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Messages - Jennie in MT

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Adding some specs:

BD with vortex chamber> UV (not in use this year) > upflow barrel filter > stock tank with barley straw > waterfall to aerate. also  Skimmer > 50 gal TT > small falls and return stream.

I turn the total volume of the pond over every 1.5 to 2 hours

Pond Chat / After 11 yrs, string algae is kicking my butt Please help
« on: July 08, 2010, 11:59:46 AM »
I have tried and tried.  Mechanical removal, peroxide, koi clay, barley straw, yadda yadda yadda.

I have a lovely, clear pond to 4' deep, but it is coated with huge globs of SA.  I actually have to drag it off the surface daily.  Lots of it!  That is bad.  But the worst is that I have lost almost every single fish I have.  Many were Becky's (earthborne) wakin (seriously exp[ensive), and even my gorgeous 10 year old shubs.  I know it is because of all the SA that I can't remove in fall that rots over winter.  Though I can get into the pond part of the year (need chest waders all but July), I just am losing this battle utterly. 

I did get a container of PP and treated my small turtle pond (no turts or fish in there now).  It didn't seem to kill it all that well.

I have lilies in my big pond (about 4k gallons).  They are being choked out by the SA, and desperately in need of dividing and repotting anyway.  I could pull them all, trim and divide, bleach the tubs to kill the SA on them, and repot.  As there are only 4 little feral feeder goldfish in the pond, I would be okay with any treatment that would kill the algae.  I know this sounds extreme, but I have no lily blooms at all and no fish to speak of this summer, just crystal clear water full of string.

Thoughts, suggestions, etc??


Pond Chat / Re: Who used to be on
« on: July 08, 2010, 11:38:06 AM »
LeeAnne - Omigosh....  I knew we were on some special wavelink!  LOL  IPS, then AWGS, first puter in 1999 and the first thing I did was totally immerse myself in ponding (yep, it's a pun). 
I, too, am not a clever nicknamer so I just go with what I can remember.  Eleven years later and working on that menopause thing, and I am soooo grateful for that simplicity!

Lynne was the one with her pond below the deck that planted the Colorado in her subdivision pond.  She had a really sweet memorial there for her kitty that I was inspired by.  When our Australian Shepherd - that was our child - died we had him cremated and did something very similar.

Didn't TammiCa have the pond that was above ground?  Seemed like it had sort of a stucco look to it....

Pond Chat / Re: Who used to be on
« on: July 08, 2010, 11:08:06 AM »
I was there too, same username....

Oh yeah- Gander had a huge pond with huge impatiens in the stream and concrete goose statues. Wasn't he in Mo?

Gander (gary) was from Oklahoma.  I can always remember that one as it is my home state. 

And Zachspond was from OK too (yikes)

Pond Chat / Re: So, Tell Me How You Really Feel About Rocks!
« on: August 14, 2009, 11:06:34 AM »
Jennie - your avitar - is that a shubunkin from your pond?  The spotting is really spectacular.  Got any larger pics?

Yep Julles.  That is a shub from my pond.  I have had if for abou 10yrs.  I love shubs and this one has gotten big!  I have some smaller ones also.  I had 3 original shubs (one was my all-time favorite fish), but 2 disappeared this winter.  I have no idea what happened, as no bodies were found (and they were sizeable fish).  Not sure I have any bigger pics, and none would be very current.  That pic is several yrs old.  But I will look.  {:-P;;

Jane, I am so sorry to hear about your DH.  But I am glad that you have cool water to stand in, flowers to bloom and deadhead, and fishes to surround you while you do it.  Your ponds look like a paradise.  After I am done 'squatting' at Tracey's house and being her fish wrangler,  can I come and take my R&R at yours! 

