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Messages - small fish

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Pond Chat / Pink Peal pic
« on: June 10, 2007, 09:05:53 PM »
This is another lily that is much bigger than I planned but the color is such a deliate pink.  The color of the flower with the pads make this lily one of the best picks of the lilies that I have. This lily has also been a frequent bloomer too.  There are 7 buds on the plant and 2 flower.

Pond Chat / Re: Help with Bob Trickett (pic)
« on: June 09, 2007, 08:12:05 PM »
Oh, thanks Dan .... I am sort of new at a lot of this stuff as this is my second full year of ponding and collecting water lilies.. so may lilies so little time.


Pond Chat / Help with Bob Trickett (pic)
« on: June 09, 2007, 07:36:39 PM »
This is a very petty lily.  As I have been picking and buying lilies I did not look into the size of the plant.  The pads on this lily are huge.  Today I was in the pond cutting back the old pads I found this plant had floated out of the pot I had planted it in.  I think some of the root system was still in the pot as the plant was still floating over the pot.  This lily is a great bloomer.  Can anyone share how they have potted this lily? 

Pond Chat / Re: Progress on front ponds
« on: June 06, 2007, 06:43:27 AM »
Ok, I can see the difference now... my cat has a white bib under her neck and throat where your does not..


Pond Chat / Re: Progress on front ponds
« on: June 06, 2007, 06:41:03 AM »
Lets see.... who's cat is this really  o(:-)


Pond Chat / Re: Progress on front ponds
« on: June 05, 2007, 11:24:01 AM »
Wow, you pond looks really neat.. love the plants at the edge of the rcok.... and hey, how did you get at pic of my cat?? ;)


Pond Chat / Re: Shots in the Dark
« on: June 04, 2007, 09:03:50 AM »
Love your pond and the rock work... the plants don't look bad either   o(:-)


Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Some plants blooming in the yard
« on: June 03, 2007, 05:44:12 PM »
Monica.. I got that this year at the master gardner plants sale.  I am not sure what the name is.  It is in the family of the black eye susan vine.  The plants flowers are yellow and some are an orange color.  This is to be a fast grower too.  This year I fould a number of unusual things at the sale this year.  The best thing about buying plants there is they are all locally grown so you know they should grow well in my yard.


Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Snowball tree (pics)
« on: June 02, 2007, 03:18:03 PM »
Those grow here in Louisiana.  I bought 2 of those this year.  They are tiny now. I hope they will look like yours in a couple of years.. @O@


Chit Chat / Re: You have hear of bird brain
« on: May 29, 2007, 04:43:08 AM »
The thought of teariing the nest down never entered my mind... I alway thing it is a specially good thing to be a small part of such a natural thing.  Some years ago, I had a wreath hung on the front door and the birds built a nest there, laid eggs and hatched them.  That was really neat as the nest was lower and you could see in it easier.  Only problem then was opening and closing the door could have been more harzard for the nest and birds.  But they were ok with it.    o(:-)


Chit Chat / Re: You have hear of bird brain
« on: May 28, 2007, 07:26:09 PM »
Interesting, yes .... I supected the way my door was inset was a plus for the birds... guess she would like for me to stop going in and out... and stop looking in the nest, too   o(:-)


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Yachtlady Hosta
« on: May 28, 2007, 06:16:47 PM »
Hey, Hey ...  Jennie, looks like you have them all ... I will look them up and get back with you.. thanks


Chit Chat / Re: You have hear of bird brain
« on: May 28, 2007, 05:45:41 PM »
Oh, great...... I wanted to asked if any one could id the bird, but I could not get a good enought pic ...  and if they are barn swallows, what are they doing at my frond door?   8-)~


Chit Chat / You have hear of bird brain
« on: May 28, 2007, 05:10:12 PM »
I don't know what these birds were thinking when they built their nest here.  Looks to me they have 5 eggs waiting to hatch.  I tried to get a pic of the birds but the ones I took did  not show to much.  Please excuse the ugly light fixture.  This is a motion detector light and it is on a lot during the night.  I guess they really like the extra heat.


