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Messages - LynneNY

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Pond Chat / Re: A Beautiful Day in Pennsylvania
« on: July 13, 2009, 07:16:19 PM »
VERY nice!  How large is your pond?  How old are your fish - they look very nice too!

Pond Chat / Re: water lily newbie question
« on: July 13, 2009, 03:16:00 PM »
All very interesting responses - thanks! O0

The flower stayed open longer today - I think it closed up around 4ish.  It was also open a tiny bit wider and I was home to see that - YEA! @O@

Still not sure which one it is?

Pond Chat / Re: water lily newbie question
« on: July 12, 2009, 08:06:14 PM »
The color of this lily is pretty true to the picture.  I thought I had bought Colorado and maybe James Brydon, but I can't remember now - it was 2 years ago.

That is interesting about your lilies closing by 2 unless it's cloudy, because this one closed up when it got very cloudy here!

Pond Chat / Re: ABS/PVC pipes?
« on: July 12, 2009, 08:02:49 PM »
Here is a picture of that one fish "hiding" under a lily pad a few hours before he died.  He seemed to be ok - swimming away when we got near him... and then later her was dead stuck against the bottom drain. :'(

Pond Chat / water lily newbie question
« on: July 12, 2009, 07:57:11 PM »
Some of you know that I have 2 water lilies from WalMart in my pond.  I was thrilled to see a bud on one last week when it was on the shelf in the pond.  We lowered it to the pond bottom, and it's doing fine.  The bud started to open yesterday, but within a few hours it got very dark/cloudy outside and remained that way until we had heavy rain from 10p.m. and the rest of the night.

I noticed that the lily closed up when the clouds covered the sky, but that wasn't much different than many of my non-water plants so I didn't give it much thought.  When I left the house at 9 this morning, the lily was beginning to open once again, but when I returned at 3 it was totally closed up again.  We had a beautiful clear blue sky/sunny day all day.  Is this flower finished?  Do they only bloom for one day?  It didn't even get a chance to fully open.

And does anyone know which one this might be?  I can't find the labels, and with WalMart one doesn't always get what the label says anyway...

Here is is yesterday before it closed up in the darker weather.

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: young comets spawning?
« on: July 12, 2009, 04:49:49 PM »
Just a quick follow-up... not sure if they were spawning or not, but we have lost 5 fish already.  Three died yesterday - 2 weeks after having put them in.  I posted up in pond chat wondering if putting an ABS pipe in the pond could have somehow made them sick, because that was the only change we've made to the pond since putting the fish in, aside from also putting 2 UV lights in the skimmer.

Another fish swam into the skimmer this evening - we saw him do it, and didn't come out.  My husband opened the skimmer and saw him in there alive, and then he disappeared - didn't come out into the pond, yet wasn't in the basket when he raised it.  So I'm probably going to have to count him among the dead ones soon.  That will then leave 10 of the original 16, and THAT is why I put so many in, in the first place.  My hunch was that all of them would not make it. :-\

Pond Chat / Re: Oh for pete's sake...
« on: July 12, 2009, 05:08:51 AM »
I feel your pain, Lynne! :P  I once accepted a generous offer of aquarium plants from someone I knew online.  I thought it would be cool to grow some plants from someone in Oregon!  They looked fine when I got them, but VERY shortly my entire aquarium was FULL of the little devils.  It was so thick I couldn't see through the glass!  I had to do a complete wipe-down of the tank with clorox - of course I took the fish out first! ;D O0

My husband also bought me a product at the pet store - I can't find the bottle right now but I think it was called something like "snail away" or something simple like that?

Sorry I can't help with the lettuce.  I wish you much good luck getting rid of those pests!

Pond Chat / Re: Pictures Fourth of July 09
« on: July 11, 2009, 08:11:03 PM »
VERY peaceful setting.  Your pond looks very serene and pretty.
What is the yellow plant growing along the edges?

