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Messages - small fish

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Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Help what can you do with grasshoppers
« on: June 23, 2010, 03:29:06 PM »
Well, it appears mine have moved some where else.  The leaves of the Rose of Sharon are looking a lot better along with others. Maybe some got eated or died.   @O@


Terrestrial Gardening / Help what can you do with grasshoppers
« on: June 19, 2010, 05:55:41 AM »
They are trying to eat up every thing.  I could see there was some thing making all of the leaves on the Rose of Sharon appear very lacey.  Pretty look but not natural.  Did not take very long to see it as well as a number of other plants were wrapped up with very tiny grasshoppers who seem to have a tremendus dirise to live and grow big.  Now I am finding these grasshoppers on every thing all over the yard.  Is there any thing I can to to decrease their number or just wipe them out.  I have not used anything in my yard to kill things because of the pond.  Suggestions???    :-\


Pond Chat / Re: Who used to be on
« on: June 18, 2010, 06:49:02 PM »
I was there, too.. but only a year or so maybe..    Small Fish   :)


Pond Chat / Re: Turtle Island pics.
« on: June 02, 2010, 08:06:35 PM »
 I am very happy that the lily Myra is a great bloomer.. and I live in Louisiana, so if you come to New Orleans to sell lilies I can be there  8-)~


Pond Chat / Re: Turtle Island pics.
« on: May 29, 2010, 06:47:52 PM »
WOW  8-)~  I was not ready for the mass of color in the first pic.. it was to much at first.. I had to adjust to look at it ... it was so much more that I thought it would be    @O@

Photo Album / Re: my first water lily bloom
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:37:09 PM »
I agree with you Kim... and I will take a pic of those same water lily blooms over and over again


Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Early Morning Plant Pix...5-25-10
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:34:11 PM »
Wow... what a collection of neat plants....  8-)~  I can hardly wait it the few I have to grow up  :hug:


That very ok   thanks for the lily


Wooo, Kat  I really did not plan to buy any lilies this year but I am not sure that the Pink Flamingo I got last year made it so I am interested in buying another one.  I have to many lilies in my above ground lily pond and every thing got scrambled up.  I don't know what I have at this point.  My shipping address is :

Myra Carter
4712 Bramble Way
Shreveport, La   71118

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Spring blooms & stuff
« on: April 23, 2010, 06:45:53 PM »
WOW.... that last one it to pretty  @O@


Kat would it be ok for me to just order the rain lilies?  I have a lot of water lilies to divide yet and I am not sure where I am with those yet.  Thanks

Myra Carter

Hey, that is a great looking natural pond.... wish I had that in my back yard  o(:-)


Chit Chat / Re: NWF Photo Contest Winners
« on: November 21, 2009, 07:45:28 AM »
Thoses pics were amazing thanks for sharing


Pond Chat / Re: My favorite spot in my back yard, pond
« on: July 12, 2009, 07:19:12 AM »
Sure looks like a peice of heaven to me  @O@


Pond Chat / Re: Pictures Fourth of July 09
« on: July 04, 2009, 07:14:07 PM »
Wow, your plants around your pond have really grown since I last or first saw your pond... looking good   o(:-)


Sorry for the noise as my teeth just fell out   ... don't know how much more I can take...  8-)~


Photo Album / Re: box turtle
« on: July 01, 2009, 08:22:46 PM »
I don't know to much about turtles, but he does not look very happy.  I would so love to have turtles too.


Pond Chat / Re: New Waterfall, Almost Black with pics
« on: July 01, 2009, 09:09:40 AM »
Ohhhhh :( I want to see the pic... I am excited for you    8-)~


Pond Chat / Re: sunfire
« on: June 26, 2009, 08:41:33 PM »
You are sharing my thought completely      ::)


Pond Chat / Re: Yellow watermelon update
« on: June 26, 2009, 08:07:34 PM »
WOW, that really looks really cool  @O@


Pond Chat / Re: Blooms To Share
« on: June 23, 2009, 05:00:30 PM »
Very nice.... very soothing I bet  o(:-)


Ahhhh, that pic looks like really life if I have every seen it... Please tell me what you feed your roses with.  This is my first year, hard to believe, to have roses.  I have some knockout roses, climing roses and a Mister Lincoln roses.  All of them have has nice blooms except the last one.  I expect it to be the best of all.


