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Messages - LynneNY

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Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Our New Gates...
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:19:51 PM »
OMG I absolutely LOVE them!  I would have something like that in a minute if I had the matching budget! 8-)~

Pond Chat / Re: A few blooms
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:12:28 PM »
So pretty - love them! O0

Pond Chat / Re: Pay Day Pond Pix...
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:11:16 PM »
It's all so very beautiful, Joyce! o(:-)

I have so many damsel flies this year it's amazing.  They keep flying around me, as well as the larger dragon flies - ponding is soooooo much fun, isn't it?!? O0

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: A few nice plants. Some special!
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:56:51 PM »
OHMYGOD!  Now I know where the missing gardner is! :'(

  :o lol O0

Pond Chat / Re: How do you stand it???
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:09:59 PM »
" 8) Oh my, you don't mean you watch do you??? I'm embarrassed. LOL "

No of course we don't watch - we can't even see them - just hear the noises.  We can be standing right on top of where the noise is coming from and we still do not see them in the rocks!

"Are you sure the sounds you are hearing are from frogs? We've been serinaded lately by toads. They scream on and on. I thought frogs make croaking sounds. At least mine do kind of a sound like a guitar string being plucked. Don't know about frogs and mating, just toads."

Not sure if they are frogs or toads - last year at this time I did an extensive online search for the sounds they make and I still haven't come up with what they are?  It's a very loud shrill that lasts a while when they are courting.  This other sound is new this week - never heard it at all last year.

Pond Chat / Re: Pond pics and how it is developing...
« on: May 26, 2010, 04:14:18 PM »
Is there a shortage on water hyacinths this year?  The first nursery I went to - they were all fried - awful looking!!! :P I asked them what happened to them and they told me that they delivery sat on a tarmac all weekend in the heat. :-\  Said they'd come back just fine - I said no thanks - not for that price. {nono}

Today I went to another nursery that just started a tiny ponding section.  They had the tiniest water hyacinths for $6 each - no thanks again. {nono}  Last year I went to a place with a friend who lives about 45 minutes north of here.  They had huge ones for $5 each.  I think I'm going to have to take a trip up there again this season. O0

Pond Chat / Re: How do you stand it???
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:34:34 PM »
OMG you all know how to brighten my day!!! lol  I've been going through a bit of a rought patch lately, and it really helps to come here and get some levity! O0

We also have the frogs going at it at night.  Since we are on the subject here... does anyone know if the frogs make a "different" noise when they are actually mating?  The past few nights we've heard something that kinda sounds like a turkey, among all the frogs screaming to each other.  It's definitely NOT a turkey - we've had those around too, but they are nowhere in sight when we hear this and it's definitely coming from the pond area.

Feel free to post jokes here - they are gladly welcomed! ;)

Pond Chat / Re: rush blooms?!?
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:23:28 PM »
I would LOVE for my corkscrew rush to do that!  I've only had it one year so far - maybe next year?

Pond Chat / Re: Pond pics and how it is developing...
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:21:27 PM »
VERY nice!  Everything looks so healthy! O0

I am wondering why my parrots feather doesn't look as "feathery" as everyone else's?  I only have about an inch of green sticking up from the water and it's pretty closed up - healthy but tight.  Could it be a different type - mine is the red stemmed.

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: A few nice plants. Some special!
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:16:58 PM »
I have never fertilized my brugs and they flower very nicely here in full all day sun.  Mine are planted in the ground in mostly clay soil.

These pictures are from last summer.

Adora bloom - huge!!!

A night shot of Charles Grimaldi - see all the buds?

Pond Chat / Re: rush blooms?!?
« on: May 26, 2010, 07:44:36 AM »
Thanks so much, Joyce!!! O0

Good luck with your Memorial Day crush! ;)

Terrestrial Gardening / begonia
« on: May 26, 2010, 07:29:00 AM »
I found this plant last year and LOVED it all summer, but it didn't overwinter indoors for me, so I was thrilled when the same nursery got it in again this spring, as they are the only one that had this particular one.  I'll have to find the tag from last year - it has "fire" in the name - DUH! ;D

Pond Chat / Re: rush blooms?!?
« on: May 26, 2010, 07:20:48 AM »
Thanks Joyce - did you see my questions about them?

Pond Chat / rush blooms?!?
« on: May 26, 2010, 07:02:29 AM »
I've had this plant for 2 years now and it's never bloomed before - these are considered blooms aren't they?  Can I take them and plant them to get more plants?  When would I do that if I can?

Here is my black lace elderberry early this morning in bright sun.
Looks like we are on the same blooming schedule, Joyce!

Many more blooms to come!

See how it drapes over the pond? Finally something did what I asked it to do! ;D

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: A few nice plants. Some special!
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:09:31 AM »
Beautiful brug Jerry!  I can't wait for mine to come into bloom - 3 years ago I got some small cuttings of Charles Grimaldi and Adora from on online friend who lives in Texas.  I have to overwinter them inside, but it's well worth it - the heavenly scent is amazing, and the flowers are so gorgeous!!!