Pond Chat / Re: Kim- pic of yellow lily
« on: May 28, 2007, 04:41:12 PM »
Yes, they are...... one just isn't opened up very much


Pond Chat / Kim- pic of yellow lily
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:17:57 PM »
Kim, the first pic is the Joey Tomocik, this is a different lily than the yellow lily I posted a while back.  A couple of weeks ago I got into the pond and found that the Joey was not the lily that bloomed last year with the pretty pic of the yellow lily. I now think that must have been Texas Dawn. This flower is very pretty too, just the yellow color is a little more fragle that the other yellow lily I posted.  And the flower is a bit yellower than in this pic.  Hope this make sense as it is late and I am tired of working with the resizer.  Every time I use it, it is like learning all over again.


Terrestrial Gardening / Some plants blooming in the yard
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:09:33 PM »
Just a few things... helps me stay in practice with the resizer  {:-P;;


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: YAchtlady Hosta
« on: May 24, 2007, 06:58:05 PM »
I also bought about 5 or 6 hostas from her.  Seems all but one came back.  I placed my order with her rather late and she did not have all the choices that were available in the begining.   :-\  Wished I would have ordered sooner. 

Susan, could you post the web site for the GW Hosta exchange.  I would be interested in getting some different hostas than the few I have.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: WTB bog plants
« on: May 12, 2007, 06:34:46 AM »
Kat, is this a pic of the loosestrife ??  If so I have bunches of that.  Let me know


Chit Chat / Re: Gas is $3.19 a gallon today....
« on: May 05, 2007, 10:26:49 AM »
I bought gas today for $2.79.   There is an email going around the net asking people to not buy gas May 15...  It states the last time people did this gas prices dropped by 30 cents.  I am for trying that  :P


You have mail...    o(:-)


Chit Chat / Re: First day at garden center......
« on: April 16, 2007, 09:59:07 PM »
Wow,that sounds great for you  @O@  and that gives me ideas for my next career ... I was wondering what I would be doing when I retire    :o


 This is a pic of a new bloom from today that I could not pass up and another one from last year that was special


Pond Chat / Re: Planting in the rocks??
« on: April 10, 2007, 07:50:51 PM »
WoW, so many great ideas  @O@ @O@ I knew y'all had the knowledge  o(


Pond Chat / Planting in the rocks??
« on: April 09, 2007, 07:50:50 PM »
I am trying to figure out how to plant things in the cracks of the rocks close to the waters edge and around the waterfalls.  I am thinking if I just put dirt there the rain will just wash the dirt into the pond.  I had an idea of using some of that stuff that is used in the bottom of wire hanging baskets to hold the dirt in.  I bought some with the idea of cutting it in smaller parts and see if I can cup it in the rock to hold the dirt and plant.  What ideas do you have ??


« on: April 09, 2007, 06:19:42 PM »
How many fish do you have?  I hope that bird has not pick one out for himself   :-\


Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Moses in the cradle ?
« on: April 09, 2007, 11:00:21 AM »
 @O@ @O@  Thank you so... I had not been abe to find any thing on this.  I bought it as it was pretty and I thought I had read some thing about it in a post here.  I bought two peices of this and just set it at the edge of the pond and depending on the water level it was not allway in the water.


Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Moses in the cradle ?
« on: April 09, 2007, 09:58:26 AM »
Maybe I can take a pic of it and see if that helps  :o


Terrestrial Gardening / Moses in the cradle ?
« on: April 08, 2007, 08:11:14 PM »
Thought I had read some where here some one had this plant in their pond.  Can any one tell me how deep this plant can be set in the water or any other input would be helpful. 


Pond Chat / Re: Some water lilies pics
« on: April 07, 2007, 08:01:48 PM »
Shae   the first two are Albert Greenberg.  This is really a beautiful lily.  The first year it bloomed I was not impressed after all that I had read on this plant.  But as the lily matures the color is much more intense and impressive.  I love to take pics of this lily.  It really likes the camare.

Perplexed   I think the first two are tropicals and the last two are hardies


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