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Messages - tammie

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Pond Chat / Re: Water lilies, anyone import under new rules?
« on: August 20, 2007, 08:27:06 PM »
Not sure what you're asking... importing from out of the country, or state to state?  I've done both.  Doesn't look like the regulations have changed...

Chit Chat / Re: Good Luck Jonna, The %$@#@ is headed your way.
« on: August 20, 2007, 02:25:39 PM »
Jonna is still in CA, right?  She didn't go down to her condo yet, did she? 
Wanna borrow my generator? 

Chit Chat / Re: Watching Dean
« on: August 19, 2007, 08:59:57 AM »
Having just gone thru this with Flossie I know how you're feeling.  Be safe!

Chit Chat / Re: Cat. 4 Hurricane off of Hawaii? Tammie??
« on: August 15, 2007, 09:17:32 PM »
I don't think Lymes has gotten here yet... only a matter of time.  No hurricane - yeah!  Not even much rain.  But we did have a Tsunami "advisory" this afternoon.  It got canceled tho.  Alls well!  Thanks to all!

Chit Chat / Re: Cat. 4 Hurricane off of Hawaii? Tammie??
« on: August 14, 2007, 02:44:25 PM »
Guess what!?  I just discovered a good side to gaining weight!  You don't blow over as easily!  lol  lol
We're going to be fine, might lose power... but I think (hope) that's about it.  We've been getting gusts, all ready, about 40MPH.  Flossie is just about at the Big Island now.  We'll start seeing problems tonight or tomorrow morning.  Iniki turned after it passed the Big Island... so I'll keep my fingers crossed till then.
My sister wouldn't "bother" the post here.  But I'll make sure to let Louis know what's going on, he'll update you'all, if need be. 
Yep, those poor people on the Big Island!  Worried about Flossie, and then a earthquake this morning.  I think the news said there was like 9 after shocks too!

Chit Chat / Re: Cat. 4 Hurricane off of Hawaii? Tammie??
« on: August 14, 2007, 08:22:51 AM »
If Flossie stays on it's current track we will be fine - maybe some much needed rain, and some wind.  As long as our tradewinds keep blowing we'll be okay.  If Flossie changes direction, just a little bit we're gonna have some problems.  Or, if our tradewinds die, and Kona winds take over, we'll be in even bigger trouble!  That's what happened with Iniki - the trades died and the hurricane turned towards us... Just have to wait and see.  The eye is pretty much gone, but still is a Cat 2. 
Andy thanks for the offer!  We've told everybody to get ahold of my sister in Las Vegas.  Hopefully nobody will need too!  Sounds like the Hollandia/ Glorie is a Glorie.  Hollandia would have bloomed all ready. 
Jerry, we have earthquakes too!  Last October was a pretty good one!  And we have volcanos!
Shucks!  I have a brand new generator I wanted to try out!  (Joking!!)
Thanks everybody!

Chit Chat / Re: Cat. 4 Hurricane off of Hawaii? Tammie??
« on: August 13, 2007, 03:04:30 PM »
Jerry, I must be thinking about the wrong vet... Amazed at myself at being so distracted right now.  I'm acually getting a little concerned about Flossie... It's gotten stronger, and a bit faster, then the weather guys thought.  So far it's staying on track...  But so did Iniki.  And then it turned.  I tried to start the generator today.  Won't start.  Just got back from Costco with a new one.  I think you're right, it'll pass by us.  But we alway lose electricity!  So now I have a working generator for the fridges!  Gotta go make room in the kennels for the dogs, then I'm good!

Chit Chat / Re: Cat. 4 Hurricane off of Hawaii? Tammie??
« on: August 12, 2007, 09:47:30 PM »
Jerry I do "know" Dr. Kauffman!  He's retired, right?  Orthopedic vet that brought his whole surgery with him!  And he's nice enough to let other vets use it.  We have a equine surgery here on Oahu, only the rich (RICH!) lady who owns it won't let anybody else use it.  Only her vet and only for her horses... Nasty, spoiled woman! 
Anyways, if Flossie stays on the present course we should get away with about 50MPH winds and a few inches of rain.  If it turns a few degrees we maybe in trouble...
Thanks for the concern! 
Hey Andy if I had time to clean and pack up some lilies they'd be headed your way!

Chit Chat / Re: Cat. 4 Hurricane off of Hawaii? Tammie??
« on: August 12, 2007, 03:35:58 PM »
During hurrican Iniki my husband stayed under the open bucket of his John Deere loader.  He'd run out and let horses out of their stalls if the roofs looked like they were coming off... Wouldn't you know it?  He just got done a few months ago restoring the engine on his loader! 
I think I have everything handled - now - just in case!  Just worried about my animals... You can take you animals to the Humane Society, but there's no way I'm taking mine there!  I'm suppose to have my certification inspection for the nursery on Wed morning!  Wonder if they'll show up!?   lol

Chit Chat / Re: Cat. 4 Hurricane off of Hawaii? Tammie??
« on: August 12, 2007, 02:20:29 PM »
Yeah, I hope it misses us too!  I do have a shipping container that's anchored down that we'll put the dogs in.  I just have to round up a few more more crates for them.  Gotta keep the big dogs away from the little dogs, and mama dogs away from everybody!  Not to worried about water - empty the lilies out of a few ponds, fill em back up and there you go!  Almost hope it stays a hurricane, if it's gonna get this far.  We've got hurricane insurance and I could use a new house! lol   lol  (Just kidding!)