Pond Chat / Re: Full pond pictures
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:01:06 AM »
It all looks so wonderful!  Nice and relaxing, and a great place to have an office too! 

Pond Chat / Re: How do you stand it???
« on: May 26, 2010, 05:57:00 AM »
Sunbeam ---->  lol

Joyce ---->  lol

Thanks for starting my day off with a chuckle! O0

Pond Chat / How do you stand it???
« on: May 26, 2010, 03:41:56 AM »
It's spawning time again for my comets!  At least 2 of my poor females are being chased relentlessly since early this morning.  I can't bare to watch - it's EXHAUSTING!!! :-\  One poor lady is getting tossed up in the air frequently in the chase.  I so hope she doesn't come into harm - she's one of 2 mostly white with just 2 spots of orange on the top of her head which helps distinguish her from the rest.  Poor baby.

Chit Chat / Re: Soon to be grandma! Sorta
« on: May 24, 2010, 06:35:23 PM »
That is such an adorable picture!

Very nice! I have one too - planted it at the edge of my pond so it would grow outwards over the water.  Well it did this year and I had to cut off the largest branch because when it rained, it was sitting in the water and it didn't like that.  It's coming into bloom right now too - will take a picture tomorrow.

I got mine very inexpensively at Home Depot 2 years ago - they had lots of them that year.

Pond Chat / Re: My first water lily bloom
« on: May 24, 2010, 06:09:39 PM »
So exciting!!!  Your lily pads look so healthy too!

Chit Chat / Re: camera???
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:13:56 AM »
Both my daughter and I had Olympus cameras for a few years but each had problems that could not be fixed, so I wanted to try a different brand this time.

The odd thing I am finding with this camera now, is that it seems to only be sold online?  There are a few stores that we'd have to take time to get there and time is short right now.  I've found the best deals so far on COSTCO and Walmart online.  They include a free memory disk - apparently this camera does not come with one and it's necessary to take pictures?

There is another thing that is concerning me about the reviews - it's very very small - about the size of a credit card.  This could be good, as far as being portable, but people have said that it falls out and can get lost easily. Hmmmm!

Chit Chat / Re: camera???
« on: May 24, 2010, 07:24:58 AM »
Thanks for the responses, Jerry and Steve! O0

While I was waiting to see if anyone answered, I actually found a Canon Power Shot SD 780 IS that looks pretty good.  It's quite small - a plus for her while hiking, etc, and the lowest price I've found so far is $169.  I'd like to see if I can find it a little bit lower, because we'll have to get her a card for it, as well as a voltage converter so she can charge the battery.

I was very glad to come back here last night and see your recommendations matched something I had found while surfing the net.

As an aside... it comes in red - her favorite color - ya know... teens! ;D

Chit Chat / Re: Soon to be grandma! Sorta
« on: May 23, 2010, 02:26:44 PM »
OMG tooooooooo adorable!  Mazel Tov (congratulations!) to RAF and the itty bitties!!!  What a great idea to tie ribbons on them - I just love it!  Can't wait to see more pictures and videos! O0

Chit Chat / camera???
« on: May 23, 2010, 02:22:00 PM »
 My 19 year old daughter is going on a 10 day trip abroad in 2 weeks, and needs a camera. I'd like it to be easy, not too expensive, small, but at the same time GOOD!!! She will be in lots of sunshine and heat, so it needs to be able to perform in those situations without any attachments.

Suggestions for anything between $100 - $200?

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Hens and chicks
« on: May 23, 2010, 12:12:30 PM »
WOW I am loving everyone's pictures of terrific plants! O0

I cannot overwinter echeveria here in my zone 6 either - wish I could - Jerry's look so nice!

Karen - do you overwinter that strawberry planter outside there?  It's so beautifully full! o(:-)

Pond Chat / Re: Today's blooms
« on: May 22, 2010, 09:48:28 AM »
Sorry Howell.  My Sioux was bought at PetSmart towards the end of last summer.  It was a pathetic teensy half dead rhizome, but it did reward me with 2 blooms before the season ended last year.  I am thrilled that it is blooming already this year! @O@

Terrestrial Gardening / Hens and chicks
« on: May 22, 2010, 09:40:04 AM »
I've grown hens and chicks for many years now, and find it hard to resist buying "just one more" when I'm plant shopping.  I bought 2 of these about a month ago at Home Depot and this one is already sending up a flower stalk - pretty early for around here, but then again my hostas are also sending up bloom stalks very early.

Pond Chat / Re: Today's blooms
« on: May 22, 2010, 09:36:45 AM »
Thanks, and yes - they are both hardy.  As much as I love tropical blooms, I don't have room to overwinter the plants here.

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