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Messages - karen J

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Chit Chat / Re: Bug metamorphosis?
« on: March 22, 2010, 09:02:41 AM »
How was he behaving before the change? Eating, drinking, etc? Maybe you'll have a new pet beetle soon?

My daughter has wanted one of those pet beetles for a long time... but they're kind of expensive.  :o
They are quite affectionate. Maybe yours will be affectionate too!

Chit Chat / Re: Buckhead
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:13:42 PM »
By CPOG, did you mean Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinders? I looked at their website and it looks very appetizing.

Someone wrote a lovely piece in Chicago Magazine about the 30 best burger joints, so a friend and I made a pact to visit every place. The first one we visited was Paradise Pup, and the angus double char burgers were delicious. And that was only rated # 24.

Is Nancy's pizza famous there? We have a Nancy's pizza here, but it's probably not the same one.

Good luck with the antiquing. If you see it, buy it.

Chit Chat / Re: Internet pond site musings
« on: March 17, 2010, 06:58:16 PM »
That was a walk down memory lane. Thanks, Johns.

There was also a pond/koi/goldfish Q&A message board hosted by... Koi USA??? That was before I discovered the Spiechert forum. Richard Eric Carlson was the resident expert on Koi.
If anyone else remembers this...

Chit Chat / Re: Trash Killing Wildlife
« on: March 17, 2010, 06:51:02 PM »
For as long as I can remember, I've always cut up those plastic rings that hold six-packs together. Way back when, there was a report about how birds got their legs caught in those things and couldn't get them out.
Never in a million would I have thought they would eat the caps.

Chit Chat / Re: Please pray for my sister and our family...
« on: March 14, 2010, 08:05:44 PM »
I'm so sorry.  Please don't respond to this... good God you have enough on your mind right now. I couldn't imagine losing my sister. Much love to you.

Pond Chat / Re: Figured out it is a fungus on my fish
« on: March 14, 2010, 07:57:35 PM »
And it's not just herons. We have hundreds of birds that visit the pond, not to mention cats, coyotes, deer, skunks, possums, mice, rats, frogs,  and ... wait for it... herons.

I cringed when the yellow snow melted into the pond. "Watch out where the huskies go and don't you eat that yellow snow" -Frank Zappa

Try to fight nature, but nature always wins.

Chit Chat / Re: This isn't an Ice Cream commercial, honest.
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:01:43 PM »
Jerry, thanks for the link. From their website:

"It’s crafted with a subtle, natural sweetener called xylitol. While the name may sound funny, it’s actually a naturally occurring sugar substitute found in many fruits and vegetables including berries, cornhusks, birch and mushrooms. Possessing approximately 40% less food energy, this natural sweetener is a low-calorie alternative that the body absorbs more slowly than sugar — and it doesn't contribute to high blood sugar levels."

That's good. Xylitol also does not promote tooth decay. I'm really glad they didn't use maltitol!  (insert fart sound here... {:-P;;)

You can buy it online. I filled out the request form and you can also print out a product request form to take to your store.

Chit Chat / Re: This isn't an Ice Cream commercial, honest.
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:46:45 AM »
I want some of this ice cream!!

Chit Chat / Re: Dragonflies as Art - Ethical?
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:43:55 AM »
I do think those human body exhibits can be unethical. Some of the bodies were not acquied with 100% disclosure of the exact use.

Yes. Have you ever gone to a medical museum? Fascinating stuff... all kinds of weird specimens. What's also disturbing is all of the strange medical devices that no self respecting doctor would ever even imagine using on a patient today

Chit Chat / Re: A pond cake
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:27:07 PM »
That's very pretty. My sister made me one a few years ago, but didn't use fondant. She used gummy fish and fake rock candy that really looked like rocks. I'll try and dig up a picture tomorrow.

Chit Chat / Re: Good thoughts and prayers please
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:24:35 PM »
Prayers to you and your mom. They've come a long way with those kinds of surgeries. I hope your mom isn't too worried.

Chit Chat / Re: Dragonflies as Art - Ethical?
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:20:50 PM »
My brother used to do that with butterflies. He would use a pin to mount them into a shadow-box type of frame with a red velour background. Had them hanging in his room.

