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Messages - Timgod

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In addition to Wanvisa, I have the following available.
These are all big blooming plants, not starts.
I'll charge $22 for each. This is also the best price on the internet and only for forum members.
I ship Priority Mail®in a Medium Flat Rate Box $11.35.
$33.35 Total
All payments go through Paypal but you can also pay with a credit card through Paypal without having an account.
I only ship on Mondays or Tuesdays to ensure delivery before the weekend.
Shipping is a big portion of this price so if you order multiple plants you bring your cost per plant down considerably.
At least 2 plants can go in the medium flat rate box.
Laura Frase     3
Bull's Eye        3
Tanzanite        3
Ultra Violet      3
Tropic Sunset  3

I can only do continental US shipments, sorry to friends in farther reaches.

Got it, will send it out on Monday.

This is an 8 foot pool so I have quite a lot available to sell at this time.
I actually have more big specimen plants I use to get pictures of.


For all of you wanting Nymphaea 'Wanvisa' I can take care of your needs.
I'll charge $23 for a large piece, this is not a start.
I ship Priority Mail®in a Medium Flat Rate Box $11.35.
$34.35 Total
All payments go through Paypal but you can also pay with a credit card through Paypal without having an account.
I only ship on Mondays or Tuesdays to ensure delivery before the weekend.

I can only do continental US shipments, sorry to friends in farther reaches.

I have been supplying Pond Megastore on this item so you will get the same plant as their customers.

With Wanvisa you never really know what to expect on the next bloom so it is really pretty cool.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Eurayale ferox (gorgon)
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:32:49 PM »
Hey Marie,
you still got any ferox?
I'd like to get one that is a decent size so it can bloom in a month or so if you have something like that.

email me Agentb2
I have it.
Where are you located?

See my post

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Wanvisa
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:27:04 PM »
where are you located?
email me I can probably help you.

See my post...

Hybridizing How To's... / Re: How to force tubers?
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:18:45 PM »
Nymphaea 'Tropic Sunset' is a great addition to the autumn shade plants.
It is a better bloomer than Barbara Barnett, Afterglow or AlbertGreenberg.
It is viviparous but it waits until the plant is fully mature usually.
Dixie cup style it doesn't work.
There is not really strong vitality in the vivips either but I get so many late season that I get multiples that make it through so even if I were to lose a plant, I would have extras the next season.

Except for the single Nymphaea 'Hot Pink' bloom on the left this is all blooms from 2 plants of N. 'Tropic Sunset'

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: N. Gigantea 'Blue Cloud'
« on: July 31, 2011, 07:50:08 PM »
Hey Marie,

Sorry, just heard about your query.
I really don't think Blue Cloud will hit the market within the next 5 years at least.
We have a grower who is chomping at the bit for it but I caused a shortage last year.
Since we had people coming from all over the world for the IWGS symposium, we pulled out all the stops.
We had 3 full size plants growing last year. They covered a space of about 25' x 15'.
That is how I got the great shot with multiple blooms fading in the distance that is my avatar on IWC for Facebook...

Once they get that big, they are really fleshy and they do not form tubers.
This plus pulling one for the competition, depleted his cache for a while.
We are actually growing some now just for tubering purposes, the only problem is that it is really tough and does not like to go to sleep kind of like a little kid at bedtime.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: N. Gigantea 'Blue Cloud'
« on: July 20, 2011, 08:02:04 PM »
Blue Cloud is not available anywhere for sale.
We had one at Nelson's at the off-site greenhouse before shipping to Duke for the waterlily competition.
No one would have seen that though because it was at the production facility.
Blue Cloud has more petals, wider petals, is larger and is more cold hardy than a regular gigantea.
It has come back in the pools in San Angelo the last 3 years and that is with multiple days in the teens each year.


Pond Chat / Re: Anyone know who is?
« on: July 16, 2011, 03:08:51 PM »

Zac is a good friend and has been for several years.
I know that his lilies come from F.A.N. and they are as trustworthy as it gets and they do so without having to align themselves with WGI.
I have talked to several other big growers who do not say they are Truly Named because they don't jeopardize their integrity for a quick sale.
They know their money is in repeat business especially for those up north who have to treat waterlilies as an annual.

As to the videos, well we both work together on them. Most of them I have filmed and done the spoken portion of as well.
Most are done at the IWC. In fact we did about 20 videos in the last 3 days out there and they will be online soon.
We are partners in the video portion but Pond Mega is all Zac.


Dealer Deals / Re: Wanvisa Plants now available
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:39:45 PM »
They are $46.50 @ Pond Megastore.


Pond Chat / Re: Albert De Lestang
« on: October 06, 2010, 11:27:04 AM »
I have actually lost a Lestand once or twice but they were giants and very fleshy when cold struck.
I now stop feeding them earlier to get them to harden off a bit and they come through like troopers in my zone 8 weather.


