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Messages - Teresa

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Chit Chat / Re: New Airline Restrictions
« on: August 10, 2006, 01:02:30 PM »
Thanks Lynn!  Glad to see you made it over here to clarify!

Cfarm, this particular attempted attack did originate in the UK, but it was absolutely aimed at US airlines and US soil.  I would far rather see too much security than not enough . . . I've already lost too much to this war on terrorism.

Chit Chat / Gave away my little slimy friends
« on: August 10, 2006, 12:59:10 PM »
I gave away almost all the slimy critters today and it makes me sad.  I have a dear friend who has two little boys, the youngest is about 6 and just LOVES frogs, snakes, lizards and the like.  She really wanted my critters, so I gave her all the african clawed frogs and the newts.  I kept the turtles and the hermit crabs because I like them.  The girls loved these animals at one time, but they don't much care about them anymore.  I set up a 10 gallon tank to hold a couple of fantails so the 'coons couldn't get them outside and I tossed a couple shub babies in there too.

I loved those frogs . . . . gonna miss them a lot.  Not gonna miss cleaning those smelly tanks . . . . at all!

Chit Chat / Re: Good morning!
« on: August 10, 2006, 12:56:23 PM »
No, I didn't know until I got your email.  Thanks so much for sending it because I was getting really worried.

Good Morning Tammie!!!  Or Good Afternoon!

Chit Chat / Re: I Won! I Won!
« on: August 10, 2006, 12:53:48 PM »
Congratulations!  That is so cool!  (Can I come with you?)

Chit Chat / Re: Woke up to a flat tire . . . .
« on: August 10, 2006, 12:53:23 PM »
Ugh!  That Man!!! 

He called me just a couple of minutes ago and asked if I got the tire fixed.  I told him the flat was changed but the tire has a rock in it and needs to be plugged.  He asked who I got to change it or if I did it (I can and have before, but I hate to on my car because it's so big).  I told him I joined tripple A and he said "You shouldn't have done that."  Hunh?  Seems they were having a membership drive in his building today and he thought he coulda gotten a better deal.  WHO CARES!?  At least now when that stupid car breaks down and I'm stranded I'll have someone who gives a d@mn to call!!!

He is also peeved cuz I can't take the tire and get it plugged today . . . DD#1 is expecting a very important call from her college professor and I had to get 10 boxes of clothes/toys/etc to my friend for a consignment sale (also gave her the remaining african clawed frogs and the newts for her two little boys) and I have to pack because we're heading for the beach in the morning.  My day was booked solid before the tire went flat and these are all things that HAVE to be done today - or at least before we go to the beach.  (The consignment sale is next week while we're at the beach and if I don't give my girlfriend the stuff to sell, she won't bring me back the girls' new school clothes . . . it works to my advantage, believe me).

He could have come home for lunch, picked up the tire and taken it to be plugged.  He could have cared enough to do something about it when he discovered it this morning.  He could have asked what was planned for today.  He didn't.  He's gonna be ticked when he finds out that the tire has to be fixed in the morning before we leave, but that's life!

Chit Chat / Re: New Airline Restrictions
« on: August 10, 2006, 08:38:49 AM »
From what I understand, any of the banned items can go in checked luggage.  But you cannot carry on any liquids.  Someone said that baby forumula was only allowed if the mom had a baby and was willing to drink from the bottle!

I've heard mixed stories on the electronics tho - one station said that restriction was only on flights into the US from abroad.  Another network said it was on all flights.

I'm just glad I'm not flying today.

LeeAnne I'd call the airline that you're flying on and ask.

Chit Chat / Re: New Airline Restrictions
« on: August 10, 2006, 08:35:38 AM »
You can take it in your checked luggage.  Nothing that isn't solid in your carryon.  No hand lotion, toothpaste, water, coffee . . . . not even bottles of baby forumula from what they were saying on the tv this morning!

Chit Chat / New Airline Restrictions
« on: August 10, 2006, 08:02:38 AM »
I guess everyone has heard the news about the terror attempts.  Pretty scarey stuff! 

Now about the restrictions . . . no water, no liquid, no creams, no lotions in carryons.  What they said this morning was nothing that is not solid can be in a carryon.

But I keep hearing mixed stories on electronics.  Can those go on a plane or not?  Anyone know the real poop on that?

Chit Chat / Woke up to a flat tire . . . .
« on: August 10, 2006, 07:55:19 AM »
I'm getting so tired of car trouble.  It seems that I end up stranded about every 3 months.  I've had flat tires, dead batteries, holes in the radiator, missing air valves (not even sure what the devil that one was, but it cost a bunch) and every other kind of trouble you can have.  DH is no help at all . . . . he never seems to be able to get the lug nuts off the wheel so I always end up doing it.  When the girls turned on the air without turning on the engine and ran down the battery, he refused to even come and get us!  (Said that his car doesn't have battery access so there was nothing he could do anyway.)

So this morning when he woke me up to tell me that I had a flat tire and he was going to work . . .

(What if I had to get the girls somewhere?  What if there was some emergency?)

So I called tripple A and joined up.  I had to pay extra to get the flat fixed this morning and I still have to go get a plug in the tire, but next time I won't have to worry about who's going to come get me.

Think DH needs a spanking!

Pond Chat / Re: Just read about N. 'Pink Ribbon' -- way to go, Joyce!
« on: August 10, 2006, 07:49:44 AM »
That's very cool.  Is the article online?  Does anyone have a link so the rest of us can read it?  I also want to see a pic of the lily . . .

Pond Chat / Re: Filtered water lily pics
« on: August 10, 2006, 07:46:09 AM »
I don't think lilies really need names to be worthy of keeping in our ponds - they just need to bloom and be pretty.  That one fulfills both requirements . . .

Pond Chat / Re: At the request of Tinkster
« on: August 10, 2006, 07:29:11 AM »
I love the two waterfalls . . . . makes it look great whatever angle you look at it from!! 

First time I tried to get here and couldn't I thought maybe it was related to the server issues, but after trying a dozen times, I figured it was something more serious.

I gotta make a list of important email addresses . . . .

Why on earth would anyone want to hack into this board?  What kind of idiot gets his jollies doing crap like that!?!?

It makes little difference if we get back the history . . . almost all of us have been thru board changes before, in fact that's how this board came to be. 

I'm very happy to have it back in whatever form we have it.  I missed it while it was gone.  Thanks for all you do Sean, you're important to all of us.

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