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Messages - karen J

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Pond Chat / Re: A Few Tropicals in bloom today. :)
« on: August 16, 2009, 08:23:29 PM »
It's nice to see your beautiful photos again, Louis. I think you did a great job capturing Charlie's Pride. It's beautiful.

Pond Chat / Re: Foxfire, Gonnere, and some hyacinth (Pics)
« on: August 16, 2009, 08:21:00 PM »
Looking good, Jessica! The Gonnere looks great. Our 'real' summer only started a couple weeks ago and now the kids return to school tomorrow.

Pond Chat / Re: some of my ponds click on pics twice
« on: July 20, 2009, 01:14:09 PM »
Same here- "adult friend finder" or something.

Very pretty ponds though! I like how you incorporated so many pretty things into one setting.

Pond Chat / Re: Got the hall pond planted
« on: July 20, 2009, 01:11:45 PM »
Thanks for posting the link to the renovation post. It's really quite fabulous. It must be quite a treat "coming home" from everyday errands and walking through that hall.

Pond Chat / Re: Got the hall pond planted
« on: July 20, 2009, 10:21:25 AM »
Jonna, that is just gorgeous! You did a wonderful job. Are the before and after pictures on your blog? I need to show them to my hubby.

Pond Chat / Re: More Lotus Pix...
« on: July 07, 2009, 07:16:49 PM »
How beautiful! It's a perfect moment. Enjoy!

I've been contemplating doing Fred Hahn's program of intensive resistance training ("Slow Burn") because I gained 10 pounds since quitting smoking. Honestly, I don't know what to do as it seems that I'm starving myself. Somehow the insulin is putting the pounds on, no matter how strict I eat.

Anyway, congrats to you! You're doing so well... how about some pics???  o(:-)

Chit Chat / Re: Where's John Johns?
« on: May 07, 2009, 08:02:38 PM »
I hope everything is OK. I think about John Johns a lot and hope that he is merely in hibernation. I do miss his political views (which are sooo akin to mine  ;)) What would we do without him?  :(

« on: April 30, 2009, 10:19:40 AM »
Prayers for you and your daughter. I hope she is OK today.

Chit Chat / Re: Another prayer request
« on: April 30, 2009, 10:17:25 AM »
Bullfrog, you and your wife sound like truly lovely people. I'm glad your wife is feeling better. It's hard to believe people could treat other people that way, especially when it's their job not to.

Good luck in your endeavors- I sincerely hope you can make a difference.

Chit Chat / Re: Swine Flu
« on: April 30, 2009, 07:46:37 AM »
Yes, the media is blowing it completely out of proportion to the point of it being a ridiculous farce. Over 30,000 people die every year from influenza, even after researchers do their best to determine the most probable strain for the vaccine. Swine is no different from any other influenza and is actually much milder than the strains from recent years. I don't know where the media get's it's information when they say it's "new". It is not "new".

I have a couple suspicions about all this hype:
1. News media (TV, radio, print) is in rapid decline. They are in dire straights and in desperate need of revenue. Vaccines are typically not very profitable, but they could be with the help of.....

2. Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? Thousands of people were BULLIED into getting vaccinated and what happened? The Swine flu fizzled out, 26 people died (from the vaccine), and hundreds of people got Guillain-Barré Syndrome (from the vaccine). Many young people became paraplegics (from the vaccine).

So, don't be afraid of a mild flu... be afraid of the media and the government. I hear Biden is jumping on the fear bandwagon now and is attempting to scare everyone into staying home.

I'm not afraid. Bring it on.

EDIT: Oh, and why is the media so befuddled by the fact that so many have died in Mexico city? Why? Doesn't Mexico have a MUCH better health care system than we do? Hummmmm? Aren't we supposed to emulate their excellent health care system?

EDIT: Oh and another thing (guess I'm just full of it today!  ;D), wearing a surgical mask isn't going to protect anyone. Instead of the media constantly showing footage of people wearing masks, why aren't they educating people about it? Why aren't they telling the truth? If they aren't telling the truth about that, is it possible that maybe they're not telling the truth about other things? So many questions.... ;)

EDIT: Note to self, must buy stock in companies that make influenza vaccines and surgical masks.  O0 And hurry!

Chit Chat / Re: Somali Pirate
« on: April 23, 2009, 06:14:32 PM »
Sorry, Jerry- the Obama Pirate pic is much sexier than that.... and I don't even like him.  ;)

Gotta admit that he is a very good looking Prez... Probably the best looking Prez we've had since Reagan.  ;D

Chit Chat / Re: Braeden's service & pix
« on: April 23, 2009, 06:10:43 PM »
Esther, you've been so strong throughout all this, and I'm glad Braeden is in Heaven where he has a lot of work to do there. Much of that work has already been done in the lives that he has touched. What a beautiful service. Yes, it was hard to read all this and I am on the third time and it still stings. But he has better and more important things to do now.

