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Messages - karen J

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Chit Chat / Re: A little humor
« on: March 01, 2009, 09:27:13 PM »
If you did everything right you have to pay for those who were not responsible :'(

Bingo. I feel like we are playing by the rules here, paying for our house, our taxes, our mortgage, our gas, our school, our teacher pensions, our roads, our food taxes, our lake, our forest preserve, our stupid Lotto. Where the heck is our bailout???
We are paying for those who are not responsible.

Chit Chat / Re: Odd good news
« on: March 01, 2009, 08:44:36 PM »
The trouble with those juicers is that carrots, peas, fruits... whatever you put in them produces nothing but sugar. Yes, a few antioxidants, and maybe a few vitamins (few). But it ends there. Sugar FEEDS cancer. Where is the protein and fat? There is nothing that compares to the essential protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients available and absorbable in meat. Kids need good quality protein and fat.. no matter if they have cancer or not. They don't need veggies and fruits. There is no essential need for sugar, potatoes, breads, pasta, ice cream, cookies, popsicles, cake, etc.
Vegetarians (sorry if you love animals) do not get enough good quality proteins and fats, and it has been proven many times over that vegetarian diets cause cancer (look at India, vegetarian and currently suffering from the worst epidemic of diabetes and cancer on the planet).
I understand the ethical and moral problems associated with being a vegetarian... but at the expense of human life? We evolved to eat meat, and are being told to eat bird food. That is wrong and it is causing cancer.

Here is a post by my favorite Doc about terminal cancer and the addiction to the carbs that cause it:

You think carbohydrates aren’t addictive?  You think it’s easy to give them up?  You don’t think it possible that people might prefer carbs to life?

Think again.

A story appeared in the online version of Time Magazine last year that I read when it came out, put aside to blog about later, then got sidetracked.  A reader sent me a link to it a few days ago, which brought it back to the front of my mind.

The article discusses a study being done in Germany using a carb-restricted diet to fight cancer.  In pre-WWII days, a German scientist, Otto Warburg, received a Nobel Prize for his work in sussing out the fact that cancer cells don’t generate energy the same way that normal cells do.  Cancer cells get their energy, not like normal cells, from the mitochondrial oxidation of fat, but from glycolysis, the breakdown of glucose withing the cytoplasm (the liquid part of the cell).  This different metabolism of cancer cells that sets them apart from normal cells is called the Warburg effect.  Warburg thought until his dying day that this difference is what causes cancer, and although it is true that people with elevated levels of insulin and glucose do develop more cancers, most scientists in the field don’t believe that the Warburg effect is the driving force behind the development of cancer.

But it stands to reason that it can be used to treat cancer that is already growing.  Since cancers can’t really get nourishment from anything but glucose, it stands to reason that cutting off this supply would, at the very least, slow down tumor growth, especially in aggressive, fast-growing cancers requiring a lot of glucose to fuel their rapid growth.

Thomas Seyfried (the same Thomas Seyfried mentioned in the article) has shown that ketogenic diets in animals and humans can stop malignant brain tumors.  There is no reason to believe they wouldn’t work in humans as well.

A group in Germany is looking at such diets in a small pilot study.  Patients are only admitted to the study when all standard therapies - chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, etc. - have failed and they have basically been sent home to die.  In fact, a few were so far gone that they died within the first week of starting the study. You couldn’t ask for a study group more destined for failure, but, according to the Times article

    The good news is that for five patients who were able to endure three months of carb-free eating, the results were positive: the patients stayed alive, their physical condition stabilized or improved and their tumors slowed or stopped growing, or shrunk.

If you understand the Warburg effect and the metabolism of cancer cells, it’s easy to see why this therapy works, even in patients who at at death’s door.  Since the cancers can use only glucose, and since glucose is made in the cancer cells slowly and inefficiently, the cancer cells have to rely on outside glucose to provide nourishment for their rapid growth and replication.  People on very-low-carb diets produce ketones, which take the place of glucose in other cells that can use these ketones for fuel.  But cancer cells can’t use the ketones since ketones have to be burned in the mitochondria, which are dysfunctional in cancer cells.  If you can keep blood sugar low, then growth of the cancer cells may be held in check long enough for the body’s own previously overwhelmed immune system to rally and beat the vulnerable cancer back.

