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Messages - tammie

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Pond Chat / Re: poorer pond performance this year....
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:37:05 PM »
John, I do agree with you - all ponds are different, one will react one way, and then go and act differently the next time! 
Growing conditions are so different too.  Which is why I rarely open my mouth concerning growing anything!  What works for me might (probably) won't work for somebody else.  I think I get away with alot as far as growing lilies is concerned.  I have a longer growing season, blah, blah, blah.  So my lilies have a chance to recover from my abuse, while other people aren't so lucky. 

Oh, by the way - it was 102* here yesterday (with the heat index).  Wonder how hot it was on the roof? 

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Sea Squill doing its thing.......Finally!
« on: August 28, 2006, 02:31:03 PM »

Pond Chat / Re: poorer pond performance this year....
« on: August 28, 2006, 02:29:04 PM »
I've never disagreed with John... but I have to on the Hydrogen Peroxide.  Only because I saw it with my own eyes.  The HP didn't kill the lilies, just set them back.  2 identical in size ponds, both with string algae, one got HP the other didn't.  In the one that HP was added the lilies didn't grow as well.  Absolutely not a scientific experiment... Just my observations. 
HP kills off the sting algae - string algae is a plant.
Oh, well.  Just my 2 cents, and you get what you pay for.  lol
John, I have learned so much from you thru the years... from filtering systems to heron sprayers!  You're the bestest of the bestest, so don't get mad at me! o(:-)
P.S. - It's hotter then h**l here today!  Lilies are fine...

Pond Chat / Re: poorer pond performance this year....
« on: August 28, 2006, 09:26:03 AM »
I don't know if I can get this to copy here - it is from a weather station a private guy has set up.  He lives about 3 miles away from me.  What I have always noticed when listening to the weather man on TV is that he's usually wrong! I'm constantly asking the little man in the TV just where exactly he lives?  He's just never right!  Bet he gets his info from them national statistics...

Type High Low Average
Temperature 95.2 ?F / 35.1 ?C  0.0 ?F / -17.8 ?C  78.1 ?F / 25.6 ?C 
Dew Point 76.2 ?F / 24.6 ?C  0.0 ?F / -17.8 ?C  69.0 ?F / 20.6 ?C 
Humidity 95.0% 33.0% 73.4%
Wind Speed 12.0mph / 19.3km/h from the ENE - 0.0mph / 0.1km/h 
Wind Gust 12.0mph / 19.3km/h from the ENE - -
Wind - - East
Pressure 30.20in / 1022.6hPa  29.91in / 1012.8hPa  -
Precipitation 0.28in / 7.1mm 

These stats were for the month of July - average temp 95.2 with 95% humidity.  Kinda different from the "national" info. 
Don't know if it makes a difference but my AC run more in September and October then in July and August.  Probably because those are the months that we have "Kona" winds - hot winds from the south (just like California's Santa Ana winds) Makes it very miserable when you have 90* temps, 95% humidity and a hot wind blowing... 
Still, I'll stay here.  Our bugs are smaller then you guys have ;D
And I still think the Hydrogen Peroxide was Charlottes problem. 
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Technology Talk / Re: Problems with this board
« on: August 27, 2006, 08:54:27 PM »
I'm with John!

Pond Chat / Re: poorer pond performance this year....
« on: August 27, 2006, 08:51:25 PM »
Oh, my manners!  Hi Craig!!

Pond Chat / Re: poorer pond performance this year....
« on: August 27, 2006, 08:49:56 PM »
The entire last week the temps here (with the heat index) was 99* during the day... don't know what it was at night, not much better I can tell you that!  I did check the water temp twice last week - 92* at 4PM.  As a matter of fact I just was washing dishes (Yuk!!) and the water coming out of the tap was bath water warm.  My pond water has never gone below 80*....
Just a little more useless info - most of my lilies are growing in 11" of water.  Except for the ones in my "big" pond, and the pools with the lilies I baby sit for the winter - they're in 2-1/2' water - and I have blooms all year long.  Not as many in the "winter" as in the "summer", but still blooms. 
But, whatever.  I still say the Hydrogen Peroxide played a factor with Charlotte's lilies... which is what this thread is about, right?

Pond Chat / Re: poorer pond performance this year....
« on: August 27, 2006, 02:38:11 PM »
I think your problem was the Hydrogen Peroxide.  It killed off the algea, right?  Algea is a plant.  I think it set your lilies back - not enough to kill them, but set them back.  I noticed the same thing happen to some of my lilies the one time I tried the HP. 
I have Bagdad, Green Smoke, Albert Greenberg, Miami Rose and Pamela.  The only one I've noticed that gets a little upset with our heat is Green Smoke.

