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Messages - thepitclub

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Photo Album / Re: Lily Floral Boquets
« on: June 13, 2007, 05:07:21 PM »
Okay, My lillies came and I followed your instructions! Here's a pic of my finished product.

Sooooooo... How long before mine look like yours?  :teehee:
Just kidding! But I'll keep you updated with pics as they grow.

Thanks again!


My lillies came today! Very nice large plants. Here's pics of my new "lilly pond" all set up.  o(:-)

The last pic is "The Aftermath" !!  lol


who ever comes up with a blue hardy should be able to retire in comfort, however there are some very pretty colors among the hardies. among the many hues and variations of the hardy colors are some very interesting ones. many of them have more than one color and/or change with each passing day. and if you've never seen colorado and similar 'peach' colored varieties, then you've certainly missed something. there are definitly some beauties among the hardies, just not any blue/purple ones ;)

Yes, you are right, very pretty peach colors, as well as others.  :)

I just really have been enthralled with some of the pics of tropicals I've seen lately. I was hoping for similar colored hardies since I have to be stuck in a frozen tundra known as michigan....

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Dark purple or blue hardies.
« on: June 12, 2007, 06:19:30 PM »
I've been looking at all the varieties of hardies, and I haven't seen any colors other than red, pink, and yellow hues. Are there any hardies in purples, blues, or other unusual colors? Are all the "beauties" only tropicals?

I'm so excited!  @O@  I went and purchased my kiddie pool, pots, soil, pond tabs, and river rocks today!
Waiting OHHHH so impatiently for my lillies!!!!   :woot:

Chit Chat / Re: I have this huge bird cage and was wondering
« on: June 12, 2007, 12:39:03 PM »
I'd bury it up to the bottom shelf of base (to be secure in ground), then plant perennial ivy around it and train it to grow up the legs and vine around the cage exterior. Then, put a hanging basket (hung from inside top of cage) overflowing with flowering annuals inside. It could work also with Clematis, or any vining plant. If you are an instant gratification gal like myself, Morning Glorys grow FAST and would cover it in no time....

Photo Album / Re: Lily Floral Boquets
« on: June 11, 2007, 06:00:39 PM »
Tim, you are too kind! And after viewing your pics, when my lillies arrive, yours will be the gospel around here. Not sure what a rhizome is, but I will do a search right now.   :thinking:

Thank you for being so patient and helpful.

I hope they find your purple unnamed worthy of a fabulous name, such as, uhhmm.. The TIMGOD!

Here are a few shots of the original plant, where you can see how it grows like yours does from the pot. They must be a very closely related species. I'd sure like to know what mine is too. You can see the damage from the nasty aphids, and it appears darker than it really is from the insecticide. My mum called it Frog's Tongue, but I'm quite sure that's her pet name for it.  ;)

Pond Construction & Filtration / Stock Tank Waterfall Filter
« on: June 11, 2007, 03:59:52 PM »
A really novel idea using Rubbermaid stock tanks, with instructions. Take a peek!

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Shipping succulents?
« on: June 11, 2007, 01:24:56 PM »
Very good.  O0 The plant wilts so quickly I was afraid to just send it that way, but I'll give it a shot.

Yes, I thought of that (I remove my fish and keep them inside during the winter), I wasn't thinking for my small pond; I was surprised in general that it was being sold as a pond fish. I guess I wasn't thinking of you lucky folks who live way down there in the sunshine (while I'm stuck in the frozen tundra) where he'd probably flourish.  ;D

I was thinking more on the lines that he looked like a tropical, which I didn't think did well with goldies. But I'm a Class A amatuer at this point though.......

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Shipping succulents?
« on: June 11, 2007, 08:04:46 AM »
Has anyone had experience shipping delicate succulents? I'd really like some advice on how to safely ship one to a member...  :)

Pond Chat / Re: "A sudden Influx of NEW Members!"
« on: June 11, 2007, 07:59:27 AM »
I wandered in from a yahoo search, I but can't remember what I was looking for that popped up this forum.  :thinking:

Anyways, I'm glad whatever it was brought me here! It's incredible how much I've learned in the last couple weeks!!  :woot:

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: raising wakin goldfish
« on: June 11, 2007, 07:47:27 AM »
I'm in Grand Blanc (Home of the Buick Open  ;) ) - which is just south of Flint, and about an hour north of Detroit. Don't think I have heard of Caledonia, maybe I will look it up on Mapquest. Where about in MI are you?

Photo Album / Re: Lily Floral Boquets
« on: June 11, 2007, 07:37:32 AM »
Please forgive my ignorance in this area,  :-\  but I also would like to know what you actually planted them in, before putting into the pools. Do you just use regular pots, fill with soil (if so, what kind), tamp down and gravel the top to keep soil in? As I mentioned before in another post, I have only ever had the preplanted lillies from Walmart, which you just opened and dropped into the water....  ;D

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Hi-Fin Banded Sharks in ponds?
« on: June 11, 2007, 04:47:31 AM »
Has anyone ever had experience with other types of fish than goldies and rosies in ponds?
What do you make of this?

