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Messages - JohnInFlorida

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Chit Chat / Re: Languishing...
« on: October 23, 2006, 12:03:13 PM »
"king or queen of the Ottoman Empire" ...

I love it and it so well describes the jockeying for position between the furbabies in most homes.  You've coined another cute one, Joyce  O0

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Pond Chat / There's a light at the end of my pond tunnel!
« on: October 23, 2006, 10:52:43 AM »
As some of you know, I've been working on converting my inground swimming pool to a backyard pond for quite some time and I've been pinching myself lately cause it looks like I'm coming down to the wire.

The mechanical filter pits are done ...

The pumphouse is ready ...

The pumps are primed ...

And the pond is filling ... slowly, but filling ...

We're on a well here, so I've been filling the pond 90 minutes on & 90 minutes off. Hopefully I won't overtax the well pump as I'd rather not have to replace that along with everything else.

I've ordered 5 yards of 1/2" river rock to fill the bogs for bio filtration and that will be delivered on saturday. The filling should be complete well before that. Once I get the rock spread in the bogs I think I'll be in the fine tuning stage ...

The water in the "minipond" is still at 70/71 deg F but the water from the well is filling at 58 degs ... I'm going to leave the minipond flow/filtration separate for now 'cause I really don't think the goldies will be happy with the temp change if I combine them at this time. The mini and the fountain in it are designed to run off the main pumps but I've been running them separately with a Little Giant MD4 temporarily. Switching it over is just a matter of disconnecting the LG and capping the pipe that attaches it to the system and opening two valves. That will wait until the temps in the pond and minipond equalize.

As you can tell, I'm a bit excited that it's finally here and

My gosh! I think it might actually happen!  :D @O@  @O@  @O@ :D

Keep Smilin'
John :)

Technology Talk / Re: How do I remove a "pirate" copy of XP?
« on: October 20, 2006, 09:53:06 AM »
Your last is not totally correct. Any cd of windows xp will work with any computer using xp. The disks are universal. What you buy when you legitimately purchase the program is a cd copy of it and the license to use it on one computer. If your computer dies/fries/or otherwise collapses you still own the right to use that program on one computer, i.e. her hubby's old machine. Her problem is only one of moving it from hubby's old hard drive to her old hard drive without destroying the other data. What I recommended is not wrong or illegal, but it does/may require that she make the phone call to Microsoft to tell/explain about the hardware change. A pita but not a problem.

At present I legitimately own 4 licenses to XP (my desktop, Dawn's desktop and both our notebooks) and they have been used on 7 pc's as I've built/modified/changed my hardware. Sometimes xp is ok with the change (it was minor enough not to cause xp to burp) and sometimes I've had to make the call to get them to activate the license on the new machine. Either way, as long as you are only using the license on one machine at a time, everything is legit.

Hopefully this didn't sound like I'm talking down to anyone, I just try to be VERY specific when I talk about things like this. I wouldn't want anyone to think I was starting another "inversion" thread ...  ::)

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Chit Chat / Re: What photo editing software do you use?
« on: October 20, 2006, 07:54:31 AM »

If you right click on the photo and click "open with" the OS will show you what other programs you have available to open the pic with ... often times you will find programs you didn't even know were there, from Office right down to Paint. Most viewers and browsers have basic editing capabilities and if you have a scanner or dvd or digital camera, look at the disks that came with the hardware, often there are viewer/editing programs included on those.
The program I use most of the time is: Serif PhotoPlus 6.0 as it came bundled with something I bought ... more than basic but not photoshop .... but best of all FREE  ;D for me at least.

Keep Smilin'
John :)

PS ... I'm sure, if you look into the preferences page of your Kodak software there will be settings you can make to prevent it from grabbing everything else. This is a very common ploy for both video and audio viewer/player software and if you look into the setup/preferences you should be able to rein in the scope of the program.

PPS "Open Office Suite" is a good alternative for Office ... compatible with office but free.

Pond Chat / Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« on: October 18, 2006, 10:46:28 PM »
It's 38' long x 18' at the widest point. Where you can see the puddle in pic 3 it's 7' deep and where it slopes up from there, it slopes up to just under 4'. The "shelf" on the left in pic 1 is 4' deep, while the one in the foreground of pic 2 is 22". The mini-pond between the bogs2b is 8' in diameter. The pool was about 24,000 gal before I raised the bottom on each end, I don't really KNOW what the volume is now but as a WAG I'll say 16 to 18,000 gal. Things begin to warm up again here towards the end of Feb, I'm just trying to convince myself that Feb is not so far off ... Right now, the temp in the mini-pond is right at 70 degrees, so it's not as though it's going to get too cold for too long, but the lilies are becoming unhappy. Islamorada is the only one still blooming here.  I find that surprising, because the hardies have stopped and yet Islamorada just keeps putting up buds and pads. Go figure!  ?)(?

