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Messages - pegs pond

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Technology Talk / Re: I need to copy some DVDs of a student film.
« on: September 20, 2008, 09:57:54 PM »
Jerry don't bother with Real Player, it's a PITA and not very reliable for burning.  Does your computer have Roxio on it?  It's the easiest and best burning program and comes with light version on many puters now.  If  you gonna buy anything check into it...It is really a piece of cake.  Windows has their own but I have trouble with it.

Pond Chat / Re: Hi everyone....Missed you all We have NO Electricity
« on: September 18, 2008, 07:19:17 PM »
Kim, so glad you are so upbeat and that your fish are fine!  Take care of yourself and quit worrying about sending me any plants you silly girl!  Anything we can do to help just ask, sorry can't send you any electricity via post or UPS...LOL.

Pond Chat / Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« on: September 14, 2008, 07:23:42 PM »
OH THANK YOU, Tinkster that makes me feel much better and I was thinking of pressure hosing them to get it all nice and clean.  Mikey you are too funny!  But now I know where I can replace my piping bag that I have ruined doing this...LOL if ya can use a piping bag for grout surely you can use a grout bag for piping cakes!  Ummm don't think anyone reading this is gonna want to eat at my house!  Esther I have been browsing the jr skippy and heading to hardware store for PVC pipe tomorrow AND to make some plant stands!  Brilliant idea using it for plants as where I want to put the marginals there is no shelf and it's slanted so I figure I can make the legs different lengths and compensate!  You all on here are brilliant!  I am also debating about turning the makeshift fish tank into a skippy filter!  I have the savio skimmer and waterfall bio filter but hey more can't hurt?  and love the idea of being able to plant in it!  Fish are all happy and eating like pigs in their temp housing.  Thank heavens it's supposed to keep being warm and sunny so this mortar will dry quickly.  THANK again You the BEST!

Pond Chat / Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« on: September 14, 2008, 07:57:16 AM »
Okay I got it!  Make a mini skippy filter.  I think I can do that.  NOW if Anyone would PLEASE answer about HOW LONG DOES THE MORTOR HAVE TO CURE?  before it's safe for plants and fish?
Thanks Peg

Pond Chat / Re: HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« on: September 13, 2008, 03:36:18 PM »
Ohh no leaks!  There is liner under the whole thing.  I just wanted to stabilize the rocks just in case kids or anything decided to crawl on them.  They were just loose on earth our ancestors made rock walls is beyond me!

Ohhh LOL Reddad...I will tell hubby, and let him read  ;) what you wrote....I like the getting flowers and he gets in the pond!  So glad it works that way!

Thanks Peg (who now has a very clean liner and no water.....AND new owner of 100 gallon rubbermaid stock tank....hey it was only $10 more than the 50 gal!  Fish and a lot of the plants are sharing space.  But it's much more space than the aquarium!  Now for filtration on it!  or will I need it for just a few days???

Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: Newbie needing enclosed
« on: September 13, 2008, 09:40:29 AM »
thanks all for your comments.  Lorraine, we have a creek at the back of our property and have "borrowed" the rocks from back there.  Shhhhhhh..... lol  Oh yes we have already spent hours out there watching the fish.