Photo Album / Re: Lily Floral Boquets
« on: June 11, 2007, 03:40:52 AM »
Your lillies are just so beautiful, I am hoping you will give me advice on starting some in pools like that. I ordered a flat rate box special of unknown/unnamed lillies from Kat, and I want to be prepared for them when they get here. Obviously, they will not winter here in the pools, but it just looks so beautiful I must have them like that for the summer.

Please tell me your secrets to such healthy plants!

This is a cutting I planted for my mom, I didn't get a pic of the whole plant yet. The main plant grows just like yours in the pic, almost vine-like in a way. I wonder if they could be different varieties of Crassula, with this one being a "hardier" variety?
BTW, the flower last summer was more of a cluster of tiny red flowers.

I'd be glad to get a cutting started for you, if you would like one that winters well!

I received the paypal invoice and sent payment.  :)

I'm looking forward to the delivery!!!  @O@

okay, I have something that looks very much like your "strange plant". I "borrowed" mine from a bog while on a camping trip about 5 years ago. {:-P;;
 I also have broken off pieces on accident and they grew well when stuck back in the dirt and watered deeply. I have no idea what mine is either, but it has wintered just fine way up here in Michigan (I think I am zone 5 ??).  I will see if I can get a pic, but mine looks a pretty icky right now from some nasty aphids that chewed it to pieces this spring. It's coming back nicely now that I sprayed it, but it still looks kind of rough. Mine flowered for the first time last year- a pretty red colored flower. What did the flower from yours look like?

I just sent an email order for the flat rate box special of hardies. I went to the website to try and order directly, but I did not find an option for the unnamed/unknown special. Hopefully you can send a paypal request for payment today, so I can make payment in time for the shipment tomorrow.

I'm going to have to do some research on what to do with them when they get here.  :D
The only lilies I've dealt with before are the pre-packaged ones from Walmart.  lol (They did well though.)

I had no idea until I found this forum there were so many wonderful watergarden options!!  o(:-)

Photo Album / Re: Lily Floral Boquets
« on: June 07, 2007, 02:58:54 AM »
(As usual ;) )  Stunning shots of some amazing flowers! Thanks for sharing!  :clap:

Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: No liner pond?
« on: June 04, 2007, 09:02:13 PM »
That's a very good point. It's very wet here, so I'm guessing the water table would not be that far down- not sure though.

Pond Construction & Filtration / No liner pond?
« on: June 04, 2007, 04:09:49 AM »
I keep dreaming of getting started excavating for larger pond (maybe 1/2 acre?- not firm on anything yet). I checked and there are no ordinances on ponds in my area :) I have a million questions :o, but I guess I will start with liner questions. What are the pros and cons for digging a "natural" pond without a liner? I plan to do 99% of this ourselves (notice I say I plan it that way, ha ha.)- mainly because of the cost involved, and partly I always feel so accomplished when I complete projects myself. I'm not sure we can squeeze the moo-lah out for the fancy-smancy pond in my dreams (okay, I'm sure we can't, ha ha). I'd like to think this through completely before making any disasterous mistakes, and would appreciate any advice/info anyone has to offer.


Okay, okay, okay... I would like a row also! I'm dazed and confused (very normal behavior for me) with all the requests- I'm assuming a row is left? I can do paypal.  I'm guessing the info you need would be zip for shipping costs ( ), and paypal addy ( ), to send a request for payment?

thepitclub (amanda)

Pond Chat / Re: Sad pond story
« on: June 02, 2007, 07:11:15 AM »
I second what Karen said!  O0

Since you are in Grand Rapids, about 2.5 hours from me, I'd be the perfect foster mom for any lost, neglected, and abused lilies in need..  {:-P;;

 lol Amanda

Pond Chat / Water Hyacinth Question
« on: June 02, 2007, 06:08:32 AM »
I put a small clump (for lack of better term) of Water Hyacinth in my smaller pond a couple weeks ago, which is quickly growing into a big clump. Is there anything in particular that encourages them to bloom? I actually purchased them to put in the larger pond, but I then read they need more sun, so I moved them. The larger pond only gets a small amount of sun early in the am (on the east side of house, under a huge Tulip tree). The small pond in front gets sun about half the day (faces south, but still partially under a huge Sycamore tree). They seem to be multiplying well there. Do you think they would survive okay in the shaded pond, if I divided the clump? Even if they didn't bloom there, they would provide the needed cover. I reside in zone 5, so they obviously would not survive winter here. Could I winter them in the 300 gallon container I'm going to winter my fish in (inside, of course)?

Photo Album / Re: around our yard and pond
« on: June 02, 2007, 05:39:04 AM »
No such thing as too many pics...  ;) Your landscaping is beautiful!

Photo Album / Re: Nature's Helpers up close and personal
« on: June 02, 2007, 05:36:02 AM »
Your certainly not nuts (unless of course a bunch of us are too, lol). I'd be delighted if my DH just once took a moment to examine a flower or a bug.  ::)
Oh well, he has other redeming qualities.  o(:-)

Photo Album / Re: Pond Pics....
« on: June 01, 2007, 03:56:28 AM »
Yes, I agree 100%. I've been trying to decide what to put in. It gets only a couple hours of sun, then shade for the rest of the day. I will need plants that tolerate shade well.  The Lily (a preplanted tuber) is just starting to take off, however sloooowwly.... I thought maybe that was due to the lack of sun available to it.

Do you have any suggestions?  8)

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