Now, given all this, if you had a big cancer eating you alive and you were offered a chance for salvation by doing nothing more than following a low-carb diet, would you take it?  I certainly would.  But, not everyone does. I was stunned to read the comments of Dr. Melanie Schmidt, one of the researchers, about people dropping out of the study.

    [Some] dropped out because they found it hard to stick to the no-sweets diet: “We didn’t expect this to be such a big problem, but a considerable number of patients left the study because they were unable or unwilling to renounce soft drinks, chocolate and so on.”

Let me see if I’ve got this right.  A lifesaving therapy is offered to patients who have undergone the misery of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, and who are beyond hope, and this therapy requires nothing more than eating a lot of butter, meat, cream, cheese, etc. while avoiding most carbohydrates.  And a considerable number” drop out because they can’t give up carbs?

I say it again.  And you don’t think carbs are addictive?

As a coda to this post, I’ve got to tell you that MD at this very moment is rolling out a fondant that she made a couple of days ago.  She was dragooned into making the birthday cake for our granddaughter whose party is tomorrow.  The kid doesn’t want a store-bought birthday cake, she wants a custom-made cake by her Nanny, which has become a tradition.  She wants a Razor (a Swat Kat) cake, so MD is having to free-hand it.  Although she’s never made a fondant before, she figured that would be the easiest way to frost and decorate the cake she has in mind.  I wandered over to get a cup of coffee and pulled off a tiny piece of the stuff and popped in my mouth just to see what it tasted like.  Her fondant is made with powdered sugar, corn syrup, and lard (not the vegetable shortening called for in the recipe), and it is good beyond belief.  I’m sitting here writing this post, and after a tiny, tiny piece (maybe 3/4 inch by 1/2 inch by 1/8 inch) of fondant, I am obsessing over how easy it would be to walk the 10 feet to where it is and start throwing it down by the handfuls.  So, yes, carbs are addictive.  Especially the carb-fat combo.

Lest you get the wrong idea, our granddaughter’s parents keep her on a kid’s version of the low-carb diet most of the time.  The cake is a once a year deal.  Thank God.

Otto Warburg got that Nobel prize over 80 years ago. So we've known for over 80 years now that sugar feeds cancer. Why feed the cancer???

It makes me angry- because the US government is who wants to feed us sugar. Corn, wheat, soy, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup. If it weren't for this CRAP, it's entirely possible that Braden woudn't have this cancer in the first place.  >:( :( :'(

Chit Chat / Re: Odd good news
« on: February 28, 2009, 10:33:58 PM »
That is good news, Esther! Believe it or not (I'm a nutrition junkie), I've been reading a lot of studies recently that show that a diet high in nutrients that are easily absorbed produces smaller, less frequent waste. To me, that means that Braeden's body is using all the nutrients up, so the waste is less. That can only mean that the nutrition the tubes are providing is good nutrition.

On the other hand, sugar feeds cancer, so "CoCoa Puffs" shouldn't be on the menu. I've been there though, and getting someone to eat anything often means feeding them sugar just to survive. The muscle cells are starving and the sugar is all going to feed the cancer cells. It's a vicious cycle. I've had to feed my loved ones as well who couldn't tolerate anything but sugar. As far as I can figure, the cancer tricks the body into craving sugar at the expense of real food so that the cancer can survive. All the rest of the normal body cells are starving for protein and fat, yet the cancer cells are just thriving in the presence of any amount of sugar.
Awful stuff.

I'm so glad Braden is not in any pain.

Chit Chat / Re: Mikey's Musings
« on: February 25, 2009, 07:40:04 PM »
I drove down to Mexico when visiting my bro and his wife in San Diego. We got a flat tire traveling back north from Ensenada through Tiuana. While my Brother was repairing the tire we were approached by a gent who said that he had no job and his wife was home sick. Would we please give him some money?
As it happens, my brother's wife had a close friend from Denmark with us (her name was Pia), and Pia said "why are you not home caring for your sick wife??"

That was so telling for me as an American. Obviously, it was a clear and logical question, but I would have never thought to ask. I probably would have given some spare change.

Don't even get me started on phones.

