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Messages - Lorraine

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Chit Chat / Re: Pictures from the yard taken today...
« on: April 02, 2007, 06:43:02 PM »
Wow, beautiful yard. The weeping angel statue,I saw that in the catalog but gosh it sure is beautiful. I didn't realize it was that pretty. Your yard art is great ...I'm making a list of what I want from there :)

Chit Chat / Re: coke codes
« on: March 30, 2007, 01:53:30 PM »
I have 91 points and a slew of caps here on the counter,I don't think I will use them. Didn't see anything I really wanted. If you want mine you can have them.

Pond Chat / Re: My new goodies for in and around the pond area
« on: March 28, 2007, 06:21:00 AM »
    The one that isn't a pot, he's a solar light and his eyes will light up at night. 
I love your goodies,If you don't mind me asking where did you get the one that lights up. He is sooooo cute! And different,that's what I like something different. Thanks. Next time into Lowes I will have to check out the statuary. :)

Chit Chat / Re: Ponders of old--Just for fun--Are you here?
« on: March 16, 2007, 06:32:21 AM »
 :) Wow, my name is there(Lorraine Kimble) I remember a few names also,Frogger Lee, Steve Johnson, Mr. John Disdale,Reedman etc. If I remember Steve lived in Colorado,wonder how he is doing? And Mr. Disdale haven't read anything from him either,gosh it has been quite a few hasn't it. Shame the old forum ended the way it did. But onward to bigger and better. :)

Chit Chat / Cool Video
« on: March 16, 2007, 05:33:38 AM »
A whale watcher poster this video that another watcher made and posted. It is great. Brings back memories of Orca-Live', in case you don't know what Orca- Live is/  was a site that showed live streaming footage of the Orca, grey whales,birds and seals and life at Hanson Island, Britsh columbia. This in my humbal o.p. was put together well. Hope yopu enjoy it as much as I did.

 BTW, I'm a Live Cam addicit! Africam, Eaglecam,seal cam,polarbear cam.........I know some people get a little bored with it or have an 'So Who Cares' attude, I hope  I don't bore you all to death. :)

Chit Chat / Re: That Really Irritates Me.....
« on: March 13, 2007, 08:59:31 AM »
We have dogs in our yard so 'NoBody' gets in. The JW hit our area week after week,if they can't get you one way they will drive you crazy another way. One time an older gentleman said while I was outdoors,'you always speak to us when you see us' 'we appricate your kindness', :) I told him' the Lord doesn't want us to hate  or be evil against those that are on the wrong path, you all are on the wrong path to his kingdom, and it serves no one for me to be ughy to you! I feel you all are so wrong, but that is the path you choose, and I don't want to hear or read your pamlets, but I contiune to pray that your closed eyes will see the right path.' He said, they are following what the Bible says, I said 'your Bible, not mine!' So my  four- footed children keep out the unwanted! :)

Chit Chat / Re: My new boy
« on: February 20, 2007, 02:23:24 PM »
Wow,beautiful cat. Love the thick fur. You said he was afraid of you,give him time,be will come around . He may have been in a house with only ladies or once in awhile a male human. When we got Harry he was 2 yrs old and never been around dogs, I opened the closet door in the bedroom and that was his safe,hidey place. he could run there when afraid  and come out when it was safe. It took Harry several months to get used to our house hold. You might want to try giving him a special treat,put it or throw it to him and add several pieces to get him to come to you. He will learn and feel you won't hurt him.
  Thanks for posting the beautiful photo. :)

Chit Chat / Re: My new boy
« on: February 13, 2007, 05:57:50 AM »
Steve,he is a beauty! That face says it all.Have you had Main Coons before? I've had two now,and I love them.They are loveable slobs,talk and are lap cats. They love to petted and my Harry, he loved cat nip toys,he was 18 when we had to finally let him go.I would love to have a Main Coon again.They are such cool cats.

Chit Chat / Re: Watergardening Institute taken over by porn
« on: February 09, 2007, 11:39:33 AM »
Gesh I hope not! If you become what life has dumped on you, Man are we in trouble!

Chit Chat / Re: Watergardening Institute taken over by porn
« on: February 08, 2007, 11:20:11 AM »
I was cleaning up my 'Favorites List'   and saw that the Gardening Instud. is really bad! Deleted it from my list. How sad to end up like this. And the mag. too. Quite a few lost their money they paid for getting it. It was a nice mag. at one time. I still have copies of them when I was getting it on reg. bases. How sad! I miss reading a pond mag. I know with the internet we don't need them but I still like having my hands on it,even with the daily paper I like to read it not look at it on a screen. Just wanted to comment on that site, seems they or some one would take it down.