He also used to follow bees around with a small can of WD40. One drop of the stuff would immobilize a bee. He also brought home black widow spiders as a Christmas gift to me and I felt they weren't getting enough air... so they got loose in the house.

I was so traumatized....

Chit Chat / Re: Please pray for my sister and our family...
« on: March 07, 2010, 02:51:54 PM »
I'm so sorry. Praying for a miracle.

Pond Chat / Re: Pond in full sun
« on: March 05, 2010, 08:38:09 AM »
I third the flow meter. It was the best investment I made when building my pond. You will know exactly how much water the pond holds.

One little thing is that I did not really measure length, depth, etc when building my pond. I just winged it, yet the funny thing is that when I filled the pond, upper pond, and filtration components using the flow meter it turned out that I used EXACTLY 3,000 gallons of water. I suspect I couldn't have achieved that even if I had measured it twice.

Pond Chat / Re: What's eating my lily pad?
« on: March 05, 2010, 08:31:54 AM »
Did you find anything?

It doesn't look like midge damage, and it doesn't look like snail damage. Aphids are pretty small, but you'd see them. It could be beetle damage. Galerucella larvae will skeletonize the leaves like the one in the top of your pic. You could use Bt or sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the leaves.
There are also around 50 aquatic and 100 semi aquatic moths whose larvae eat leaves.

Chit Chat / Re: Two good music gigs coming up for me.
« on: March 05, 2010, 08:18:49 AM »
Sounds like a great time. My daughter just played at the winter concert. We're so amazed how this band director whipped them into such great shape. They played Malaguena and it sounded almost professional! Of course, the clarinets sounded the best... ;)

We mock this guy but I bet he wouldn't want to swap places with any of us.  He likely lives a simple care-free life and will probably out live all of us. 

I bet you're right. Most people don't know where their food comes from anymore. They get it at the supermarket in shrink wrapped meat trays.
This guy is just out there gathering his own meal.

Chit Chat / Re: Pete made another bed
« on: March 05, 2010, 07:59:30 AM »
... he's retired and layed off now and has never had a hobby but working...

People pay good money for custom woodwork... new career?!

Chit Chat / Re: Pete made another bed
« on: March 03, 2010, 06:53:30 PM »
That is really nice work. Looks Mission-ish. Love that look.

Chit Chat / Re: Blogs - What's a "Tag?"
« on: March 03, 2010, 06:50:27 PM »
Nice Blog! I read quite a few entries and really like it. You have successfully presented the case on why most people should hire a professional, but at the same time present good tips.

I prolly can't answer the tags question. Maybe if you log into your blog account and write a blog, there is a button you can click to "add Tags"? When you get to the "add tags" window, I think you're supposed to type in words that relate to your blog post.

For example, on your blog post about "Odd blistering with Grasscloth", you could add the tags: wallpaper, grasscloth, problems with grasscloth, blistering wallpaper, blistering grasscloth, etc.

It helps people find what they're looking for.

Chit Chat / Re: FSC Cigarettes - Am I the only one...
« on: March 03, 2010, 06:40:40 PM »
Freedoms are limited.

Yes, more so every year.

I think a lot of kids these days don't really get that. They think they can say things about other people because they have "freedom of speech". Defamation, obscenity, libel, & slander are not protected by the Constitution.

I need to read it again, but I've always interpreted the Constitution to mean that freedom of speech meant freedom to criticize (and have your own opinion about) the government without the threat of persecution or censorship, not that you can just say anything you want about anyone and get away with it.

Chit Chat / Re: We are home!!!!
« on: March 02, 2010, 05:55:19 PM »
Welcome home!

Chit Chat / Re: Beaded Koi Amulet Bag
« on: March 02, 2010, 05:54:14 PM »
I hope you realize, Nancy, that some day, when we are all long gone, that your beautiful work is going to be displayed in museum?!

Chit Chat / Re: FSC Cigarettes - Am I the only one...
« on: March 01, 2010, 06:31:35 PM »
The reason we don't talk about it here, though, is out of respect, politeness, and our non-litigious nature.  :) Just adding that little disclaimer...  ;)

Chit Chat / Re: FSC Cigarettes - Am I the only one...
« on: March 01, 2010, 06:06:43 PM »
Oh heck, I forgot we couldn't talke about the government.  :(

You are guaranteed under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to discuss your content or discontent with the government. As long as what you say is true and does not harm anyone.  :D

"We reaffirm, as an essential foundation of the Information Society, and as outlined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; that this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Communication is a fundamental social process, a basic human need and the foundation of all social organisation. It is central to the Information Society. Everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to participate and no one should be excluded from the benefits of the Information Society offers."

