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Messages - LynneNY

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Pond Chat / Re: A few pictures on a gorgeous day
« on: June 24, 2012, 07:58:37 AM »
Awww thanks everyone! :hug:
It takes many shots to get the ones I think are ok, but I don't mind - I love seeing everyone's pictures and getting great ideas too.

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Grapes anyone???
« on: June 22, 2012, 01:20:40 PM »
Lucky you! Great growing!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: An unusual Agave
« on: June 22, 2012, 01:18:29 PM »
Love these plants, and yours are very nice! I wish I could grow them large here, so as to help keep the deer away.

Terrestrial Gardening / Sunshine on a cloudy day!
« on: June 22, 2012, 01:16:13 PM »
I have a larger patch inground, but had to cut these a few weeks ago, as they were draping over the pathway.They make great plants whether in pots or in the ground. O0  People are always very surprised to see cacti growing here in NY, but they actually grow wild in the mountains here also I am told.  They get flat, deflated, and ugly in the colder months, but plump right up when the weather warms up.

Chit Chat / Re: Phoebe's Garden Spot
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:59:16 PM »
I didn't realize that is a balcony - it's wonderful!

Pond Chat / Re: ponds starting to perk up
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:36:07 PM »
Love it! I'm thinking I might need a pink flamingo at my pond, after seeing all of yours!

Pond Chat / Re: Flowers, Fish, and Frogs are lovin' the heat!
« on: June 20, 2012, 11:11:21 AM »
Thanks Annette.  The white is a butterfly koi - got it as a baby last year. It  has very shiny scales on top - glittery - can't remember the type it is - someone told me last year. My husband calls it Mini Pearl - I told him he cannot name the fish - certain death! :-\

Pond Chat / Flowers, Fish, and Frogs are lovin' the heat!
« on: June 20, 2012, 09:34:39 AM »
It was already 88F at 10a.m. and the pond was full of life @O@, while I was melting taking these pictures. ::)

Classic frog on a lily pad

Gotta love 'em some cheerios! ;D

Chit Chat / Sammy the Squirrel
« on: June 17, 2012, 11:07:58 AM »
This is Sammy the Squirrel. He was playing dead on the deck railing this morning! Not moving at all, nose down on the railing, tail bent in half, eyes half open, dead. :-\ By the time I ran down to the kitchen window, he had turned around facing the opposite direction but in the same exact position. I happened to have some squirrel food left over from last winter, and threw it onto the deck floor - that got Sammy in action.
Great acting, Sammy! ::)

Pond Chat / Re: More Lily pics
« on: June 17, 2012, 10:54:01 AM »

LynneNY, you might consider some Thermoplanter pots to grow a couple water lilies.  I'm going to pot a couple of my tropicals in one this fall & see how long I can keep them blooming.  And there are several members that order blooming size tropicals to grow just for the summer months.

Unfortunately, I cannot justify the prices of tropicals, let alone a special pot for them. I do LOVE their colors though, but they are just not in the budget. But I can live vicariously through all the wonderful posts of beauties here.

Last winter we did not use the heater for the pond, because the previous 2 winters it increased our electric bill by $400/month for 2 months each year! THAT was ridiculous - I didn't spend anywhere near that for the fish we were trying to keep alive with the heater!  Thankfully, we had a very mild winter and they all survived, minus the 3 or so that the heron got early spring.

Pond Chat / Re: More Lily pics
« on: June 16, 2012, 06:30:10 PM »
Just gorgeous! I'm jealous of your tropicals! 8-)~

Pond Chat / A few pictures on a gorgeous day
« on: June 16, 2012, 12:02:13 PM »
I wasn't sure the pickerel would bloom this year since my husband didn't bring them back up from the bottom until a few weeks ago, and many leaves had overgrown. I cut back those long leaves and was rewarded with regular sized ones and some blooms today. A few water lilies show through in the background.

Left side pathway that I built about 2 years ago -
to show contrast to right side that I just did last Sunday

New right side pathway built last Sunday

First yellow water lily of this year

Pond Chat / Re: lotus finally starting to bloom
« on: June 16, 2012, 09:27:18 AM »

Pond Chat / Re: One month later ....
« on: June 03, 2012, 08:02:25 PM »
WOW impressive!

Pond Chat / Re: Pond and Bogs......
« on: June 03, 2012, 07:56:20 AM »
Gorgeous!!! o(:-)

Pond Chat / Re: Pond on a rainy day
« on: June 03, 2012, 07:24:20 AM »
Thanks for all the very nice comments, all.  :)

Kuan - here is a link to my very first post here, where I describe all our trials and tribulations.  The pond is about 3,000 gallons, which my husband built after we had a contractor dig out the hole for us for free. (Info in the link)

Kathy - clear water is trial and error with us. The pond is in full all day sun - no shade at all. Lately the water has been somewhat clear, but tinged with a bit of green from the string algae that is covering the liner and wants to start up but we are hoping we are keeping at bay this year. The past 2 years it has been horrific. :P  We do have a UV filter, and my husband uses some beneficial bacteria (sorry I don't know which ones), but it's a constant battle.  He also uses something for sediment, but I find that that all settles on the plant roots and stems constantly, and I find that unsightly, but he's ok with that.

