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Messages - Lorraine

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Chit Chat / Re: Our Zoo!
« on: May 01, 2010, 09:33:05 AM »
 :) Thanks Esther...we are suckers for the animals. But they are so grateful to be loved and we in turn love them so.Didnt have plans on so many but what can you do?? Socks who lived in the woods no shelter or kindness she has a ball! Sock toys, and a dish always full of food and Chance a buddy to play! Happy dog!

Chit Chat / Re: Let the brave know!!
« on: May 01, 2010, 08:44:52 AM »
:) I have done this is the past. Sent cards or notes to unkown soldiers. Even tho it isnt quite PC Correct to do so.I have gotten to the point where i am not going to be PC.. guess thats why they call it old age or something. :)

Chit Chat / Re: Our Zoo!
« on: May 01, 2010, 08:40:00 AM »
Here are the cats..again all have stories. The brothers were strays and I took them to the SPCA got them fixed and had every intention of letting them back out side again..when the dog pound came by and had trapped a few strays...sooooo they are now with the rest of the group. They are so sweet and loving and love being house kitties now!
  Buster, my baby i lost him in March to FIP, he was my favorite. Tigar is hubby's cat cause HE brought him in :) so cant blame me for this one! He is a mess, he misses Buster I can tell.



Chit Chat / Our Zoo!
« on: May 01, 2010, 08:32:41 AM »
Some one wanted to see our pets  they are. All except the birds and one cat brat. She wouldnt hold still long enought. Thus the name Brat! :) All are rescues, all have sad stories, all get along for the most part. Sort of like kids...except the kids do mind once in awhile!
 The dogs- Spooky-Mama dog her children are Sissy & copper. They are Austrian Shepard and border collie. Copper is mostly chow, and a sweetie pie. He doesnt carry the chow traits. You saw Socks with Mikie and lastly Mouth! Real name Chance, but I call him mouth, American Foxhound with who knows. He Barks, barks and barks! But we love him anyway!

Chit Chat / Re: Hello
« on: April 29, 2010, 06:33:13 AM »
hello scott, I am on a few forums also but I plan on being here a bit more that I have been. i try to plan my spare time wisely..(sometimes it dont work  :) ) But I try.....

Chit Chat / Re: Hello
« on: April 29, 2010, 06:29:38 AM »
 :) :) My Husband Mike is a ruael mail carrier by day and the weekends he is a Magician with his own Magic Shop. And he loves it. He sells to a few Profesionals and teaches the kids and 'Want a bees' Magic. And those that want to pull a safe harmless gag on friends and family. Americas Funniest home Vidios has helped us like you wont believe! from dog poo to blowing up someones cig. And even the bog monster(monster comeing out of the toilet) wow...great sales.  I sell Avon, been doing that for 5 yrs now..sigh.

Oh and he has a 650 Burgman Scooter, it can keep up with and pass a Harley  any time! he loves it.

Chit Chat / Re: Hello
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:53:25 AM »
This is Dad and Mikie.

Chit Chat / Re: Hello
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:51:44 AM »
This Mikie and Socks the last rescued dog...she loves mikie. Crawls in the bed w him and he can cover her with toys, pillows, stuffed animals she dont care. She is the only dog that has wanted to get close to Mikie, now the cats lay up with him but none of the other dogs.

Chit Chat / Re: Hello
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:30:20 AM »
well i thought i could..wouldnt let me. how do you post photos  here? Each forum is different.

Chit Chat / Hello
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:10:19 AM »
 :) Just wanted to say hello, and that I will try not to lurk as much as I have...and do some posting here.A brief history, I am a stay at home mom who cares for our special needs son who is 37 and a joy to care for...we decide and do everything for him. he is about the size of a 11 /12 yr old and just a happy kid(he is still a kid in my mind). I also have the job of caring for mom in law next door,she is 81 and in the early stages of  Alzimers...she cant remember what she had for Breakfast or who came to visit but does remember things from 40-50 years ago.
  I have a zoo of animals, cats-dogs- lovebirds...all rescues of course! I wouldnt trade any of them each is their own....if you want to ask me about Mikie, our son please feel free to do so, or anything for that matter. I know a few of you from other forums...and have just decided to contribute a bit more here.
 Hugs and Prayers,

