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Messages - LynneNY

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Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Spider Invasion
« on: September 15, 2009, 01:35:10 PM »
What a fascinating plant!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Cool plant
« on: September 15, 2009, 01:30:00 PM »
I have been growing cleome for several years now - not the same kind I guess, but still cleome.  I just wanted to forwarn you to only plant that where you don't mind zillions of babies popping up forever more!  I have tried to deadhead my plants each year to keep them from spreading like weeds, but each year I get numerous volunteers anyway.

That said... I really don't mind it too much because I can recognize the baby plants early enough to weed them out before they become a nuisance.  They really do make a beautiful statement, and the best thing is that the deer and woodchucks do not eat them!  Some say the flowers smell like skunks!  They also have very thorny stems - be careful!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: New family
« on: September 15, 2009, 01:25:47 PM »
You are a terrific artist!  I just love all the expressions on each of your pieces - very creative!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: My Hardy Banana's are happy
« on: September 15, 2009, 01:23:50 PM »
WOW! 8-)~  I am VERY impressed!  I tried growing a small one in a pot on my deck here in zone 6 a few summers ago, but it didn't live very long.  I might just have to try your trick of covering them with bags of mulch - yours are fantastic!!!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Over 100 again, now my veggies are fried
« on: September 15, 2009, 01:21:09 PM »
Thanks for posting these great pictures, Annette!

I just remembered the time when my son was in SF for business and he called me from that Pier so I could hear the racket the sea lions were making.  I could not hear a word he was saying and I was laughing so hard, because we had taken him there when he was 18 months old, and of course he had no recollection of that!

Pond Chat / Re: Lily Fest in San Angelo
« on: September 15, 2009, 07:02:01 AM »
Such a shame that it rained, but your pictures are all wonderful of gorgeous flowers!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Over 100 again, now my veggies are fried
« on: September 14, 2009, 02:39:39 PM »
OK THEN - Annette's picture!  :D

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Over 100 again, now my veggies are fried
« on: September 14, 2009, 07:56:58 AM »
they are Sea Lions. No biggie, but them's the facts mam! {nono}

I thought so, but your title on your picture said "sealed in" so I wrote that. {:-P;;

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Over 100 again, now my veggies are fried
« on: September 13, 2009, 08:04:52 PM »
OMG look at all those seals!  I miss living out west and visiting San Francisco every season.

Pond Chat / Sioux?
« on: September 13, 2009, 12:10:21 PM »
This was bought at a "box" store and labled "Sioux" - is it really?  Even if it's not, I love it anyway! O0

Pond Chat / Re: Beautiful Foxfire today
« on: September 12, 2009, 10:53:54 AM »

Pond Chat / Re: Something attacked my foot in the pond
« on: September 12, 2009, 10:53:06 AM »
 lol  I would have screamed out loud too!  VERY LOUD! :o

That is exactly why I wear my HUSBANDS very tall, very thick rubber waders!  Nothing's gonna bite me through these babies - I hope!

Pond Chat / Re: Unique lily - N. Brooklyn Blue
« on: September 03, 2009, 02:15:11 PM »
That is a beautiful flower - you are so lucky to have it!

We bought most of our pond equipment from Waterford Gardens,  so we know it pretty well.  You are referring to the one in NJ aren't you?, They have some wonderful plants there, and it's a great place to go browse and drool 8-)~ a bit!  Some day hopefully I'll be able to buy a pretty plant from there, but for now I get my parrots feathers there.

John is the owner, right?  If so, he has been very helpful to my husband and me.

Pond Chat / Re: What kind a algea and a couple fishie pics!
« on: September 02, 2009, 08:58:06 AM »
I will never ever ever Ever!!! use Algae Fix again!!! >:(

Sorry about that - that was not aimed at you, crazyfishlady!  But last summer my husband (a scientist who reads labels VERY carefully) kept using it to try to get rid of the pea soup algae - I lost 6 batches of 4-6 baby koi because of that chemical!!! :'(  This spring, we didn't think that any fish had survived over winter - I had put in a last batch of 4 baby koi last September.  So, my husband put in algae fix in late May when we once again could not clear up the thick pea soup.  That very day, 3 larger koi came up to the surface GASPING for air!!! We were shocked that they had actually survived the winter - I had removed a dead one in the net while cleaning out leaves earlier.  BUT... One died the next day - was found in the skimmer - the other 2 have not been seen since the day after he put the algae fix in and they were gasping.  They had come back up to the surface the second day after the algae fix was put into the pond, but we have not seen them since.  They have not been found dead anywhere in or around the pond, they are not hiding in the few hiding spots in the pond, they are not caught in the folds of the liner - he checked every single one out!  So we assume that some animal got them in late spring.