Chit Chat / Re: Cat. 4 Hurricane off of Hawaii? Tammie??
« on: August 12, 2007, 10:04:43 AM »
Hi!  Thanks for asking!  We don't know yet if we'll get nailed or not... the 5 day forcast shows Flossie to the south of us on Thursday.  Um... that's exactly what Iniki did... and then Iniki did a 90* turn and nailed us!  So, you bet I'm watching Flossie!  Probably the worse we'll get (as of the info right now) is some good strong winds and rain.Going shopping in a while to stock up on hurricane supplies.  My biggest worry is about the animals... It's hard to store enough water for 30 horses.  And we have 3 litters of puppies right now... Can't bring animals into the hurricane shelters.  I'll figure it out!

Pond Chat / Re: Help Please (with pictures of problem)
« on: July 25, 2007, 08:32:20 PM »
I agree with almost everybody else - turtle.  Also agree, I don't know what the bugs are, but they look like the ones that I always see with aphids on land plants.
And - HELLO!

Pond Chat / Re: Her first bloom of opera Legend!
« on: July 24, 2007, 02:48:15 PM »
Love it!

Chit Chat / Re: Memorable Moments as a Firefighter
« on: July 23, 2007, 09:22:57 AM »
You do know how angry I am at you right now, right?!   {nono} 
Okay, I'll be nice. 
Please finish the story.

Chit Chat / Re: Memorable Moments as a Firefighter
« on: July 22, 2007, 09:10:58 AM »
I do!

Pond Chat / Re: please identify this pond plant
« on: July 15, 2007, 02:58:59 PM »
I agree - Mare's Tail.

Pond Chat / Re: Aquatic lice?
« on: July 14, 2007, 02:58:14 PM »
Doesn't sound like lice.  Maybe water striders?

I do!  And I owe you!  Email me!  Right now!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: They trashed my garden
« on: July 08, 2007, 02:50:33 PM »
You scared me!

I've done alot of trades, and alot of sales, of plants.  For trades, or just postage I make it a point to not keep track of wheither or not somebody re-emburse me for postage, or if I thought the trade was a little lopsided.  Cuz I get my feelings hurt...  The first year I started trading I sent out close to 30 boxes with mostly Black Taros.  I was more then happy to send them to people who would appreciate them!  I kept track of who re-embursed my postage cost.  8 out of the group didn't send me the costs back.  Really hurt my feelings... So now I don't keep track.  I do record mailing addresses, and what I sent, but that's it.  Most of the time it's me who asks if someone would like to trade!   As for trading I've only had one person who just flat out didn't send anything.  And yep, I remember that!  He's the only person who's dissapointed me as far as trades go.  I let the person I'm trading with know if I'm sending a small lily, or whatever, and they've all done the same. 
Am I making any sence?  Nope.  Okay I'll wait for the pain pills to wear off.  Bye!

Chit Chat / Re: I learned something today.
« on: July 01, 2007, 10:02:53 PM »
I bought some blackberries a couple of weeks ago.  Got really excited cuz they were on sale for $5 for 8 ounces!
Here's my blueberry picking story.  Many moons ago I was visiting old boyfreinds family in Vermont.  They wanted to take me berry picking.  Sounds good...  I saw a bush just loaded with berries a little bit off the path we were on.  I good on down to pick my fill... but nobody follows me... I had to ask why they weren't coming on down, I thought they were just being lazy...  Never in my life have a moved faster then when they told me there were snakes down where I was!  Tall brush and all that.  Being raised in Hawaii, no snakes here, it never occured to me to think about snakes! 
End of story

I have one if Matherfish doesn't.  Email me

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: I'm feeling bad......
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:02:39 PM »
I can help with the marginals!  What do you want?  I can ship to you, then you can ship them off to PPonder.  Hopefully I'll be back in action next week.  Not really excited about shipping anything with the holiday in the middle of the week tho...
I think there were 4 different colors of Angel trumpets?  All of them were cooked in the burn pile...

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: I'm feeling bad......
« on: June 30, 2007, 02:20:56 PM »
Thank you Ed!  I've had a rough week... and you just made my day!  My honeysuckle is still going, bloomed a little.  Unforturntley I had "help" with the Angel Trumpets... before I knew what happened they were in the burn pile!   :'(
I was really looking forward to those to!
And I'm not ignoring your email!  I'm still looking!

Misty - I had some mouth surgery a few days ago, not having a fun time... but I'm going to try to get your lilies ready to ship today.  Point of this post is would you like to trade one of the lilies I'm sending for you Arc-en-ciel?

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Mosquito Plants
« on: June 26, 2007, 02:05:09 PM »
I did.  And no I didn't notice any difference.   You're suppose to put them like every 6', and I did.  Didn't help, and I couldn't stand the smell!

Pond Chat / Re: N. Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:00:38 PM »

Invoice sent!

Your Star of Siam was shipped yesterday...

Wish I could help... don't have either lily.  Glad to see you here again! 

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