Pond Chat / Re: My backyard blooms, from water to land.
« on: July 11, 2009, 08:08:17 PM »
VERY nice indeed!

I am in zone 6A here also - how do you overwinter your lotus?  I am thinking of growing some next year.

Pond Chat / Re: My favorite spot in my back yard, pond
« on: July 11, 2009, 08:01:54 PM »
Very nice, and lush Kim!

Looks like a wonderful place to spend a peaceful afternoon reading in your swing - I've always wanted one, but have yet to have one.  Some day...

Pond Chat / Re: ABS/PVC pipes?
« on: July 11, 2009, 07:58:42 PM »
Scott - the pipe was brand new and my husband wiped it down - I asked him what he used and he said a new cloth.

Thanks again Esther and Scott. :hug:  The thing of it is... I have been a member of a gardening forums website for 6 years now, and we try very hard not to say negative things there.  Especially things that might hurt someone's feelings.  IF anything is said, the moderators usually remove the post, or send a private message to the poster. 

But you are both absolutely correct :hug:, and sometimes I can be a bit sensitive - goes with my Virgo personality, you know?!? {:-P;;

Pond Chat / Re: ABS/PVC pipes?
« on: July 11, 2009, 02:08:25 PM »
Lynne----------you do what you can with what you have. OK?? Then also, even if you have lots, and decide to not spend it, it's OK.. OK?? It's your pond, your life, your money and you are the one who decides what you like and how you'll get it. OK??

OK THEN!!! ;D O0

But really... thanks so much for the encouragement!  I guess I was a bit surprised in one of my other threads when I was not expecting some of the "strongly opinionated" responses.  That said...  I just "rescued" a Sioux waterlily from PetSmart 2 days ago.  The girl said it just came in that day, so how bad could it be, right?  Well it was in a brown paper bag that was totally sealed, so I made sure I could bring it back if it was dust or dead - yep.  When I got home, I was VERY disappointed to see that it was a rhyzome about 2 1/2 inches long, with some eensy weensy teeny tiny sprouts - some were dried dead, but others had life to them - THIS I could see with a magnifying glass - NO JOKE!  I decided not to spend the gas taking it back, and to give it a try.  I potted it up yesterday, gave it some tomato spike fertilizer, and put it on the higher shelf.  I have read that Sioux should be placed on a 6 inch shelf to begin with, and then be lowered once it's established.  It's already looking a bit happier today - the shoots are still microscopic, but I can see them and that's what counts, right?  Keeping my fingers crossed that I will at least see some pads this summer, if not flowers, and then we'll take it from there.

My first lilies were free from pond members. Well actually they were from a trade. Then I got some from a landscaping store in the country here that specializes in ponds. I got  one that was floating free in a pond that was being bulldozed. I brought it home and am thrilled to find that it is a small blossom with very deep fushia color. I chopped it up and put pieces in 2 1/2 whiskey barrel pots and another preform in the back yard. They are blooming their little hearts out.  I think because they're glad I rescued them.  I love them too.

I also think they are glad to have been rescued - good for you!!!

If you want to see some stuff that was cheap, cheap, cheap, go to the DIY section and you'll see the PVC queen in action.

WOW - just came from there - I am VERY impressed!!!

Photo Album / Re: Nymphaea 'Foxfire'
« on: July 11, 2009, 01:43:25 PM »
Those pictures speak LOUD and CLEAR!!!

Those flowers are AMAZING!

Pond Chat / Re: ABS/PVC pipes?
« on: July 11, 2009, 11:31:32 AM »
There isn't anything wrong with WalMart first 2 came from there as did all my fish.  It is really hard to find plants that are affordable locally.   

I hope you are enjoying your WM purchases as much as I have over the last 7 years.

I have bought plants from forum members and made trades that are great plants for the money.