Technology Talk / Re: Dell laptops
« on: August 27, 2006, 08:37:46 AM »
After laying out money yearly for our daughter's laptops (3 HPs)  We finally bought a Panasonic Toughbook for her.  Nothing wrong with the HP laptops... except that one was destroyed by a cup of tea, 2nd was dropped and I don't remember what happened to the third one. 
Toughbooks are expensive tho... three year warranty tho. and the next laptop she gets she'll be paying for herself!

Pond Chat / Re: Picotee...getting stronger
« on: August 26, 2006, 10:22:44 PM »
It looks like it's glowing!  And the "edge" of the petals (picotee, right?) are catching the glow.  I do like it.  Tammie

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: I'm Back
« on: August 20, 2006, 12:43:26 PM »
Hi Bob!

Mine took 2 years to bloom...and I missed it!  >:(-

Chit Chat / Re: Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all you guys!
« on: August 17, 2006, 06:38:27 PM »
Oh no, that's not my house!  Just the same area.  I'm about a mile away from the beach, right on the side of the mountains. My house is old, old, old.  Not nice old, just old! We're very slowly fixing all the termite damage.  I'm sure by the time we're done there will be new damage.  >:(
Jerry you can come too. Grumpy husbands have to stay home.  Except for mine - I'll send him to stay with one of you guys grumpy husbands! ;D
Hey, by the way - as far as I'm concerned the nicest months to come visit is May and June.  Usually it's not super hot, and the chance of rain is slim. 

Chit Chat / Re: I know I'm too young!!!
« on: August 17, 2006, 02:36:15 PM »
You are to young.  What did you do, have those children when you were 12?
My daughter got her  licence the day she was legal.  I was so-o-o-o glad not to have to haul her around anymore! 

Chit Chat / Re: Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all you guys!
« on: August 17, 2006, 02:33:48 PM »
Joyce!  Did you really just book a flight!!??  Man, I hope you're not kidding!  I would LOVE to have you and the family stay here!  Teresa too.  And Lou ( I've been bugging Lou for years!) And Krista.  And LeeAnne. And Sean. And Mike and Mikey and Dalialama and everybody else! 
Don't know if we'll still have the extra car in 2 years, but it sure is available now.  Gotta clean the bedroom tho... and the house...
Here's the deal.  If you can stand all my dogs, my old house (usually semi clean) you all are welcome!
Krista - here's a link to where I live:
Come on over!

Chit Chat / Re: Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all you guys!
« on: August 16, 2006, 03:08:02 PM »
As long as Cassey (did I spell that right?) has had 2 rabies shots she can come right in!  Or maybe she has to wait 5 days?  I don't remember... getting old...  So when does your flight get in?   @O@

Chit Chat / Re: Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all you guys!
« on: August 16, 2006, 10:53:39 AM »
Hi Krista!  I have a fenced yard, or we could tie the twinados to one of the dogs They'd have a blast!(kidding!)  I read about you guys thinking about coming my way in a couple of years.  I hope it does work out.  I can put up a few people and my FIL rents his cottage out to visiters.  Also know of a great B&B just down the road from me.  I think we should start planning NOW! 

Chit Chat / Re: Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all you guys!
« on: August 16, 2006, 09:40:20 AM »
Please, Sean?  I acually have a empty bedroom right now, so you won't have to share the couch with the  dogs...

Chit Chat / Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all you guys!
« on: August 16, 2006, 09:07:56 AM »
I haven't been around much this summer... between insulating my husband from the world while he studied for the bar exam, horribly busy horse show schedule and taking care of a friend who had hip replacement surgery, I just haven't been doing anything with my plants, or posting much on the forum.  Jeez, I haven't even paid my taxes or filed my nursery certification papers!  The other day I checked my plant trade book and I only have 7 entries!  By now there there should be 4 or 5 pages! 
Anybody out there need a room and car in Hawaii?  You can help me repot and label about 300 water lilies in exchange  O0 
Just wanted to let everybody know that I'm still here... sort of... I read the forum every day... when my computer allows it  >:(-  And I hope that things will settle down enough for me to start posting some pictures!  Haven't even had the time to take photos!  Maybe by "winter" I'll have things under control enough that I can show you all the tropical lilies blooming at Thanksgiving! 

Pond Chat / Re: Feedback for trades, etc.
« on: August 16, 2006, 08:46:03 AM »
Good idea!  I haven't been posting much (I have trouble with the forum timing out, think it's my computer being stupid!), and I haven't been doing much selling or trading this year.  But I think it's a great idea!

Chit Chat / Good morning!
« on: August 10, 2006, 09:24:15 AM »
Good morning to everybody!  So glad to "see" your faces today!  Thanks to LeeAnne for the email letting me know what happened! 

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