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Messages - 2vetts

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Chit Chat / Re: Anyone worked with stamped concrete?
« on: March 19, 2010, 01:03:21 PM »
worked with-no. we had a stamped and colored patio put in about 18 months ago and are very pleased with it . we have some pond pix in here somewhere and i'd guess the patio is in one since they are adjacent . if you have it done and pick a good company i think you will be pleased . if you try to do it i reserve comment .

Chit Chat / Re: Some members BLOGS, feel free to add yours!
« on: March 10, 2010, 05:36:56 AM »
so what in the ******** is a 'blog' ?

Pond Chat / Re: parasites
« on: March 10, 2010, 05:25:07 AM »
no , i haven't seen the parasites, i assumed they were microscopic . the fish got open sores about 1/4 inch in size and would act like they were trying to rub them selves on pond bottom . this morning there is a second dead fish ,probably not recent but just noticed as more ice has melted . i'm tempted to throw in about a thousand pennies as the copper leaching from them might solve the problem .

Chit Chat / Re: I loved the oscars...
« on: March 09, 2010, 12:51:27 PM »
thought you were referring to 'astronautus ocellatus' [forgive spelling] the common 'oscar' nice friendly fishies .

Pond Chat / parasites
« on: March 09, 2010, 12:48:16 PM »
well the ice is thawing and unfortunately for you kind folks i'm back . last fall the pond had [apparently] parasites and this is something i'd not encountered before . we lost a few comets and bought some food to prevent parasites . however , our parasites appeared to be external rather than internal and i'm doubtful as to the effect of the food . i don't want to battle this all year does someone know a correct solution to this problem . i read somewhere that this might have been caused by some frogs which appeared and spent the summer with us , thoughts on that please . the pond at our previous house had neither frogs or parasites . incidentally , i just removed a dead fish which i suspect went into winter stressed by the parasites . by the way, do i need to buy a special food for the spring and chilly water . as always thanks for your expertise . . .peace

Chit Chat / Re: Dec 21 2012
« on: February 19, 2010, 04:28:29 AM »
been hearing about it for last couple of years . don't expect it will go from okay to horrible in a few minutes but rather will get bad progressively as whatever 'heavenly bodies' begin to line up . it's supposed to cause a shift in earths core and magnetic poles . don't care to see it but it will be good to expire . . .peace

Chit Chat / Re: How did we survive back then?
« on: February 17, 2010, 09:54:42 AM »
just stumbled across this . it's appropriate because i'd been thinking that i wouldn't trade my childhood with any of todays kids . i'm 70 and when i look back on my youth i wonder how i AND MY PARENTS survived . just realized my dad didn't , he died when i was 15 but he came close to seeing my entire youth . never had tv until i was 12 . never had a computer and that was a blessing [of course nobody had computers then] .. . .peace

Pond Chat / Re: Getting Moss to Grow on Rocks
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:07:35 AM »
think i've read that you take some moss and blend it with milk and paint mixture on rocks . imagine it needs to stay damp and somewhat shady . i have NOT tried this . do a search on computer for suggestions anything can be found that way [for example that's what brought me here] .

Pond Chat / Re: Can we talk about vacs? Please.....
« on: January 16, 2010, 08:59:26 AM »
took 'jerrys' advice last month and bought one where he recommended . haven't had it out of box yet but so far no problems .

Chit Chat / Re: Coyote sighting and my idiot neighbor. Rant of the day!
« on: January 05, 2010, 07:33:57 AM »
i also saw a coyote about a mile from home while bicycling in park the week before christmas . it stopped in the trail then started to continue into the woods but stopped and looked again before disappearing . i could read it's mind when it stopped a second time ''what's that old fool doing riding a bike '' . . . .peace

Pond Chat / Re: pond heater-deicer
« on: December 10, 2009, 11:45:23 AM »
got the new heater and put it in skimmer like first one, opened the lid this morning and it was iced in just like the one i was replacing because it was ''bad'' . guess my fish are going to have a long winter . pond at other house wasn't much of a problem but this one i regret having built .

