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Messages - karen J

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I think your pictures are pretty darn good. Better than mine.  (8:-) I couldn't get a pic to save my life.

Some tips I've learned from fellow ponders:
1- Take pic after feeding fish. They slow down while digesting/chewing.
2- Take pics on cloudy day.
3- Walk around pond & try to find angles with no glare/shadows/reflections off water.

Chit Chat / Re: Joke of the Day
« on: September 19, 2006, 06:50:04 PM »
Hummmm.  &-)

Chit Chat / Re: To my Chat group......
« on: September 19, 2006, 06:48:12 PM »
Scrapping is huge around here, too. I need to do some before my kids are all grown up.

Chit Chat / Re: Where are you from?
« on: September 19, 2006, 06:41:47 PM »
That's funny- Minor Outling Island. It's gotta be just a glitch.

Updating my profile now.  :)

Chit Chat / Re: Dream analysis?
« on: September 19, 2006, 06:39:25 PM »
Jessica, I have a possible explanation for your dream.

1. You like turtles.
2. You wanted to see a young, baby turtle.
3  You are concerned about painting your front door, and want a fresh, new color.
4. You are considering the color red.

I think that there is an association between the red front door (which perhaps represents a fresh, new life) and the red turtle. Seing a baby red turtle is kind of a convergence of the two things.

Oversimplified, perhaps, but I don't take too much stock in dreams. Our brains are so incredibly amazing, complicated, & constantly stimulated. I think that dreams are created by impulses caused by confounding "moments" that perhaps occurred during the day, or "De-Ja-Vu" moments. I sometimes think that dreams are like the "electrical recapitulation" of events, but are separated from real time.


Your brick is amazing. Love the window details, and the door: especially the moulding around it.


Chit Chat / Re: Mouse infestation
« on: September 17, 2006, 08:42:33 PM »
Esther, I've tried it, the urine does NOT work.

It doesn't work for mice, and it doesnt work for chipmonks, voles, snakes, coyotes, deer, coons, fox, groundhogs, or any other vermin.
Sorry. But I do have living proof that it does not work.

Chit Chat / Re: Help me choose a color for my front door
« on: September 17, 2006, 08:35:53 PM »

I am going through the same thing with my house, in fact, I was planning a post on that. Colors are so hard and they can make or break the curb appeal. Definitely stinks when one has an "older" house. I happen to love old houses, but all the contractors are trying to get us to "update". I don't want to update, I want to DOWN date!!!

Pond Chat / Re: Want your pond photo in a water garden magazine?
« on: September 16, 2006, 09:27:46 PM »
My pond is in no condition to be photographed for a magazine. Too many blasted toys all over the place, & a ton of string algae!

Chit Chat / Re: You know you have to put your foot down when ...
« on: September 15, 2006, 08:11:54 PM »
Somewhere around here I have a pic of Friday, the little black kitten I got from NSAL on Friday the 13th.

So John, your cat likes the Meerkat program on Animal Planet?  8) I think that is what I see there, please correct if I'm wrong.
I suspect that my cat likes that program, too.  ;)

Chit Chat / Re: Mouse infestation
« on: September 15, 2006, 08:01:04 PM »
A timely post. We knew we had mice, especially when my daughter would say "look! A mouse!"

I (me only, not my more knowledgeable hubby) decided to get live traps. The kind that traps the mouse, but does not kill it. We placed 4 in the basement. We caught 8 mice over a few days. One of the traps was destroyed by a mouse, chewing his way to freedom.
We took the mice to the Forest Preserve and let them go. It was a busy day at the preserve, so we felt quite stupid driving around for an appropriate place to let them go.
When we got home, we had caught another mouse. Then another one. Unfortunately, when mice are hungry they do what they do. I woke up one morning to the wails of my children- upset because one had "ripped apart and ate" the other.
Since we have 2 mice as pets, we keep the "found" mice in an extra 10 gal aquarium with food and water until we get a few to be released at the forest preserve.

I think a better way is to use "killing" traps. Get rid of them once and for all. This is the season for mice to come in. Seal all cracks, foam up all holes, stick steel wool in any crevice that can't be foamed. Get a cat. Get traps. Good luck!

They are pretty cute, though. :'(

Chit Chat / Re: What does a red door symbolize?
« on: September 15, 2006, 07:51:23 PM »
You're not thinking about red lights are you?

 lol ;D lol

My hubby painted the door of his very first house red. It was such a cute little house, and one of the reasons why I married him (cute little house, well maintained, with an adorable red front door). One of the many reasons, I might add.

So there! Red front doors can only bring good tidings to the inhabitants!  ;)

Pond Chat / Re: How dangerous is Oleander?
« on: September 15, 2006, 09:26:47 AM »
Unless you are planning to roast hot dogs on oleander sticks you should be fine.

 lol  ;D That was funny.

I have Castor Bean plant that is very toxic, and have to agree that animals leave it alone. It's amazing how many plants are toxic.

Pond Chat / Re: My cat attacked the fish
« on: September 15, 2006, 09:23:22 AM »
Maybe the fish jumped onto the rock, and the cat was reacting to the squirming.

That would have made a cute picture.

Chit Chat / Re: Joyce
« on: September 14, 2006, 11:50:38 AM »
Joyce has the article posted under "pond chat"


Ohhhh! Silly me.
 ::) lol

Chit Chat / Re: Valiant Shield 2006
« on: September 14, 2006, 11:42:40 AM »
Awesome pic, I'm sending it to my brother, who also served on the Kitty Hawk.
I got the grand tour once, and my other brother got to go on the Eagle cruise.

Press On!