I now realize that, as a family, we need phones. Can't stand it when my daughter is at a sleepover and they have no land line. Can't get in touch with her because somebody's phone was off or in a different room.

So you do all this research on the internet- look at ratings- plans- pay as you go- arrgh. ::)  After two hours I come away from it all with no answer!

And yes. One phone somewhere will be half the price of the same phone someplace else. But what do you have to sign up for? What are the strings? What are the rebates? Are the minutes charged for incoming calls, like in pay-as-you-go plans? Is texting included?

I'm way too old for all this.  :doh: ?)(?

Chit Chat / Re: why do people who have no clue argue their point???
« on: February 25, 2009, 07:00:26 PM »
As Robert Heinlein said many years ago "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig".

LOL! So perfect a quote.

 Arey, I notice you live on the Jersey coast. I love the Jersey coast!!! My mom lives there, and whenever we visit we love going out on the Barnegut bay. Hope I spelled that right.

Ummm I can taste the fresh crabs...  :)

The traffic is horrible in summer. There's a name for those summer folks who clog up the roads, can't remember it though.

Chit Chat / Re: Testimonials in Advertising - Jerry?
« on: February 25, 2009, 04:11:59 PM »
The real answer to this question is long and complicated. The short answer is that the "truth" is often tinkered around with, by very experienced advertising specialists who know how to manipulate the English language.

Pfizer had to "fire" Dr. Jarvik because they were portraying him in Lipitor ads as a medical doctor. While he did complete his PhD, he never went to medical school to become a medical doctor.

This kind of stuff happens all the time. If you've got a product to sell, you can buy pictures of "models" and use them in your ads, no matter what your selling.

Chit Chat / Re: So I look out my window and say,....
« on: February 21, 2009, 07:57:57 AM »
Wow, never a dull moment in Cali! I heard that first time home buyership there is up 85% True?

Chit Chat / Re: Braeden Bowling + new pix
« on: February 21, 2009, 07:55:18 AM »
He looks so sweet. I'm glad he is comfortable and enjoying the Wii.

Chit Chat / Re: Right brain / Left brain test
« on: February 21, 2009, 07:52:17 AM »
I didn't get it right the first time, either. My daughter has a Brain Age game on her DS, and we're supposed to click on the word, not the color. Same game, different expectations.

These are the things we're supposed to do to remove the cholesterol around our brain & try to slow up Alzheimer's

Removing cholesterol from around the brain is a bad idea (not to mention impossible). Our brains are composed of a lot of cholesterol, as well as our cell membranes. It's also a precursor molecule to all the steroid hormones and a precursor to vitamin D. Cholesterol is an essential nutrient- so much so that if your body is not getting enough of it, it can make it in the liver.

Instead, research is pointing to the buildup of amyloid plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, and a lot of this newer research is implicating sugar in a big way.

Chit Chat / Re: I saw my first
« on: February 18, 2009, 07:00:51 AM »
That's a good sight. I wonder if seeing them is even more important than a groundhog seeing his shadow?

I love it when the air smells of dirt. To me that means spring.  @O@

Chit Chat / Re: Are we THAT stupid? (an email I recieved)
« on: February 18, 2009, 06:57:13 AM »

*  The problem is with the Mexican government for not developing her rich resources to provide employment for her people and for encouraging illegal immigration.   Money sent back home (remittances) is Mexico’s second-greatest source of foreign income.  Per Mexican banks, Mexico received 23 billion dollars in remittances in 2007.  Per a 2004 study, those working in California sent back 10 billion. 

That is the root problem. In fact, look at any country in the world where there is significant poverty and you will find a corrupt/inept/perverted/obtrusive government. If the governments weren't corrupt, their people would not feel the need to come here.

It is the land of the free and home of the brave

Before you think we're "free", you may want to read this piece by Joel Salatin-

If I want my child to skip the Nintendo, work a few hours, and earn some money- whoops- can't do it. That would be illegal.
If I want to grow a few chickens in my yard- whoops, can't do it. Against the law.
If I would like to keep my own money, that's against the law too.
If I want to grow mushrooms on my property? Yup- illegal.
Surely I could have a pet horse? Nope.

