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Messages - tammie

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I agree with Kay - report them both! 

Chit Chat / Re: My house was broken into and robbed
« on: November 01, 2006, 02:22:12 PM »
For years and years we never had any problems where I live.(Agriculture area + hubby was a cop)  Now, with the "ice" problem it seems that everyone I know has been broken into! My story is that my shop was broken into... they took a plasma cutter, along with some other tools.  The shop is about 30' away from the house, we thought the guy who rents it from us was out there.  Turns out the theif DROVE up my 3/10th of a mile driveway, backed up to the shop and helped themselves, then stopped and talked to our worker on the way out!  The next morning, when we figured out what had happened I sent another guy to the biggest drug dealers house and bought back the plasma cutter.  Of course hubby had a fit when I told him what I did...  Then I ordered servalance cameras and had a 16' gate built across my driveway!  Figure the gate isn't going to stop the a***oles, but at least they're not going to be able to drive up here! 
I'm so sorry Jessica... hope the kids are okay.  It is trully terrifing when this happens!

WWWG Web Forum Awards / Re: Poster of The Day for October 31/06
« on: October 31, 2006, 04:40:11 PM »
But I love presents...

WWWG Web Forum Awards / Re: Poster of The Day for October 31/06
« on: October 31, 2006, 02:09:49 PM »
Me!?   @O@  @O@
Okay, what did I win?! (8:-)

Chit Chat / Re: Ever had a paper cut
« on: October 27, 2006, 10:16:00 PM »
Holey-moley!  I can imagine the pain she's in!  I once had a pine needle stuck in my eye... Being that I'm blind in one eye, I was pretty paniced!  And in pain! 
Poor baby, hope she feels better soon!

Chit Chat / Gotta tell you something that happened yesterday...
« on: October 27, 2006, 10:08:15 PM »
I was stunned... didn't know what to say...
Our daughter is still in college and we gave her a credit card with her name on it for "emergencies".  Of course "emergencies" are usually something like being at Starbucks with no cash... Anyways a credit card is a must for renting a car, so we got it for her before she left for DC a couple of years ago.  Today she flew to Seattle to see her boyfriend, and a rental car is needed.  A week ago I made a payment on the card, a few days ago I made another payment, just to be sure she had "enough"  ::)  Apparently, if you make more then one payment in a week the Patriot Act kicks in and your funds are not available for 10 business days! Something to do with "money laundring".   Can you beleive that?!  Had I made one "big" payment all would have been okay... but since I made 2, all was messed up!  I literally spent all day yesterday on the phone with rent a car agencies, and the CC company trying to get this worked out so she could have a car!  Couldn't use my card, cuz the car agencies demand that the person picking up the car have a CC in their name... CC company wouldn't release the funds... finally the CC company agreed to a "manual" approval (that's where the car agency call the CC company and verbally gets approval) to the car rental... car agency would not do a "manual" approval... finally, after 8 hours of phone calls back and forth the CC company released enough funds to cover the rental.  Acually had 2 CC supervisors call me! 
But honestly, these weren't huge payments, I'm not that stupid to give a college age daughter  a CC with a huge limit on it!  When the CC company told me what the problem was I really was speachless...
So, moral of the story - only make one payment a week, or you won't have any available balance on your card! 
I'm kind of glad the CC company only released the amount needed for the car rental... now when daughter is out of cash - that's it!  No big CC bill next month!  lol  lol

Chit Chat / Re: Wo-Oh Mexico
« on: October 26, 2006, 09:37:54 PM »
Mexico is re-a-l-l-y close to Hawaii!  When shall I expect you and Darcy?

Chit Chat / Re: ok i will admit it.......
« on: October 25, 2006, 02:27:40 PM »
Me!  I don't agree that Mario is the best dancer... but he's looks the best!  And I'd bet that he wins. 

Photo Album / Re: Sometimes it Works
« on: October 24, 2006, 06:23:09 PM »
I agree with Marie!  Love it!

Pond Chat / Re: There's a light at the end of my pond tunnel!
« on: October 23, 2006, 04:45:14 PM »
I'm jealous!  It looks wonderful!