As for surface coverage... I have never, in the 4 years we've had the pond, been able to grow water hyacinths for cover.  Everyone tells me how prolific they are, and how they always have to either give some away or toss them, and yet my 4-5 plants just sit there, then turn yellow, then brown and just die! :-\ I bought 5 plants about 3 weeks ago and NOTHING. They are just floating in the hula hoop I have to put them in so they don't live in the skimmer, and no growth whatsoever.  I so wish I could grow them, so as to help give more coverage for when the heron comes. >:(-

Pond Chat / Pond on a rainy day
« on: May 30, 2012, 07:22:24 AM »
I was out very early this morning before the rains come again, and was able to enjoy the very first water lily of the season. Can't remember the name - it was from Petsmart and most likely not what it was named anyway. Still pretty in my eyes. o(:-)

Pond Chat / Re: All my lilies & marginals are hail damaged
« on: May 30, 2012, 07:13:13 AM »
So sorry, Kat. I'd really love to know what Mother Nature is so angry about this past year or so. She's making it very difficult to do those things we love.

Pond Chat / Re: Some pond critters today
« on: May 26, 2012, 08:18:11 AM »
Anyone know if herons eat snakes? ;)

Or visa versa?!?  O0 ;D

Pond Chat / Some pond critters today
« on: May 25, 2012, 08:34:29 PM »
"Staring contest"

"Which is my better side?!?"


"I see you!"

I soooooo do not do snakes!  I will probably be doing much less gardening around the pond this year.  I knew they were there, as in the past 2 Augusts I have found skins on the pond rocks, but I've never actually seen one. EWWWWWW!

Pond Chat / Re: Pond plant keeps falling over
« on: May 25, 2012, 11:15:55 AM »
I was recently at my cousins' when they were having a landscaper plant a front garden with trees and large bushes. I was able to get some great large and durable plastic pots for my pond plants for free. Look around your neighborhood and see if anyone is doing any landscaping?

Pond Chat / Re: I feel so defeated :-(
« on: May 24, 2012, 06:53:25 PM »
Thank you all for your kind words.   

ThornyGardener hit the nail on the head when she said "the one thing that should provide peace and relaxation is a source of sorrow as well thanks to the feathered fiend."

Also - "I would be happy to shoot it with pellet gun, but no way could I grab the gun, get outside, take aim and fire before the heron flew away... I refuse to put an ugly net over my pond."  EXACTLY!!!

We do have plenty of cover for the fish - a large 1/2 clay pot on its side, several large black PVC pipes, some metal baskets that the fish can swim in and out of, but the bird's beak cannot pierce, lots of lily pads when they fill in as summer goes on. I also stuck tomato stakes around the perimeter of the pond, but am going to get some other stakes to tie the fishline onto tomorrow.

I'm also planning a trip to the pond store tomorrow if it's not raining, to see if they have any more blue koi.  It's exactly 2 years since I got the first two. The first 1 went missing about a month after we got him, and now the second just a few days ago.  I will try one more time, and then it's just more cheaper koi from Petsmart if the blues are taken.

Pond Chat / Re: I feel so defeated :-(
« on: May 23, 2012, 07:28:06 AM »
Thankfully, I did catch a glance of my youngest koi a short while ago. I'm afraid the blue is probably gone, and hopefully the larger yellow is just hiding.

I have lots of  pinwheels around the pond, and other moving windchimes, etc, which I think look a bit cheesy, but I have them anyway because of the heron. Also plants on the shelves that I hoped would help deter.  As soon as it stops raining, I am going to string fishline across once again - it came down during winter, but then we won't be able to get into the pond to deadhead the numerous water lily pads unfortunately.

 As for trying to shoot it with anything at all, it usually comes when we are not here, of course. When we do see it, it's usually too late and it's flying off.

I understand your need for netting, but I just feel that it takes the joy out of ponding altogether.  I guess I will resort back to the cheapo 27 cent feeder fish if it comes to that.  Most of my 6 inch goldies started out that way a few years ago, but they are the ones that are desirable to the heron now. 


Pond Chat / I feel so defeated :-(
« on: May 23, 2012, 04:38:51 AM »
Yesterday, I could not see my beautiful blue koi anywhere. I was out at the pond at 6:15 this morning looking for it - nowhere to be seen. After looking for quite a while, I came back inside to try to get a little more sleep. One last look out the back window, and there is the F'N HERON FLYING UP FROM THE POND!!! OH MY GOD!!! I didn't even see him at first - they are excellent camoflaugers! Chased him off by yelling out, ran back outside. Now I cannot see my other 2 koi!!! Please hope they are just hiding? This has got to stop. I feel so defeated. :_ _ (

It's too much sadness just a month after my mom passed away.