Pond Chat / HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« on: September 13, 2008, 09:24:49 AM »
We made a vault for the waterfall out of concrete blocks and put the EPDM liner over it, then stacked up rocks to cover it.  Well since the walls are vertical and we don't have access to flat rocks the rocks were a bit unstable.  So AFTER the water, plants, and fish are in there I have the brilliant idea ( {nono}) to mortar the rocks so they will at least stick together.  Now don't laugh....I am into many kinds of crafts so..............I figure it will work to use a cake decorating bag to squish the mortar between the rocks and won't have to move and restack all of them......well first try and the mortar will not come out the largest tip I have...okay so take that off and just use the end connector....wrong...still won't come out....okay take the connector off and just use the bag without one!  Yippee it works, BUT hubby doesn't realize how to fold the end and one squish and there is mortar all over!  Okay get that worked out and going to town "frosting" the rocks...ummm then there are apparently areas behind some of the rocks that didn't get all the way to the wall!  More mortar in the water!  About 3 hours of frosting later all done hey this doesn't look bad.........BUT it was messy and I got some on the rocks.......hmmmm didn't I read somewhere that let it set a bit and then wash it off with the hose???  Okay sounds good........WRONG!  Pond is quickly turning cloudy gray!  I scream at hubby to get the pump we use for draining and pump out the water where I'm standing as the muck hasn't gone all out into the pond and I figure we can just pump that part out..........WRONG!  by the time he gets the pump the pond is a cloudy mucky mess!  PANIC I'm gonna kill my fish!  Get the strips to check the water and it's off the charts!  Colors are not even the same as it shows on the chart!  Didn't know which was top or bottom as they didn't match at ALL!  Noooooooooo!  Tracey's WAKINS!  My new BABIES!  By this time it's about 7 pm and we are pumping water as fast as the pump will go to try to get the water so we can catch and rescue the fish!  (pond holds about 4000 gallons) And it's getting COLD out.  Hubby decides we will be there all night with the 950 gal pump so takes the big 5000 gal/hr one out of the skimmer and rushes around trying to find fittings make it so that we can pump the water out with it!  He finally gets close but not exact fit so he's in the water holding the thing together and I'm with the cord plugging and unplugging it when he can't hold it anymore.  After a few miss-communications he is dripping wet and NOT a happy camper!  The water finally gets below the plant shelf (where all the fish were hiding) so he gets the net....well net might be an over's one of those little green aquarium nets!  and off he goes trying to catch them!  The fat Wakin, Chubby was pretty easy....and the snoopy red and white one..........but now the Shubunkins were a whole different story!  Ohhh for a video!  By this time it has gotten DARK!  So here is hubby with flashlight chasing fish in murky water.  We drain it a bit more and he is able to find and catch all but the last little shunbunkin and I felt sorry for him (hubby this time) and said just let it go.  NO... he's now on a mission and he's gonna catch that fish if it takes all night!  About 30 minutes of lunging and spotlighting and voila we have all seven fish!  So in the house we come both of us cold and wet and hungry with a 5 gallon bucket of fish!  New dilemma... now what are we gonna put them in?  Trash can with new trash bag? Nooooo all trash cans are full!  Largest bucket I have is the 5 gallon one and no way am I making them spend the night in that!  Hubby suggests bathtub?  but I'm afraid water would not hold in that.......Okay they will have to stay in the 15 gallon aquarium with the little goldfish!  I changed the water and checked that the temp was the same as the gang was in and put them in....There is a filter and thank heavens I bought an aerator for it so I figure they should be okay, a bit cramped but enough air and better than the pond water!  HA! they were happy campers and even ate!  They are doing fine this morning and I am off to the farm store to buy a stock tank!  And am ordering a net with a pole on it!

Okay now for the question!  Since we had to drain the whole pond, I plan on plugging some holes and mortaring below the water line (will use as little as possible) How long does the mortar have to dry/cure before I can put water back in and then how long till we can put the fish back in the water? I searched on here and found that someone had washed concrete with muratic acid to take the lime out??? I used just plain old mortar.  PLEASE answer ASAP. 

A very  :redface: new ponder

Pond Chat / Re: My New Website is Up!
« on: September 13, 2008, 07:55:15 AM »
Super site Tracey!  Easy to navigate and love the photos.  Can't wait to see more.  Good Luck.

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / WAKINS HERE! Photos of new family
« on: September 11, 2008, 12:25:14 PM »
Hi all!  Oh I am so excited!  My Wakins from Tracey (who I found out about on here! Thank YOU Tracey you are the BEST! :2thumbs:) arrived today!   @O@ They are awesome! I  o(:-) them!  My hubby and I sat out there and watched them for 2 hours!  He said maybe we should get a life if our entertainment consists of watching the new fish!  LOL  There are their first photos.  Now please note this is the first time I've ever taken photos of fish and these guys had just got out of the bag from a 2 day 2000 mile trip so please excuse the quality.  LOL even our UPS man was excited and hung around to see them!

This is Chubby it is the one that Tracey saved for me and OMG it GREW!  I didn't measure but would guess about 6 inches.

another view of Chubby

This one we are calling Whitey and it's about 3 inches I'd guess

This one is Snoopy and it's the smallest at about 2 inches but gosh he makes up for his size in not being a bit intimidated by the trip and new home! He immediately took off exploring!

Thanks all of you SO much!  Dunno if I would have been able to accomplish all of this without you!

Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: Newbie needing enclosed
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:12:43 PM »
 @O@  It's almost done!  Still some rock work and landscaping but it's almost there!  Going to put some larger rocks in the sides of the stream when we can get someone to help hubby move them.  Plants doing well (should have first lily bloom tomorrow) and fish are coming tomorrow!  I can't belive it!

The Stream going down

Lawanna the plants are awesome!  Thanks.  I can't believe how well they are doing!  We finally got some warm weather and everything is growing.  Especially the water lilies!  I can't believe it they have only been here for 2 weeks and I will have a lily bloom tomorrow!  Anyway as fast as it's been going I think it will open tomorrow.  I will take a photo.  I am sooo excited!
Thank you so much!

Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: Newbie needing enclosed
« on: September 10, 2008, 07:37:56 PM »
Thanks Fred, after talking with people on here I decided no koi just goldfish as the pond is only about 28 inches deep.  Ohh used your calculator and it's about 4100 gallons.  Yup went and looked at LOTS of waterfalls before I started this.  One thing about living here is there are lots to go see.

  We lived in Sierra Vista, AZ before moving here.  (big difference!)  My family are here.  I lived in Vancouver when I was a kid so know Washougal.  It's a lot more mountainous up here.

 I enjoyed your website.  Love the dogs!

 Pond is working!  Hubby's working on the rock work and I will post the latest photo in a bit.  Thanks again.

Kim we have moss all over!  The bag of top soil I just bought had a beautiful lining of it!  If you want some just send me  your address and I'll put some in a zip lock bag and send to you. 

Pond Chat / Re: Underlayment and Liner questions w/latest photo
« on: August 30, 2008, 12:19:30 AM »
 @O@  It WORKS!  It's awesome!  Got all plumbing hooked up today and skimmer and waterfall working.  I can't hardly believe it!  I've spent 3 days potting plants (thanks so much Lawanna!) and I got too many marginals so there is a side that has extra liner and I'm trying to figure if we can dig it out a bit for a little boggy two Shubbies in there...about 4 inchers that are currently hiding under a rock I had put in to hold a fold on the liner so it will have to stay on to the rocks!  yippppeeee!  I can't thank you all enough for support and input.

will fix the wrinkles on the waterfall tomorrow

Pond Chat / Re: How do you keep fish out of skimmer?
« on: August 28, 2008, 10:04:51 AM »
Okay got it, little buggars learn to stay out...I have the savio skimmer and it has a basket in it...hopefully that will catch them, as I thought anything on the front of the skimmer will impede it's action, I may put a bit of netting over it for the first week to let them get used to the fact that it sucks...LOL...and I am just maybe worrying about nothing as the skimmer is not hooked up yet as it's raining...AGAIN!  >:(-   I just needed some imput from the "pros" and thanks so much all who answered.

Pond Chat / How do you keep fish out of skimmer?
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:30:47 AM »
HELP!  Do you put some kind of netting or something over your skimmer to keep it from sucking in the fish?  PLEASE if you do can you tell me how to do it and what materials to use?  If not how do you keep them from getting sucked in?
Thanks Peg

Pond Chat / Re: Grandma got the critter!
« on: August 26, 2008, 10:33:58 PM »
 lol  after I got my mouth shut from it dropping and read a bit further I am dying laughing! good one Jerry!

Pond Chat / Re: Underlayment and Liner questions w/latest photo
« on: August 26, 2008, 10:23:50 PM »
Hi all, well Esther I took your advice and went and got a bigger liner.  I am glad I did as it allowed me to use the other one on the stream and gives a lot more to backfill and cover up the hill with.  Also I found 3 shubbies at a nice clean pet store (that took some looking to find!)
 @O@ WE HAVE WATER!  tomorrow the plumbing gets hooked up and start hauling rocks into the stream.  It's getting there folks!  Thanks to all the help and support from you!  Please keep the suggestions coming.

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Need fish owner!
« on: August 25, 2008, 07:44:42 PM »
Hi all, I am new owner of 3 shubunkins 1.5 to 2 inches long that are currently eating tetra color flakes.  (and hopefully 4 of Traceys Wakin) Temp house is aquarium until pond is done.  Pond size aprox 11X20X2.5 with savio skimmer and waterfall wier (waterfall at top of 24 ft stream with 6 ft rise) 5000 gph pump, 2 inch pipe.  Okay stats out of the way come questions.  OH and I did a search on here of "food" and read all I could.

1. Are 7 fish enough to start with in this size of pond?

2. should I put some kind of net or screen on skimmer to keep fishies out of it?  if so what, and if I do how will it skim leaves?  Worried about it sucking them in!

3. food     I have had recommendation of Blackwell food and know that come cool water they need food with wheat germ, problem is it only comes in 5 lb bags ( how long will 5 lbs last for 7 small fish?) and it will only be about 1-2 months MAX until water temp is low so will have to change to wheat THAT I will probably use 5 pounds of...LOL.... and I have read that it doesn't keep long does it keep?  Do I need to do gradually switch to pellets?

4. in consideration of #3 would anyone on here sell me just a little bit of the pellets?  The ones for warm weather?