Chit Chat / Re: Family problems
« on: October 23, 2006, 10:24:52 AM »
I beleive your mother sides with your sister because she is scared of her.  It's always easier (in the short run) to give the obnoxious person what they want...  in the long run you end up dealing with their crap forever.  Your sister is not going to change, or get better, whatever your mom needs to call it, unless she wants to.  As long as people tolerate her garbage there is no reason for her to change.  YOU need to make the desition, for you and your kids. 
As far as you needing people in your life, yes you do!  But do you really need her drama? 
Here we go again with those opinions... I see it as you having 2 choices:  You either live with your sisters dramas, or you don't.  Period.  You are not going to change her. Honestly, once you make a desition, one way or the other, you are going to feel a huge weight come off of you.  Really. 
My recent desition had to do with a step daughter, who just turned 35, who has been addicted to Meth for more then 1/2 her life.  That's her choice.  My choice is not to have anything to do with her, at all.  Once I made that desition I really, really felt better.  We've done everything we could - rehab, building her a place to live, paid for school, bought her cars, gave her our time... we were repaid with stealing from us, physical violence, a couple of family members were aressted for abuse (untrue and unfounded, but they still had to go thru the arrest, etc), jeez you name it, she did it.  Right now she's trying blackmail.  Won't go into that one...Three weeks ago she was in my house, making a drug deal.  For me that was the last straw. 
Please know that I'm thinking of you! 

Chit Chat / Re: Family problems
« on: October 23, 2006, 09:23:49 AM »
Monica, I was just thinking this last night - You are always hearing that "family is everything", um, no, I don't believe that.  Family is not everything... well maybe it is.  You have a "new" family with your kids.  Maybe it's the "old" family that's not "everything".  I've recently made a similar desition in my life. 
My opinion, and you know what they say about opinions...  Lose the sister.  Your Mom needs to make a desition herself, what she decides is not within your control.  You have a responsibility to your kids, and yourself, not to your sister or your mom. 
Sorry, I guess I've gotten hard in my old age!

Technology Talk / Re: How do I remove a "pirate" copy of XP?
« on: October 20, 2006, 03:45:58 PM »
Hi John!  I tried the fix, and it didn't work.  Alot has happened in the 2 days since I tried it, I can't even remember what error code I got!  What I ended up doing was going to windows update, and when it came up with the "pirate copy" error I choose the "validate" my copy of XP.  Put in the lic. # for the xp that's on "D" drive and all was okay!  Except now I have no sound...  I'll worry about that later. 
I do thank you again for your help!  And I'm keeping your phone #  (8:-)

Chit Chat / Re: My family needs a prayer (updated again OCT 19)
« on: October 19, 2006, 03:00:43 PM »
Kim, it's time to get a lawyer!!  Right now.  Enough.  I'm thinking that the baby needs to get a full medical checkup now!  To find our what is and isn't there. 

Technology Talk / Re: How do I remove a "pirate" copy of XP?
« on: October 18, 2006, 12:17:13 PM »
Sounds "simple"... I'm sure I'll mess something up!  I'm going to try it!  I feel brave!  And if I mess something up I have your phone #  (8:-)
Can't tell you how much I appreciate your help!
Tammie - the one who is about to mess up her computer! (joking)

Technology Talk / Re: How do I remove a "pirate" copy of XP?
« on: October 18, 2006, 08:48:59 AM »
Thanks Tim!   I was afraid you'd say that.  Maybe I can install my legal copy of XP on C, format D, the clone C to D.  C is a 20 G, D is a 80G  Maybe I'll try to get thru to Windows tech support, see what they recommend.

