. Selling Ice Cream to help the American Heart Association, selling candy (of all things!) to help the American Diabetes Association, and selling carbo junk grains to help ANYthing related to Breast cancer.

The problem is complex. By selling garbage, man-made, invented, processed, edible, non-food product to help a cause is a double-edged sword. Encouraging people to eat that non-food with the false pretense that some of the money will be donated to "research" is like saying "go ahead and eat the very same stuff that is implicated in causing the disease in the first place- but don't worry, we're donating some money for ya!". There is plenty of scientific evidence out there that implicate grains (primarily milled grains) as a primary source of the diseases of civilization (Heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer) that it is highly unlikely that these suspect ingredients in so-called "food" products will ever be exonerated.
Follow the money.

Was the bagel at least a "low glycemic" bagel?  :(

Chit Chat / Re: Horror movies
« on: October 06, 2006, 07:58:38 PM »
Children of the corn for me, having driven across country a few times and stopping for gas in a few "off the beaten path" small towns, I could relate...

Children of the Corn was the very first 'Drive In' movie I ever saw. I think it was a Double Feature, with Dawn of The Dead the second movie.

I like the old Creature Feature or Chiller Theater movies they used to show on Saturday mornings. I would create a "fort" with a blanket, back against the wall so that nothing could sneak up on me from behind. Frankenstein, Dracula, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, etc. All the really old stuff, and lots of 60's B movies.
Also, lots of Cold War-ish Sci Fi, like "When Worlds Collide".

"Mars Attacks" is a great spoof on all that old material. o(:-) Funny stuff.

Chit Chat / Re: Brugmansia pictures
« on: October 04, 2006, 07:25:00 AM »
Beautiful, both the Brugs and your bride.

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Scott, aka PondmaninFL
« on: October 04, 2006, 07:22:09 AM »
Happy Birthday PondmaninFL! And many happy returns.

« on: October 04, 2006, 07:21:06 AM »
Esther, have a very Happy Birthday.

The storms have been something else! They're hitting us, crossing over the 'pond', and hitting you.

Chit Chat / Shrunken Meatloaf Heads
« on: October 03, 2006, 09:13:47 PM »
Trying to figure out what to make for Halloween.
My kids loved the experiment!

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday emilato!
« on: October 03, 2006, 08:19:51 AM »
Happy Birthday!  :)

This happens to me every September. Usually I quit caring for things that are going to die soon anyway, and spend a lot more time reading.

I would also like to plant fewer pots in the future, as they are more maintenence than any other thing in the garden. But they are pretty, so I'll just stick to my favorite ones.

Chit Chat / Re: New Pet
« on: October 03, 2006, 07:45:23 AM »
You call that a pet?  Hmmm,, I'd call it dinner. I love Ostrich meat.


My thoughts exactly.  ;)  An interesting pet for sure, though she does not appear to display the neotenic characteristics that most people fall for when choosing a pet.
Excellent score.  O0

Chit Chat / Re: the Heating season has begun
« on: October 01, 2006, 09:16:15 PM »
Hey, wait a minute,  {-), you're not supposed to be doing that.  {-) &-)
You're supposed to be resting your back!  >:(

Go rest!

Chit Chat / Re: Back pain puts avid gardner on hold!
« on: October 01, 2006, 09:14:37 PM »
Jerry, sorry for the back pain but you must rest! Just get some good movies, kick back, and do nothing.  ;) It really works. (8:-)

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