Pond Chat / Re: So, Tell Me How You Really Feel About Rocks!
« on: August 11, 2009, 11:42:38 PM »
Lovely pics and pond. We all pond in our own ways with our own goals and conditions.  I am glad that yours is working out so well and gives you so much enjoyment.  Pond On!!   @O@    O0

The way I really feel about rocks is that I am sick to death of the the bickering, snide comments and general negative atmosphere cause by the topic and ensuing melee.  I truly believe that somewhere there is an internet troll that goes forum to forum asking pond/rock questions  LOL

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: Cleaned the Wakin pond today
« on: August 11, 2009, 03:05:34 AM »
Oh no Tracey.  {nono} I travel in my own little world.  A 30 travel trailer.    Got my own bathroom, kitchen and even extra bunks for you if you want to come hide out!  Methinks the holding tanks could be used for  o(  hauling!!    A tent???   lol

As we discussed in the PM, I am defintiely in for some fish.  Just trying to firm up how many.  Will finalize in the next few days?  Will that be soon enough?

I could use the pond help but you would have to pitch a tent right now. All of my adult kids have moved back home and their friends, I have 3 bathrooms and we have lines in the am  lol. I am charging board but it is not enough.  :(
This is a picture of the $5.00 wakins as they "color up" . When I get one with good color I put it in the big pond to grow out. They will not be available much longer.

Hope this answers some of your questions.

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: wart like bumps on Wakin????
« on: August 10, 2009, 03:51:02 PM »
Kewl Tracey. Anyone have any idea what the water treatmetn was? 

I have long thought that these bumps were like a callous or scar from an injury when the fish was very small.  All of the ones in my pond are on wakin, and the bumps have been very stable.  They don't appear to change, but remain the same size, shape, etc.

Terrestrial Gardening / Rose Cuttings
« on: August 10, 2009, 02:14:46 PM »
Does anyone have any that they could offer for postage?  I know that some of you live in the land of rampant growth and actually have to prune!  *gasp*

I would love some and be glad to pay postage.  I saw an awesome thread on rose propagation at Dave's Garden and want very much to try it, but I don;t have any roses that I want to propagate!  Also, as I am a newbie at this, I hate to invest in buying a lot of cuttings, as I am likely to lose many of them learnign how to do this!  LOL

I also have copious amounts of catnip, delphinium seeds, and maltese cross seeds if a trade is necessary....


Pond Chat / Re: Very Naughty Puppy!!!!
« on: August 10, 2009, 12:47:20 PM »
But KFish.  He was soooo hungry!  And it was a vegan meal, after all.....

Koi Corner / Spokane Koi Show Road trip crossposting
« on: August 10, 2009, 12:31:27 PM »
The show is Aug 29 and 30.  I live in northern MT and would love to attend.  If there is anyone in Southern Alberta, Sask, Montana that would like to go, let's roadtrip.  I am the queen of finding inexpensive but very decent lodging.  Anyone interested?  Please PM me! 

Any other ponders planning to be there???

The show is Aug 29 and 30.  I live in northern MT and would love to attend.  If there is anyone in Southern Alberta, Sask, Montana that would like to go, let's roadtrip.  I am the queen of finding inexpensive but very decent lodging.  Anyone interested?  Please PM me! 

Any other ponders planning to be there???

Pond Chat / Spokane Koi Show!
« on: August 10, 2009, 12:30:07 PM »
The show is Aug 29 and 30.  I live in northern MT and would love to attend.  If there is anyone in Southern Alberta, Sask, Montana that would like to go, let's roadtrip.  I am the queen of finding inexpensive but very decent lodging.  Anyone interested?  Please PM me! 

Any other ponders planning to be there???

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: wart like bumps on Wakin????
« on: August 10, 2009, 12:15:30 PM »
From my understanding, though the bumps are a flaw, they aren't harmful unless they obstruct the gills, etc as noted by others.
That said, I do remember seeing a posting on a koi site where they removed these.  It seemed to go well, but not for the squeamish or general hobbyist.  I do have a few wakin with the growths, am a nurse and would not be afraid to attempt removing the spots, but why bother if they are not a problem for the fish?  Also risk losing them to infection or the general trauma.

