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Messages - karen J

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Chit Chat / Re: North Dakota weather report..Thanks Argos! New photos added
« on: February 14, 2011, 09:45:56 AM »

On the plus side, wont the snow help insulate the house?  ;)

Pond Chat / Re: Stupid Snow
« on: February 14, 2011, 09:43:39 AM »
Rub it in, Annette...  :D That pic is beautiful! I love all the palm trees with the mountains in the background, it seems an unlikely juxtaposition.

You're right, the snow is actually beautiful. Especially when you wake up in the morning to nice hot coffee and get to appreciate that blanket of pristine whiteness. I'm ready for the meltdown though.  :) Time to see some green grass.

Pond Chat / Re: Stupid Snow
« on: February 13, 2011, 09:45:37 AM »
What a beautiful view out your kitchen... even if it is snow.  ::)  I'd love to see your pond without snow though  {:-P;;

Thank you Kitty & Pondering. I'd like to see it too... let's hope this warm up continues!

Tom Skilling posted a link to the snow-melt animation map from NOAA:


Chit Chat / Re: Hospital experience (not Sean or me)
« on: February 13, 2011, 09:37:31 AM »
 ;D That was funny! And thanks for the tip! I hope I'll never need to use it...

Chit Chat / Re: Do you use Facebook, Twitter and God knows what else?
« on: February 13, 2011, 09:32:13 AM »
I'm not a gadget guy but I really enjoy Facebook because it keeps me informed as to the news of what is going on with friends and acquaintances and it is so easy to post photos.  The problem with Facebook though is that many forums such as the AP suffer because so many people spend their allotted computer time on Facebook.....   I just don't get Twitter and have no interest in trying to tweet.....

Here's proof that I'm not a gadget guy.  Several years ago we were in DC and about to tour the White House.  Prior to entering all cell phones had to be turned off.  At the time I didn't have a clue how to turn off my cell phone.  I figured there had to be a button stating "off"......   ::)  I gave my phone to the Secret Service person who was checking people in and he turned it off for me.... 

I agree with that. I sometimes spend too much time on facebook when I'd rather be here at this forum. It's like an additional layer of social responsibility. Or maybe it's the reverse? Instead of sending a Happy Birthday card in the mail, you can just say it on facebook. I do like keeping in touch with people though.
It's very confusing. If it is someone's birthday, I usually just say happy birthday. But what if I've said something potentially offensive? I once commented on someone's post and said I didn't care for Chicago pizza and pretty much got into an argument about it. My bad, but I really feel strongly about NY pizza and wish we could get it here in Chicagoland.

A friend once brought her GPS into my van when we were on a trip, and the thing was so incredibly distracting. She kept saying "look at it!",  "that is us!", "look!" "look!". No thanks, I'm trying to drive!

And on a more serious note, I've noticed a lot of swerving cars lately. Literally swerving into my lane to the point that I have to drive onto the shoulder to avoid a crash. People on their cell phones, either talking or texting. Completely oblivious. Scary stuff. It's illegal to do that here, but people still do.

Pond Chat / Re: Greenhouse in the winter
« on: February 05, 2011, 01:14:38 PM »
I usually start building the fires at 4 before the sun goes down, and reload about every two hours, so usually my last time to load is around midnight. Last night at midnight the temperature on my thermometer outside read 4*, but inside the gh was 45*. Not too bad. I used to get up at 3 and add to the fire but I decided that after midnight  I didn't want to get up from bed and put wood on the fire, so I let the gas heater take over entirely after midnight when the temp gets too low. I need my sleep!  Wink

Wow. I've looked at (and enjoyed) these pics a few times now, all bundled up nice in my warm house with hot coffee. But I keep thinking, how can you do all that day after day? Trudging out to the greenhouse and maintaining that heat. And do you get any heavy snow that you need to take off the greenhouse?

Your level of dedication is amazing.

Pond Chat / Re: Stupid Snow
« on: February 04, 2011, 03:55:31 PM »
We got it too. If you look at the lower left part of the first pic, you can see one of the green home-made deicers. That was just before the storm after getting a few inches of lake effect snow (Tues aft).

Here is the after (Wed morn) photo of the pond. Both deicers are completely covered. We don't even know if they're still on!

Sorry for the poor quality pics, they were taken through the kitchen window.

Chit Chat / Re: Staghorn ferns
« on: February 02, 2011, 12:18:05 PM »
I wish I could grow them! I've killed every one I've ever owned. Yours is really looking good!

Whenever I see pictures like this I want to try again, so I go to a terrific local nursery and buy one. Then I kill it.

Pond Chat / Re: A question for VICKIE
« on: November 13, 2010, 07:32:48 AM »
I think I had two or three that were like that, happening at the same time but then nothing after that.

Pond Chat / Re: Greg Speichert
« on: November 08, 2010, 06:29:12 PM »
I have that issue, Louis. It was identified as "Tropical waterlily" by Louis B(...). If my memory serves me, they folded after the Apr/May 2005 issue.