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Pond Chat / Re: Anyonne have pictures of their bogs?
« on: October 18, 2006, 05:00:21 PM »
Although I don't have a bog to show, I do have 2 "bogs-to-be" that are just about ready to go. Built of 4"x8"x16" concrete block and concrete bricks, they are located atop the deck surrounding my former swimming pool. Pic1 shows the "bog-2-B" on the left of the former spa (now my 750 gal "mini-pond") and pic2 shows the "bog-2-B" to the right of the mini-pond. The PVC pipes that you can see across the back of the bog spaces are feeding water into the bogs from the mechanical filtration pits located behind the screening trellis panels visible in pic1 & pic3.

Pic 1

Pic 2

I'm just about ready to install 5+ yards of 1/2" river rock (pea gravel) into the bogs which, when planted with various marginals, will act as a "veggie/biological" filter as the water travels from the pipes, through the gravel & plants, to finally spill over the front edges of the bogs into the main pond ... see pic3.

Pic 3

As you can see in pic3, I'm just about finished with the renovation/modification of the pool into the new pond. LOL, Just in time for winter ... oh well, spring is just around the corner here!

Hopefully, the bio-filter under the mini-pond, in conjunction with the 2 bog/veggie/bio filters will provide me with the water clarity that I am expecting.  Time will tell.

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Technology Talk / Re: How do I remove a "pirate" copy of XP?
« on: October 18, 2006, 09:17:28 AM »

Forget the PM that I sent you re: phone call ... No need for the conversation as the answer became very simple when I found the link listed below. You can leave your old drive as the C:drive on hubbys machine and wipe his drive clean for use as a "data" drive after you legitimize your XP. To do that, go here:

and follow the directions. I'd recommend that you use the "windows registry editor option" because the "WMI option" is for systems with XP or XP/SP1, and I'm going to assume you already have SP2 installed.

Changing the registry can be problematic if not done carefully and correctly, (hence the warning) ...


The following instructions involve editing your system registry. Using the Windows Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that require the reinstallation of your operating system and possible loss of data. TechRepublic does not support problems that arise from editing your registry. Use the Registry Editor and the following directions at your own risk.

but the step by step procedures in the link are very detailed and you should not have any problems following it.

Hopefully, this will get you where you need to go without having to delete/reload everything.

BTW, Timgod makes a good recommendation re: multiple physical and/or logical drives. I've two physical drives in my PC, a 20gB and a 120gB. The 20 gig drive is divided into 2 logical drives C: & D:. The C drive contains ONLY Windows while the D:drive is my "Programs" drive. The 120 gig drive is for data, all the info stored by any of the programs located on D: as well as My Documents, My Pictures, My Videos, My Music, etc. is all sent to the Data (E:) drive. I back up the E:drive daily (automatically) and the C:/D: drive monthly (also automatically). All of this helps reduce fragmentation, makes it easy to update the OS or Programs, makes data backup very easy and is probably overkill for the things I have on my PC, but I'm kind of OC/anal that way ...  ::)  {:-P;;

I hope this helps as I know what a pita it is to reload all the programs/data when you do a drive change.

Keep Smilin'
John  :)


That specific motherboard is 2002/3 technology ...

I dunno how much "tech-speak" you understand but ... a year ago they were knocking the CPU that is included in the one you are looking at:

It is built in a low end case with a minimal, generic, powersupply ...

No Operating System, but if your current system is fried, you can legally load the OS from that machine into the new one.

Basically "Socket A/462" was cutting edge technology 5 or 6 years ago.

For $285 you cannot expect much, but people who need to do more than just surf the web should expect to pay more than $285. In other words, if what you are looking for is something to surf the web with, it'll do fine, but if you want it to do more ... it's not enough computer.

I don't wanna rain on your parade but if I needed to do anything more than surf the net, I'd look at newer/faster/more ...

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Pond Chat / Re: Some pictures
« on: October 08, 2006, 11:21:27 AM »
We'll be watching them from the lanai of our "little grass shack", right Jerry?

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Chit Chat / Re: Horror movies
« on: October 06, 2006, 07:30:35 AM »

Cape Fear  O0  O0  O0 ... Robert Mitchum was "MR SCARY" in that film ...