Thanks so much, Sue.  I have already had a few comments both on the WalMart lilies AND the PetSmart comet feeder fish, and that is why I wrote my post a bit defensively.  So I do really appreciate your response. O0  I'm all for the gorgeous better plants and fish, but that is not in our budget right now.

Thanks for your information, Ruth.  I didn't think it was the pipe, but just wonder why after 2 weeks we would be having problems all of a sudden.  That was the only thing that has changed the past day.

Chit Chat / Re: lost... trying to figure it out
« on: July 11, 2009, 11:09:09 AM »
I'm so very sorry for you, Michelle.  While I am older than you, my son just went through a similar thing this past year.  His girlfriend of 6 years broke up with him Thanksgiving weekend last November.  They had been going out since Valentine's Day freshman year of college.  He has not dated anyone in all that time and at 26 really doesn't know how at this point I don't think.

He was very hopeful that she would change her mind at first, and then the anger set in - he blocked her from all his online sites and emails, etc.  Thankfully he has some friends here still from high school days, and he at least gets out of the house every now and then.  He moved back home temporarily last July while he looked for a job in Philly to move in with her.  She got a job there right away but he had difficulty.  I guess he wasn't moving quickly enough for her and she broke it off.  HER LOSS.

I hope you get your situation worked out soon, and that things fall into place for you as they are meant to be.  So sorry again. :hug:

Pond Chat / Re: ABS/PVC pipes?
« on: July 11, 2009, 10:24:14 AM »
Sorry about your bud, Lynne - I'm sure you will see it soon.  Mine came up and is blooming much quicker than I thought it would.  It's not fully opened yet, but I did ask my husband to take some pictures a couple of hours ago and he did.  He's outside mowing the lawn now, and then is going to begin cutting wood to make an adirondack chair for the pond garden to replace the crummy one that I returned to the store this year.  When he gets a project in his head he is crazed until it's done, so I have a feeling I won't be getting those pictures from his camera until late tonight. ::)

Pond Chat / Re: Hi all!
« on: July 11, 2009, 10:16:42 AM »
That is soooooooooo cool about the baby fish, jw! @O@

We lost 2 more this morning so now we are down to 12 from 16. There is another one acting strange - at first he was staying with his head under one of the lily pads all morning.  Both times when my husband and I nudged him with the net he scooted down into the water.  But now he is kinda skimming along on the surface of the water.  I expect that he won't make it through the day.  I posted about the pipe we put in the pond yesterday, but haven't gotten any answers about it yet.

Pond Chat / ABS/PVC pipes?
« on: July 11, 2009, 07:50:56 AM »
Yesterday afternoon we put an elbow shaped ABS pipe (black) into the pond for the fish to have another place to hide in and swim through.  This morning 2 fish were dead, and another is "hiding" his head under a lily pad leaf.  Not his entire body, but just his head - I coax him to swim away but he keeps going back.

We are wondering if there is anything in the ABS pipe that might be making the fish sick?  All the others seem to be fine and ate just a little while ago.

Oh, and I have a water lily bloom on my cheapo WalMart lily today!  I know that some of you experts don't think that's such a big deal, but for our first water lily bloom EVER we think it's a VERY BIG exciting event! @O@ Everyone has to spend within their means you know? ;)   Pictures to come just as soon as my husband takes them. O0

Pond Chat / Re: Hi all!
« on: July 10, 2009, 04:48:57 PM »
Thanks for the info, jw!
I'm glad you were able to figure out a way to make yours work better so your fish don't get caught up in it.

We had a dead comet sucked to the side of the bottome drain this morning.  My husband had put some chicken wire around the outside of it because I had been losing a bunch of fish through the drain last summer, and it's worked well so far.  But I was sad to lose one down there.  The others all seem to be doing ok.  They come and eat off the surface now, and know what my knocking on the rocks means - FOOD! O0

Pond Chat / Re: pics of my ponds
« on: July 10, 2009, 07:41:08 AM »
Very nice pond and pictures!

