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Messages - louis

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hi gary, they are very nice. what are the little brown floating things.


Good information Louis, especially with the photos. I'm setting up my sunroom and greenhouse this week. I was planning to use similar trays to yours for starting my seeds(they work well for the Victorias as well)  but couldn't decide if I should use sand or soil. So sand it will be.
I will be using an aquarium in the sunroom to starts the seeds. How long do you leave yours in the small trays? Where do you move them to and when do you start fertilizing the Yaounde plants?
Good luck with your seeds. I will look forward to seeing your babies from Raspberry Sorbet. It's such a pretty plant.
It is a lot of work starting seeds indoors and keeping them alive through the winter.
Was it you that had a bad experience using a waterbed heater in your grow tubs? I have been using one successfully for two winters now and hope to again this year. Just always a bit leery after hearing someone had a fire with one.


Hi Mary, i leave the plantlets in the trays until they have a couple of pads that have surfaced. at that time i will start a mild fertilizer using a hypo syringe with a #12 needle. i inject a small amount of fish fertilizer under the plantlet. not too much or the water will turn green, this would indicate too much fertilizer.  i move them to a 4 inch pot usually around late january and then to a temporary growing tank  in mid march.

yes it was me who had the fire with the water bed heater. i was disappointed, they did work good, but i think the weight of the water caused the malfunction.
hope this helps.


Well, its that time of the year again. every year i tell myself that i don't want to go thought the process of sprouting seeds and growing them under artificial conditions.

Yesterday, i planted some seeds that i got from pollinating some of my hybrids from last year. i was successful in getting many seed pods. the following is a brief run down on how i do it.

figure 1 is a successful pollination on a hybrid of my old raspberry sorbet, actually three on the same plant. when the pod is at this stage, i cover it with a piece of black panty hose to keep the seeds from scattering.

figure 2 shows the container trays that i grow the seed in.

figure 3 shows the bottom warming mat that i place under a 45 gallon rubbermaid container. this mat is a heavy duty one used in factories to warm the workers feet on cold concrete.

figure 4 shows the amount of seed that i gather from one large pod. use the quarter for size. the pile of seed is about 1/8 inch high.

figure 5 shows the seed trays filled with white sand. its so easy to place and space the black seed on white sand. note the white indent tags.

figure 6 shows the seed tray in the bottom of the tank and the warm water slowly rising over the seeds. you must be cautious as to not disturb the seeds.

figure 7 shows the container with the grow light on it. i use three of the purple type of grow light and its on for 16 hours a day. bottom heat keeps the water at between 80 - 85 degrees F. i also have a stainless aquarium heater for backup.

it usually takes less than 2 weeks for the seeds to sprout. they will remain in the basement until late march when i bring them up to a small greenhouse and a temporary growing tank.

in the past i have just scattered the seeds over a 8 inch azalea pot and then had difficulty separating the roots. with this tray system, i can thin the seedlings to just one per slot and its easy then to transplant.

if you have any questions, i will be glad to answer.


Pond Chat / Re: Nymphaea pygmaea pix
« on: October 09, 2006, 05:38:10 PM »
thats really sharp. i hope you are feeling well these days.


Pond Chat / Re: Manassas loves Albert
« on: October 09, 2006, 05:36:57 PM »
great color combo


Pond Chat / Re: Some pictures
« on: October 09, 2006, 05:36:13 PM »
these are really pretty, love the waterfall. its in the mid 40's tonight here.


Pond Chat / Re: Are these rhizomes or what?
« on: October 09, 2006, 05:33:02 PM »
hard to tell from the small a larger one.


Pond Chat / Re: Grrr.....
« on: October 03, 2006, 02:39:04 PM »
If  you like, i  can repost my grandmothers recipe for heron stew. they are a little tough but long cooking makes them taste, well, like chicken.

i have had good luck with the motion sensor water blasters.


Pond Chat / Re: Peaches & Cream says goodbye for the season
« on: October 02, 2006, 12:07:26 PM »
yes, i agree, the fall colors are the best. the cool weather seems to intensify the colors.


Pond Chat / Re: Blooming 29 Sept - "Hanging onto Summer"
« on: October 02, 2006, 12:05:54 PM »
what is a bloom, i have such a short memory.  :'( :'(

i have to wait till next short summer.

absolutely great pond and super shots. thank for the memories.


