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Messages - tammie

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Chit Chat / Re: Fowl Play
« on: December 03, 2006, 07:53:30 AM »
Is Molly okay?  If her leg was broken she probably couldn't put any weight on it. 
My Guinea hen, Ginny lived for years with a broken leg.  I couldn't find a vet who would set it for me.  I miss Ginny the Guinea! (she died after taking on the Rotten-weiler for the second time) It was hilarious to watch her go after any cars on "her" driveway.  And I loved how the slug and snail population decreased when she was here!
Maybe Rover wanted Molly to be his girlfreind?   {nono} 

WWWG Web Forum Awards / Re: Poster of The Day for October 31/06
« on: November 27, 2006, 09:43:03 PM »
 lol  lol
Tim, you make me laugh!  And I needed that right now! 
Sean, I know you're busy and I for one appreciate all you do around here!

WWWG Web Forum Awards / Re: Poster of The Day for October 31/06
« on: November 27, 2006, 03:00:10 PM »
I feel so honored! 
Must mean I'm special, huh! lol  lol
Thank you for the award, but did you have to call it a "fake" award?

Chit Chat / Re: Immediate prayers needed
« on: November 26, 2006, 08:25:21 AM »
Cath, how's Raula doing?  It's been a few days since your post and I was wondering how he was feeling?
Thinking of you!

Chit Chat / Re: Sick and Tired of Holiday Gift Giving Stress
« on: November 26, 2006, 08:21:01 AM »
Boy LeeAnne your SIL is a piece of work!  I've have told her if her son "needed" it she should buy it and have Santa give it to him!  Is she your brothers sister, or your brothers wife?  I'd bet talking to either one isn't going to help?  How about another relative that you can call and at least split the cost of this must have toy?  I love Christmas time, but not all the gift stuff, especially the credit card bills!  We have 4 kids and when they were home I would buy things like a years worth of shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, a case of their favorite soda pop, underware, blah, blah, blah.  In other words - stuff I would be buying anyway.  And there would always be one special gift.  This year we have one child here, and she's moving to Seattle on 12/26.  This year it'll be gift cards, nothing to pack.
For the other people we "have" to buy gifts for I put together a goodie basket (with Harry and David pears...) apples, nuts and homemade cookies.  Those pears are to die for!  
I'm not very helpfull, am I....

Pond Chat / Re: Seedy Side of Life
« on: November 22, 2006, 07:36:55 AM »
If lazy old me gets out to the ponds and finds a seed pod, or a burst of seeds I get them out of the pond.  Any seedlings I find, that aren't coming up from a tuber, are also thrown away.  I want to sell or trade only certified true lilies.  I'm trying to build a reputation as someone to be counted on to only have the real thing!  I can't count how many imposters I paid for when I first started collecting...  ebay is a wonderful place to find imposters are a high cost!  Hopfully I've learned a bit in the last few years... I do know who I can trust, and who I just can't trust at all! 
The only seed I grow out, or try too, come from 3 people - Craig, Sean or Louis. 
Hey Craig!  I had one of the Imm. growing... then the pond popped, leaked out all of the water overnight.  Poor baby lilie was all shriveled up... hope it comes back!

Mike I'm so sorry for your loss!  Wish I had the words to make it hurt a little less...but I don't.  Just think how wonderful it must be for Maggie now!  She's in a place where there is no pain - lots of wonderful things to eat (and wonderfully stinky stuff to roll in!)!  She'll be watching over you and the boys, so you guys better be good!  And remember that you will see her again!

Chit Chat / Re: Joyce!!! Good Luck Tomorrow!!!!
« on: November 16, 2006, 07:02:44 AM »
Thinking of you!

Chit Chat / Re: Just to show you
« on: November 16, 2006, 07:01:57 AM »
Looks like my bathroom right now... Only hubby and I are still arguing on how it's going to be redone.  Scary thing with that is that 15 years ago we couldn't agree on what type of window would go in the entry way... and there still is no window there!  Just screen stapled over the opening...  I'm very worried about the bathroom...
I wish my mess looked as "nice" as yours!

Chit Chat / Re: It's official, we're moving!
« on: November 16, 2006, 06:56:44 AM »
Congrats!  Everything just kind of fell in place, didn't it?   @O@ 
I can hold on to your lilies for you if you need a place to "store" them. 

Chit Chat / Re: Need some help - pretty please?
« on: November 13, 2006, 09:43:57 PM »
Kim!  You gave me a wonderful idea!  Guess what I bought for my daughters birthday?  She's moving to Seattle the end of December.  I got her 2 boxes of Space Bags!!  lol  lol  Perfect!  Of course I'm gonna steal a couple of them. 
The problem in my house is that I have tons (not kidding!) of tools all over the place.  Plus all of the kids have stuff "stored" here...  We don't have a garage either.  We do have a 4 bay 25' x 60' storage building... and a 12 x 16 locking "cage" thing, where the flamables are stored... and another bigger "cage" area that has weedeaters, lawn stuff in it.  But all of the hand tools and junk is in my house.  So, the space bags won't really work for me.  Hiding all the stuff in the entry way is working out pretty good, not totally happy with the way it looks, but I like it better then it was! 
LeeAnne - I am so bad that we really, really thought about putting drains in the floor of the kitchen area when we rebuilt that end of the house, so we could hose it down!  Figured I'd ruin the walls with all that water so we didn't do it!  lol

Pond Chat / Re: New lotus pond/bog
« on: November 12, 2006, 09:01:10 PM »
I wish I had your energy!  It all looks wonderful!