Chit Chat / Re: Today is a sad day....
« on: January 25, 2007, 04:52:23 AM »
We had two dobies that we lost. Know how you feel. So helpless and you keep asking your self' is there anything I missed or could have done,or I should have been here'! The answer is no,but it doesn't help the hurt,only time will.
  I tell people when they have lost a pet  is to get another one,not so much the same breed but one that will ease your sorrow and keep your mind on the new family member,you are not replaceing the pet you lost,just giving another animal love and affection and soon the pain will not be as great as it once was. And rescueing one from the pound or shelter, that pet will be so grateful and loving. I hope this helps and not add to your pain. Hugs and prayers for you.

Chit Chat / Re: The Forum......
« on: January 25, 2007, 04:43:29 AM »
 >:( The cam is stuck again. They are having magor problems with it. Have you signed up for an account with 'WaveLit' ? It is free. You also need to check out the 'Forums' You can learn  a lot of what is going on the cams. The whole site is going to change,for the better. But to see the forums you need to be a member. Seems it has been hit by porno crap and so the new revamping well stop a lot of it. Keep checking the cam it sometimes gets back on line and be patient the animals will come when you least expect it. They are still a little skidish,fear the lions are still in the area,we just can't see them. :)

Chit Chat / Re: The Forum......
« on: January 22, 2007, 08:06:03 AM »
Just got this off the 'Boma Forum on site'

Rhino Poachers Arrested
HOEDSPRUIT (Kruger Times)- Five poachers, responsible for the killing of three rhinos in the Kruger National Park and adjacent Mozambique, have been arrested. This comes after a successful joint operation by SANParks Corporate Investigation Services (CIS) and the South African and Mozambican police.

In November last year, the poachers shot the first rhino in the Sabie Game Park on the Mozambican side of Kruger’s south eastern border.

Another rhino carcass was found at the end of September this year just south of the Sabie River in the Crocodile Bridge section of the KNP.

While CIS was investigating the incident, a second rhino was killed in the same area and a third two weeks later.

Shortly thereafter CIS identified the group and had gathered sufficient information to carry out an operation and make arrests.

With this information in place, a cross border operation with the Mozambican and South African Police was undertaken.

The joint operation, at the beginning of November, led to Kaboko, a village at Koromana Dam in Mozambique where two suspects were arrested. An AK47 and a Mosine Nagant rifle, as well as bloodied clothes and other evidence were confiscated.

The suspects confessed to killing the rhinos in KNP and the rhino that was shot in Mozambique in 2003, as well as other armed poaching incidents in the area.

A second operation, based on further information obtained by CIS, took the joint investigative team to Ngungwa village, about 50km north of Koromane Dam. Three more arrests were made and another AK47 and Mosine Nagant rifle were found.

“With these arrests we thought the problem had been solved,” said Don English of CIS Special Operations.

However, on 22 November and barely two weeks after these arrests were made, two more rhino carcasses were found shot by a second group of poachers in the same area in the Crocodile Bridge section of the Park.

“A joint cross-border follow-up operation into Mozambique in conjunction with the Mozambican Police provided valuable intelligence and arrests are imminent.

Furthermore, the success of these operations would not be possible without the support of and excellent working relationship with the Mozambican and South African Police,” said Don.

by Lynette Strauss, Kruger Times

Chit Chat / Re: The Forum......
« on: January 22, 2007, 05:42:37 AM »
Andy,as far as I know there isn't a video. The cam operators sent a message to the forum and answered a lot of the questions 'was there gun fire at the water hole area'. There maybe footage but not that anyone has said. If you check the forums'Africam wildlife' you get a lot of info on what's going on  and the 'Africam Pictures'  you see what you may have missed on the water hole. I so far haven't figuered out why I can't 'capture a pic' I only get a black screen. Some of these people are on the cam 24/7, guess they don't have to work  or have a life! :)
 If you want some more cam sites I will post them.
     Right now something has the animals spooked..they sure are running  like crazy.....mmm lion or cheeta maybe?

Chit Chat / Re: The Forum......
« on: January 19, 2007, 09:59:14 AM »
It is amazing that you sit here and watch the animals and hear and sometimes even see the poachers. Not too bright in my opinion :) The only thing I don't care for and I know this is life they have to eat too is when the lions get a zebra/ or other cutiey animal. Bummer! :( I also miss 'Orca-Live' wish they would start up again.(whales in Hanson Island in British Columbia,Canada.)

Chit Chat / Re: The Forum......
« on: January 19, 2007, 07:12:42 AM »
Oh more thing ..I like the wild cams (Afri-cam.. Polarbear Cam....Pete's pond..etc.) I post a lot of info and other stuff on one other forum I'm on, if you all get tired or bored with itplease let me know. Don't yell, just tell me' Knock it off ' :)

Chit Chat / The Forum......
« on: January 19, 2007, 07:08:34 AM »
Afri-cam forum that is.While watching it the other night (some animals come to the water hole at night) you heard the usual nite sounds when all of a sudden gun shots rang out- a lot of them. I found out a while ago that the park rangers came on these poachers,they had just killed a rino and they the poachers had AK-47's park rangers opened fire and killed 3 wounded a fourth,which got away but they don't think he will get too far since he was hit pretty bad and a park ranger got wounded also. That was what all the noise was about! Both animal forums this is what they are all talking about, guess from what is said this is a terrible growing problem, it started to slow down but now back in full force. Hope they kill more of the poachers! Special place in He** for abusers and poachers!

