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Messages - louis

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Pond Chat / Re: New Photo-Lou Belloisy's 'SILVER MOON' at Duke Gardens
« on: September 16, 2009, 02:14:48 PM »
Hello Ruth,

My goodness, its nice to see the plant at Duke, thanks for posting it. its hard to tell from the photo if its first day or not, i think it might be the second day.

the color of the flower is dependent on the temperature, i have found, the cooler the deeper the blue.
i cant read the plaque, what did it say.

looks nice, i am pleased.

thank you,


Pond Chat / Re: Victoria Longwood
« on: September 10, 2009, 06:13:11 PM »
hi tim, great shots, very very nice.


Pond Chat / Brooklyn Blue second day blooms
« on: September 10, 2009, 05:54:14 PM »
hi all, i posted some photos of a nice tropical from John Meeks in Waterford gardens a few days ago. here are some photos of the bloom on the second day when the bloom flattens out.

the first photo is from the first day bloom and the second and third photos are from the second day.

Pond Chat / Re: Tobago Red
« on: September 10, 2009, 05:35:59 PM »
Hi Craig, thats a great red. how does the red compare to charlie's pride. charlie's pride is giving me the most vivid red in the cool weather.

looks like all had a great time.


Pond Chat / Re: Squirrel attack on lilies >:(-
« on: September 09, 2009, 05:54:49 PM »
Well at least they can only get the ones around the edge as I don't believe they can swim or at least they don't choose to  ;D. What a cute picture and there is nothing wrong w/ the way that picture turned out either  O0. I always ask everyone what kind of camera they have so....................could you please tell me? I'm going to get one come this December or January so I'm in the need to know mode..........thanks  :).

hi janice,
i used a pocket camera called the canon G-10


Pond Chat / Re: Squirrel attack on lilies >:(-
« on: September 09, 2009, 08:59:26 AM »

What on earth are they doing with the lilies?  Eating them?  Whodathunkit?

Here, they're about to start rummaging in all the potted plants  {nono} , to bury their autumn stash of nuts. There was a BIG hole in my lady palm pot this morning, with soil tossed all out and over the rim.  >:(

hi julles, they are eating the pads and the buds.


Pond Chat / Squirrel attack on lilies >:(-
« on: September 09, 2009, 06:12:13 AM »
I don't believe it. if its not the deer, its the heron, then the mink, then the dogs, then the kids, then the big city people, then its the raccoons and now its the squirrels.

I was wondering what was tearing the lilies, i had a hunch it was these guys and this morning caught him in the act. the photo is very bad, because it was taken from behind glass.

cute little buggers though.


Pond Chat / Re: Unique lily - N. Brooklyn Blue
« on: September 04, 2009, 03:22:41 PM »
That's really nice.
Kind of reminds me of N. 'Alexis' and N. 'Sandra Lynn' which I really like.
I think he said that at certain times of year the center changes to more resemble 'WBG'
Now that would be cool to document with a photo spread as they are so different in shape.


hi tim,

i will try before it gets too cold.


Pond Chat / Re: Unique lily - N. Brooklyn Blue
« on: September 03, 2009, 05:03:11 PM »
Hey Lou,

Have you heard anything from or about John of late?  I spoke with his friend Marc at Brooklyn Botanical earlier this summer and he didn't mention John...that was a first.

As i remember, John told me 'Brooklyn Blue' appeared in a pond of 'Wood's Blue Goddess'....seedling or sport he didn't know.  I think he said that at certain times of year the center changes to more resemble 'WBG', or am I mis-remembering that?

Congratulations on the award for 'Silver Moon', btw.  So what do you have planned to enter next year?<g>

hi craig,
no, i have not heard from john. i took a ride to waterford this past spring and asked for him. the only person working that day said that they had not heard from him.

he must have run away from home, again :)


Pond Chat / Re: Unique lily - N. Brooklyn Blue
« on: September 03, 2009, 02:34:50 PM »
That is a beautiful flower - you are so lucky to have it!

We bought most of our pond equipment from Waterford Gardens,  so we know it pretty well.  You are referring to the one in NJ aren't you?, They have some wonderful plants there, and it's a great place to go browse and drool 8-)~ a bit!  Some day hopefully I'll be able to buy a pretty plant from there, but for now I get my parrots feathers there.

John is the owner, right?  If so, he has been very helpful to my husband and me.

hi lynne,
john is no long at waterford gardens, and yes its in Joisey. john left a couple of years ago and i think his brother is running the place.


Pond Chat / Unique lily - N. Brooklyn Blue
« on: September 03, 2009, 11:52:03 AM »
This is a plant that was a chance seedling grown by a friend - John Meeks from Waterford Gardens.
I think there are only a couple of these plants and i am so pleased that I have one. Its a huge, huge plant. It has a spread of 8 to 10 feet with pads 2 feet long by one foot wide. i would love to see what this plant would do in an earth bottom tropical pond. flowers are about 8 inches wide when the plant is given the chance to spread.

the colors are true to this plant in the early afternoon sun. this is a first day bloom and as the second and third day come, the flower flattens out quite nicely.


hi all,

i am thrilled, from my basement tanks and one and half month summer comes this nice plant. there is hope for us weekend hybridizers.

here are a couple of images of the flower:


Pond Chat / Re: IWGS Waterlily Competition
« on: August 29, 2009, 07:08:05 AM »
I am so sorry.
There was a problem with the site.
It kept locking in formatting and links to items of text.
It was putting a hyperlink to a picture below (the wrong picture).
I repeatedly had to delete the text and reinput it to try and correct it.
In the final input I typo'd.
I just fixed it.
Please forgive me... as you had seen in the above post I knew it was you and had tried to give you credit.


hi tim, as i said in your email, no problem.

thanks for alll your great work.