Horror films aren't my thing, but thrillers? WOW!

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Dealer Deals / Re: Large Koi Sale!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: October 03, 2006, 06:35:25 PM »
a lot ...

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Photo Album / Re: T-Rex as a Separate Topic
« on: October 03, 2006, 06:32:13 PM »

$44,000 plus options ...

or so it says in one of the videos at the site you listed.

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Technology Talk / Re: Firefox
« on: October 03, 2006, 01:14:28 PM »
There is extensive address book/contacts. What Thunderbird doesn't have is the appointment book/calendar that Outlook has. I don't have a use for that so I don't miss it. Both programs are quite intuitive, the only thing that threw me for a little while was "tabbed browsing" as it was something I had never even seen before I started using Firefox and Thunderbird.

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Technology Talk / Re: Firefox
« on: October 03, 2006, 11:40:16 AM »

I've been using it for years, it's wonderful, has lots of extra extensions and themes, tabbed browsing is great once you get used to it, all in all just a much better browser than IE ... and besides, it's not microsoft ...  @O@

And "Thunderbird"  is a dynamite mail program. If you need all the bells and whistles of Outlook (Calendar, Contacts, etc.) that's another story but if your using Outlook Express, it's worth changing to Thunderbird.

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Pond Chat / Re: Pix from Allentown MAKC Koi Show
« on: October 01, 2006, 07:45:36 PM »
Joyce, the slideshow link is messed up ... I went and got the corrected one and it's here ...

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Chit Chat / Drooling Icon
« on: October 01, 2006, 06:22:48 AM »
Jerry, Not too long ago you mentioned the need for a "drooling icon" ... will any of these do?


maybe the third one down in the left column?

Just trying to be helpful ...

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Boy oh boy, I think we need a rule here that you're not allowed to talk about your fishies if you won't/can't post pics ... especially when you describe them as "really nice ones - very dark black and blue with cream colored heads."   >:(-  &-)  >:(-

You know I'm just kidding, right?

Well, I am ...

You're right re: just how surprising it is to see how much bigger babies grow when they have "room to roam" ...

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Photo Album / Re: Vineyard Barn...
« on: September 29, 2006, 07:18:01 PM »
Pretty barn, dramatic sky, great pic ...

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Pond Chat / Re: What is your Pond temperature?
« on: September 29, 2006, 07:13:13 PM »
71.9 F Air Temp
74.6 F Water Temp

10:13 pm

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Glad it worked for you ...

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Did you try the second part of response 5? from the command prompt instead of via "run"?

"If you have problems with this do it from a command window in the directory where AVG was installed... usually c:\program files\grisoft\AVG7."

Good Luck

Keep Smilin'
John :)

Chit Chat / Re: Casey
« on: September 29, 2006, 10:57:45 AM »
Casey is a cutie! I can't wait to see here eyes  ;)

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Chit Chat / Re: Take a guess - what might this be?
« on: September 28, 2006, 05:11:53 PM »
Ah Jerry, you're such a romantic!


Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Chit Chat / Re: In my backyard, this afternoon!
« on: September 27, 2006, 07:17:08 PM »
It went away with the no ... no one sees it now ...

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Pond Chat / Re: Herons in southern California
« on: September 27, 2006, 05:58:34 AM »
below is link to current endangered species list for birds:

It sure surprised me ...

Egrets:  Chinese only
Herons: none

Keep Smilin'
John  :)


try this link ...

especially responses #5 & 6

Keep Smilin'
John  ;)

Pond Chat / Re: Evil string algae
« on: September 25, 2006, 03:58:52 AM »
Less turtle food = less turtle poop + more green grow-y things = less algae.
Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Pond Chat / A beautiful morning in Middleburg
« on: September 24, 2006, 10:59:03 AM »
Just a couple of pics from this morning.

Radiant Georgia Peach

Sunlight & Shadows

Just reminds me that God doesn't make junk ...

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

without you mentioning Bobby Blake I would have probably been clueless ... but ...

Alfonso Bedoya as
Gold Hat in
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
The Quote: "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges."

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

Now, I hang my head in shame ... I should have looked it up BEFORE I put my foot in my mouth ...

my first thought said "Errol Flynn" starred and that's what I originally wrote ... then I looked it up and blushed ...

I NEVER would have come up with Sam Jaffe ... tho after I looked it up, I can see him in costume (little as it was ... *grin*)

Keep Smilin'
John  :)

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