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Messages - karen J

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Chit Chat / Re: Cath, are you in the middle of
« on: December 08, 2009, 08:18:08 PM »
We didn't get very much... maybe 3" of snow, but they're saying that we'll get more. I don't trust those weathermen anymore, so I told the kids to expect school tomorrow. I'm secretly keeping my fingers crossed for a snow day for them. When the cold front pushes through it's going to turn that 3" into a giant sheet of ice!
Thanks for the reminder, Pondman. I will go fill a few buckets just in case.

Chit Chat / Re: I am without a computer for a few days
« on: December 08, 2009, 08:11:19 PM »

 or has anyone under the age of 30 had access to your machine? 

HA HA HA. I know all to well what that's all about. People less than age 15 are even more deadly to the PC...

Good advice.

Chit Chat / Re: I'm irritated with Amazon
« on: December 01, 2009, 12:58:34 PM »
Happy to have helped! You may want to keep that number for future reference.... it's on their website, but not so easy to find.  :D

Chit Chat / Send a holiday card to a soldier
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:47:29 AM »
Send a card to a soldier through the Red Cross:

Verified by Snopes to be legit:

But keep in mind that the deadline is December 7.

Chit Chat / Re: I'm irritated with Amazon
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:39:09 AM »
Aw, that's just a bummer...I'm surprised that they had the box marked like that.  Usually this time of year they take things like that into consideration--like they could be GIFTS!!?? I know some places are really considerate of their confirmation emails:  saying that it's a gift and if you didn't order anything from this company, please don't scroll down...makes sense to me.. ;)

So true. And it would be such a simple thing to implement! This time of year is so hard nowadays- people do share computers, and I constantly have to monitor my inbox to delete those messages (or hide them) before my hubby sees them. I knew about many past presents before Christmas and it's a bummer.

I love that certain sneakiness this time of year- finding and hiding presents in anticipation is really fun. But I don't want it ruined by the people who are selling them.
Mikey, I think that you should complain! 1-866-216-1072  If enough people complain, maybe they'll do something about it.

Pond Chat / Re: Warning - Graphic Pictures of Abuse and Neglect
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:08:51 AM »
Wow, I have seen that one in a long time. Do you know how long you've had it?

Very pretty!

Pond Chat / Re: Triple-Double Anomoly etc. etc
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:05:09 AM »
That's really cool. I love anomalies like that.

I had one of my own a few years back. Sent one to Marilyn, but it never repeated that.

Pond Chat / Re: I need suggestions
« on: December 01, 2009, 07:59:08 AM »
I use the milk crates. They also make wonderful little hiding places for the fish. If the fish get big, the holes can be enlarged.

I also use bread trays. Those you often see stacked up outside grocery stores or gas stations. If you drive up at the right time, the bread truck driver MIGHT sell you a black one for 5 bucks or so. I bought one at a garage sale and have been using it in the skippy for at least 5 years. They hold up well and are easily cut with a sawzall.

Pond Chat / Re: Blue twins, tropical blooms
« on: December 01, 2009, 07:52:54 AM »
I'm deprived according to many ex-pats who have full time maids (some who live in and also cook), a gardener (or two) and a pool guy.  I 'make do' with Gabi and a pool guy once a week.   

Maybe I'd brave the centipedes for that.... ;)

Seriously though, your pics are beautiful!

Pond Chat / Re: Interesting Raccoon Article
« on: November 29, 2009, 09:18:39 AM »
My hubby's mom used to rehab raccoons back in the 70's. She had one female who didn't like Kevin and bit him on the arm. They don't just bite, they bite and then shake. It's very painful & hubby still has the scar.

I always thought it's be really great to retire down to Mexico or Hawaii... but after reading this thread I'm not so sure.  :-\ Centipedes that bite? Hummm.

We had to remove the pretty grape vine growing on our pergola because of the raccoons. Every night 5 or 6 of them would climb up there, suck the insides out of the grapes, and throw the skins down onto the deck. Every morning I'd have piles of coon poop and grape skins all over the place.