Pond Chat / Re: Sandra Lynn is blooming today
« on: September 29, 2006, 03:38:59 PM »
that  certainly is a pretty plant. sean is a very generous friend.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Aussie Seed
« on: September 28, 2006, 06:37:06 PM »
hi craig,
i would like to try some seed. how long will it take to get some.


Pond Chat / Re: Two pretty lilies from last weekend (pics)
« on: September 27, 2006, 12:37:23 PM »
a virtual slap for scott  &-) &-) &-) &-) &-) &-) &-)


Pond Chat / Re: Two pretty lilies from last weekend (pics)
« on: September 26, 2006, 06:17:16 PM »
very pretty


Pond Chat / Re: The hacking of this mornning!
« on: September 26, 2006, 06:21:37 AM »
Louis it appeard to be Middle Eastern.  There were images of dead Israeli childern.  Bloody and horrible.  Also animated torches butnig israeli flags {-) {-)

this is such a sick world. our children and their children will never know the peace of yesteryear that we knew.


Pond Chat / Re: Andreana still putting out...
« on: September 25, 2006, 07:42:13 PM »
very pretty, joyce. can it  get big in a bigger pot


Pond Chat / Re: The hacking of this mornning!
« on: September 25, 2006, 07:25:40 PM »
what happened?


Pond Chat / Re: Help on Lily ID
« on: September 23, 2006, 07:57:52 PM »
hello tim,

i agree with all, its not QoS and i dont believe its largo either. looks just like a pretty unnamed seedling.


Pond Chat / Re: Wood's Blue Goddess - Huge Lilly
« on: September 23, 2006, 07:52:55 PM »
Mike, end of season??? you have banana and palm trees. how much of an end to your season can there be ?? ?)(?

lovely pond and really a nice healthy plant. how chilly does your winter get??


Pond Chat / Re: big move, first frost tonight
« on: September 23, 2006, 06:26:05 AM »
beautiful pond and spectacular specimen of a plant.
i hate when the season comes to an end. summer is so short


Pond Chat / Re: Aussie Nymphs
« on: September 21, 2006, 06:57:02 PM »
OH, how nice to see these on a chilly evening. i really like the yellow. i for one like the yellows. i tried a blue  immutabilis one year and it lasted for 2 months and then went dormant when the unusual summer rains came. with my new hot water pond i think i can do better. making my wish list for next year.

keep the photos coming, craig, they are a delight to see.


Hybridizing How To's... / Re: Near Miss
« on: September 21, 2006, 06:27:07 AM »
2 months, good grief, it takes me a full 9 months from seed to bloom and sometimes even longer. right now the outside temp is in the low 40's. pretty though with the leaves changing.

AH, you are a lucky man, in many ways.


Chit Chat / Re: Bad news on the doorstep . . . .
« on: September 20, 2006, 11:10:10 AM »
Every day, give him a hug and tell him how much you love him. life is so fragile.


Hybridizing How To's... / Re: Near Miss
« on: September 20, 2006, 10:57:08 AM »
Cooled off to 90, pity. it was in the upper 30's last night and never got over 65 today.

how long does it take you from sowing seed to first bloom?


tink, that is algae, don't remove it, it serves a good purpose in life.


Pond Chat / Re: I got to meet Kit and Ben Knotts yesterday!
« on: September 19, 2006, 05:49:57 AM »
great photos, scott. lovely better half.

i like how ben and kit did the little mini ponds in the stone walkway


Pond Chat / Re: I got to meet Kit and Ben Knotts yesterday!
« on: September 18, 2006, 05:36:30 PM »
Fear of Flying Lou???  But your a pilot lol


Sean, i hate the airlines. i want to fly my own airplane. i don't like to be in those aluminum tubes, i am a bit claustrophobic.

actually most pilots are


Pond Chat / Re: I got to meet Kit and Ben Knotts yesterday!
« on: September 18, 2006, 01:00:32 PM »
Ben and Kit are the best. truly wonderful people. if i can get over my fear of flying, i will visit them


Pond Chat / Re: Overwintering a miniature papyrus??
« on: September 18, 2006, 12:50:40 PM »

Do you have or can you borrow a two wheel truck cart the type you move appliances with?

That is what I use to bring some of my tropicals in for the winter months.  Pots slide on it very easily and you can manuever steps etc.


thanks sandy, i do.


Pond Chat / Re: My cat attacked the fish
« on: September 16, 2006, 05:36:42 AM »
a cat with no claws has no defense against predators such as dogs. i don't mean to preach, but claw less cats should not be outside.


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