Land of the brave? Yes. We have countless brave citizens who are fighting for our freedoms and making the ultimate sacrifice, yet every day the politicians fly into D.C. in their 480,000/month private jets who are eroding our freedoms with their policy. We are screwed.

Pond Chat / Re: Is anyone interested
« on: February 14, 2009, 01:16:03 PM »
I went to the website listed earlier, and noticed alot of the Hardy lily prices are cheaper if you order them from the website rather than the list provided by Marie fisher.

Don't forget, though, that if you want wholesale prices you have to buy 5 at a time, same variety. Those are not retail prices. The group buy is a better buy if you're only wanting one or two plants of the same variety.

Chit Chat / Re: Can You Believe This...Proposed Amnesty Bill!
« on: February 11, 2009, 07:59:31 AM »
I think we've basically got two "races":  Those who race to work in the morning, contribute productively, deal with challenges creatively, and then go home and do it all again before bedtime.  Then we have those who race to the welfare line once a month and get all testy when the line is more than 3 minutes long.


Well said!!!
I hope my daughter is learning something from this: she has a friend who has a cell phone, big screen TV with Bose surround sound, PSP, XBox, Wii, etc. YET they get food stamps and free lunches at school.
We, on the other hand, pay for our own lunches as well as the lunch of her friend, albeit indirectly. This family has an excursion van, a mini van, two cars, and a boat. Yet they live in subsidized housing. Go figure.

Pond Chat / Re: Do you eat edible plants grown in your pond? Which ones?
« on: February 10, 2009, 08:04:38 AM »
I used to eat my water plants as well, but there was a time many years ago that I used an organophosphate pesticide to deal with a gill fluke problem, and I've been turned off ever since. I'm sure the water has been changed out hundreds of times since, but I'm still a little apprehensive.

I love watercress too and it grows wild in our cow pasture in cold running water.  But after researching it, I became leary of it because of parasites.  I found this off the internet and copied it below:

"Always wash your watercress well. If you cultivate it in pots in your garden you probably are safe but watercress grown in running water can attract the liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica). This is rare. I saw it first on a returned plate in a London restaurant. We saw the fluke recently in a supermarket pack. The fluke is flat, with loads of legs and you can’t miss it as it is about an inch long."

I guess I didn't realize the fluke was so big--I was more concerned with parasites that I couldn't see.   :D

I thought it was amusing that one of the treatments is praziquantel, which is also used to treat Koi.

Three things that site recommends for prevention:

    * boiling or purifying drinking water

    * avoiding raw or undercooked fish or salads made from fresh aquatic plants; all food eaten in areas with fluke infestations should be cooked thoroughly; pickling or smoking will not kill fluke cysts in fish or shellfish

    * control or eradication of the snails that serve as the flukes' intermediate hosts

Pond Chat / Re: Any other northern ponders see their fish lately?
« on: February 10, 2009, 07:22:36 AM »
We've had a 4- day warm up here and there is now a large (3') area of open water. The skimmer pump made it through -18 degree temps and the stream is flowing.
I saw a few fish last night and they look good.

Chit Chat / Re: Winter Hum....Hatched!
« on: February 09, 2009, 09:36:56 AM »
Your pictures are so wonderful. Thanks for sharing the story. I've noticed that all the fancy feeders I've ever had eventually leak. The best feeder I've found so far is the Humzinger. Here's a link-

I found mine at a wild bird store, and it's really great. No drips, bee guards, and a lifetime warranty. They're not the prettiest things, but they really do work well.

Chit Chat / Re: Can You Believe This...Proposed Amnesty Bill!
« on: February 09, 2009, 09:26:59 AM »
Have you ever seen the show "Bizarre Foods" with Andrew Zimmern? There was an episode that I think was very telling about our current situation. He was in Nigeria, eating foods that Nigerians eat. Fried bugs, intestines, etc. Several times during the show, he mentions how Nigerians are so friendly, love music, and are welcoming. "We are all the same" and "We are celebrating our similarities". But wasn't the whole premise of the show to demonstrate the differences?  If we were all the same, there would be no show.
That has been the PC notion that is destroying race relations. We are supposed to view everyone as being the same. We're not supposed to notice if someone is a different color of brown, and if we do then we're racist.

