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Messages - 2vetts

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Chit Chat / Re: New features added...
« on: May 26, 2012, 04:23:30 PM »
thanks from me too . what's i chat room ? is it oral , type , or esp ,my normal and preferred means of communicating .

Chit Chat / Re: Any of you have Stenosis?
« on: May 14, 2012, 04:18:50 PM »
wife [2vetts] was having some leg trouble and doc send her to a neurosurgeon thinking it was a spinal problem . after ''hello'' his next words were '' if i tell you that you need surgery can i do it this afternoon ?'' . we replied ''no'' . he then said ''then what are you doing here ? surgery is how i make my money. '' . we never went back and the problem is now almost nonexistant . . . .good luck .

Chit Chat / Re: Hi, hi!!!!!!
« on: May 13, 2012, 04:05:33 AM »
i was going to ask about you last week . the last i remember you were heading for australia and i wondered if you had decided to stay there . . .peace

Pond Chat / Re: How to Paint Outside of Galvanized Tub?
« on: May 09, 2012, 09:35:27 AM »
painting galvanized is tricky . you could use adhesive backed shelf paper that is basically vinyl .

Pond Chat / Re: spring
« on: May 05, 2012, 07:30:35 AM »
water looks crystal clear , in fact so clear that i can see the heron has eaten every fish . i hope a few appear but it doesn't look promising . we've had the heron often , a kingfisher couple times , and four diving ducks in big pond one of which reappeared with a fish i doubted it could swallow , i was wrong . . .peace

Pond Chat / Re: Left hose running :'(
« on: May 05, 2012, 07:25:43 AM »
i remember someone else did that last year .

Pond Chat / Re: Salt
« on: May 05, 2012, 07:23:52 AM »
salt doesn't evaporate with the water which does . i keep adding salt bringing reading of salt content up and next time i read it salt level has fallen . one could say i'm puzzled .

Pond Chat / Re: dividing water lilies
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:06:25 AM »
WOW!!!!! thanks to both but really good of ''mike s'' to take that much time . both were very informative and truly appreciated .

BAH HUMBUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pond Chat / dividing water lilies
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:51:44 AM »
i was just puting fertilizer pellets in water lilies and at least one pot is really full . how do i know if they should be divided . how do i divide them . what size pots . i have them in clay now what is the proper planting medium . out of fertilizer , is there a 'best ' fertilizer for pond plants . . thanks you folks are great when i need help....and when i don't . . i know two t's and use ? next time .

Pond Chat / Re: heron and it's only april
« on: April 03, 2012, 01:11:42 PM »
ran the heron off about 6 times in less than an hour yesterday morning . it was back this morning while it was still fairly dark . my wife bought a couple of inflatable swim rafts today and i've anchored one in his favorite dining area to see what will happen tomorrow morning [probably find him laying on it eating breakfast] . my thought was maybe he wouldn't be able to see or get at the fish so easily . how do i know it is a 'he' ? a lady always has more class than to steal fish . . .peace

Pond Chat / heron and it's only april
« on: April 02, 2012, 02:50:04 PM »
chased the heron off at least 6 times in less than an hour this morning . i was 'working' on pond this afternoon and our 20 fish are down to 9 or maybe 10 . all the biggest , prettiest are gone and the others are very uncomfortable . guess it won't cost as much to feed them this year......maybe zero at the rate that bird is eating . . .peace

Pond Chat / Re: super sad:( i dont even know how to react but cry
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:25:49 PM »
read this 3 weeks ago and was at a lose for words . glad you're cheering up as you seem like an awesome lady . your whole experience seemed like a really weird tv show , just unbelievable . .  .peace

Pond Chat / spring
« on: March 15, 2012, 07:51:48 AM »
temps. have been in 60's last few days and are supposed to be that or more for next half dozen or more days . i put pump back in to use filter and waterfall because water , which was nice for a while, had become cloudy and we are getting algae growth . water is looking better by the hour and it's nice to have waterfall running again . hope you are all well . . .peace

nope , didn't work and besides my favorite movie is ''what's up doc '' with barbra streisand [sp] .

Chit Chat / oops , p.s.
« on: January 08, 2012, 07:27:33 AM »
forgot to tell you our daughter [38?] had to have a hip replaced monday before christmas so christmas here was a little tense . she is progressing nicely now , i think christmas was a little soon to see progress in recovery . she had a knee cap removed about a year ago . she is sole income for herself , husband, and five bows [triplets , remember] . she works at a local grocery [krogers] and on some days she works 12 hour shift and is standing all the time and ,she says , NO breaks . . .peace . . .p.s. tried to edit previous post but could not make it work . 