Do you grow the passionflower vine in your pond?  I've had a rather large one in a pot that I have to take indoors each winter.  I cut it way back this year and it's not doing very well for some reason.  It's always grown leaps and bounds by now.  Maybe too much rain that we've been getting?

Pond Chat / Re: Who am I?
« on: July 09, 2009, 07:28:34 PM »
Thanks for that link, Lynne!!!

The sound is the gray tree frog.  It does not peep at all like the oak toad.

Thanks for helping everyone! O0

Pond Chat / Re: The Magnificient Hardy - Pink Ribbon
« on: July 09, 2009, 07:23:13 PM »
Absolutely beautiful!!!

Pond Chat / Re: Who am I?
« on: July 09, 2009, 09:18:16 AM »
WOW Esther - that is very close - only thing is that ours are more brownish/grey, but for now that it definitely the closest one!  Thanks!

As for their "job" being finished - I don't see any eggs around - is it too early for that, or how does that all work?  Would they be pulled into the skimmer if there had been any in the pond?

By the way... my grandmother's name was Esther and it is my daughter's Hebrew name. 

Pond Chat / Re: Hi all!
« on: July 09, 2009, 08:29:15 AM »
Thanks for the welcome, Landey and Julles!

Lynne - I get just what you mean about doing what you want when you want!!!

Julles - don't be too impressed with the size of this pond!  I actually started out with a bathtub pond for 2 years before we did this one!!!  YEP - my husband had to renovate the kids' bathroom because it leaked down through our kitchen ceiling, so when he took out the bathtub I asked if we could turn it into a pond!  I had been drooling for a pond for years, and thought that wouldn't be too much work.  I LOVED that little pond - I was actually able to keep fish alive much easier in that, than the current pond.

Here is a picture of the bathtub pond when we first put it in.
I did the rocks around this one, my husband did all the rocks around the larger current one.

As it was getting established

And in August doing well

The ONLY reason I now have this nicer pond, is that when we had to connect to the sewer system 2 1/2 years ago, we asked the contractor if he would dig out a hole for a pond while he had the tractor here.  He was SUCH a nice guy - said he had done that a few other times for other people - no problem.  He spent a good 45 minutes digging it out to our specifications, and would not accept a penny for his time or labor!  He even called us the next day to see if the sewer etc was working ok.  Guys like that are gemstones! o(:-)

I LOVE the idea of putting a strawberry pot in the pond - never thought of that - thanks!  We did buy some large black PVC pipe at Home Depot the other day - one has 2 curves to it for fishy fun, and the other is a 5 foot long piece that my husband will cut into 2 pieces so there are more places to hide.

Pond Chat / Re: Who am I?
« on: July 09, 2009, 08:02:22 AM »
Hmmmmm - the markings aren't quite right for the tree frog and we've never seen it in a green stage, but the sounds is VERY close.

Steve -  :o

Pond Chat / Who am I?
« on: July 08, 2009, 06:42:33 PM »
We have had several frogs/toads singing their hearts out for a few weeks now. It started with just one, and then pretty soon there were at least 6 calling back and forth from just before dusk til about midnight. Two days ago, one floated into the skimmer and was dead when my husband took it out. We have no idea what happened to it. But that night and last night there was only the one singing! What happened to all the others? It's very strange.

This evening when my husband was cleaning the skimmer there were 2 on the rim inside. He tried to get some pictures but this is the best of the batch. AND... there isn't any singing tonight!!!

Do you think this is an American Toad?  It does trill rather than "ribbit", but I'm not sure of the coloring.

Pond Chat / Re: Hi all!
« on: July 08, 2009, 06:11:21 PM »
Lynne - I wanted to get a nice market umbrella and put it on the sunnier side but my husband said no to that.  So he's not going to let me float anything like an air mattress, or put umbrellas into the pond either.  But thanks for the suggestions.