Chit Chat / Re: Waste Management...
« on: November 19, 2009, 08:28:09 PM »
Waste Management is a HUGE company and huge companies don't have to have good customer service.  They exist because they know you need them.  Sounds like they need a little good old American competition..... 8)

I live in an unincorporated area that doesn't contract through village taxation. I called a company called "Groot", and they haul my trash away for much cheaper than WM. I'm amazed at how "big" WM is. Good ole American competition!

However, they don't want to take our yard waste unless we pay big bucks, So we burn it.  ;) Or we put the leaves in a big pile out back and by spring it has decomposed into a nice nothingness that feeds the woods.

Pond Chat / Re: Asian Clams on Craig's List what do you think?
« on: November 17, 2009, 06:54:47 PM »
A lot of partially correct info in this thread. 

The mussels that cause problems in the Great lakes are Zebra mussels that hitch-hiked to the US in balast water from shipping.  There are no natural predators in the US so they have multiplied and choke out water vents etc.  with all of the manufacturing plants on the lakes this is a real issue.  Yes you should check out the specific species before placing in a pond and check with local ordinances.

With that said my family has used them since 1992 with great success, first at our nursery in the Redlands (Southwest of Miami) and then up north in my 5 ponds.  This really maintains a low algal growth with very clear water.  I find the fish tend to eat them when they die, but they do reproduce that also indicates a healthy pond, i.e. the fish somewhat behave like bees by carrying around the larval stage (specific name I'll have to look up) before they settle and grow on a hard surface.  Commonly on old shells is my observation.  They do filter the water of detritous along with microorganisms including algae.  For a 2000 gallon pond I started with 1/2 dozen mussels that are common in the creeks in the area.  When I clean the pond I find a lot of empty shells, but I also find mussles growing on the shells, so I can't give you a number.  In my pond they tend to hide in the anacharis beds.

Most clams and mussels are edible, but you are what you eat lol.  If you eat oysters think about the polutants around the beds and crabs really are scavengers.  Being a carnivore this doesn't bother me so Jerry cook up some linguinni and bring the olive oil and lets have some good eats!


That is good information. First, we have the non native zebra mussels in our lakes here in Northern Illinois, and let me tell you they hurt when you step on them. They're everywhere, and they're bad.

Second. native species (that occur naturally in YOUR locale) should be fine. Why wouldn't they be?

Third, I'm a carnivore as well, so instead of olive oil I'll bring the butter and the genuine pork lard.  ;)

Chit Chat / Re: I'm really happy today, what about you?
« on: November 15, 2009, 07:00:16 PM »
We got ALL of our leaves raked and removed. Life is good. A little sore, but good.  :) Even did some laundry. You can just call us Mr. and Mrs. Mundane.  {:-P;;

Pond Chat / Re: Asian Clams on Craig's List what do you think?
« on: November 12, 2009, 05:33:15 PM »
Jerry, does Ca have a cooperative extension that you could call? I'd be really skeptical... Ca is pretty strict about what you can import there. I tried putting freshwater clams in my pond way back when... and they died. After they died, they smelled really bad. :-X

Now, if they were Asian crabs, I'd fire up a pot of boiling water and start clarifying the butter...  :)

Chit Chat / Re: People are funny....
« on: November 11, 2009, 08:29:19 PM »
I had piano students like that. I was warned that they were "rough around the edges", and they really did yell at each other a lot. But after teaching their kids for a couple of years, traveling with the mom to buy a new piano, and getting the dad to eventually take lessons as well, I came to the conclusion that you just can't judge a book from... that other thing. They really yelled a LOT though!

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone see this sort of thing while online?
« on: November 10, 2009, 08:31:11 PM »
I wish I could help you with your chess set... if I recall, the Wireless catalog had a really cool repro of the Star Trek chess set a few years ago, but I haven't seen it lately. It must be out there somewhere!?

For the face sculpture, check out Nathan Sawaya's site for Lego sculpture... amazing!

That's a link to a green sculptured person holding his/her own head off the body. It's magnificent... but there is so much more to peruse on his site. I saw his Obama statue at Legoland in Schaumburg Illinois and it was simply amazing.