Chit Chat / Re: Somali Pirate
« on: April 23, 2009, 09:52:13 AM »
We have a friend who is a merchant marine, and is an engineer in the engine room (huge). He transports oil, and says they just cant have firearms on their giant tanker of flammable oil. Kinda makes sense, but if I was the owner of a shipping company I'd do anything I could to protect my product, employees, and ship from thieves.

I think Obama looks adorable as a pirate. Captain Jack Obama. Not really that far fetched, really.

Chit Chat / Re: MUSHROOMS.........
« on: April 23, 2009, 09:41:44 AM »
Beautiful mushroom pictures, thanks for posting them. Karen, thanks for putting a quarter on one for reference.

Seems that every year a small amount of people here go mushroom hunting around this time and post awesome pictures.  :D Steve posted the morel pics last year, if I remember correctly.
I have yet to find a mushroom that looks edible.

Where is a good place to look? I have woods in my backyard that slope down to a wetland. Lots of Oaks, but no Morels. What do they taste like? The only mushrooms I usually eat are little button, or Portabella. Occasionally a Shitake or those Woodears for hot & sour soup or other Chinese dishes.

Jaques Peppin said that you can wash mushrooms in water if you like, but you must dry them off immediately, before they soak up the water. That works for me if I'm only doing a few. If a lot, the brush is easier.

Chit Chat / Re: Braeden went home
« on: April 18, 2009, 05:24:51 PM »
Esther, I'm so sorry. Everyone here has been following Braeden, and my kids don't know what they should be feeling right now.

I'm glad he is with God now and that his suffering is over. He really was a brave little boy.

Chit Chat / Re: Hello...remember me?
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:34:25 PM »
Dennis I do remember you and that bridge is Awesome!

Jessica, it's nice to see you again and I'm so glad your family is a Lego family!  o(:-)  Your boys are growing! I was in San Diego in 1986... a very long time ago! I have some old pics from back in the day, as my brother was deployed (NAVY) on the Kitty Hawk ("Press On") at that time (many times, actually). He spent lots of time in the Indian ocean/Somalia area and I recently reflect on that time and whether we could have made a difference back then that would reflect a positive affect in their non-existent gov't as it exists now.  :D  I have very fond memories of the Officer's Mess (Shrimp and Piles of it, but mostly breaded), and marvelous tours of the great NAVY ships. But no Lego...alas, I was young and stupid. I was young and stupid while in Denmark as well- failing to visit the original Legoland.

Sooo... what kind of Lego do your boys like? My Matthew is completely smitten with those little "Racers", "Power Miners", and "Star Wars". My girl wants nothing to do with any Lego. I have a ton of "Technic" parts that I want to make robots with, but don't seem to have a lot of support in that area ...  >:(-

I'm hoping your horsetail comes up (again) this spring!  :)

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Resurrection Day, Easter, Holiday
« on: April 12, 2009, 08:42:18 PM »
What cute pictures! I did take pictures, but our kids were ornery and bickering. I still can't understand why. We are so easy-going... why the bickering on such a special day?

 On the positive side, we loved having our annual Easter Egg hunt. I (rather, the Easter Bunny) made it much more difficult for the children this year. I guess the Easter Bunny decided that our kids were old enough, and their brains are big enough... that it is finally time to get some REAL challenge. Bwahahah... it took them forever.... :D! lol

The Easter Bunny was evil... and ... cunning... and brilliant this year,  ;) It took them HOURS to find their eggs. They earned their sugar... {:-P;;

Chit Chat / Re: Easter Dessert ...
« on: April 12, 2009, 08:29:51 PM »
Well how about that? Someone from Houston posting a recipe from Wasilla, Alaska?  Love it!
I'm about a million pounds heavier from Birthday cake, but this is on my official list.  O0

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Karen and Christie...
« on: April 12, 2009, 08:27:04 PM »
Thanks. Sean! I had a very happy Birthday and I hope that Christy did too. I was born on Easter Sunday in 1966... It will happen again (Easter Birthday) when I'm in my '70's... if I make it.  ;)

Got some interesting garden presents, like an automatic waterer for pot plants, and some really cool vertical grid-like wire-grower thingies (will have to post pics!  :)). AND some pretty cool "gnome" windows that go nicely with my door. I see a new addiction in my future.  ;D

Thanks for thinking of us, Sean.  :hug:

Chit Chat / Re: Stinking Flu
« on: March 09, 2009, 05:49:29 PM »
landey1230, I hope you are feeling better soon.

We heard (at the local sandwich shop, always the best for local info  ;)) that there were "two" types of flu around here. One is a really low grade fever and symptoms for weeks, the other is a high grade fever with symptoms only about a week. Either one, according to the sandwich shop owner, is awful.

Isn't there some kind of flu sinus spray that is supposed to help a little bit? Not the Zicam stuff, this is something available only by prescription and only for the flu. Don't know much about it.