DIY Corner / Re: My DIY bottom drain
« on: August 10, 2009, 04:21:29 AM »
The pond is just over 3.5' deep.  The mid-level return is about 2' from the bottom.  That puts it into the barrel at about 6" from bottom on center.

So sorry that it has taken so long to come back here! 

Kim - No, I didn't put anything around the connector. 

SL - This is one of the few times that it is a benefit to live in the Great White North.  The lights are only in service for my very short summer.  I pull them at the end of the season.  They last a lot longer then.  One feeling I have is that the price for the majority of pond-related items is seriously inflated.  I am simply not willing to pay the price that most vendors want for pond lighting.  It is ridiculous.  When they get resonable about pricing, I will be more willing to buy.  At this rate, I could do HF lights and stick a new one out there when the old one git it for 10 years and pay less than many lights cost. 

Oh, Bless you, raven.  I have had chickens for a long time and not any problems.  But someone just gave me some more.  The new ones will not stay in the barnyard and are trashing my flower bed as they scratch and graze.  I could move my compost pile over into the barnyard and maybe that would appease them!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Abraham Darby is enjoying this warm weather
« on: August 09, 2009, 06:50:04 PM »
Maryvonne, can you believe that D Austin is pulling Pretty Jessica from all the patent places??  My understanding is that the retailers and suppliers that want to sell his roses must sell only those which he allows them to sell.  Only those that do not sell his patented varieties wil carry her now.   I am hoping to get one or 2 of them from Palatine or Pickering before this rule rolls into Canada also.  The cynic in me says that they are phasing out the ones that are no longer patented as they can't turn as much of a profit.  To give DA a break though, maybe he feels that they are inferior to newer varieties based on thier performance in England. 

My garden is way not humid, so many of those roses that are susceptible to black spot do not have that problem here.  I have to grin when the hosta people rant about slugs (though I sympathize!).  I have never seena slug here.  Oh Lordy!  Hope that does not jinx me!  *bracing for a black spot and slug invasion*

Dealer Deals / Re: Attn Dealers and members IMPORTANT!!!!
« on: August 09, 2009, 06:25:02 PM »
I so agree with this thread.  I have dabbled in retail and understand the importance of advertising and finding your audience.

This forum is like shooting fish in a barrel for the retailer.  All of the people here love ponds, plants, and fish.  If we can get a decent deal from a reputable seller, we are ON it.  The advertising to us is 100% free.  What a score for a retailer. 

Don't blow that, because it does not come along often....

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: Cleaned the Wakin pond today
« on: August 09, 2009, 06:18:08 PM »
That's it!  I am moving to Tracey's!  I will even be her volunteer 'Pool Girl'!

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: More new wakins!
« on: August 09, 2009, 04:03:11 PM »
I so want more wakin.  I went to Ritzville and got some a few years agot but have had no new babies.  Any good sources for them?  Any members selling them?  Would love to have some calico ones!


My elderly neighbor passed away and ther are tons of rusted out enamel basins all over his place.  He had no kids, etc and his extended family said we could have anything we wanted that was just laying around up there.  Have bunches of tins, basins, etc and am loving it.  My Sedums planted in a broken bedpan are my favorite!  LOL  Nurse humor I guess...

*edited to fi xmy typos...  Doh!*

Hey Jerry?  Did you decide on your raised beds?  I stumbled onto some information on lasagna gardening and it seemed awesome.  Try googling 'lasagna gardening' and see what you think....  Wonder if it might totally solve your dilemma?