Technology Talk / How do I remove a "pirate" copy of XP?
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:32:02 PM »
I now have hubbys "old" computer... he has a brand new one... long story.  So here's my problem.  My old hard drive is installed on my "new" computer, which also has hubbys "old" hard drive installed.  My hard drive is "C" drive (computer boots in C), the other is "D" drive.  My hard drive has a so called pirate copy of XP pro on it, along with all my programs and data.  "D" drive has a legit copy of XP pro.  I want to copy "C" drive to "D" drive, but only my programs and data, leaving the pirate copy of XP on "C", then format that drive, name it as the slave, making "D" my master drive.  How do I do that?  I have Nortons Ghost, but from what I understand it will clone everything on the "C" drive, then copy all of it to "D".  Am I going to have to load all my programs into "D", then transfer data from "C" to "D", then format "C"?  I'm hoping for a easier way...
Please!  If anybody could walk me thru this... I'll be your friend forever and ever!  And please understand that I am a computer idiot!
Thank you!  Thank you!

Chit Chat / Yeah computer gurus - what do you think about this system?
« on: October 16, 2006, 10:57:06 AM »
What do you think?  Does it look "complete"?
Thanks guys!

Chit Chat / Re: Very sad news.
« on: October 16, 2006, 10:31:07 AM »
Oh no!  I'm so sorry! I remember when you and Mike brought her and Carol to visit!  I just posted on the earthquake thread that I thought she'd be okay... 

Chit Chat / Re: Tammie: R U OK?
« on: October 16, 2006, 10:23:55 AM »
We're okay -thanks for your concern!  Power was out untill12:30 this morning, and when it came back on I quess it fried both my computer and hubbys too.  Both were shut down, and on battery backups, so I don't know why, but I do know both are dead...  Using hubby's laptop right now... Yuck!
I just watched the national news, and as usual, the news footage looks worse than it is.  The house they show where the chimney is gone?  That's the only "major" damage on this island - and that house was almost 100 years old.  Jean should be fine, maybe she has some rock wall damage, but I'd be surprised.  My brother in law was on the big island when the earthquake happened.  He had a bit of excitement- mostly just big rocks coming down, really close to the house.  He's doing a remodel and says the house moved a inch on the foundation.  Hubby was working on our foundation last week... we haven't been brave enough to go look and see if ours is okay... guess it is or we'd be sliding across the floor, right? lol
Thanks guys!  I'm off to ebay to find a new compter!

Pond Chat / Re: Pond & flower pics today, 10/12
« on: October 13, 2006, 03:08:02 PM »
Gosh!  I saw that picture of the umbrella palm and thought "what's wrong... sore of looks like black and white photo, but not really..."  Then I realized it was snow!  Jeez.  And here the weather men are predicting today will be the hottest day of the year!  Suppose to be 91*, high humidity and NO wind!  Guess I'm going to be keeping those lilies for you till spring...

Chit Chat / Re: My family needs a prayer (updated Oct 11)
« on: October 12, 2006, 09:01:27 AM »
Horrible situation!  Seems that Social Services only deals with situations in extremes - either they do nothing, or go overboard, wasting their resources.
Not meaning to be critical here - but you've got to admit that when the hospital personell were told that the baby fell to the floor, and was not brought in to be checked out, they were right to be suspect something.  A 2 week old baby hitting it's head on a solid floor is not a good thing... And then a car accident a couple of weeks later.  If the hospital hadn't calling in Social Services they would have been negligent.  But then Social Services has no right to blow things our of perportion, make up lies, and manipulate the truth!  But they did have a duty and a right to "protect" the baby.  Just not so extreme!  We would all be horrified if they did nothing, and this turned out to be abuse.  We've all read the news reports where some poor child was brought into the hospital with horrific injuries, from years of abuse.  And we all say "how could this have gone so far?  Why didn't anybody do something?" But it sure would be nice if the Social Services would get, and check the facts before they over react. 
Everybody knows that a person, young or old will heal better and faster with their loved ones around them! I'm so glad you all are able to see your grand nephew now!  It will do him a world of good!
I'm so sorry your family is going thru all of this... especially that little baby that needs you now.
I'm thinking good thoughts for you and your family, Kim!
**Just read over what I wrote and want to make it clear that in no way am I suggesting that this was anything but a accident!  Just wanted to point out that Social Services had to get involved, and that I feel Social Services is going to far!**
Tammie, again

Chit Chat / Re: Love the new features Sean!!!
« on: October 12, 2006, 08:30:58 AM »
Scared me!  For a minute there I thought my computer had somehow been switched back to using AOL! 