If I had the funding to commission a genuine Sawaya sculpture of a human head I'd do it in a Manhattan minute.  8)

Chit Chat / Re: Hi all - I need some advice on cat smells...
« on: November 09, 2009, 06:11:30 PM »
There is a product called "Nature's Miracle", based on enzymes, that promises to attack pet odors and stains. I just bought a bottle for 12.99 (pretty expensive) at Petco. However, my super suave friend promises that it will get out grass, blood, and mud stains from laundry, yet it was developed for pet odors and anything organic (like urine).

Don't know if that stuff works yet, tonight is my first try. All I can say is clean, ventilate, and clean some more. Hope you don't have to paint! I agree with you on the horrors of painting.

I also would love to come and help you clean, heck I'd even pay for the airfare and hotel and food and clean for you... I just don't have any time for it. Sandy beaches, a Mai Tai, beautiful sunsets, fantastic foods, aloha feelings, some HD cleaning... I'd be there in a few short hours if it weren't for elementary school.  :(  :'(

Chit Chat / Re: A few memorable movie moments
« on: November 06, 2009, 07:44:54 PM »
Toga! Toga! Toga!.... Precious!... Here's Johnny!... I want to be alone... Stella!!!... Snap out of it! (never saw that one)... Surely you can't be serious, and don't call me Shirley...

How fun! I really love movie quotes. Still watching- I'm sure I'll find some more favorites.

Thanks for posting this.


I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship...

Chit Chat / Re: Any Yankees Fans Here?
« on: November 05, 2009, 10:38:11 AM »
Jerry, maybe you could borrow Nancy Pelosi's jet.

I'm not a big sports fan either, I just like the Yankees.

I'd like to learn about football. Drinking beer, eating appetizers, and watching a football game seems to be something so many people enjoy. I know absolutely nothing about the game.

Chit Chat / Re: A silver lining to our house fire
« on: November 04, 2009, 09:39:54 PM »
You saved a bunny! Cool. I hope you really were not in danger doing that. Cool about the floor, but stinks (really stinks) about the fire to begin with. Seriously, is there anything you need?

Chit Chat / Re: Flamingos, well a few anyway
« on: November 04, 2009, 09:34:22 PM »
I remember seeing baby gators at the Ernest T. Ball boardwalk somewhere near Pensacola (if anyone can help me with that memory, please elaborate  :))... but I honestly couldn't tell between a gator and a croc if one bit me in the bleep.

Jonna, your pics are absolutely gorgeous! You are so lucky to live in a place of such beauty.

Here's a strange thing I stumbled upon while surfing the internet awhile back... is it true that pure, expeller pressed coconut oil is a natural mosquito repellent? There was a guy from somewhere in S.A. who claimed this, but of course he was selling it for mucho moulah.

I'd be in heaven climbing all over those mangroves, looking for my perfect picnic spot (wine, chocolate, and brie!), if not for the mosquitos.

Chit Chat / Any Yankees Fans Here?
« on: November 04, 2009, 09:14:22 PM »

They just had to win. Yay!!!  :) o(:-) :cry: (...tears of joy...  :)).

Blind Too, that is a really great liner price!

Chit Chat / Re: A Second Halloween Question....
« on: October 30, 2009, 05:53:27 PM »
We only have between 20 and 30 kids per year. We live in a relatively small neighborhood, and the kids have to walk pretty far to get from house to house. Consequently, most of the parents give out full-size candy bars, small toys, party favors, erasers, etc.

Because of the distance from house to house, lots of neighbors have started hitching trailers to their riding lawn mowers. It's so nice! They have blankets, flashlights, and hot chocolate. The best part is that the kids get to hit the whole neighborhood that way, instead of only covering half by walking.

I'm curious as to whether you folks have official Trick or Treat hours in your neighborhoods? Here it's 4pm to 8pm. I really don't like that, I wish it were earlier (SATURDAY! .... should be full day Trick or Treat...  :D Do I really want that much candy in my house?  {nono}).
I'm happy that the time change doesn't occur until Sunday- sometimes it occurs earlier and the kids are out there in the dark paying no attention to cars.