Desertponder, was wondering the same thing. Massive coronary? He was pretty young,

Chit Chat / Re: A great movie from Netflix
« on: November 08, 2010, 06:11:58 PM »
I think there is a book, too... somebody recommended it to me recently. It's on my list.

Chit Chat / Re: Photo journal of today's bike ride to the ocean....
« on: November 08, 2010, 06:09:57 PM »
I'd love to hear some of those stories. However, the truth is that I have the greatest respect and admiration for people like you, who put their literal life on the line to protect all of us. Sounds corny I know, but the things ($h!t) I've seen on TV and in real life amazes me to no end. It's amazing to see cops chase those creeps to the point where the cops could actually be killed, yet they do it.

There was one time that I was in L.A., we had an overnight delay between plane flights. My mom and I found a cute little cafe where we had a nice dinner. About midway through our meal, a guy came over to our table, sat himself down right next to me (I was 14) and said "yeah, I got no place to stay tonight and you gals look pretty darned good. Can I stay with you?"

A nice police officer came in and immediately noticed that the picture wasn't right and politely escorted the 'gentleman' out of the establishment.  :) That was probably an easy task for the cop that night, but my mom and I were grateful. 
I think I'd be good at chasing criminals at high speeds.  :) Alas, I think I'm too old for that. :(

Chit Chat / Re: Photo journal of today's bike ride to the ocean....
« on: November 08, 2010, 01:09:59 PM »
During slow evenings we would occasionally practice our pursuit driving on the sandy concrete bottom......  ::)  {nono} 

That was a very interesting post about both rivers... but that little bit about the persuit driving? Now I'm jealous.  8)

Pond Chat / Re: leave empty or with water below skimmer?
« on: November 07, 2010, 07:43:25 PM »
We're in N. Illinois, a solid zone 5a. We're lucky to have run our skimmer pump with a nearby DIY deicer for the past few years, but there is always some issue in Jan or Feb where the temps get so cold that something stops running and we're out for a week or two. I'm afraid to drain the skimmer because of the heaving, so have left that system on. If you are bringing the fish inside, it may be better to have a full pond of water to equalize the pressure. In your small pond, you can float a log to absorb ice pressure. Some people in this forum (years ago) used pieces of foam insulation floated on top of the pond. Could also do the same thing on your larger pond.

I wonder if leaving your skimmer & biofalls empty would be potentially damaging? Keeping it full would be bad, keeping it empty would also be bad. You could cover with a fake rock? Or you could try keeping it running (with a backup pump available, deicer, and really hot water if things get bad.

My ideal situation where I live would be to place a deicer in the skimmer, and a deicer just outside the skimmer, so the system could run all winter. The wildlife loves running water.
Several predictions I've read about say that we'll have a really cold and really snowy winter because of La Nina.
We shall see! 

Pond Chat / Re: waterlily question
« on: November 07, 2010, 07:21:10 PM »
There are a lot of different kinds of rot as well- crown rot being the most recognizable. I don't want to sound pessimistic, so the optimistic thing to say is that there are ways that lilies protect themselves from rot & fungus. Kind of like a human adaptive immune system, it can't be reduced to NPK. Good dirt, good water quality, good sunlight, enough (not too much) fertilizer, micro-nutrients, etc.
Which brings the question- Why the rot? Can you describe it? Is there a waterfall nearby?

Pond Chat / Re: A question for VICKIE
« on: November 07, 2010, 07:10:26 PM »
Wow, great pics! They look very similar, don't they? Mine was a wrongly-named ebay purchase from a few years ago, it could very well have been a mis-named Rhonda Kay that was sold as Robert Strawn.
Notice how the tips of the anthers are also albino as well as the petals?

I wonder if it could be a genetic mutation OR physical damage in the early bud stage, like from snails or whatever. Either way, I wish it would happen more because it's really cool.

Pond Chat / A question for VICKIE
« on: November 07, 2010, 09:20:04 AM »
I was reading the topic about pitcher plants, and noticed your signature picture. I was wondering if you had a larger picture of that lily? I had something similar happen to one of mine:

I was also wondering if it was the same cultivar, and how often that happened to yours?

Pond Chat / Re: Worn out......................
« on: November 07, 2010, 09:13:22 AM »
You guys have all done so much! We were so lazy this season that we barely touched the pond, so there is much to do before winter. I cleaned the skimmer Friday for the first time since spring. It wasn't really that dirty, but I discovered the seals on the pump are starting to fail.
I hope to keep the frogs out of the skimmer this winter, as they all go in there and die by spring.

Pond Chat / Re: Greg Speichert
« on: November 06, 2010, 12:58:24 PM »
It must have been sudden- definitely much too young. Very sad.

Chit Chat / Re: Photo journal of today's bike ride to the ocean....
« on: November 05, 2010, 12:32:33 PM »
Thanks for posting photographic tour. When I saw the first picture, I thought "Grease"!
I really like those cute little birds with the long legs, and was that other one a Green Heron?

