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Messages - Timgod

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Does it set seed readily?
The real deal does and that is why we want it, for a specific cross attempt.
That is what Kirk Strawn used for some of his later hybrids, the most famous being N. Colorado.
If so, what would you want for one?


Chit Chat / Re: Computer/graphics people
« on: May 29, 2009, 10:15:55 PM »
How about these Esther...


Chit Chat / Re: Having Surgery Again..but not cancer!
« on: May 29, 2009, 09:35:56 PM »
Hey Joyce,
Sorry for the issues you are having.
I am sending some good thougts your way in hopes that any discomfort is minor.
You have been through way too much already and have come through like a champ.
All my best to you.


The last of them are ready to ship now for anyone interested with some space and warm water.


Unfortunately I just got home from a 15 hour day.
I have to be back in 9 hours for a major visit from corporate brass.
Still no days off... so check out my website, let me know what you want and if I get any time off in the next couple of days I will check what is blooming for sure.

P.S. Night bloomers need lots of sun and lots of heat or they won't bloom worth a darn.

I probably have almost all of those below that are or very soon will be available at a blooming size.

Hardy: Comanche, Virginia, Texas Dawn, Chromatella, James Brydon, Attraction

Tropical: Albert Greenberg, Panama Pacific, Tina, Director Moore, Shirley Bryne, Rhonda Kay, Dauben, Hoku Kea


Photo Album / Re: Nymphaea 'Foxfire'
« on: May 26, 2009, 06:31:07 PM »
Nope... A day bloomer with N. ampla parentage so it just gets really big.


Photo Album / Re: Nymphaea 'Foxfire'
« on: May 23, 2009, 07:31:18 PM »
Thanks Tink

Looks like Cannas.


Photo Album / Re: New pics FINALLY
« on: May 18, 2009, 08:15:57 PM »
I think this is the link you wanted to post...


Photo Album / Re: Nymphaea 'Foxfire'
« on: May 18, 2009, 08:13:24 PM »
I was working and asked Debs to take some early shots of the lotus on the chance I would miss it.
She also took these before the sun was over the house so it just popped.
Still one of my fave plants.


Chit Chat / Re: Going to see Star Trek tonight
« on: May 17, 2009, 08:39:23 PM »
I've been a trekkie since I was about 5. Seen everything to death.
Still love it.
The move takes some poetic license but after all, many of the originals have passed on and the others are pretty old.
This give the franchise a chance at a continued life.
It was a rollercoaster ride. Action from start to finish but there was character development, just not in the way you thought it should necessarily have played out.
For Nimoy to be a part of it shows that there is something in the direction they were going.
It gained an entire new audience for the franchise because it is a blockbuster. That is the one thing the other movies had going against them is that they did not reach the mainstream.
Majel Barret gave the director all of Gene's material for two years to study before she passed away.
To say that it goes against what Gene believed is incorrect. She still had veto power over his intellectual property.

Go see it with an open mind and enjoy the ride.


Photo Album / Nymphaea 'Foxfire'
« on: May 17, 2009, 08:31:44 PM »
Enough said... let the pics do the talking.


Photo Album / Lotus
« on: May 17, 2009, 08:15:44 PM »
Morning and early evening on day 2.



Pond Chat / Re: Facebook users or Facebook wannabees
« on: May 16, 2009, 07:43:35 PM »
If you want to use Facebook you might want to become a fan of The International Waterlily & Water Gardening Society page.
You are right as well. Kids use My Space for these days. Boomers rule on Facebook.


Pond Chat / Re: Wow Really? -Lotus bud?-
« on: May 16, 2009, 07:40:28 PM »
My first bloomed today but I worked all day. Hopefully the wonderful wife will get a shot tomorrow for me.
Here it is yesterday before it popped.
2nd pic is it's family friend...


It looks like we tracked one down from one of our behind the scenes people.


I need to get a hold of a Nymphaea 'Louise Villemarette' for the IWC.
Does anyone know of a source for the real deal?


Hardies have rhizomes and usually grow new crowns or offshoots on it's own. This gives the opportunity to divide and separate the plants for propagation.
Some night bloomers will send out runners like an elephant ear that become plants. That is actually the sometimes undesirable trait in the hardy Nymphaea 'mexicana'.
Tropicals will develop tubers that can be used for propagation.
I full size plant in a vegetative state even if forced into dormancy will usually only result in a very large tuber that will only give one plant when it comes back up so it is best not to force it down.
The additional stress to the plant can cause you to lose the plant even if you do everything right.
The best way to create tubers in tropicals is to starve them, to confine them in too small a container and as a final resort, pull them from the water for a month.
If you plant in a small container and put them in virgin soil with no nutrition, the plant will starve and go to sleep.
In nature, tropicals go dormant in the dry season, not because of cold like the hardies. If the plant experiences a dry season... three to six weeks of little or no water it can form a tuber.
This is not something that is necessarily easy. Don't try this if it is a prized plant that you cannot afford to lose because unfortunately that is a possibility.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Firecrest Waterlily
« on: May 13, 2009, 09:57:22 PM »
I do not have Nymphaea Firecrest. I do have a large selection of hardies though.
Go to my site to see what I carry.
If a have sufficient blooming numbers I will post the amount available but I usually have at least one of most that I could pull to ship.
Take a look at what I have and if you want something email me.
If I have what you want at a blooming size I will invoice you through Paypal.