Pond Chat / Re: pond heater-deicer
« on: December 07, 2009, 04:34:51 AM »
never saw a bullhead in a river and that still didn't help with my search for a heater . jerry ,however, did help and it only cost a little over $300 . thanks jerry

Pond Chat / pond heater-deicer
« on: December 05, 2009, 07:08:05 AM »
we have a small heater from our pond at last house but it has set in cupboard for 7 years [since we moved here]. i put it in our skimmer bucket which contains pump during summer and when checking it just now i found ice . it appears i need to replace it but they are ridiculously expensive any suggestions for a source or brand . that's zone 5 and temp is currently mid 20's f not c. thanks . . .peace

Pond Chat / winterizing ''savio'' pond
« on: November 12, 2009, 10:47:45 AM »
our pond has savio equipment [skimmer , waterfall bucket , pump] and i'd like suggestions on winterizing in zone 5 . what i really want to know is this : do i leave skimmer barrel full or empty it which would mean lowering water level . i thought of putting a baffle over skimmer opening so i could maintain pond depth . i know to drain lines and remove pump just puzzled over best procedure for skimmer barrel .. .peace

Chit Chat / Re: Daydream...
« on: October 28, 2009, 06:13:06 AM »
trying to think how i could help . thought i could replace the ugly dog until the part about'lick the bad GUYS face' that is a horrible task and beneath me . suppose i could wash dishes and do house and yard work as everyone else would be to busy . actually, i'm going to think some more before i commit .

Chit Chat / Re: Pond And Corvette Pictures
« on: October 15, 2009, 12:28:54 PM »
miss/mrs katfish ,thank you very much , just the reply worked wonders . incidentally, i'm old enough to be your grandfather but not old enough to be grownup [whatever that is] . 

Chit Chat / Re: Pond And Corvette Pictures
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:43:41 AM »
yes , 2000 and 1966 . lucky is exactly right as what we have has required no skill on my part . it really bothers me that we have so much 'stuff' and i am so so unhappy .  i guess i should tell others '' don't be concerned with 'stuff' but find what makes you happy'' .

Chit Chat / Re: Pond And Corvette Pictures
« on: October 13, 2009, 04:24:29 PM »
Corvette Pictures

Chit Chat / Re: Pond And Corvette Pictures
« on: October 13, 2009, 04:23:54 PM »
More Pond Pictures

Chit Chat / Pond And Corvette Pictures
« on: October 13, 2009, 04:23:13 PM »
Pond Pictures

Pond Chat / pond vacuums
« on: October 11, 2009, 12:11:32 PM »
yes i did a search and nothing happened . so someone tell me about pond vacuums . are there different 1] brands 2] styles 3] powers ? is one better than another ? recommendations ,please . on our other pond i just used a spare sump pump with two hoses but a 5/8's hose covered a very small area of bottom . wonder if i could just put a bell shape on end of hose and try it or if the suction would be greatly diminished . . . pond is 12 x 20 x 2 [deep] ............pps. has anyone tried a wet/dry shop vacuum . looking on ebay they are considerably cheaper .

Chit Chat / Re: What did you do with your old vinyl records?
« on: October 09, 2009, 11:44:36 AM »
we also have records and some 8 track . but what really intrigues me is term ''dh'' . i will hope it isn't designated hitter .

Chit Chat / Re: Going to the jewelery store!!!
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:51:02 AM »
enjoy!!!! by the way , i just discovered your message about cut and paste , i think it said august 24 but i hadn't found it because i was not familiar with that ''feature'' .

Pond Chat / food below 55
« on: October 08, 2009, 06:04:08 AM »
it's early to have h2o temp below 55 but it is never the less . local pond store recommends a different food is that a good idea and when does one stop feeding altogether . . .peace...........00ps, that's zone 5

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Esther and Pond Man in Florida
« on: October 07, 2009, 11:49:57 AM »
happy birthday folks  [never figured out whats to celebrate about getting older]

Chit Chat / Re: Just merried.........
« on: October 01, 2009, 08:20:21 AM »
hope your ''merriage'' is happy .

Chit Chat / Re: To 2Vetts and all you other ancients.
« on: October 01, 2009, 08:18:30 AM »
HUHH!!!!! and also what is an ''emo style'' haircut . i was going to run away from home but i'm not allowed to cross the street any more [to hard for me to get up the curb ,i guess].

Chit Chat / Re: Toledo's painted frogs
« on: October 01, 2009, 08:06:18 AM »
here in sylvania the only interesting objects i've seen are invisible painted ufo's .

Pond Chat / Re: Something attacked my foot in the pond
« on: September 13, 2009, 10:41:53 AM »
they'd have made a great movie of this in the fifties . .glad you weren't harmed . how'd you find courage to......... admit this .

Pond Chat / Re: fish with problem
« on: September 11, 2009, 01:07:30 PM »
i've isolated other ill fishie . we used to have a number of aquariums and folks back then used to up salt content and add a few pennies under assumption the copper would do in any parasites . lady at pond place looked at deceased fishie with microscope this morning and found nothing conclusive [ actually nothing period] . . again thanks .. ..peace

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