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Messages - tammie

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Pond Chat / Re: Interesting Raccoon Article
« on: November 11, 2009, 08:42:28 AM »
We don't have racoons in Hawaii - but we have centipedes!

Chit Chat / Re: Hi all - I need some advice on cat smells...
« on: November 11, 2009, 08:33:58 AM »
Since he's in the military I'm not worried at all about getting the damages paid for - one call to his Master Chief and all will be taken care of.  I'm just tired of having to deal with the cleaning, repairing stuff.  She worked for me, that's the only reason they were in the apartment.  He was suppose to be here yesterday with "a bunch of friends" to finish moving out - none of his "friends" showed up! lol 
Lee Anne I am so hoping you're right!  I had only been inside the apartment one other time, and I knew there were cats in there, but it wasn't over powering.  Now it's horrible!  But both cat boxes were really dirty.. she was only given 48 hours notice from the military on her departure flight time.  She didn't have alot of time to pack, let alone clean.  He's suppose to have all of his stuff out, and the apartment cleaned by the 15th.  And it's suppose to rain for the next few days - flood watch all ready posted  lol Better rent a uhaul! 
Shanna - I have pictures of what the apartment looked like when they moved in.  Believe me I've paid so much out in repairs on the place... I've learned!

Chit Chat / Re: Hi all - I need some advice on cat smells...
« on: November 10, 2009, 07:11:28 AM »
Julles - hubby isn't charging her anything for his help.  Neither one of us could stand by and watch her get screwed (can I say that?) over by her jerk of a husband.  He's 21, she's 20.  He's in the Navy, all of her family is in Kansas.  He got a lawyer, that the military took care of, the military wouldn't provide one for her.  His attitude sure did change when he found out that she had a attorney.  Wasn't to many hours of legal work, more just holding her hand and explaining documents to her.  And at her age she needed it.  She also worked for me feeding the horses in the morning.  I would sure hope somebody would step up and help my daughter if she needed it. 

Hey Karen!  Isn't tomorrow a school holiday?  If you leave right now we'd have a whole day to clean before you had to get back on a plane! lol  I use Nature's Miracle when my old Rottie has a "accident" in my house.  "Accident" means it's raining outside and my princess can not possibly go outside in the rain! ::) I'm still hoping - fingers crossed - that the smell in the apartment is mostly from the litter boxes.  The husband was here last night and says he'll have all of his stuff out today - I doubt it, but I can hope...

Hey!  Anybody that wants to come help is more then welcome!  I still have one spare bedroom in my house and a car available...

Chit Chat / Re: Hi all - I need some advice on cat smells...
« on: November 09, 2009, 02:12:45 PM »
I do have a deposit but most of that is going to be used to fix all the torn up and bent screens... There's no grout on the tile.  It's the kind that you put down with super strong adhesive.  Not the peel and stick stuff, the kind you find in commerical buildings.  I'm going to try the odorban stuff - it worked really well on the dead rat smell... another story.  My goal for today is to get the 2 cats the husband is going to keep out of the apartment so I can at least open it up! Oh!  Did I tell you that the husband changed his phone #, so now I have no way of contacting him.  Of course I have his divorce lawyers phone #, since my husband is the wife's divorce lawyer! lol  Beleive me I would have loved to see the look on his face when he found out his wife had a attorney and he wouldn't get away with running over her!  (and he tried - shut off her phone, emptied the bank accounts, refused to pay the rent, took her car off his insurance)

Chit Chat / Re: Hi all - I need some advice on cat smells...
« on: November 09, 2009, 07:51:39 AM »
No carpets- thank goodness!  Commerical grade tile only.  When I built the apartment I used as many windows as I could there are 2 6' sliding doors, 6 4' x 8' windows and 2 other windows about 3' x 4'.  All so the apartment would be full of light and since it's on the second floor, lots of air.  They put heavy curtains on every window, and kept them shut 24 hours a day.  It's like living in a cave... The cats have destroyed all of the screens on the windows and the (idiots!) people thru away the screen doors for the sliders!  I haven't seen any evidence of spraying, but the husband hasn't moved his stuff out yet.  He gets all the furniture.  I'll probably wash everything down with Odorban.  But I don't want to bother with that work if I'll just have to paint it.  Might as well use the energy, and time, and just paint it all.  I hate painting!  Absolutely hate painting!  Anybody want to come over and paint for me? 

