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Messages - Timgod

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Photo Album / Re: Like a box of crayons...
« on: May 17, 2008, 10:50:22 AM »
By the way, a butterfly showed me something as he flitted around and then landed on the bud in the pic below.
To stay with the Crayon analogy, Little Kids have big crayons because they have not developed their dexterity yet.
This is the biggest crayon in my box at this time. LOL.
For those who don't grow them, this is a lotus bud.


Photo Album / Re: Like a box of crayons...
« on: May 17, 2008, 10:33:49 AM »
Thanks Annette,
Send your lilies to Ken Landon's Boot Camp.
A combination of his fertilizer and decent weather gave this to me.
Heck, I even had a night bloomer bloom this week.
Usually it is June or later before that happens.


Photo Album / Re: Like a box of crayons...
« on: May 17, 2008, 08:03:54 AM »
Pre-Memorial day Red White and Blues...


Photo Album / Like a box of crayons...
« on: May 17, 2008, 08:02:32 AM »
Pick a color.....
Any color.....

I hope you enjoy them.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Marginals for Sale
« on: May 16, 2008, 12:16:31 PM »
I'm glad you all got them and are happy.


I saw your post and grew one out to blooming size.
It will be $20 + $10 for postage if you are interested.
I also sell other lilies and marginals in other threads if you want to get more for your shipping bucks.

Here are some pics I took a few minutes ago.


Photo Album / Re: Not quite the dirty dozen
« on: May 14, 2008, 09:04:26 PM »
The 5 foot wide ones.
I bought 41 of the 3.5 foot ones about a month ago.
They are not nearly deep enough.
I have taken 16 back.
Once I have a couple of days to empty them and clean them spotless they too will go back to be replaced by the larger ones.


Silly me....

Happy Birthday as well.


Sounds like fun.
I am a diver, have been down to Cozumel but never Puerto Vallarta.
Supposed to be a good tourist destination and something of a party spot.
Have a great time.


Here are pictures of Denver, Colorado and Rhonda Kay.


I just got back from sending about 20 packages.
Flat Rate postage went to $9.80 today 05/12/08.
The $12.95 is still the same if you have to go to the larger size.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Marginals for Sale
« on: May 12, 2008, 11:06:28 AM »
Greg, Trisha and Heather.
All of your parcels are on their way.
With flat rate priority you should get them on Wednesday.
Let me know when you get them and if everything is good.
Thanks all,

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Marginals for Sale
« on: May 12, 2008, 07:38:43 AM »
Hi Greg,
Paypal invoice sent.
I will get it mailed out today with others I have going out.

N.Gigantea is  one of the few lilies I got from Tricker that was the correctly named plant.
Like Vickie, my first one was very small and did not take the shipping process well and had to be replaced.
I have some N. Gigantea starts that I planted a week ago. Water temps are still low enough that they won't take off just yet.
If the ones I planted do well I might have some available to sell in June or July.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Marginals for Sale
« on: May 08, 2008, 11:50:21 PM »
I will have to check on the black magic tomorrow morning.
I definitely have the black princess. Jumbo I have, but they won't fit in the flat rate boxes.

Both Flat Rate Boxes, the shirt box size (11" x 8.5" x 5.5") and the shoe box size (13.625" x 11.875" x 3.375"), can be used for domestic and international shipping.
 — Available to anywhere in the U.S. for $9.80
Flat Rate postage went to $9.80 today 05/12/08.

 The Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Box, (12" x 12" x 5.5") is 50% larger than the original Flat Rate Boxes.
 — Domestic $12.95

As you can see, if I mail anything larger tha 12 inches it would have to be bent and folded. Plants usually don't do well in this shipping condition.

I have lots of cannas but so far only a few are blooming. I have not been able to determine for sure which stands of them will be yellow. I have red, yellow and orange but I cannot guarantee color at this time. All of mine grow together in 4 areas. By the time they are large enough to bloom I cannot ship them in flat rate boxes. So far only a couple yellow has bloomed and one red bloomed today.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Marginals for Sale
« on: May 08, 2008, 11:13:40 AM »
Yes I have Black Princess and the green.
I might still have 1 black magic but will have to check tomorrow.
On my way to work now.

Private message me with your wants list and I will set up a paypal invoice for you.
At that point you can pay with credit card etc.

I will ship at the beginning of next week once the funds clear.


Pond Chat / Re: The King
« on: May 07, 2008, 07:36:38 PM »
Yes, that looks like the King.
Unfortunately so far it has proved infertile.
There are no progeny with it listed as a parent.
It's parents are listed as N. Larp Prasert x N. colorata.
Many hybrids are infertile... it sometimes seems, especially the great ones.


For those of you in the northen climates, I should have a rather large number of new hardy varieties up to blooming stage within the next month.

Please be patient. I will post as they get to blooming size.