The combination of barley straw and the new UV lights is definitely clearing up the water.  We could see down to the bottom today in great detail - YEA! @O@  I could even see some fish from the second story window this morning - it's about time!

jw - I like your idea of making a plant hoop - where did you get the black tubing?  We actually already have screening, though I'm not sure I am patient enough to sew it around tubing with fishline.  (also have that already).

Thanks for the welcome, tranquility.  My husband tried to look in the folds of the liner for the fish but didn't see any.  They aren't as small as when I got them last year - last time we did see them they were about 5-6 inches, so I would think that part of them would stick out of the folds? 

As for Algae Fix... I have told my husband... NO MORE CHEMICALS!  His problem is... he is a scientist - a hydrogeologist!  So he is interested in the quick fix here.  I do think that now that he got the UV lights he will hopefully stay away from the chemicals.  He did watch the comets come to eat their dinner tonight and enjoyed that, so I'm thinking he wouldn't want to hurt them with more "fixes", ya know?

Koi Corner / Re: She is gone
« on: July 08, 2009, 07:42:21 AM »
I am so very sorry to read this, pondlady. :'(  I imagine you were very close to those beautiful fish.  I'm sure you have many wonderful memories of them that will comfort you during this difficult time.

Pond Chat / Re: Hi all!
« on: July 08, 2009, 07:12:32 AM »
Thanks Lynne and Tink!

There has always been a problem getting coverage over the water.  The water hyacinths do not like to grow in this pond!  They always turn yellow and die pretty soon after I place them in the water.  I have to have them in a tethered hoop or they all end up right in front of the skimmer because of the flow from the waterfall, rendering it useless!  This is the longest I've been able to keep some (2 weeks - WOW!), but they are turning yellow.  The kid at the pond store said that his at home are yellow and that it was a different type of water hyacinth - I highly doubt that - they started out nice and dark green as they should be!

As for umbrella plants - I LOVE what you did with that picture - thanks so much - you are very creative!  I would LOVE to grow some in there, but I just do not have a speck of room to overwinter it indoors.  I just researched it and they are only hardy to zone 8, and we are in zone 6 here.  I have to take in many of my outdoor plants - I am a gardener at heart.  And now will also have to take in the 2 pots of dwarf papyrus that are doing well.  AND I have 6 indoor cats that just LOVE to eat eat EAT all my plants! :P  I learned that one roots the papyrus the same way you described rooting the umbrella plant.  It is so cool!   @O@  I have a baby plant growing on my deck now that has sent out lots of new leaves with "flowers" on them, and am rooting 2 more.  So much fun!

I can't keep water lettuce - it just yellows and browns almost immediately for lack of shade.  I am psyched that my water lilies are starting to do well, and went in search of more yesterday, but unfortunately the prices are not in our budget right now - especially after just having bought 2 UV lights for the skimmer.

Last year I bought a solid hula hoop to help put some shade in the pond - I of course had to tether that too.  It had Dora the Explorer on one side, but I put that side down - sorry but I am not a Dora fan! :D  I'm not floating it this year - really didn't like the way it looked and it did get grungy looking after last summer.

Any other suggestions as to putting more cover on the water?

Pond Chat / Re: Hi all!
« on: July 07, 2009, 07:20:56 PM »
Thanks for the great welcome all!

Esther - I'm so sorry to hear that you lost all those koi.  I would have been very upset!

jw - I  haven't heard of putting kitty litter in a sock by the waterfall - interesting idea.  So far, the UV lights my husband installed last Thursday seem to be working to clear up the water.  It's not perfectly clear yet, but we're getting there.

Some of you have asked for pictures.  I tried to get some decent ones today, but it's hard to fit the pond and gardens all into the camera frame.  These were the best I could do today.

This is from the upstairs window through the screen this morning.

And this is from the driveway this afternoon.

These pictures really don't do it justice though.  Someday I hope to get a much better camera.

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