That said... my husband bought UV lights to put in the skimmer and we finally got rid of the pea soup algae, but now of course have a horrible case of string algae.  I will not EVER let him use Algae Fix again - not while I have fish in that pond!  Once we stopped using it I have been able to have 11 comets living a healthy life all summer so far.  They have more than doubled in size, and nothing will go in this pond to harm them as long as I can help it.

OK - rant over - so very sorry - again - no personal attack on you, crazyfishlady. :hug:
Just trying to warn others of my experience with that product. O0

Pond Chat / Re: What kind a algea and a couple fishie pics!
« on: September 02, 2009, 07:26:04 AM »
My fish do not eat any of the string algae either - I don't think it would make a dent in it even if they did. ::)  I think the biggest mistake I did was to scrub it off the waterfall initially - all the tiny bits then attached themselves EVERYWHERE and grew and grows and grows!!! :P

I've used the brushes and have yet to find a way to clean the string algae off of any of them.  Our pond net is now forever covered in dried algae as well.

My husband is assuming that winter here in zone 6 will kill all of the string algae - is that true?  If so, what is the very first thing we need to do next spring to keep it away?

Pond Chat / Re: Do robins fish in ponds???
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:04:02 AM »
Julles - I did not have a robin fall into the pond - it looked like he was going to but he caught his balance.

We often see them taking a bath in the waterfall - from spring til my husband turns it off for winter - I enjoy seeing that a great deal.  Watching Mother Nature at her finest is a great thrill.  I just didn't want to lose any fish to the birds that were going crazy that day.  The flock has not been back since then - just a couple of birds here and there most of the day.

Pond Chat / Re: From pygmy to giant...
« on: September 01, 2009, 07:22:00 AM »
Very nice pictures, Joyce!

I have grown castor bean plants every year in a large pot on my second story deck.  That is how I can control who has access to them, plus I can see the wonderful tropical looking leaves and flowers from my kitchen and familyroom.  Unfortunately the very heavy rains we've had constantly this summer took a toll on the large leaves and most are gone now.  But  I took these pictures 2 days ago for a gardening forum to show the difference between the flowers and the seed pods.

The very prickly seed pods

I know how toxic this entire plant is, but what I do not understand is... why do so many lip balm companies use ricin in their ingredients?  I have 3 here that I did not allow my daughter to use - it says right on the back of the card they come in... "WARNINGS: NOT TO BE EATEN - USE ONLY AS DIRECTED - FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY - (etc)

So ok - lip balm goes on the LIPS, right?  And if one is wearing it while eating, SOME of it is going to be ingested, right?  And some people lick their lips when they are feeling a bit dry...  I just don't understand why so many companies use this ingredient?  These particular ones are made by the tootsie company - they are Junior Mint flavored, and some other candy flavors.

Pond Chat / Re: 2 years ago today...
« on: August 27, 2009, 06:54:47 AM »
Thanks so much, everyone!

So does anyone know the answer to my question about the curly rush?  Should I put the pot in the bottom of the pond for winter, or leave it on the shelf where it is?  The top of the pond will freeze solid during winter.

Also, what about the lizard's tail (which hasn't had a bloom yet)?

I am bringing the dwarf papayrus inside for winter, and the elephant ear bulbs get stored inside as well.  The parrots feather will have to be replaced next year, as well as the water hyacinths.

Pond Chat / Re: Do robins fish in ponds???
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:33:56 PM »
Esther - I, too, have lots of birdbaths scattered around my gardens both in the front yard and back, but I often have seen the robins bathing in the waterfall.  I never mind that they are doing that, it's just that this morning there were so many flying over and around the pond that it made me a bit nervous.

They seemed to disperse about an hour after I first posted here - it was very odd.  I will be checking tomorrow morning to see if they are back.

Pond Chat / Re: Do robins fish in ponds???
« on: August 26, 2009, 12:30:11 PM »
Funny - I thought I had read that recently too - thanks for the link Missa!

Pond Chat / Re: Raining Lilies!
« on: August 26, 2009, 10:33:24 AM »
They are so pretty and dainty looking!

Sonny - could you dig them up before they start building there?

Pond Chat / Re: 2 years ago today...
« on: August 26, 2009, 10:27:40 AM »
Here is a shot of the waterfall hill to the right of the waterfall. 
The sedums, ajuga, etc are filling in nicely this year I think.

And this is around the bend from that area - on the right side of the hill.
The 3 yuccas are babies from a very large tuber of a mamma plant that I had to move last summer.  Mamma did not survive, but I have a few babies in assorted gardens in the yard.

Some curly rush in the front of the pond.  Does anyone know how I overwinter it? 
Do I submerse the pot into the pond, or leave it on the shelf exposed to the elements here?

Pond Chat / Re: 2 years ago today...
« on: August 26, 2009, 08:42:50 AM »
So very true, Steve!

But really... gardening is my salvation!  I have always said that my plants are my children who do not talk back!!!  One can nurture them, talk to them, and feed them, and they will reward you time and time again.