Pond Chat / Re: IWGS Waterlily Competition
« on: August 29, 2009, 06:53:08 AM »
Hi all, i read the report on the contest this morning and lo and behold they omitted my name and instead give plant credit to florida aquatics.

i have been in contact with them and they are going to correct the mistake.

it was fun.


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrid Hibiscus
« on: August 21, 2009, 04:19:38 PM »
OK then , maybe then, 'Rising Pheonix'?

Hey, next week I am on vacation.
We're thinking of going up to Logees for a day trip. 8)

hi joyce, i love logees, but unfortunatly i have to work.
thanks anyway.


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrid Hibiscus
« on: August 21, 2009, 06:23:34 AM »
Louis, yours is awesome. :clap:  Looks like Molten Lava.  :o
Whatcha gonna name it? ?)(?

hi joyce, hope you are feeling well, molten lava is a neat name. sometimes naming a plant is its death sentence  :'(


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrid Hibiscus
« on: August 21, 2009, 05:47:30 AM »
It kinda looks like mine called "Tsunami"  It actually blooms for 2 days and thesecond day it kinda fades to that color

hi freddie, great looking flower, super color. where did you get it?


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrid Hibiscus
« on: August 20, 2009, 03:46:39 PM »
Gorgeous Lou!  When should I start checking the mail for my cutting?<g>

hi carig, very shortly, she is growing very nicely.  O0


Pond Chat / New Hybrid Hibiscus
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:31:04 AM »
Sorry not a waterlily, however, its a neat plant. the story goes: back many years i had a greenhouse filled with beautiful hibiscus and eventually had to close the greenhouse due to rising energy costs. I gave all my plants to various nursing homes and they eventually were neglected and died.

I had crossed two plants and did get some seeds and put them in storage for a few years. I decided to give them a try last winter and out of 20 or so seeds, one germinated and gave me this super plant. This plant is a cross between H. Fifth Dimension and H. Path.

this flower is first day and actually they only last one day. the bloom is 7 inches in diameter and foliage is a bright mint green.

Now if we can only get a waterlily this color.



Pond Chat / Re: A Few Tropicals in bloom today. :)
« on: August 17, 2009, 05:09:24 PM »
Thanks everyone for looking and commenting. i envy those (ahem  {:-P;; {:-P;;) who get more than one month of summer.


Pond Chat / Re: A Few Tropicals in bloom today. :)
« on: August 17, 2009, 05:07:59 PM »
I'm happy to hear you finally got some nice weather. The lilies are all gorgeous. I do really like  the red Charlie's Choice. I missed seeing your photos this year. How is Rasberry Sorbet? I sill think it's very pretty too.


hi maryvonne,
raspberry sorbet is doing fine. i will get some photos of it this week.

thanks for asking.


Pond Chat / A Few Tropicals in bloom today. :)
« on: August 16, 2009, 05:36:21 PM »
Hi all, its been hot and the plants love it. had a little catastrophe yesterday when one of the neighbors black labs jumped into the pond and trashed some plants. of course the owner said that is was not his dog, could have been another black lab. gotta love the big city folks who come to the country to let their dogs run free.

Ok the first is the wonderful N. Charlies Pride. its the most red lily that i have ever seen. its really hard to photograoph and get the correct color.

Closer of Charlies Pride.

Wonderful first day of N. Lynn Ellen.

And my own - N. Silver Moon, first and third day blooms.


Pond Chat / Re: Yasuhiro
« on: August 16, 2009, 05:28:37 PM »


Pond Chat / Re: A few blues.
« on: August 16, 2009, 05:26:57 PM »
Hello Craig, as usual, beautiful.


Pond Chat / Re: Some of today's lily blooms
« on: July 28, 2009, 04:47:27 PM »
Great shots Lou,
My Lynn Ellen and Charlie's Pride are monsters right now as far as bloom size and really putting on a show here as well.


hi tim, my plants suffered from the cold, the only plant that bloomed through the 30 degree nights was the lynn ellen. big plant. i am just now, the last week of july getting flowers. the pads were all rust red from the cold, now they are turning green


Pond Chat / Re: Some of today's lily blooms
« on: July 28, 2009, 02:43:39 PM »
Louis, its good to see some photos from you. :)

They are all gorgeous. That Lynne Ellen is quite pretty. O0

hi shanna,
lynne ellen is stunning, unfortunately i cannot get a true color photo. its a subtle pale green and yellow, with some light blue on the tips..


Pond Chat / Some of today's lily blooms
« on: July 28, 2009, 02:20:25 PM »
Hi All, yipiee we hit 90 degrees today, here is what is blooming in the ponds. maybe i will get a few more before the snow  >:(-




Charlies Pride

Lynne Ellen

Lynne Ellen

Pink Ribbon

Pink Ribbon

Pond Chat / Re: Moon Dance Anyone?
« on: July 17, 2009, 05:32:50 PM »
hi joyce,
great shots, hope you are doing well.


Pond Chat / Re: Feeling Yellow Today
« on: July 17, 2009, 05:22:56 PM »
hi kat,
great photos of beautiful plants.


Pond Chat / Re: The Agony and the Ecstasy of living with wildlife
« on: July 17, 2009, 05:58:08 AM »
I couldn't imagine dealing with a mink.

hi kat, its impossible to deal with them. i have relocated many but they breed like, well they breed like mink  :D


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