5.  Considering these are still small fish should I bring them inside for their first winter?  I am in Washington state and it gets cold here in winter, some sustained freezing and last year lots of snow!  I WILL make sure there is adequate oxygen with bubbler and/or heater for keeping hole in ice if it occurs.

Thanks Peg

Howell, Michael's (craft shop if you have one there) has styrofoam "wreaths" in many different sizes.  Here they do coupon's for 40% off too.  They also have a line of eco friendly stuff that is a mesh in all different sizes and very reasonable...dunno if it would work for plants...I'm new to ponding...but I have used the wreaths to decorate and make my own and they are cheap!
Love the floating planter you made.

Koi Corner / Re: Fish Questions from Newbie
« on: August 24, 2008, 08:38:33 PM »
Meet the new family!  NO wakins to be found.  These were the only 3 shunbkins at the only pet store I would buy from! (checked out 4 and  {nono}, not clean and/or dead fish in some tanks!)  They had some pretty comets there too, but I liked these little guys.  And gosh they are either friendly or very hungry!  They are temporarily in a 2.5 gal aquarium, with $10 on sale pump with a waterfall thingy on it (it's making bubbles  in the water), so hope I don't need the oxygenator bubbler thing as I thought I had one and went to use it and it sounds horrid, not to mention I lost the adapter to make the tubing fit! DUH!  There is no top on the aquarium, can I put a board or something over the top as long as I leave a place for air?  We have a cat...They shouldn't have to be in there long as next no rain day and the liner goes in (the NEW ONE! grrr) and then a couple of days to fill...and Lawanna will take your advice and put them right in, we have well water so NO chemicals in it...and it's fantastic water, clear and tastes as good as bottled, only it's very cold out of the tap.  Ohhhh how much do you feed? I got flakes for them right now.  There are 3 of them, lady couldn't tell me if they were male or will just have so wait and see if I have opposite sexes!  Here's a photo of them.........and I have a whole new respect for those of you who post photos of your fish!  this is the best one out of 35 photos!  There are only 3 but you can see reflections on the bottom.   

Pond Chat / Re: Underlayment and Liner questions w/latest photo
« on: August 24, 2008, 10:38:17 AM »
 :swear:  I made a mistake on the liner!  Didn't figure in the rise of the waterfall! everything fits perfectly except that!  Spent all night pondering whether to try to seam a piece to it or just go buy another liner!  So after calling every home depot in a 100 miles radius I have located some in stock.  I did go online to the stores that were reccommended but with shipping I would only save about $20 and have to wait to get it...I am NOT good at waiting....I want to SEE my finished project.   Oh well I will have extra liner for the stream and will put a smaller pond at the top now.... :)

Here's the latest photos.  As you see I decided to do plant shelves but the first one will be at 12 inches deep with as straight of sides as I could get it this darned pumice.  Deepest part is aprox 28 inches.


Koi Corner / Re: Fish Questions from Newbie
« on: August 24, 2008, 10:07:29 AM »
Thanks all, goldies it is!  And thanks so much for the names, now I know what to look a trip to the fish store is in order.......ohhh so many choices and just a few fish!  LOL a pair? now what if I get two of the same sex?  Hmmmm wonder what my cousin will think of me asking her to "babyset" a few goldies in her aquarium until the water is okay for them?  Obsessed?  no need to wait for that it's already here!  I have done NOTHING but think of pond, surf hours online reading, work on pond, pick brains on the forums, order STUFF, spend money and dream of finished project since I've started this!  I am HOOKED!

Koi Corner / Fish Questions from Newbie
« on: August 23, 2008, 08:49:06 AM »
Hi all, pond is nearing completion and I'm thinking fishies now but have NO idea, other than reading on here about pond fish.  A friend of mine in England has some really pretty fish that are black when they are born and then get orange/red spots on them as they get older, are they koi?  (they inherited them with house and are not sure).  She has water lilies and they don't eat them.  I am sooooo confused and undecided whether to go with a couple of koi or some goldfish (wakin if I can find them), or both.  I love what I have seen and read about koi but not about them eating the plants and pooping a lot. Also my pond it not quite big enough for koi from what I have's about 12X16 but only a little over 2 ft deep. (not finished, and NO I can't make it deeper already purchased liner and can't afford another one right now.  Also if I ask hubby to dig deeper I think I might have to go to divorce court!   Anyway can you please give me your thoughts and experience and help me decide?

Thanks Peg

Pond Chat / Re: Question about "great stuff"....sticky foam
« on: August 21, 2008, 02:47:26 PM »
oh Fred that is super!  And so nice to see the same view empty and finished!  Thanks! 