And it has absolutely nothing to do with race and everything to do with politics and US government policies that have pushed "class warfare".

Chit Chat / Re: Best car you ever owned (Apologies to Mikey)
« on: February 02, 2009, 07:13:59 PM »
Well, that would depend on the "why".  :) I loved my '76 Camaro. It was slick, it was cool, it was a gas hog.
I loved my '86 Mercury Cougar. It was slick, it was cool, and it was pretty darned efficient at highway speeds.
I loved my '93 Honda. Great on gas, very uncool, yucky upholstery.

I love my current Honda Odyssey. I can carry anything in that puppy. Sheetrock, washing machines, ovens, beech stuff, whatever.  ;D It's a beauty.

Chit Chat / Re: Esther, where are you?
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:14:54 PM »
What a strong child. Continued prayers & hugs. I pray that when it is time, God takes him gently.

Chit Chat / Re: i went skydiving this weekend
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:11:18 PM »
Wow, wow, wow. That is soooo cool! You are very courageous. Did I hear the sound correctly that you lost 118 pounds and this was a reward? How did you do it? Girl, if you lost that much you need to get some more skydiving rewards and then some!

Awesome.  :hug: Our whole family watched the video. My daughter just about flipped out she loved it so much. And, the "Perfect song!" she said.

Chit Chat / Re: Super Bowl
« on: February 01, 2009, 07:56:37 PM »
We tried to watch it. I made a ton of appetizers and we're completely stuffed. But seeing as we know nothing about football, we ended up watching Home Alone 2.

We did, however, watch the beginning, and I thought Jennifer Hudson performed beautifully. The beginning always chokes me up and tonight was no disappointment.

Pond Chat / Re: Link to my pond pictures
« on: January 30, 2009, 07:37:47 AM »
Well that was nice. I sent the kids off to school, got a nice hot cup of coffee, and watched your slide show.  O0 Beautiful pond! I love how the bridge leads to the gazebo. Pretty waterfall, too.

Just wondering- are you the same Donna I traded with a few years back? My brain is aging.  ;)

Love that pic of your cat.

Pond Chat / Re: Just to get you thinking......
« on: January 30, 2009, 07:20:31 AM »
We need to do an "overhaul" of the entire system. Everything has become out of whack. There's a leak here or there, and the plumbing has shifted due to freeze-thaw. The skippy is not level any more. The skimmer has shifted and also isn't level any more. The mechanical filter box has sunken down at one end.

Everything worked last summer, but you could tell it was off.

What really scares me is that if we start fixing all these little things in the spring, maybe it's time to expand?  :-\
Little things quickly have a way of turning into big things.

Carlos, you should come to Chicago and join the Blue Man Group (

How long did it take to get all that Make-up off??  :o

Chit Chat / Re: Did you know the boy fixes race cars?
« on: January 27, 2009, 08:11:54 AM »
 :hug: I'm speechless. What a beautiful little boy.  :'(

Chit Chat / Re: Worst car you ever owned....
« on: January 27, 2009, 08:07:40 AM »
1976 Mercury Bobcat. Ugggh.


Chit Chat / Re: Has anyone ever seen cats like these?
« on: January 23, 2009, 11:49:47 AM »
What a mane! He looks like a lion. I wonder if he's got an ancient Lion hair gene? I doubt I'd ever breed a cat for twisty legs, but I sure would breed one for a mane like that.

Chit Chat / Re: Twisty Cats
« on: January 23, 2009, 10:02:17 AM »
Wow, they really do resemble kangaroos. It's a little weird, but I don't think it's all that disturbing. I had a cat with an extra foot once, and it didn't seem to bother her at all. She used to grasp my hand for a "shake". That's probably what happened with this lady- she had a cat with a deformity that turned out to work for her.

Chit Chat / Save the Sea Kittens (updated)
« on: January 23, 2009, 09:53:17 AM »
In keeping with the current crop of Cat threads, I thought I'd post this little gem. The Peta folks don't want people to go fishing, or eat fish anymore. So they've decided to re-name the fish to make them seem more "adorable".


We're having sea kittens for dinner tonight, I hope the kids don't get too traumatized.  ;)

Edit/update- Here is an NPR story about it:

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