Chit Chat / weather
« on: January 08, 2012, 07:15:36 AM »
good morning , long time no see . i really don't remember a winter quite like this at least in the respect of snow fall . i doubt we've had 2 inches total and none totaling one inch in a day . i haven't shoveled other than a half inch off a small shaded area so i was sure it would melt . temps have often been ten degrees higher than normal . occasional ice on both ponds but it has certainly never reached an inch in thickness and probably never a half inch . hope you're all as fortunate and are having a pleasant and uneventful 'winter' . . . .peace 

Chit Chat / Re: to friends of Perplexed Ponder
« on: December 21, 2011, 01:37:48 PM »
i don't look at this forum much and wish i hadn't today . i am so sad for you . i thought a while back that things were looking better for you but i may have misunderstood .  don't understand why nice people have to have bad things occur .  i really wish you well and don't understand how you and others deal with this type of event . i suspect i'm soon going to find out though . . . .peace

Chit Chat / Re: Fishing, Golf, Beer & Sex
« on: December 09, 2011, 11:39:09 AM »
i gave up three and wife gave up the other years ago . . . .think about it .

Chit Chat / Re: Had the Epidural today...scary but....
« on: November 24, 2011, 12:40:40 PM »
sorry sir , i didn't mean that to sound nasty . i just like to kid people and have the greatest respect for you and truly wish you well . . .peace

Chit Chat / Re: Had the Epidural today...scary but....
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:43:55 AM »
happy for you but didn't realize you were ''sacred'' .

Chit Chat / Re: Finally got my license
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:41:49 AM »
boy can i relate to that .

Pond Chat / Re: Happy Thanksgiving to all the wondeful "AP" members
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:40:02 AM »
happy thanksgiving to all .  .  . truth is i hate holidays . all they mean to me is i get to wash and dry dishes for 14 people instead of my daily 3 people [34 year old son lives at home and doesn't work ] .

Pond Chat / unnetted
« on: November 15, 2011, 11:11:47 AM »
took the cover [net] off yesterday figuring better to hand net whatever falls in pond than to take off the net when it is 35-40 degrees out . been an easy autumn temp wise so far . can't believe how few posts i find when i ''visit'' . hope you are all well . . .peace ..........forgot , we bought a small air pump to try to keep a hole in ice . while reading directions i find ''do not use at temps below freezing'' . the heater last year blew circuit breaker so we ended up with no hole in ice ...and all live fishies in spring .

Chit Chat / Re: Lose weight before or after the holidays?
« on: November 02, 2011, 09:46:36 AM »
2vetts [my superior] has lost 69 pounds and is no longer using insulin . losing weight is an excellent health benefit . i personally am having trouble getting below 162 pounds .

Pond Chat / hole in ice
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:09:30 PM »
i know one is supposed to keep a hole open in ice . last year we put a heater in pond but what we didn't know is that it tripped circuit breaker . therefore , we went through the winter with no hole and no ill effects to fish . since electric source is same i would expect same thing to happen this year . i've wondered about installing a small aquarium air pump that would draw less electricity to keep a hole open but don't know if it would work . any thoughts appreciated as i don't want to buy a pump if it isn't going to keep a hole open in ice . . . .peace

''wisdom comes with age .'' what age , WHAT AGE?? i've been waiting a life time [or longer] and i'm running out of time . yeah!! you goes do a good job .

Chit Chat / Re: I changed Doctors! This may be a brilliant move.
« on: October 14, 2011, 09:58:21 AM »
i remember why , but it doesn't help because i'm married .

Pond Chat / Re: bumping old threads
« on: October 14, 2011, 09:56:09 AM »
don't let one bad experience ''run you off'' . sorry you had a problem but think things will get better . people are even nice to me........that takes a great deal of tolerance .

Chit Chat / zoo
« on: October 11, 2011, 01:05:48 PM »
no!! not my home . 2vetts and i went to the zoo yesterday for first time in [for me ] ten years . it has changed quite a bit and is quite nice for toledo . they have a baby giraffe about a month old and a baby elephant that is 4 months old . the giraffe was cute and the little elephant was very entertaining . there was a squirrel in the elephants enclosure and the little elephant decided it would run it out which was very funny . great weather and not much of a crowd ,if i live another ten years i'll probably go again .. . .peace

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