Chit Chat / Re: Joyce
« on: September 14, 2006, 08:30:20 AM »
Stange. I read the above post first thing when I got here. So, I went to the Newsday website and found the article (after quite a long browse). Read the article, then came back here to reply. But then the above post was gone. Instead, I found Joyce's original newsday topic from the other day. Noticed that Joyce posted the link to today's article.
But when I went to reply to that, it was gone but this one came back.
Does this make ANY sense at all???  :D


ANYWAY, that was a really nice article.  O0
I think it's a great idea to auction it, that'll hopefully bring in much more money than straight sales.

Chit Chat / Re: Hey Jerry - Why all the spiders?
« on: September 13, 2006, 07:38:59 PM »
We rock.  O0

Chit Chat / Re: Bad news on the doorstep . . . .
« on: September 13, 2006, 07:36:52 PM »
I'm sorry, Teresa. I hope you and your daughters get to spend some quality time with him. Hugs.

Chit Chat / Re: My poor little guy
« on: September 12, 2006, 07:41:52 PM »
My little man is watching tv right now and wants to go to wal mart to get a new car to make him feel better.  Kids  :)  o(:-) o(:-) o(:-)

Monica, how old is your little man? He sounds very much like my own little man, who is 4. What is is with cars and comfort???  ;) My little man is always comforted by hugs and cars. Go figure.

Poor little guy. I hope he's feeling better soon. My friend's son just got his stiches out (5), and the Dr let him bring them home for his scrapbook!  :D Boys!

Pond Chat / Re: Remember your flag tomorrow
« on: September 12, 2006, 12:19:42 PM »
I need to get a spotlight on mine so I can leave it up every day.

Thanks for the reminder, Cath.

Pond Chat / Re: Desert Pond doing OK
« on: September 12, 2006, 12:17:56 PM »
Jonna, How nice of you to pop in with an update. I remember you well, as I particularly enjoyed your detailed postings when you were building the pond.
It looks fabulous.

Hope you've had some great traveling this year. Where are you going next?

Chit Chat / Re: Having a crappy weekend, wish you were here . . . .
« on: September 11, 2006, 08:02:56 PM »
I am so sorry. Honestly don't know what to say, except that I'm glad you're here with us.

My Dad died from metastasized colon-to-liver cancer in 1989. He died on my Birthday (4/10), and of course today is Laura's Birthday (9/11).

Joann is absolutely right. Keep records, take pictures, stand up for yourself, and call your husband to do the job he promised when he took his wedding vows. At the very least, you can be loving to your father now, in his hour of need.

Let me tell you, some women can be viscious. If there is a will involved (or the love of a parent), things get nasty. I have an aunt that was so jealous of my Mom for getting a "good man" that she tried to break them up- for 45 years! My Mother laughs, and that is the best revenge for her. I have a sister who was so upset when my Dad died, because he was dead? Nope- it was because he willed his train set to my Brother. How stupid is that? She will forever be carrying around a horrible, jealous grudge because of a dang Choo Choo that was always meant for my Brother from the very beginning. Duh. It wasn't the train set, it was the 30,000 that it was worth. Nasty.
Kevin's aunt brought a lawsuit against his Mom, after her Mom died. It's confusing, but she claimed that she had done "so much more" than Kev's Mom. Took the grandmother to the Doctor once or twice, and for court she produced at least 20 "bills" for her fraudulent taxi service. She lost.  @O@
But the reason she lost is because Kev's Mom had kept excellent records (keep the records!). All she wanted was a piece of the Estate. Money.

Visit your doctor, and you will at least have a documented history of the attack. Pictures are good, but medical records are better.

Maybe if it's money that these sisters want, then it's money they should get? Give them the money and let them be miserable for the rest of their lives.

Pond Chat / Re: my new idea for wintering my tropicals lilies - opinions?
« on: September 08, 2006, 09:42:02 PM »
Actually, I can muck a stall AND cook - but never at the same time.

Pond Chat / Re: Third Day Flowers
« on: September 08, 2006, 09:35:39 PM »
Ahhh, Charlie's Pride. I will remember that for my wish list. Maybe it was your photographic skill (getting better I might add) that made that lily pop for me. But gosh, it is truly gorgeous.

And, yeah, Kat is right!  &-) Cut that out!  ;) (JK)

Pond Chat / Re: my new idea for wintering my tropicals lilies - opinions?
« on: September 08, 2006, 08:55:33 AM »
Wow, Bart, that is pretty pricey. My setup (past & present) is a lot like Vickie's.

Some things live, some things die; but what I really want is a bloom in January.

Pond Chat / Re: Third Day Flowers
« on: September 08, 2006, 08:47:08 AM »
I like them all, but LOVE number one. The amount and color of the petals, and the contrast between petals & sepals is amazing.  :P Where can I buy it?

PS- That's what I love about this hobby. Just when you think you've seen everything, or start getting a little bored, something comes along that makes you go Ga Ga all over again.  O0

Pond Chat / Re: Went to a beautiful place (lilies and butterflies oh my...)
« on: September 08, 2006, 08:41:24 AM »
Kim, great pics. Your daughter looks exactly like you.

I'd someday like to try one of those basket-weave knot garden things. They are very cool.

Chit Chat / Re: Magic Gopher ~ How does this work?
« on: September 08, 2006, 08:31:45 AM »

I hope that makes more sense to you than it sounds like it does to me.

Actually, yes it does make sense. I think I will sit down with Laura and have some fun with it. 

Chit Chat / Re: You Have Got To Be Kidding Me!
« on: September 07, 2006, 08:56:43 PM »
Does it count that I bought my Mom a piece of driftwood that cost 70.00?! This was no exceptional piece of driftwood- she could have gone to the beach and picked out a similar one for free.  :D

I have a couple Jade plants. They are 9+ years old, and not much taller than a foot.  >:(- Yet again, I am jealous of you warm-climate peeps!  ;)

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