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Messages - backyardponder

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Pond Chat / Re: Source for pond netting
« on: September 05, 2006, 10:13:14 AM »
Yeah, I've used the deer netting before to.  My pond is at the edge of woods with several branches hanging over. The deer netting only stopped the larger leaves.  As I would try to shake off the leaves of the net, it got all tangled and stuck on the edge rocks  >:(-
I'm looking for a sturdier net that won't tangle easy  (8:-)
Since last winter a big mean bird ate all my fish, I want to leave the net on all winter.


Pond Chat / Source for pond netting
« on: September 05, 2006, 07:58:14 AM »
Fall is here and it's almost time for me to cover the pond with a net to catch the leaves. Previously I've used garden netting which is too frustating since the holes are too big and small leaves fall in.  Does anybody here have a source for a good sturdy netting that has really small homes?  I've googled pond netting and has net that has 1/6 inch holes. 
Any suggestions?
I need a high quality net that will last.


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