Chit Chat / Re: Coconut Crabs
« on: November 05, 2010, 09:44:51 AM »
It's all how we are culturated.  Lobsters don't scare us off, but I agree, that monster does.
A lady friend of Italian extraction loves the Thanksgiving table with a cooked Sheep's head on it.
Most of us would be a little put off by that, esprecially when Grandpa gets the eye.

We took our son Trick-or-Treating at the farmer's market, and our farmer put a pigs head on display as part of his Halloween decorations. It was interesting to see the reactions of most people when they saw that it wasn't fake.
The farmer said that he occasionally sells one to people who make head cheese.

If those crabs can crack a coconut, they could probably crack my skull. So unless it's on my plate, cooked, with butter on the side, I'd be running away!

Chit Chat / Re: A super Pumpkin carver
« on: October 28, 2010, 08:19:02 AM »
I got those in an email. What a talented artist. How did you manage to share one on here? I guess you saved the image then uploaded it here? It'd take a while to do that with all of them, but they're so good...

Chit Chat / Re: Bear Warning!
« on: October 28, 2010, 08:16:28 AM »
Excellent!  ;D Thanks Jerry- that made my morning.

Chit Chat / Re: Hiding in plain sight... (Update)
« on: September 27, 2010, 06:39:26 PM »
Mikey, your photos are really nice. I love seeing bugs that we don't get in our area. I suppose the closest thing we get here is the agirope spider and the funnel/tunnel spider. The tunnel spider might be closer because they build a tunnel-shaped web and hide inside the tunnel. In the fall they are visible in the dew-soaked mornings on lawns and shrubbery.

When my brother was in college in Colorado, he brought me a couple of Black Widow spiders as a Christmas present. He had the metal jar cover poked with holes for air, covered with a paper towel secured by a rubber band. I was young and stupid, so I took the paper towel off the lid so the spiders could get more air. All the baby Black Widow spiders escaped....and that was on LI, NY. I wonder if any of those babies survived and if I alone altered the course of nature...? ;) Oops! Good thing I was only 12! I'd be put in jail if it were today...

Chit Chat / Re: Interesting little doodad
« on: September 27, 2010, 06:25:20 PM »
VERY nice doodad! Thank you for posting it. I can't even imagine the time that went into this creation. I studied electronic and computer music back in it's early days and it was WILD. Huge amount of memory required for even the smallest sound clip. That was back in the day of floppy disks, we couldn't have done anything like this back then. Gotta love technology!

Chit Chat / Re: Jury Duty Scam
« on: September 27, 2010, 06:14:52 PM »
I would go with the FBI site, not the Snopes site. Snopes is just a couple (the Mikkelsons), doing research that may or may not be verifiable/correct/true.

You shouldn't give any personal information to anyone who calls you, as you advised. O0

Chit Chat / Re: HELP if you can please....
« on: September 03, 2010, 09:05:59 PM »
My dad died from that, and I know what you mean about this horrible situation that we're all in. I'd also like your Paypal addy. Our situation is not good as well, but would still like to do what little we can.

Chit Chat / Re: Dancing with the Stars..... or Dogs....
« on: September 03, 2010, 09:02:52 PM »
That was the cutest thing ever! So I stole it from you and posted it on facebook...  :) Sometimes I think dogs try and act like humans just because we value that, and the pet dog values that, but wonder how many hours of training it took. Is it a tribute to the dog or a tribute to the trainer? Either way, it's adorable.

Chit Chat / Re: Laughing all the way to the bank....
« on: August 30, 2010, 09:20:53 AM »
But, screwed up!
I agree....and that philosophy partially explains why our State is billions in the red.  The folks who run our state are very smart.....but what good is it being smart when you lack common sense and wisdom....   :suspect:

Very smart indeed!

Chit Chat / Re: How can you help?
« on: August 30, 2010, 09:18:01 AM »
I try to educate people by reiterating what Otto Warburg discovered (and won the Nobel prize for) 80 years ago. Sugar feeds cancer. It's known as the Warburg effect. Most people ignore me. Or they say "well she/he has to eat something". Sugar feeds cancer.

Most brochures or cancer awareness/education websites recommend a low fat/ high sugar diet for cancer patients (sound familiar?)- which only makes them sicker!

Most organizations that claim to be funding cancer research are just lining their pockets by fund raising (selling sugar). The people who need the money most are the people that have cancer. The people who make the (insert product name here) with the pink ribbon on it are not helping anyone who has cancer, in fact they are making it worse.

There is an ongoing study in Germany that is successfully treating end stage brain cancer patients with a high fat/low sugar diet. This is what caregivers should be doing here in the US. Instead, caregivers here are feeding the cancer. My father was fed pancakes with syrup (dead in 6 months) and my brother was fed ice cream (dead in a few weeks).

When are people going to wake up?

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