I have some Nymphaea gigantea Hooker

and Nymphaea gigantea Albert de Lestang

available for sale and shipping soon.

They are on my website and will be ready to ship in about 4 weeks.
They will be shipped to the continental U.S.
These are rare to find in the trade as plants. You will find seed but plants are hard to come by.
If you have wanted one let me know soon as I will probably only sell a few of each.
I will ship to those who purchase first and give color preferences in the same order in the case of assorted colors.
If you do not have higher than 70 degree water they will go back into dormancy.

Depending on how well they continue to grow, I might also have Nymphaea macrosperma and assorted other species materials available.
If you are looking for a particular species plant, email me and I will check inventory levels.
If I have enough to continue hybridizing with I might have some to sell and will send you a description and a quote.


Okay, we shipped the first few Longwoods. They had to be sent 2nd day air to survive well.

That added $40 to the cost on the shipping.
I am dropping the price on the ones that are ready to ship now to $80.00.
With shipping that will make them $120.

I also have a two Victoria cruziana's. They are the same price and are ready to ship now.

If you are interested or know someone who is, just email me.

Most other places on the net are already sold out so this may be your last chance to get a vic this year if you want one.

By the way, your water temps must be over 70 before you could receive these and get them to live.


I send them as extras a lot. I pull them right before shipping.
Wrap the entire root system in paper towels securely.
Dunk the paper towels section in water.
Squeeze the paper towels to get rid of excess water.
Keep them very damp. This keeps even the delicate roots moist and gives the plant a fighting chance for up to 5 days in most cases.
Secure in a trash bag or large ziploc so that they to not get bent or broken.
I usually put wadded up newspaper in the bottom and the top of the box so that as I turn the box, the plants have no way to rattle about and get damaged.
If you are only shipping taro's, you could actually tape the sealed trash bag to the side of the box.
That is how we ship Victoria's. If the emerging leaf is damaged on a vic it is certain death to the plant so we tape the root mass to the box so it cannot jostle about.


Congrats Sean,
My cousin is a trauma E.R. in Austin.
Even though it is a lot of pain to see, she loves her job.


Chit Chat / Re: I didnt sleep well at the sleep clinic...
« on: April 27, 2009, 04:04:02 PM »
Unfortunately, you will be. My little brother went through the same thing.
They wanted him to be wired up at home for some time as well.
He said hell no, he would rather stop breathing in his sleep than strangle himself when he rolled over.


The Marginals section of the store has been updated as well with prices and numbers available.


The tropicals are all grown in dixie cups and or pots.
The hardies are grown in mud filled swimming pools as seen below.
The attached pic shows what they looked like today.


I have about 10 different hardies at blooming size and 6 tropicals at blooming size.
These are ready to sell and ship now.
Most of the waterlilies are $20.00. If you order 3 or more waterlilies I will take $10.00 off the total.
Send me your request through the forum pm system and I will invoice you through PayPal.

Click on the picture link to get more information at my site.

Here is a list as of today... The number next to it is how many are at blooming size and available now.
Rhonda Kay   2     Almost hardy in nature. Came back for customer in North Dakota. One of the best lilies around.
Dauben      3
Tina      2
August Koch   4     Great old waterlily. Rare in the trade. Good bloomer.
Teri Dunn      2
Shirley Bryne   1

Clyde Ikins   2

Seignoureti   2     Rare Marliac waterlily that is hard to find in the trade.

Moon Dance   2     Natural hybrid. BIG waterlily.

Colorada      5

Virginia      2

Fabiola      2

Chrysantha   2

Mangkala Ubol   2     Still hard to get in the trade since coming into the country.

Hermine      2

Victoria 'Longwood'      5
These will be ready to ship in mid May.
Price for forum members will be $90 vs. regular $100 price.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Longwood Hybrid F1's
« on: April 19, 2009, 02:01:23 PM »
Yes, the Longwood is the cross between a amazonica and a cruziana.
It is a more robust plant than either parent plant.
It just can't propagate itself further.


I have Longwood Hybrid F1's available for shipping now.

It looks like I have about 7 plants left to ship. They have pads about 3 to 4 inches in diameter.
They are $80.00 plus $40.00 2nd day shipping for anyone interested.

They are tough to grow from seed. You have plant success in about one seedling out of 20.
You must get it germinated and started growing, fight the algae, the snails and the aphids.
Once they get this size they must continue to grow and at about the 12 week growth cycle they become prohibitively expensive to ship.
These are rare to find.

I might also grow out some F2's. They would be a little less expensive but their variability makes growing them even tougher sometimes.


Photo Album / Re: Texas Wildflowers
« on: April 18, 2009, 05:21:47 AM »
Sorry I missed you but with the death in the family and then working all through Easter it was crazy.
Then I have been so busy with work and then the new IWGS Journal I had not even done my taxes.
That was an all day job on Monday.
Tuesday was a finish the clean up all day of yard damage done by IKE.
I had to buy new lawn mowers as mine were trashed by flooding and falling debris.

Glad you got to enjoy the state flower.
I took a picture of one growing in granite rubble soil for at least 1 foot down.


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