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Joyce!!!!!
« on: March 09, 2009, 05:40:52 PM »
Shucks... so sorry... belated Happy Birthday to you!

That Barry Glick is interesting. I've been getting the emails from them for quite some time and couldn't figure out why. Glad to hear he's legit.

Did you get any presents? Do tell!  :)

Chit Chat / Re: WICKED PLANTS coming soon!
« on: March 09, 2009, 05:35:47 PM »
Ooooo. I have to get that book!

What amazes me so much is that humans actually eat plants. How did we ever figure out which ones were edible? It makes me truly appreciate the length of time it took in order to be able to pass on valuable information about which plants could be eaten, and which were deadly. And so many are not edible.

Very cool.

Chit Chat / Re: Hello Old Friends
« on: March 06, 2009, 05:44:22 PM »
This time I just bought a case of beer and sat on my front porch swing and waited for it.

Bullfrog, I'm so glad you're back. I've always enjoyed your posts. I don't mean to minimize your post, or what you've gone through, but that statement above is just perfect. Bring on the beer and wait for the show. I've been there, had a '40 tree through my roof, but when you get the "attitude", you realize that there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent nature from doing her damage. Better off observing with a cold one. I'm glad your safe.

And I miss your stories!

Chit Chat / Re: Scam City!
« on: March 04, 2009, 09:03:00 PM »
Jerry, You are a sweetie.  o(:-) I'll have to have my hubbie tell me if this particular thing is good "for my needs". If it is good for what I need, I'll buy it from you. I don't think I need a phone card, though... I could certainly need a new AP shirt, though! I've been thinking about buying another one... got a darn coffee stain on my original (what a surprise... sitting out by the pond...  ::) :)). LOL

PS, edit: Please don't hold your thingie for me. If you get the opportunity, sell it! We are just in "homework" mode. We want to buy something, but don't know "what". I don't want you to hold something for me if we're not really sure, which we aren't. We need to do the research and make sure we get what we need... which is something we don't know yet...  :thinking:

Chit Chat / Re: Jerry thought he had problems
« on: March 04, 2009, 08:54:29 PM »

Did they get their toilet paper from sams? My wife got some from there that hates our toilets. Nice soft feel on the tushy but easy on the usage. Man what a gross topic.

I wonder about that. We switched to Sam's and/or Costco cheap toilet paper and I gotta say... gross as it is... it doesn't work very well! Can I say "Klingons"?!  We have two kids and they were using the entire roll... !!! :o {nono} lol! When we switched back to the "fluffy" stuff, the problem seemed to have ended. For now. We'll see. ;) Kids are a separate issue, though. We probably would not even be having the discussion if it were not for our kids and their poop. Fact of life, I guess.  ;D

ESTHER, Wow, 11 people is a lot of people on a septic system! When we had ours pumped out last spring, we decided to go with a "collar" or whatever they call it. Basically, it's a concrete necklace that brings the top of the septic tank to the ground level, for easier identification and pumping, with no digging. So the guy pumped out the septic, and installed this "collar" a couple days later. Lo and Behold, when he opened the system up to install the collar, the entire system was completely full!
No explanation was available. Maybe the wet spring? Maybe the collar itself? Maybe the fact that I do a million pounds of laundry? Nothing.
We're still scratching our heads about that.  {:-P;; There were probably a few bowling balls and a million Matchbox cars in there, not to mention a couple hundred baby wipes.  :D

Chit Chat / Re: Deer Pix ...
« on: March 04, 2009, 08:33:54 PM »
Great pix, thanks for sharing them. Your deer look a LOT fatter than our deer! I'll have to get out there and take some pix to compare. If I were a hunter, I would way prefer your deer over mine. ;)

Chit Chat / Re: Scam City!
« on: March 04, 2009, 05:12:20 PM »
LOL BlindToo! That was funny.

So Jerry, you're wanting 450 for the laptop? Why are you selling it? Does it work?

Just wondering... cuz my Birthday is coming up and I quit smoking.  @O@

Hubby has been telling me that I need a laptop.

Chit Chat / Re: Pete is learning to cook.
« on: March 04, 2009, 06:34:07 AM »
Why do eggs do that? I can understand unpeeled eggs... but peeled ones?
Even chopped peeled eggs do that sometimes.

Chit Chat / Re: Odd good news
« on: March 02, 2009, 08:09:27 AM »
Joyce, I agree with that. I have a nephew who is 17 now, and the effects of his years of ADD drugs is really showing- the kid is a mess. He's in the hospital now because they can't get the meds adjusted correctly anymore.
Another thing to ponder is whether wheat consumption (Leaky gut disorder, Celiac) is causing a lot of ADD cases.
I'll never forget when my brother was dying of cancer. The nurse said of course he could have ice cream, he was going to die anyway.

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