-World Summit on the Information Society, 2003

The grammar is a little messed up, but you get the gist.

Chit Chat / Re: RIP Lena's Babycakes
« on: March 01, 2010, 09:07:10 AM »
I'm sorry.

Those are funny videos but apparently they were a marketing ploy by a bluetooth headset maker.

Yes, here is a youtube clip of the marketer that explains how they did it.

However, there is a popular Doc who believes that cell phones really are dangerous:

I don't know what to believe. Sometimes when I read Mercola's articles, they really do jive with the science, but other times I think he's part of the tin-foil hat crowd. He'll endorse the blood type diet that has no basis in reality, but then he'll endorse vitamin D supplementation, which does. Hard to know what to believe.

Chit Chat / Re: FSC Cigarettes - Am I the only one...
« on: March 01, 2010, 08:42:33 AM »
Jonna hit the nail on the head. So completely true!

I follow a lot of health/nutrition forums and blogs, and yes- politicians are always looking for more things to tax. Fat, sugary soft drinks, fast food, trans fat, etc. The problem there is that nobody really knows what causes excess weight accumulation. Gary Taubes wrote a book about it (Good Calories, Bad Calories) after researching 150 years of nutrition "science" (or lack of).

The real reason why I quit was not exactly for health reasons. It was to restore my credibility and win a challenge. I told my Mom I would quit smoking if she would quit eating processed refined carbohydrates like white flour, sugar, corn, wheat (basically all grains in general). So I quit. Unfortunately, she didn't hold up to her end of the deal & she's still eating garbage food. Sucked in by the "whole grain" propaganda.

They raised the tax here again on cigarettes and alcohol. At the same time, I heard that Nanci Pelosi racked up over a hundred thousand dollars on booze and food for her private plane. All politicians are just money hungry crooks, doesn't matter what letter they have after their name. We Americans are taxed to the point where we can't afford to have a smoke or glass of wine- only the politicians can afford that.

Sorry for the rant. I must go check to see if my Limoncello is ready.  :D

Edit: I've just had an epiphany. The US government doles out money for scientific research. If you produce research that makes the government more money, you will get more research grants. If you torture the scientific data, it will show whatever you want it to show. So if you show that a particular food component is bad, or that smoking is unhealthy, you will please the government because it can impose a new tax and make lots of moolah.

Pond Chat / Re: my waterlilies...HELP!
« on: March 01, 2010, 07:14:21 AM »
I have the same question- tropical or hardy lilies? What zone are you in and how deep is your pond? I have a raised pond and my hardies come back every year even though I'm almost sure the thing freezes solid (zone 5) and it's only 15" deep. The lowest temp I've recorded here is -18F.

As to what to do now, I think Jonna has a great idea... Listerine!  O0

Chit Chat / Re: FSC Cigarettes - Am I the only one...
« on: February 28, 2010, 06:04:31 PM »
Also he dreamed about smoking even. He said it lasted maybe a year before he stopped thinking of it at all.

So are you saying that the companies pay for some health programs? I think I missed what you meant.

Yes. The company my hubby works for footed the bill for my "quit". Understand, though, that they benefit from that in the way of reduced medical costs for all. As far as I can muster, they must have spent at least 2,500.00 on me just to quit!

And Yes. the huge taxes imposed on smokers (over .65 cents per pack at the least, depending on your state- similar to the tax you pay on gasoline) pay for health programs directed towards indigent and/or underprivileged children. That money was supposed to go to quit programs... and a lot of it did, but the remainder of the giant tobacco suits ended up going to the children.

When I quit using the patch and the gum, it was surreal. I dreamed every night about anything and everything. Bizarre dreams!  They were very intense, captivating, irritating, scary dreams. Had hard times with the family because I was so irritated at anyone and anything. Took about two months to resolve all that. Still miss my smokes!

It was absolutely the hardest thing I've ever done.

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