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Messages - small fish

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Pond Chat / Pond Vac or Shop Vac ???
« on: September 12, 2006, 08:08:09 PM »
 Can you share your experience with these.   I am planning on buying one.  Looks like one is far cheaper that the other. Can you recommend a brand or name of a pond vac. Did you buy one and wish you had bought the other??  How easy or diffcult is yours to use.  My pond is 2200 gal and is really two ponds in one.  That is the two has a dam between the two with one waterfall at the top of the first pond and a smaller waterfall on the side of the smaller pond.  I would  post a pic as I have been taking lots of pics now that I have the hang of my camera. But I have not figured out how to post pics yet.


Pond Chat / Mayla ???
« on: September 03, 2006, 07:53:37 PM »
For those of you who grow this lily.... what size pot do you have it planted in ??
I had one lily last year that got pot bound and died. :'(  I think it was planted in that pot for just 6 months.  I do not want this to happen to the Mayla that I have.  It is just a little plant right now but I have big plans for it. Below it what I have found out on the net.  Please share your experience.  Thanks 

It has a running rootstock (odorata) and for this reason requires a very large container to do it justice. It grows exceptionally well in natural ponds where its roots have total freedom. When established, the leaves can be well in excess of 30cm (12") in diameter, so definitely not one for the tub garden.


Pond Chat / Re: Planting Black Taro
« on: August 26, 2006, 08:39:42 PM »
Thanks for the tip, Mike.... I will try that  8)


Karen, just to let you know I tried to email you an order and the mail was returned to me as undelivered.  I will try again in a day or so.


Pond Chat / Re: Planting Black Taro
« on: August 26, 2006, 07:02:26 PM »
Thanks, ya'll. Should have said I live in zone 8a.  And the taro I had I planted in a pot that I brought in for the winter.  As I have several of these I think I will plant some in the ground and see how they do.  Thanks again for your input.


Pond Chat / Planting Black Taro
« on: August 26, 2006, 03:08:56 PM »
I have grown this plant in my small pond before.  I had the chance at the Farmers Market today to buy several at a dirt cheap price.  What has been your experience in growing these plants :  in the pond in a container and bring it in for the winter or outside of the pond in the ground year round???? :D


Pond Chat / Re: Help planting water plants
« on: August 22, 2006, 08:17:25 PM »
 @O@ Wow, what great information on planting.... I will have to go look up what type of rush that is... thanks all

Pond Chat / Help planting water plants
« on: August 21, 2006, 07:52:21 PM »
I am in the first full summer with the new larger pond.  I have bought a number of new plants  :o suprise, suprise.  I would like to plant as many things in the rocks as I can.  Do any of you have experience with these plants in the rocks and not in pots.
 water hibiscus      marsh betony      water willow    strawberries and cream ribbon grass  blue sedge        Rush grass     and I know you have the experience   o(:-)


Pond Chat / Re: Yikes!!!! A deer in my pond.
« on: August 14, 2006, 07:36:18 PM »
The deer is great @O@.... but Wow, :D what a pond.... I want to go out and enlarge my own pond after seeing yours  :-\and I just did that last year... went from about 200 or 300 gals to 2,200 gals... o(:-)


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