Chit Chat / Re: My "Reel" at long last. Scott! got it!
« on: April 29, 2010, 04:54:40 AM »
O0 Very well done. You sure could pass as a " Real magician'. My husband is a Magician w/ his own Magic shop and has fumbled the tricks to get a laugh. But you looked very natural. And most Magicians dont talk they let the act speak for its self. Very well done! :)
   Iam a member here but most of the time just lurk, and your history of the AP how it got started back the memories!
 I had to comment on this....
Hugs and Prayers

Chit Chat / Re: No patches for AP!!
« on: January 21, 2008, 09:37:23 AM »
 @O@ I was begining to wonder what happened here. I know I don't post very often but every time I tried to get here,that stupid air line thingy would come up. Glad you all are back. Tad of a scare there.

Chit Chat / Re: It's Bear. No.......its A BEAR!!
« on: August 24, 2007, 05:38:17 AM »
Wow What a beautiful dog! Better make sure no one gets that baby!  I can relate to you  about getting out, hot wire works for us that an dog obience classes too! We used a leash on her before we let her out and she findally knew what 'No, Sit' meant. That dog is just beautiful.( opps, I already said that)

Chit Chat / Re: my latest obsession--cat towers
« on: August 24, 2007, 05:00:32 AM »
Kat, you did a great job, beautiful kitties. I want one of those for my kitties. Esther asked what the curves were made of , were they PVC tubes by any chance? I think I would like to try that and cut them in half and carpet it. You should think about selling them locally, with the price of them on the internet and shipping costs, you could make a little cash, you would have to figure in your time of course. I love the style. Simple but you can tell the kitties love them. :)

Chit Chat / Re: "Stars of the Lawrence Welk Show" again
« on: July 24, 2007, 10:43:40 AM »
Ahh, I'm sorry to hear he passed on. I guess most of them are now up in age, but I still liked the show, good clean entertainment. Not to much of that anymore.

Pond Chat / Re: What's wrong with my lotus
« on: July 23, 2007, 05:50:10 AM »
Wow, THAT looks like my Lotus. I have two and have had nothing this year. I use Jobs tomatoe spikes, one a week. Put at least two in each one.Since they look so crappy,I haven't put any in for a few weeks now. So too much is bad in this case?

Chit Chat / Re: "Stars of the Lawrence Welk Show" again
« on: July 23, 2007, 05:30:09 AM »
Wow, talk about  your age here! I remember watching the LW show on Saturday night, had the pop corn in the bowl and  sat your self down in front of the old TV.Joe Finney, the guy that played the accordant, and an older man that could really play the piano. I do hope you have some photos, would love too see them again.

Chit Chat / Re: Does anyone can?
« on: July 23, 2007, 05:23:44 AM »
That is some serious canning. Bet those beans taste wonderful. I used to cann too. I did tomatoes and pears. Before the tree died, I canned the pears, they were a hard pear, I cooked them for a few and then canned them  by using a waterbath canner. One year I canned 119 quarts of pears and about 100 canns of tomatoes. I went to the farmers market and got the tomatoes. I feel like doing it again (the tomatoes) I use a lot and with the price of canns and all this 'tained food ' going on  maybe time to start it again.

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Lorraine!
« on: July 23, 2007, 05:05:55 AM »
Oh thank you,I haven't forgotten about this forum, I check in at least once or twice  a day. I had a good birthday, hubby got me up at 6:30 a m and we got our son (he is a special needs ) ready to go next door, ( hubby's parner in the Magic shop, his wife watches our son for us) and then we (Rich, hubby and me) went on cycles( Rich has a Harley, hubby has a 650 Burgman scooter, but it is a very speedy one)I have said 'this old broad ain't getting on a cycle' well can't say that anymore, cause I did! :) And I had a good time. We went to Lizard's thicket for breakfast and then hubby's brother & wife came up on their hondas and we all went for a long ride, thru some pretty country, saw quite a few ponds and they were loaded up w/ lilys, very pretty. Hubby took some photos w/ cell phone  and will post them for you to see. I really had a good time.
 Thanks again for the wishes,

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone here from the UK ?
« on: June 20, 2007, 07:40:56 AM »
Ahhh, no I haven't! :( Thanks for remiding the dummy here.  :) Didn't even think of them. Off to check it out.