Here are some pictures of the lilies listed above...

Lindsey Woods

Teri Dunn


Shirley Bryne on Left and Madame Ganna Walska on the Right





I have the following up to blooming size. They have about a 1 foot spread on their pads right now for scale in the photos.

$25   Lindsey Woods   4 available   
$20   Teri Dunn   3 available
$25   Tina   5 available 
$20   Madame Ganna Walska   1 available
$20   Shirley Bryne   1 available
$20   Rhonda Kay   3 available
$20   colorata species lily   5 available
$15   Dauben   3 available
$20   Pink Pearl   2 available
$20   Albert Greenberg   6 available
$20   Mayla  hardy lily   2 available
$20   Colorado  hardy lily   2 available
$20   Denver  hardy lily   2 available

Shipping would be $11.00 for flat rate box and handling. I can only ship in USA.
Flat Rate postage went to $9.80 today 05/12/08.
I can usually fit several in a flat rate box.
Shipping would be on the Monday or Tuesday following payment to ensure safe delivery.


Pond Chat / Re: New raised wooden pond- updated photos
« on: May 05, 2008, 10:02:26 PM »
Someone asked about bi-level ponds.
I built one for my wife's big koi last year.
Here is the link to the thread on building it and incorporating the bog as a filter system.
Plants are a big part of the biosystem in a bog as the love to eat from all of the excess nutrients and muck from the water, plants and fish.
Here is a picture from a couple days ago. As you can see, the bog is full of happy plants, our biggest koi is now about 2.5 feet long and the lilies have learned to coexist with the koi... to a large degree.

By the way, the 2nd picture shows jumbo and friends in a 5 ft kiddie pool when I did the spring cleaning of the pond. They like to dig so I had about 2 inches of silt I had to get off the bottom from over the fall and winter. Nets are not big enough. These guys have to be corralled and caught by hand. Fortunately they are used to my presence.


Photo Album / Re: Charles Winch's N. Blue Aster
« on: May 05, 2008, 09:47:49 PM »
Here is N. Blue Aster in the sun and shining like the bright new star that it is.

I hope you like it, I really do.


Photo Album / Re: Charles Winch's N. Charlie's Pride
« on: May 05, 2008, 09:40:59 PM »
Here is the Trifecta shot in the sun.
Love those rich colors.


Photo Album / Re: Charles Winch's N. Charlie's Pride
« on: May 05, 2008, 09:38:54 PM »
Well I was able to take these shot a few days ago but have worked too much to download, resize and post until now.

Here is N. Charlie's Pride in all his splendor.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Received lily
« on: May 03, 2008, 11:53:12 PM »
Glad you are happy with it.
Black Magic is a velvety dark purple/ black look.
Black Princess has the dark puple color on a green background.
It does not look black from a distance as Black Magic does.


Photo Album / Re: Mayla's First Blush
« on: May 03, 2008, 07:38:28 AM »
No shot of the whole thing as it is spread out and I am working on it every spare moment between my 60+ hour regular job.


Photo Album / Re: Mayla's First Blush
« on: May 02, 2008, 08:54:25 PM »
Here is a picture from yesterday of N. Mayla and a friend.


Photo Album / Re: Charles Winch's N. Charlie's Pride
« on: May 02, 2008, 03:32:10 PM »
I am in the process of changing them over today. I tried the smaller pools to keep each variety planted separately without pots.
They were not deep enough. So now I am moving them to bigger homes. Then I have to clean the small pool spotless so I can take them back and buy a lot more big ones.
I'll try to get a list together in the next week. At present I have about 40 pools but many are the smaller ones. I am taking two and combining them into a bigger one.
I am keeping them separated by keeping two different colors in one pool so I do not have to worry about which lily is which when they are in bloom.
I finally finished cleaning 16 out and am on my way back to Wal*Mart now.
I still have another 25 pools to clean out and return but that will take at least another 2 full days off.
I also just got 2 big boxes with another 8 to 10 new varieties of hardies from UPS.
BTW, I have typed this response over the last few hours in case it seems jumbled.
Lots to do... no time to do it.


BTW all,
The flat rate boxes went from $8 to $8.95 and$12 to $12.95 about 2 months ago because of the fuel price fluctuations.
As fuel continues it's climb to $4 a gallon the flat rate will probably increase again according to the post office folks I have talked with.


Photo Album / Re: Charles Winch's N. Charlie's Pride
« on: May 02, 2008, 07:42:39 AM »
BTW Kat,
You know I do not usually go in for the hardies as I have really great weather for the trops 9 to 10 months out of the year.
I was able to make some deals that got me into the hardy business though.
I have about 40 new varieties of hardies. They are all pedigreed rhizomes. I planted them up in 40 kiddie pools.
I'll have lots of new lilies to photograph and sell later in the season.

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