Okay have decided to go back out and did the one side straight (er) down and put the blocks on ONE shelf like Esther has done.  If it will hold in your sand it should hold in my pumice.  BUT I will make the shelf a bit deeper and come straight down to keep out the coons.

It rained all day yesterday and this morning so slowed down the progress a LOT! grrrr, AND we went to get more liner for the stream yesterday and they are out!  I about freaked!  But they called another store and my friend was going that way today so she is picking it up for me.  It's supposed to be sunny this weekend so want to take advantage and get the liner in!  Got two cans of "sticky stuff" for waterfall and pea gravel for plants and for camo of sticky not total wasted trip!

Progress photos later or tomorrow, thanks again!

Pond Chat / Re: Underlayment and Liner questions w/latest photo
« on: August 21, 2008, 02:34:26 PM »
Oh Tink!  You have doxies too?  I have two girls, red and getting on in years (15 & 13) and they are the loves of my life!  Not sure if Peanut will stll want to fish but we visited a friend with a small pond and I looked out to see her front feet in looking very intently with the "hunting" tail in the air watching her fish!  I about stroked!  Got her before she got a fish.  She's not keen on swimming though so don't think she will venture in this one.

Hubby is out leveling the coping shelf in the light rain!  It's supposed to be nice and warm this weekend so we want to be ready to put the liner in.  I think I'll go out and cut the sides straight down.  Ohhh gosh I hope I have enough liner!  May leave one deeper shelf on the side but will cut down more to it.

Oh Jules, I had decided to just have goldfish but went to the fish store yesterday and saw the koi and they are soooo pretty! (not to mention seeing and reading about the ones on here!) And the small ones aren't very expensive. ($5.00)  AND I bought a book on water gardening and they were talking about koi being friendly and easily taught.  BUT I have also read about them eating everything in sight!  I'm confused!  The book also said if you get them when they are small and NEVER feed them they won't eat the plants and the next sentence says they are easily trained with food and very friendly???   My pond is only going to be 24 inches deep and if I'm going to cut down the sides I'm worried about the liner still fitting as it is!  LOL  I bought 25 ft of taping stuff when I got the liner guess I could buy another large piece and put them together.......ohhhh I think hubby would kill me!  I could maybe make a small deeper area under the waterfall.  Ohhhh decisions!  and I thought the hard part about this was gonna be the digging!  ::)

Oh sun is out!  yippppeeeee!  Thanks again you are a fantastic resource, keep the suggestions and comments coming!

Pond Chat / Re: Question about "great stuff"....sticky foam
« on: August 20, 2008, 08:16:44 PM »
Fred that is super! and now I can see that you went straight down but STILL have a shelf!  Thanks and ditto on do you have any finished photos? I almost wish we had clay right now, working on the sides! And I may do what you have done with the blocks on the sides, they seem very stable right now but I'm afraid of cave in also!  Did you put rocks up too? Hubby is wanting to do retaining wall blocks and I know they would be stable and I have them on the hill but I'm going for a more natural look on the pond and stream.  More piccys PLEASE.

 Went all the way to town today for more liner for the stream and they were OUT!  :'(  Friend is checking another place for me tomorrow fingers crossed...hubby is out in the dark with my laser level and photo tripod checking level...LOL, he's getting as obsessed as me! I bought a book on ponding today and he said I am going to be one broke puppy.......ummmm what's new?  LOL

OMG Tink this is gorgeous!  I hope mine looks half that good!

Pond Chat / Re: Question about "great stuff"....sticky foam
« on: August 20, 2008, 11:17:45 AM »
thanks Fred, and we did have a little help.......we have a small tractor with the scoop on the front so a lot of the dirt was moved with that.  Only problem is our ground if pumice!  Once the top of the soil is removed it's like the stuff in bean bags only yellow. It's great to dig in but horrid to try to form!  It just crumbles! at least drainage will be no problem and the sides have enough real soil to hold the ledge....I HOPE...LOL...Peg

Pond Chat / Re: Underlayment and Liner questions w/latest photo
« on: August 20, 2008, 10:54:18 AM »
Jules thanks for the compliment and thought, I didn't realize when everyone was saying no plant shelves cuz of critters that they meant straight down on the sides! just thought it was no plant shelves, am rethinking now about going down just straight as that does make sense (we DO have raccoons) and NOW I see how you can put in something to put the plant on.  I was thinking now how the heck do you put an upside down pot or something to sit a plant on if sides are sloped!  Not a math major so another question if I dig them straight down will I still have enought liner or will I have to make it a little less deep?  Is optimal depth 24?  Esther, you have plant shelves would you do them again? 
Thanks again, Peg

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