Terrestrial Gardening / orchid
« on: May 12, 2012, 10:03:10 AM »
I was gifted with this "blue" orchid a year ago. It is growing indoors, by a northeastern window. It's one of the type where the growers are trying to trick people into believing that the flowers naturally grow blue, but in reality the stems are injected with dye as they grow. They start out as white flowering plants.

The flowers lasted a very long time last year, but when they were done, the stem turned brown and died. I know that typically, new blooms grow on old flower stems, but those stems were totally dead.

This year, a couple of months ago, many new healthy roots began to grow. No flower stems though. I was wondering if these roots should be potted into the growing medium, or will they survive the very dry air in our house?  I know that orchids have aerial roots, but the few I've had before dried out sooner or later. I do mist the 2 orchids I have, but I really don't want to lose this one.

Any thoughts?

Chit Chat / Re: Going to San Francisco in 2 days!
« on: July 15, 2011, 07:04:33 PM »
I always loved Pier 39, if not just for the sea lions.  They are huge, loud and obnoxious... and everyone loves them!  If you can get there, I'd say go just for the experience and to say "I saw the sea lions!".

I have a funny story about the sea lions. About 3 years ago, my son was there while in SF on a business trip. He called me at the Pier right by the sea lions - all I heard was the ever-so-loud barking - could not hear a single word my son was saying - we were both laughing so hard on the phone!

We will, of course go there, but we've both been there before.  He won't go to the gardens - isn't the least bit interested in that, poor deprived boy!  ::)

Holldoll - I hadn't realized that you live there. How great that you get to go to Google in August - my son would have loved it, as he is an IT and consumed with all things computer!

We will have to figure out a way to go over the bridge one way or another. I am going to that website right now, before I need to get back to packing.

Thanks for all the great ideas, all. See you when we get back!

Chit Chat / Re: Going to San Francisco in 2 days!
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:23:05 PM »
Well it seems that most of the tourist attractions we wanted to go to are sold out.  My son called the brewery and they said they actually get booked up 6 months in advance! Laughed at him on the phone, when he asked if there was any way we could get in next week!

And then there was the Google tour that my husband should have signed up for weeks ago, as part of his meetings.  That, too, is booked and closed!

As for going to Sausalito or other parts on the other side of the bridge, we won't have a car - really cannot add that to our expenses right now unfortunately.  Though I am looking into possibly biking the bridge, as someone on another forum mentioned.

Jerry - we will be staying just another 2 1/2 days at our son's place in Irvine, so unfortunately there won't be time for a tour this time around. But thanks for the offer - I will keep it in mind for when we are able to return!

Chit Chat / Going to San Francisco in 2 days!
« on: July 14, 2011, 07:20:22 AM »
Haven’t been there in 30 years! My husband is going for meetings and will be tied up most of the time, but my 28 year old son will be joining us, as he moved to Irvine last fall.

I just found out YESTERDAY! that I am going, because after 6 weeks of interviewing with a company, they finally offered my husband a job! YIPPEEEEEE! @O@

A little background - we lived in Reno 30 years ago, and my husband and I did all the touristy places there many times a year. My son was last there with us when he was 18 months old, but has also been there once in his adult life, and has also done Lombard Street, Fisherman’s Wharf, Golden Gate Park, etc.

Sooooooooo my question to you all is… what/where should my son and I go during the days - we will be there til Wednesday, so 3 full days. Alcatraz is totally sold out! PHOOEY! I’ve been there twice, but he has never been.

Anyone know of some fun, good, off the beaten track sites/places to go? We will not have a car, so we’ll focus on being in the city. He wants to go to Anchor Brewing Company - I will humor him on that, as I don’t drink beer.  :P We will also go to Haight Ashbery - he’s been to a skater shop there he wants to return to, I love looking around there.

So where else should we go, people??? Having only had 3 days notice, I’m starting to get a bit hyped up with not having any plans. Don’t want to waste time there trying to find stuff to do.

Pond Chat / Re: spawning?
« on: July 04, 2011, 10:30:23 AM »
July 1 was the new moon.

There is still a lot lets say suspect rather then wrong information on the web.   Last week I read where goldfish only spawn once a year !

Mine have been at it at least 5 days that I've seen this year, but sadly not a single baby has resulted that we can see.

Pond Chat / Re: Ultra Violet, Pink Ribbon & N. Gigantea blooms (Pic)
« on: July 04, 2011, 10:29:07 AM »
Sigh!  8-)~ o(:-)

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