Pond Chat / Re: Some pictures
« on: October 11, 2006, 08:50:23 AM »
30*!!  I quess that means I waited to long to send you these lilies... Ah, well.  They'll be even bigger in the spring.  Or do you want me to still send them? 
Did I tell you guys that I now have a rock from the Vatican?  And another one from the base of the Little Mermaid?  Doesn't matter to me if the rocks are big or small, altho it sure costs less to ship the smaller ones!  I just love the stories that go along with the rocks, and I love the unusual ones too!  I still find new fossils one the rock you sent me years ago! 
We need to put somebody in charge of organizing the pond party in Hawaii!  Not me tho, I'm not a good organizer!  I do know a guy who has a bunch of houses over here that he rents out as vacation places.  Seriously doubt that he'd give me a discount tho... I can call him and see.  But we need to settle on at least a month, and year I quess, first. 

Chit Chat / Re: It's for real offical now!
« on: October 11, 2006, 08:40:58 AM »
Thank you all!
Yep, I think I was more relieved when I saw his name on the "pass" list then he was!  He just keeps muttering that now he has to get a job...  lol
Now for the swearing in ceremony.

Pond Chat / Re: Some pictures
« on: October 10, 2006, 03:08:12 PM »
I thought you were coming next week!!  Why didn't you email me so I could give you my phone #!!  Shame on you!  Be very glad you're not here this week - incredibly voggy, humid, no wind.  Horrible! 
That shot of Makapuu was taken about 3 miles away from me, right around the corner!  Darn it!  I was hoping you'd come help me get some work done...
Teresa - I just cut a piece of the vine and it should root in water?  No root hormone or anything like that?  I'm going to be cutting back the con. rose soon too.  I just can't do it untill it stops blooming, it's so pretty!  I'll get one going for you too.
Karen - I still have a couple of lilies to send you.  Is it to late now?  I was waiting for LouAnn to get back from vacation, and mail everything at once. 
LeeAnne - I wish I had room for everybody... but I don't.  Do have one empty bedroom tho.  We're going to have to convince Louis to get on a plane and get here!   
Thanks Joann!  I sure did miss seeing pictures of your fishies!  Was glad to see a few the other day!

Pond Chat / Re: What is your Pond temperature?
« on: October 07, 2006, 09:56:19 PM »
We got to 91*, with 85% humidity today.  Miserable!

Pond Chat / Re: Some pictures
« on: October 07, 2006, 09:45:20 PM »
Joyce, I was looking at one of those magazines that have property for sale today.  Unbelieveable how expensive the property was!  All were on the Big Island, where property used to be "reasonable"...  not anymore!  Million + homes on leasehold land...  And the houses weren't anything special either. 
My suggestion would be that you guys come use my spare bedroom, and you can make good use of my shade house! Only you'll have to share the bedroom with Louis or Craig or Sean or Mike when they come over! 
Hey, Lawanna, the hibiscus isn't really a hibiscus.  Joyce will know the real name.  I think it's a "Confederate Rose". 
Maryvonne - come on over!  Better get here before Joyce does!
Thanks all -

Chit Chat / Re: A kid, a dog and a slug...
« on: October 07, 2006, 06:44:59 PM »
 lol  lol

Chit Chat / Re: New Pet
« on: October 07, 2006, 06:44:06 PM »
Oh Craig...  I'll have to change your mind about horses when you get over here!  Not sneaky animals.  Well, now wait.  I never trust a pony.  The Shetland kind - never meet one that wasn't nasty... but that could be because the people usually handling them are kids, and kids can be a bit rough, not knowing that they're hurting the animal.  I'd never recommend getting a Shetland pony!  Now a Welsh or better yet POA, YES! 
You come on over here - I'll introduce you to my daughters horse, Bardo.  18h (6' at the shoulder) of goofball!  Sweetest, kindest horse ever!  Except he steals my hat everytime I'm around him.  You can clean stalls with Bart when you get here!  Darcy, Louis and I will watch the waterlilies grow, and make some ice tea for when you guys are done, okay?  Let's see, 36 stalls... you guys should be done by dinner if you start really early!

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