I suppose some children are like that also - mine like to give me a run for my money if you know what I mean?!? :D

Pond Chat / Re: 2 years ago today...
« on: August 26, 2009, 07:52:39 AM »
It's funny, Steve!  I was in the process of trying to put one of those peony rings around the other Sedum Joy (yes I waited too late to do that!), but it only went 1/2 way around - that's how large my sedum are getting these days.  I then got some heavy duty plant wire and was attaching it to the ring to complete the circle when I got stung.

These plants are just getting too big, even for the rings, and I MUST divide them next year when they first sprout early spring.  Then the problem will be where to put the pieces - I'm all out of room in my current gardens, and my husband developed 2 herniated disks in his back this summer, so he can't help me dig out new gardens in this county we call ROCKland!!!  I can't even get a shovel 2 inches down into this hard clay and rocky soil - SHEESH!

I, too, get wonderful ideas from everyone's pictures, and love to see the creativity and talent that people share online!  It's so inspiring, isn't it? o(:-)

Pond Chat / Re: 2 years ago today...
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:57:59 AM »
Thanks once again, Steve!

I don't know which variety the variegated miscanthus is, but I googled Cosmopolitan and it does look just like it.

As for the sedum - yep it is Autumn Joy, BUT... I had a very large one on the right side of the pond and a small one on the left side.  So, early spring I divided the one on the right and put that piece on the left - BIG mistake. :P  Now the left is over-run by the 2 next to each other (you can see the 2 diff. colors in the flower heads - the part I moved is a bit behind in blooming than the original piece there), and after the last rain (will it ever stop this summer???) the entire thing is splayed down from the middle on the ground!  Very messy looking! ::)  I would attempt to tie them up, but a few weeks ago I did just that with another one in another garden, and got badly stung in my underarm!!! OUCHIE!!! :'(

By the way... the area on the right side where the large clay pot holds a flowering maple plant ( Abutilon), we had an adirondack chair, ottoman, and table in the prettiest shade of blue.  But the set was very inexpensive and fell apart quickly - I had bought it at Christmas Tree Shops and they let me return it 2 years later!!! WOW!  My husband is finishing up BUILDING a new one - he does such nice work when he finds the time! o(:-)  Now I have to go out and choose the paint color - think I'll do that today! O0

Pond Chat / Do robins fish in ponds???
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:40:55 AM »
This morning there is a huge flock of robins flying over, around, landing on rocks lining the pond, bathing in the waterfall, and almost landing in the water!  One tried to land on a thin long branch of a black lace elderberry bush that is growing along side the edge of the pond - he all but fell in, before catching his balance again.

So do I need to be concerned about my 11 comets in there? :o  They seem to be hiding under the lilly pads while all this commotion is going on today.  I don't know why the birds are here like that today - I usually just have a couple in the yard at any given time.  There are a bunch of starlings in the yard today as well.

Pond Chat / Re: Random Non-Lily Pics
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:33:40 AM »
I will take one of each thank you very much - JUST GORGEOUS!!! o(:-)

Pond Chat / Re: 2 years ago today...
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:19:11 AM »
Thanks so much for your kind comments everyone! :hug:  It's been fun planting around the pond.  The most difficult part is getting plants in the rock hard clay soil that makes up the waterfall hills, but I am slowly getting lots of low growing sedums there, as well as some tri-colored ajuga, and a few other fillers.  The back side has creeping junipers which are slowly starting to fill in, this second summer they are there.

Steve - the brugmansia was a tiny cutting from an online gardener friend who lives in Texas.  I had to overwinter it indoors last winter, and it got really bad spider mites early spring before I could put it outside, but it has rewarded me splendidly this year!  This is the second flush of tons of blooms this summer, and the scent is unbelievable!

As for the miscanthus - I had all 4 plants in other gardens but they just weren't right there - I thought it would add a somewhat tropical look to the pond, and am very happy with the results.  Next year I will have to plant the orange cannas in a different spot - it also got huge this year - about 8 feet tall - another plant from another online gardener friend who lives in Texas - YEP they grow things BIG down there! ;D  The variegated grasses are about 6 feet tall as well.

Something keeps eating the marigolds in the pots this year.  I do think it's the  >:(- woodchucks that we can't get rid of.  We have trapped and removed many many MANY babies and mothers, but we cannot get that BIG FAT FATHER!!! {nono}

Pond Chat / 2 years ago today...
« on: August 25, 2009, 08:24:21 AM »
My husband finished our pond and filled it with water for the first time!

And here it is yesterday with lots of plants :thumbup: and fish  o(:-) and algae ;D!!!
(through the upstairs bathroom window because that's the only place I can get the entire pond area in the camera frame like this!

What a difference 2 years can make, huh?

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: 'Beni-Oran'
« on: August 23, 2009, 03:39:11 PM »
That is a very COOL bloom! Thanks for sharing it! O0

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