Chit Chat / Hi all - I need some advice on cat smells...
« on: November 08, 2009, 09:35:21 PM »
I have a apartment that I rent out.  It's really small, I think it's 15' x 25'.  Really small.  The couple that were living in it had 5 cats... They kept all the windows shut in the apartment, and ran the air conditioner all day and all night.  The apartment reeks!  I just painted the whole thing in May... They're divorcing, she took 3 cats he's going to take the other 2.  When he takes the cats out (suppose to be tomorrow morning) what can I do to get rid of the smell?  I'm hoping that opening up all the windows will work, but after going into the apartment this afternoon I think it's going to take more then fresh air... Am I going to have to repaint everything?  I'm really, really hoping that once the litter boxs and all the rugs, drapes etc. are out of there that the smell will leave too!  Anybody have any ideas? 

Chit Chat / Re: A silver lining to our house fire
« on: November 05, 2009, 08:11:54 AM »
My husband is 6'8"... let me know what sizes your hubby wears - maybe we'll have stuff we could send to your hubby.  Shoes sizes too - mine wears a size 17
Let me know!

Chit Chat / Re: Nice News
« on: October 19, 2009, 08:58:25 AM »
Both my daughter and husband were members of PTK when they attended the smaller community college.   Both received 1/2 off tuition waivers because they were members, when they finished their degrees at the bigger 4 year universities. 

Pond Chat / Re: Pond Back! A new term for me.
« on: August 27, 2009, 03:01:04 PM »
I also wear waders in the pond after getting a really, really nasty infection in my leg.  There was no doubt that it was from being in the pond, with a open sore on my leg (scratched a mosquito bite...) After IV antibiotics and about 3 weeks of walking on a very painfull, swollen leg, I now always wear waders in the pond...

Pond Chat / Re: Some of today's lily blooms
« on: July 29, 2009, 04:10:19 PM »
Yeah!  I'm glad you finally got some blooms! 

Pond Chat / Re: Another lily I hope Craig or someone can identify
« on: July 20, 2009, 02:21:04 PM »
There's your Foxfire!

Pond Chat / Re: Is this Foxfire?
« on: July 19, 2009, 11:52:25 AM »
Not Foxfire... sorry.

Pond Chat / Re: Frost in July, the summer that wasn't
« on: July 16, 2009, 05:58:27 PM »
It's 89* and super humid today!  You all can't fit in the one bedroom, but I have a few empty horse stalls you're welcome to!  Louis has first dibs on the bedroom, Joyce can have the full size bed in the old entry way - lot's of great breezes in there!  Okay, I still have the couch and a couple of chairs open...

Chit Chat / Re: why I haven't been around
« on: July 16, 2009, 09:20:24 AM »
Nothing your ex does is because of you!  She is the only person responsible for her actions.  I don't believe she tried to kill herself - she was trying to get back at you, and she did!  She knew exactly what she was doing!  You have got to quit giving her so much power over you!  I know, easier said then done... My two oldest step daughters are addicts - one to persciption drugs, one illegal drugs.  Both have finally cleaned up, but it was a long haul thru hell. 
Please keep posting, please know you have friends here!
Hey!  Maybe you should make plans to go to the South California pond party!  And then we'll all start working on Michelle to go too... o(:-)   {:-P;;

Pond Chat / Re: Frost in July, the summer that wasn't
« on: July 16, 2009, 09:10:19 AM »
Not fair!  I keep telling you I have a spare bedroom...

Pond Chat / Re: update on the Merida ponds *New Pics 6/09*
« on: June 24, 2009, 02:37:54 PM »
Hey Jonna!  You know how I feel about stone and concrete!  Love it - no termites!
I have a big problem with green water in our rainy season too.  Hate to tell you but the only thing I've gotten to work is a uv.  Make sure is the correct size for your pond.  I have 2 -55 gallon filters and a 3' x 10' plant pond (used to filter the "big" pond) and a 20 gallon pot with filter pads and quilt batting in it.  All of those to filter one 2000 gallon pond - with only 5 wakin in it.  Only thing that clears the water is the uv. 
P.S. - when will the guest room be available?  lol  I'll be there!