They are all incredible and I want to thank you again for letting us show your material.


Chit Chat / Re: What's going on with me... Why I have not been active.
« on: October 06, 2010, 07:32:29 AM »
Sorry to hear you are not well.
Hope they figure it out and get you back to normal very soon.
Take care of yourself.


Time to blow you away again... :blowup:

Go check out the newest info on Mike Giles' incredible ISG hybrids...
There are now 5 different purple hybrids and an unreal red one.


Pond Chat / Re: Albert De Lestang
« on: October 05, 2010, 08:50:23 PM »
Hey Mike,
It should most likely make it through winter in Fl.
As long as it does not go below 50 degree water for any extended period it should do fine.


Pond Chat / Re: Texas White List
« on: September 08, 2010, 08:08:15 AM »
This link will give you access to the proposed approved (Aug 31), denied (Sep 7) and awaiting a risk assessment (Aug 31) lists.


Pond Chat / Texas White List
« on: September 07, 2010, 08:37:47 PM »
The Texas White List is really getting ugly. If you live in Texas and enjoy ponds and water plants, you need to be aware and take some action with your elected officials.
See the list of banned invasives at this point. It is changing very rapidly and the final form will be enacted as law in January.
Here is a small sample of what is being outlawed to be sold and grown in Texas...
Nelumbo nucifera (virtually all lotus except Nelumbo lutea which is native), Euryale ferox, Umbrella palm, Mexican papyrus, Egyptian papyrus, imperial taro, lime green taro etc. etc.
The list is at this address...

Find your Texas State Senator and let them know of your displeasure to the Texas White List...

Find your Texas House of Representative and let them know of your displeasure to the Texas White List...

You need to rally your neighbors and make your voice heard before your beloved aquatics are illegal.
There is still no information on fines or penalties if you grow these "outlaw" plants after January YET.


Pond Chat / IWGS New Waterlily Competition
« on: August 31, 2010, 07:53:52 PM »
The IWGS New Waterlily Competition is underway.
Judging will be over the next week and the winner's will be announced at the IWGS Banquet in San Angelo on September the 18th.
Go see the entries and the judges.
Good luck to everyone who entered this year.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Tropical Lilies
« on: August 31, 2010, 01:37:28 PM »
To anyone who lives in the south, this is a good offer especially for Foxfire... dirt cheap for that plant.
I have dealt with Josh several times and he is great to work with.


Pond Chat / Re: Tina vs Panama Pacific (pics)
« on: August 16, 2010, 06:11:35 AM »
Christian is correct.
Tina has solid sepals and a solid color block on the underneath of the pads... a green brown with reddish overtones.
Panama Pacific has flecks and stripes on the sepals and purple spots on the underneath of the pads.
This is the easiest way to distinguish the two.
They are also easier to tell apart on first day blooms as well because the colors are usually more pronounced (no fade from sun yet).


Great news.  @O@
Congratulations Mike... it's twins,, triplets etc. etc.

Nymphaea 'Purple Satin' is branching like a hardy.
This means that it will definitely be available in the future.
Go to our IWC site to see photographic evidence.


Pond Chat / Re: World's First Purple Hardy (ISG) revealed.
« on: August 14, 2010, 10:42:39 PM »
First dark purple hardy ISG by Mike Giles has a name...
Nymphaea 'Purple Satin'
New pictures are posted at our IWC page.


World's First Purple Hardy (ISG) revealed.
Mike Giles did not break through the intersubgeneric (ISG) hybrid barrier between hardies and tropicals.
He crashed through it to create the world's First Purple Hardy. (ISG)
This is a IWC exclusive thanks to Mike. Please follow the link to be amazed.

Congrats are in order from all of his friends here on AP.


Photo Album / Re: Pics from Tim
« on: June 12, 2010, 10:17:35 PM »
Thanks Holldoll

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Anybody for export?
« on: June 12, 2010, 10:06:44 PM »
Hi Tugrul,

A member here by the name of enzo does export.
I don't know if he is able to ship to your country but it would not hurt to ask.
As to the shipping method you describe... plants will not make it with that length of a trip.
They just cannot handle the stress and lack of water and light.
The only possibility in your case would be for him or someone like him to ship tubers.
If they are dormant and just about to break dormancy, they can handle an extended trip.

If you pay someone to ship plants, all you will have is a box of mush, less money and a broken heart.


Pond Chat / Re: Fernlady
« on: June 12, 2010, 09:43:34 PM »
Thank you, all of you.   Hope I can live up to the expectations!!

No problem Marie... you have this one in the proverbial bag.
You are a great friend and well versed in waterlilies, their care, propagation and even storage in an inclement climate.


Photo Album / Re: Pics from Tim
« on: June 07, 2010, 08:56:55 PM »
Thanks Ladies
Glad you liked them.


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