Chit Chat / Anyone here from the UK ?
« on: June 20, 2007, 05:39:58 AM »
I sell Avon and I was looking for a product when I accidently can across the Avon web site in the UK. Well knock my socks off there was my favorite cologne that US Avon discontiuned but is avaible in UK. Problem is they don't ship out side the UK. Soooooo, my question is  would anyone want to get it for me and ship it to me,of course I would pay for it plus the shipping! The price is (see if I'm right) L.12.00 in UK - in US it would be $21.42- Another item is UK- L. 2.30 In US $4.11. And you all don't know me  that well BUT I would be good for it(the money) but would the shipping be sky high or  what. Some one who lives there would know. Thanks a bunch. :)

Pond Chat / Re: May I offer a photo of Peace
« on: May 10, 2007, 04:28:21 AM »
Amazing photos.I remember your pictures from the old water garden, they were great then and even now,just amazing. The church photo should be on the cover of a magazine,they are really good. It is a peaceful scene. Thanks for sharing. Got any more? :)

Chit Chat / Re: My Dream Finally a Reality.
« on: April 19, 2007, 12:43:18 PM »
Wow, they are beautiful. I love them! Do you or would you take check or credit card? I want one of them!  You could start your own business and do very well at it.Most of us love the beaded stuff but don't or have time to learn to do it. They are great.

Chit Chat / Re: Lower Back Pain Recommendations?
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:54:04 AM »
Please don't think I was slamming the  chiropractor,it sounded like I was but not. I just didnt have any good results from them, I was telling Mikey what works for me. Pills and heating pad. Grant you it may not work for you, and who knows I may one day run into a really good DR. :) With all the pulling and tugging of our special needs son, back pain is a way of life. Hope you feel better soon Mikey.

Chit Chat / Re: Lower Back Pain Recommendations?
« on: April 13, 2007, 10:33:46 AM »
I Use a heating pad and have some muscle relaxers. The pad seems to work well for me. I have tried the hot/ cold and it didn't help. You are right about the  chiropractors , waste of time w/ back pain. Hope you will be feeling better soon. Take it easy too! Watch some DVD's and rest.

Chit Chat / Re: Welcome Pete from Australia
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:59:08 AM »
Welcome to the forum, hope you find it to your likeing. :) I feel for you about the magazine. It is too bad.... there really isn't a good pond magazine, or any for that matter about ponds, water gardens any more. :(

Chit Chat / Re: coke codes
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:55:34 AM »
Stacig, if you don't mind. Send me your snail mail address and I will send you the coke codes. I FINALLY got them on paper and  am a tad lazy  to type all these numbers in ...again. :) There are quite a few. Thanks

Chit Chat / Re: One Happy Camper...YES ?
« on: April 08, 2007, 06:17:06 AM »
Yep. That is a scooter so to speak but it can get up to 90 in no time at all. It rides like the best of the motorcycles and the price isn't that bad at all. With the gas prices going up here in SC hubby needed something better to get to work on. He is a ruael route mail carrier and he leaves his car at the Post Office and rides the bike back and forth,when the weather is bad he drives our other car. It takes him 40 minutes to get to work one way, thru some beautiful country. People where he works live in the 'country' in the sticks, one lady her drive way is  1/2 mile or long! No one around for miles....course she has around 15 dogs :) big dogs! She always gives hubby a gift at Christmas. He really likes this bike, the windshield can go to different heights and rear mirrors fold in so when riding it may hit on something he can fold them and then back out. He got more whistles for his buck on this one.  :)

Chit Chat / One Happy Camper...YES ?
« on: April 05, 2007, 06:20:13 AM »
Here is my husband,on his new 2007 Exective Burgman scooter, but it runs as fast as the motorcycles. It has a few whistles /bells that he loves. He had a 2006 but sold it for this one. He sure is happy. :)

Chit Chat / Re: planet earth
« on: April 05, 2007, 06:05:13 AM »
We have been watching it also, in HD wowowowow, talk about beautiful! Love it, and they don't talk about the Global Warming or show humans, it is all about the planet! This last one though I didn't like the polarbear dieing. :'( Would it have hurt to throw the poor straving thing some fish or something! I know ,this is nature and we must not interfer with it..phooey ! Bears are nearly in trouble, in the numbers of them, I'd give him some food.
  Anyway I love the show, truely remarkable  film work. If you haven't seen it ..check it out Sunday.

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