Pond Chat / Re: Leak!
« on: June 21, 2009, 02:49:49 PM »
Yep.  Termites are thru my Xavan liner... heron poked holes in 20 ml EDMP liner.  Now the pond is concrete!

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Please answer this
« on: June 17, 2009, 05:42:51 PM »
The person shipping the plants has to get the phytosanitary certificate from the Dept. of Agriculture.  When I receive plants from foreign countries I have to have a import permit, also from the Dept of Ag.  Nothing to do with the post office.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Please answer this
« on: June 16, 2009, 02:35:28 PM »
Maybe contact Jonna, (did I spell her name right?)a member here who lives in Mexico.  She hasn't been around here for a while... but if you look her up on the members list she has a link to her blog, and I think a email too.  She's found a bunch of nurseries in Mexico with lilies and other plants.  I have shipped internationally, and the hassel it horrible!  I'm sure you'd have to have a Phito cert and probably you'd have to have a import licence too.  Better to find somebody in Mexico.
Good luck!  Wish I could help...

Pond Chat / Re: I Smell a Rat
« on: June 12, 2009, 12:34:09 PM »
 lol Sorry.  Love the story - I can relate! 

Pond Chat / Re: Please tell me what this lilly is called.....
« on: May 31, 2009, 02:21:26 PM »
Or Wood's Blue Goddess.  Post pictures of the pads, that'll help.  But since you can't trace the provedence of the lily it really should be called "un-name pretty blue lily, that might be a Colorata or Wood's blue Goddess, but don't quote me on that". Guessing at the name, and then passing the lily along to other lily lovers is one way so many incorrect lilies end up on the market.

Chit Chat / Re: 21 horses.
« on: April 27, 2009, 09:41:48 PM »
You really have to be carefull with Selenium.  Most feed, and pasture grass has some in it.  Then you go and add a supplement, and end up giving to much.  The grass here in Hawaii doesn't have any Selenium in it, but if one of my horses was on straight pasture I still wouldn't give and supplement.  To easy to overdose.  There is acute selenium poisoning, and chronic selenium poisoning.  Chronic is hair lose, bad hooves, general unhealthy horse.  I can't remember now what the acute poisoning symtoms are... I did look it up when this all happened and remember thinking that the symtoms didn't fit what happened to these horses.  But man!  They sure were overdosed!  Such a shame...
I'd think the horses were all insured.  Bet the insurance company will be filing their law suit soon...

Chit Chat / Re: Another prayer request
« on: April 27, 2009, 03:39:12 PM »
Thinking of you both!  :hug:  Hang in there!

Mine has filled a 10' pool... I just can't throw it away!  Let me know, probably in June, if you want to give it a try.  June should be about right for the temps.  I don't know about bringing it in for the winter.  I think Lawanna was putting it in her greenhouse, but has given up now. 
You just let me know, okay?

Kathy - Mosaic plant is very touchy.  It's the only plant I have that will go semi-dormant here (I live in Hawaii).  It wants minimum 75* water and air temps or it will start to decline.  You'll need to fertilize it at least every month, it's a heavy feeder, just like water lilies.  Also when you ship it it will lose most of it's leaves.  If you're still interested please PM me.

Chit Chat / Re: new highlights
« on: April 25, 2009, 02:54:21 PM »
I like it!  And congrats on the weight lose!  Very impressive!

Chit Chat / Re: Your prayers please
« on: April 25, 2009, 02:52:55 PM »
Update on daughter please... tap, tap, tap....

Chit Chat / Re: 21 horses.
« on: April 24, 2009, 04:17:57 PM »
Ah... thought it would have something to do with the B-12 shots.  So d**n sad!

Chit Chat / Re: 21 horses.
« on: April 22, 2009, 03:51:55 PM »
Race horses are fun  ::) to retrain!  They only have one speed, no brakes and will only go to the left!  Hard to teach them to pick up the right lead! 
There is plenty of "doping" with polo horses - steroids.  I don't think the problem is going to be moldy hay tho... most horses, unless they've been starved, won't eat moldy hay.  Even if they did the results would be a colicy horse, not the heart problems these horses experienced.  I think they're going to find a toxin in the horses "giddy-up" drug... I'd put money on that all of the horses got B-12 shots before they were trailered.

Chit Chat / Re: Braeden went home
« on: April 18, 2009, 09:17:26 AM »
Esther, hugs to you and your family.

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