Chit Chat / Re: Question to parents of Halloweeners
« on: October 26, 2009, 09:17:08 AM »
My parents used to check my candy before I was allowed to eat it. There was the story of a razor blade in an apple. I think it's bunk. What I think now is that my parents checked my candy so they could get first dibs on the good stuff.  ;) If there were really any bad stuff in the candy, the police would be all over it and the person responsible would be caught quickly. Don't you think? Maybe I'm too idealistic (I know I am).

I would totally love to make home made treats, just don't have the time. I would let my kid eat home made treats- they're probably much more wholesome than packaged stuff.

On the other hand, some kids are allergic to certain things, so it's easier to determine the ingredients of packaged stuff. That's why we're only allowed to bring packaged things to school parties. No peanuts, and there is one kid in Matthew's class who is allergic to strawberries.

Even then, I made chocolate covered pretzel sticks one year and the teacher had a "don't ask don't tell" attitude. For the rest of the year, it was home made treats for every event.

Chit Chat / Re: Senior breakfast
« on: October 25, 2009, 10:08:18 AM »
Sean, if you don't mind, what symptoms do you experience when you eat egg? Are they bad, life threatening symptoms? Do you need to carry an epi pen?

Just wondering, because my nephew is allergic to anything poultry (chicken, turkey, eggs, etc). He has to scrutinize everything before he eats it, and has to carry an epi pen.

Chit Chat / Re: I have a new hole in my head.
« on: October 25, 2009, 10:03:55 AM »
Oh no, that's awful. It happened to me a few weeks ago. They had to install a post and crown. $$$$$ My dentist said it was something about how I chew that was beating the heck out of the tooth, and it finally gave out.

Chit Chat / Re: Mmmmm, have melted chocolate -- with pix
« on: October 20, 2009, 08:08:14 AM »
Here is an interesting Time story about some researchers who have started using Warburg's hypothesis in advanced cancer studies.,8599,1662484,00.html

Another thing that will get you mad, especially if you read that above article and realize the deep implications of a high- fat, low- carb diet (if they're using a high fat low carb diet to treat cancer, how should we eat to prevent cancer in the first place?), is that just look at what the Susan G. Komen people recommend:

There it is. They recommend cutting fat. And using "food sources like oranges, orange juice, green leafy vegetables and fortified breakfast cereals". Except for the lettuce, that's all sugar.

Chit Chat / Re: Mmmmm, have melted chocolate -- with pix
« on: October 20, 2009, 07:40:59 AM »
Esther, I really don't know why. Most docs really don't have the time to pour through thousands of studies. And most caregivers are happy to see a patient eat, no matter what it is.

Cancer specialists do know this, in a roundabout way. The way that "smart" chemo works is that the drug targets hypoxic regions of the body- regions that are without oxygen. Tumors have to rely on fermentation to obtain energy because they can't use aerobic respiration, and glucose is required for fermentation. The medical community seems more intent on creating drugs to treat things instead of focusing on prevention. There's no money in prevention.

If you want to get really, really mad? We've know this since 1931! Otto Warburg won the Nobel prize for this discovery.

Chit Chat / Re: Mmmmm, have melted chocolate -- with pix
« on: October 19, 2009, 08:45:27 AM »

Pondman you can have the low fat diet...................been there done that...............I can do just fine on all the low carb I can get my hands on...........j

Yup! Give Pondman the low fat boneless skinless chicken breast on a bed of quinoa.... We can have the skin fried crispy with butter on it.  :)

Anyone have any good dessert idea's for low carb?

Fried chicken skin with Boursin cheese.  :) But if you really need something sweet, how about cheesecake? If you google "Beachgirl's cheesecake", you'll find the recipe- it's fantastic. We like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries with real whipped cream. Or, Breyer's low carb ice cream. But those are really once-in-a-while treats.

People are really well intentioned about spreading the word on breast cancer awareness, but unintentionally spreading a message that promotes cancer. Cancer feeds on sugar. It can not exist without glucose. Why feed the cancer? I can't donate to these organizations any more because they are ignoring the evidence and the science. They are not telling people the truth about how to prevent cancer in the first place. Our tax dollars are being used to subsidize the growing of one of the biggest causes of cancer (and non alchoholic fatty liver disease, and heart disease, and metabolic syndrome, and more)- corn.

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