Pond Chat / Re: Been tweaking the pond again.
« on: November 11, 2006, 07:07:32 PM »
Gary, I just love your pond!  Especially the stream and waterfall!

Chit Chat / Re: Need some help - pretty please?
« on: November 11, 2006, 06:54:22 PM »
Thanks Cath!  I could use some muscle!  I managed to get the freezer cleaned out, pantry straightened up and the "entry way"  (which has turned into a dumping ground, since you can't use the doors  ::) ) cleaned out a bit.  Now I have some empty shelves to load all the junk that is sitting by my front door...  tons of tools sitting in the sitting area next to the front door... That's tomorrow.  Then I'll put up a couple of Soji doors to hide it! 
Got the kitchen cabinets wiped down yesterday.  And cleaned out the 2 fridges.  Oh yeah!  Washed windows today too! 
Esther - a couple of weeks ago, when we had that earthquake?  Hubby decided he didn't have anything to do and tore out the tub enclosure, down to bare wood... Then he stapled (and taped) 2 shower curtains over the wood... I did not want to start that project now!!  Did I mention that the tub is falling thru the floor, and has to be removed so the wood can be repaired?  Sigh...  I'm showering in the other bathroom...
No neighbors around here and the high school kids I know are all horsey kids, to busy with their horses.  Besides, I don't think they'd do a good enough job!  You know, how they wouldn't look up and take care of the cobwebs!  lol
Teresa, don't divorce him, just bring the kids for a couple of months!  Then you all can go back home and leave me my clean house!  We'll arrange this for when you guys start to get cold over there!  Okay?!
Karen, clutter is the problem here too!  And with so many dogs, and the amount of dust I get (blowing up from the arenas and horse stalls) it just seems to pile up everywhere!  Figure if I can get rid of some of the junk it'll be easier to vacuum up.  That's the idea... usually turns out that now you have some room it just means you can get more junk!  Hubby came home just as I was throwing out a empty computer case and a old monitor... back in the house they both came.  Wish he had stayed gone for another hour, he would have never missed them!  He'll be gone tomorrow morning tho! {:-P;;

Chit Chat / Need some help - pretty please?
« on: November 11, 2006, 01:26:29 PM »
Could someone (or many someones!) come clean my house?  It's a mess!
Free room and board, use of car, no pay! lol  lol
Thanks!  Let me know when to pick you up from the airport!  lol  lol
(P.S. - I'm not kidding!)

Chit Chat / Re: Baby Update
« on: November 10, 2006, 08:29:17 PM »
I'm glad the baby is home and safe too!  Sorry to say, and maybe I shouldn't, but it sounds like the kids had a baby so the rest of the family would support them.  After all, can't not pay the rent, the baby shouldn't have to live on the streets...  Sorry... I have a 35 year old step daughter trying to play that card right now. 
I'm glad the baby is okay!

Chit Chat / Re: Have any of you had a problem with plant sellers here?
« on: November 10, 2006, 08:22:37 PM »
I've had one problem trade, with a member here.  The trade was made thru another board tho. 

Pond Chat / Re: pond tonight(snow pics)
« on: November 10, 2006, 08:19:46 PM »
I like the second one better!  The first one is pretty...

Chit Chat / Re: Heading to Dallas
« on: November 09, 2006, 08:22:15 AM »
Jerrrrrry... you're a very bad boy  {:-P;; YOU explain to Jessica which Debbie you're refering to.  I'm not going to do it!
Jessica good luck on your interviews!  My daughter is looking at Austin for law school. 

Chit Chat / Re: Barbaro's Cast Removed Today
« on: November 08, 2006, 03:10:05 PM »
Unbeleivable recovery!

Chit Chat / Re: What kind of physical hobby should I have?
« on: November 08, 2006, 03:09:23 PM »

Chit Chat / Re: Bad Cat!
« on: November 07, 2006, 01:38:13 PM »
Were you under the panel when it fell? lol 
Bad kitty, very bad kitty!

Chit Chat / Re: Did You?
« on: November 07, 2006, 01:36:41 PM »
Yep!  Voted early this morning!

Chit Chat / Re: Pictures of Naomi and Daddy's
« on: November 06, 2006, 08:29:57 PM »
Esther what a wonderful thing to do for your Dad and Naomi!  He looks great too!

Photo Album / Re: Big Beans!
« on: November 05, 2006, 02:33:49 PM »
Looks like Jamie inherited a green thumb!  Can you eat those?

Chit Chat / Re: This horse...
« on: November 05, 2006, 09:45:07 AM »
The owie on his nose is most likely from his halter.  He probably was tied and pulled back, got a rope burn.  Or his halter was left on forever and as he grew it rubbed him raw, or it was just left on, got very dirty and itchy and he was rubbing. 
More then you wanted to know?  lol

Pond Chat / Re: Record high and low temps...results might surprise you!
« on: November 04, 2006, 02:42:45 PM »
Here's mine:
Santa Ana CA high:110 1995, low:22 1950
Kailua HI high:94 1997, low: 46 1957
Waimanalo HI high:95 1972, low:49 1977

Technology Talk / Re: AVG is about to charge
« on: November 03, 2006, 01:42:05 PM »
I didn't get a email.  What are they going to be charging?  When does that start?

Chit Chat / Re: Hubby had a really bad day . . . . .
« on: November 02, 2006, 01:47:17 PM »
I vote BMW!

Chit Chat / Re: Hubby had a really bad day . . . . .
« on: November 02, 2006, 08:03:43 AM »
He's okay, right?  Usually it's the second day after a "event" when you start to hurt...  Does his car just have a boo-boo, or are they going to total it?  Maybe he'll get a brand new car to baby!

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