Chit Chat / Re: Does Anyone Take Imitrex?
« on: July 27, 2007, 08:12:46 AM »
I could never take the oral stuff.  I get so nauseated that my stomach just shuts down...I think it is like a shock reaction.  I have used Imitrex successfully, but only the injectible.  The nasal spray nor the pills did a thing for me but make me more nauseated.  Funny to say, nope, I'll stab myself...thanks!
I have had some success with Maxalt if I can catch it early enough.  The melts (Maxalt MLT) thta melt under my tongue.
I know what you mean Johns, about demerol injection being the only thing that works sometimes.  But Docs have gotten so resistant to giving it for fear of a rebound headache that it is ridiculous.  Last time I ended up in the ER with an intractiable headache (and I work in this small hosp) I had to have IV infusions.  As opposed to giving me a demerol shot to break the cycle and sending me home.   Lemme see.... IV meds and administration that cost hundreds of dollars plus extra ER time or a $10 demerol shot.  Maybe they should foot the bill and do the hours of suffering until the meds finally kick in?

Pond Chat / Re: Help Please (with pictures of problem)
« on: July 27, 2007, 07:55:42 AM »
Lynn!  Great to see you but so sorry to hear about your troubles.  I have to agree with the consensus.  We have had two RES (sadly, Myrtle died last week and then Meg disappeared a few days after.  No clue how she escaped the turtle pond.)
I know when one of them got out and into the main pond they did this exact leaf clipping thing.  No bites from the leaves, just clipping the stems. 
Hope you find the little devil!

Pond Chat / Re: Are they bathing beauties or a double dip??
« on: July 22, 2007, 08:45:12 AM »
Sad news.  I found Myrt (top turtle) dead in the turtle pond this morning.  No obvious injuries.  But I noticed he stayed on the beach all day on Thursday and never got in the water.....

Pond Chat / Re: Deck growling.... again
« on: July 22, 2007, 12:07:16 AM »
It certainly was a skunk!  At least it did not annoint my patio in order to prove itself to me...thank goodness!

I too think they are cute... However, since I am up at all hours of the night and walk through that patio countless times on my way to the garage, pond or gardens, I hope the little guy will just move on.  Add to that the fact that I believe it has been killing my peafowl chicks, scattering the duck nests, and getting into my henhouse, I am less than happy to see him at such close range.  The alternative is bitter, and I would hate to have to come to that point.

Pond Chat / Re: Deck growling.... again
« on: July 21, 2007, 05:43:09 PM »
I had something growling on my patio late the other evening.  The dogs were going crazy.  Here is the culprit....

Sure glad I did not go out the door to move the hose about that time!

My nephews were here and they gathered all the old eggs from the barn in a bucket for Thadd to take to the garbage in the morning.  Needless to say, the eggs did not make it to the garbage. 

Pond Chat / Re: Need input/advice- bulkheads filters??
« on: July 21, 2007, 05:32:34 PM »
For bulkheads, I have used matched sets of male/female threaded PVC fittings for years and never had a problems.  You can use o-rings for a great sel, or get rubber washers at a farm supply or plumbing store.  Works excellent and inexpensive.

BUT, I just went and looked at your items.  Rubbermaid stock tanks have a threaded drain near the bottom.  IMO, you could pipe directly into that to a trash can for a vortex settling chamber (I did this and it worked GREAT for a summer grow out tank.  Just used the PVC bulkheads to go into the barrel on the lower wall).  The I had the option of putting the pump at the top to pump to a bio filter for gravity return.  You could also split the output from that threaded bottom port so that you had a bottom drain if you wanted it and have a floor drain in youur basement.  Soooo many options here.  Could even "gang" the tanks together.

Have a great time eBaying!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: clematis info
« on: July 21, 2007, 05:16:39 PM »
I got frustrated the year I pruned the jackmanii down.  it is actually planted on the inside of the arbor so it can get some shade on its feet.  when I pruned it, the old growth directed all the new growth to the inside of the arbor.  So, next time I prune it, I will tie the vines to the arbor to encourage them to growth through, rather than have a twisted mass of jackmanii on the wrong side of the arbor as I do now!

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