Chit Chat / Cool Rescue
« on: January 19, 2007, 07:06:30 AM »

I vagley rememeber reading/ hearing about this horse rescue.Want anything done..send in the women! (Sorry couldn't help me self  ) ;D

Chit Chat / Re: Picture of my child!
« on: January 05, 2007, 09:04:22 AM »

The Destroyers @ 8 months (2004)

  This is Copper,don't know who his daddy was,he doesn't look like his sister or Mama

 This is Sissy, the daughter of Spooky and sister to Copper. SHE is her mamas daughter! Tries to be an Alpha dog,poor Copper he doesn't stand a chance with the girls :) but he is getting so he fights back,tired  of the crap they give him.

Chit Chat / Re: Picture of my child!
« on: January 05, 2007, 08:20:52 AM »
Thanks everyone for the kind comments. Spooky (Mama), life with them sure ain't boring! :) She is like a kid. Hubby has been walking her every nite hasn't missed one yet, he has lost about 5-6 pounds.The dog whisper says you need to do this for active dogs and it sure has helped her,but she will lay on the floor and roll and sit up ..lay down,puff her cheeks in and out,and then sigh loudly,till hubby says' okay okay were going for the walk now! And the kids,they have been going with the help of our friend- neighbor next door,3 dogs going for a walk and of course Spooky is the alpha dog,and her kids can not get ahead of her,so she fussys at them going up the street! It is very comical to watch the guys and the dogs! I will post the kids  when I find them.

Chit Chat / Re: Picture of my child!
« on: January 04, 2007, 10:16:30 AM »
 :)Thanks, we also have her 'childern' Sissy who looks like Mama and Copper,who knows who is daddy is! They are lovingly called 'The Destroyers'. Why because they destroy everything! My once beautiful yard looks like army bomb training, w/ all the holes ! You go out after dark,you take your life in your hands,fall in one of them holes......... :( not pretty!
  I don't have a pond anymore, the destroyers took care of that. Just lots and lots of tubs filled w/plants. But we are slowly moving my flower garden and hydranges so I can start my pond in front of our living room windows. Since having hip surgery in July 06 it is hard to get down to the ground,so plan on making it knee high or almost waist high so I can get to it better. And using one of the black tubs w/spillway as a water fall and filter. Put brick around it and the pond so it doesn't look tacky. And put my goldfish which are in a aquariume in the house out there. There is more sun there so should do good there. And of course photos - photos.
  My neighbors are not too happy with me,' since you have them tubs of water we have more bugs now!' Gee hate to tell you this but we still have the same amount,except now we have frogs,dragonflies,and a few more birds. Oh can't wait for them to see the bat house I got from hubby for Christmas! :D You know they will complain now! Oh well !! :)

Chit Chat / Picture of my child!
« on: January 04, 2007, 09:26:20 AM »

  Yeaaa, I figured out how to post a picture.
      Anyway this is our child,Spooky. This is the way said child looks when you are eating! The look says it all! 'YOU REALLY ARE NOT GOING TO SHARE ?' Well! If one knows what is good for you....better share that tidbit! :)


Chit Chat / Re: New Games added to the Arcade...
« on: January 04, 2007, 05:53:51 AM »
yep! I'm a blonde today! I just found it. What a dummy! :'( Sorry about that.
 Next stupid question how to do add a sig. gif? Or post a pic? Thanks,
  (dumb me) Lorraine

Chit Chat / Re: New Games added to the Arcade...
« on: January 04, 2007, 05:42:00 AM »
 ?)(? I guess I'm blonde today because I sure can not find the  arcade to save me life. Help the old lady here! Thanks,

Chit Chat / Hello,it has been awhile
« on: December 26, 2006, 09:41:45 AM »

 Belated Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone. It has been awhile since I've been here,I think the last time was when you had hacker problems. Hope everyone had a great Christmas,I know we did. Was different this year....for the good . Last 2 Christmas's we were in the hospital,with our special needs son. But this year he has been doing so good. We are so blessed. If anyone would like to know more about him,his daddy has his blog on the internet.( Mikie had a great Christmas,he enjoys the music and wrapping paper and the furry brats had a good time too. :) Can't forget them. The 'destroyers' and their Momma got chew bones and twisty treats,and the cats got more kitty toys. Ahhh,life with animals,never boreing here.
 I still haven't quite figured out how to post pictures here or see the ones you have posted here, one day!
 But if you would like to see the 'destroyers' go to
 Log in -Lorkim
 Password - The Zoo
Go to Family photos and if you want you can see the other photos too.
 Any comments is of course appreciated. Oppps my log in time is about up...later.

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