Pond Chat / Re: Oh, s***t Snake !!!!!
« on: June 16, 2009, 08:11:35 PM »
Thanks for everyone's input.  I do think the snake is the one in the pic Tim posted which he stated is not poisionous.  I do agree that if you build it, they will come and they have.  The frogs, which I have many of them, birds, spiters, dragonflies, lizards, the fish mutiply and I had been concerned recently about that and had given some away. Nature will take care of its own.  My neibor had told me last year he had seen a couple of snakes when he was mowing the grass.  This year he had said he saw a snake which appears to be the one I saw in the pond.  I have met snakes before in my lifetime.  It is not the thing I look forward to but they are going to be around from time to time.  I really don't mine the snakes that I do not see.  And it I had been able to get a pic of the snake and the fish it would have been the pic of a lifetime.  But as the case of keeping a gun, it is never close to you when you really need it. I would be more ok with the snake in the flower bed than in the pond because I really like to wade into the pond to clip off the lily pads.  I do have a pair of hip waders that I bought to use if the water was to cold and I really needed to go in the water.  I did work at the ponds edge pulling over grown plants out but I have not seen any sign of the snake.  I know that does not mean he is gone.  I will be wearing the waders the next several times I need to get into the pond.  I did find a garden snake in the flower bed at the front of the house.  I did not want to kill it but did get a pic this time.  Not the best but I will post it later.


Thanks, LeeAnne  I knew there way something wrong there when I looked at that yesterday


Pond Chat / Re: Oh, s***t Snake !!!!!
« on: June 14, 2009, 06:19:54 AM »
Oh, great that is good news... but I am glad to reallize it is not a moccasin >:(-


I added the pics of the water poppy and

Right, I forgot that one.... I will pay you to come and get it  ::)


for sale.  The water lettuce is trying to take over both ponds and the other two plants have been in the pond about 3 or 4 years.  Past time to cut back.  I would like to ship these Monday or Tuesday as I have to get them out of the pond this week end due to the snake in the pond. Have to get rid of the snake also.  Let me know if you are interested. 

Water lettuce    2 for $1
Blue/purple pickerel    $3 ea
Blue sludge               $3 ea

Plus postage
I accept paypal. I will post pics later today


More pics below

Pond Chat / Re: Oh, s***t Snake !!!!!
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:51:26 AM »
I do know Bullfrog if the snake will stay still long enought for me to do that... he moved pretty quickly when I moved..  I am going to try to avoid draining the pond completely and I was planning to cut back the plant a lot any way... I will find out how brave I am today... I was planning on wading in today but now I will be working a lot more from the banks of the pond.. I am hoping my splashing around and pulling the plants out will drive him out of the pond and give me a chance to kill it   >:(

ThornyGardener, now you know you would not move after all of your hard work creating your yard with plant, but the thought is a good one


Pond Chat / Oh, s***t Snake !!!!!
« on: June 12, 2009, 06:14:55 PM »
I just saw a snake in my upper pond.  He had a fish in his mouth.  When I saw him I froze and so did he.  It was a black snake, not to big around. His color under his mouth and chin was a light color.  I could see his tail sticking up out of the water but I am not sure how long it was.  It was in the pond looking toward the edge of the ground around the pond.  He was holding his head up in a s shape with the fish not quite half way in his mouth. I wanted to hit him with something but there way not anything around. My next thought was to take his pic but I knew that I could not get to the camera.  I move just a little.  The fish wiggled. And the snake slipped backwards into the water. 

I don't think he has been in there long.  I thought this morning when I went to feed the fish, they were acting very strange as they did not come toward me and did not seem to interested in the food.  I am very unhappy to think he is in there eating all of the fish. My favorite fish in there.  I normally wade around in that pond often.  My plan was to get in there tomorrow and cut back a number of marganal plants.  Ohhhhhh.  I guess now I have to drain that pond to get him out.   >:(-


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