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Messages - louis

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Pond Chat / The Agony and the Ecstasy of living with wildlife
« on: July 16, 2009, 05:08:07 PM »
As most of you know, i lost all my fish, at least 2 hundred of them to minks last summer. I do not have one fish left, not one. I live on a lake and expect to fight the wildlife, but I am waving my white flag. a friend who lives miles away from the lake and its hungry inhabitants, started a big pond about 12 years ago and i supplied him with nice fish and he then had an accumulation of about 100 nice, over 8 inch koi and goldfish. last week a combined effort by heron and mink cleaned him out in two days before he had a chance to realize what was going on.

Now that i have no fish, i have a wonderful accumulation of money bugs and zillions of tadpoles and tons of string algae for the first time. so i decided to treat the pond with potassium permanganate for the algae.  i saw a post by joyce on the dosage and went to the pond to pour it in when i saw little tadpoles looking at me. my heart melted, i knew that the PP would kill them all. so i will live with the algae and enjoy the tadpoles.

I guess if you cant fight them, join them.


Pond Chat / Re: Frost in July, the summer that wasn't
« on: July 16, 2009, 02:26:12 PM »
OK, here is the plan, i have rented a Boeing 757 which will hold several hundred people and we are going to pay tammie a visit. can we all fit in one room?

talking to a local corn farmer today and his corn is usually on the stand the first part of july with the early corn. he said that he does not expect to see any corn until august 15 and the first killing frost will be middle of september.

Tim... nothing new to speak of, i am growing out some seeds that are several years old, will be interesting to see what i get. they are from the batch that i got Raspberry Sorbet from.


Pond Chat / Frost in July, the summer that wasn't
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:51:52 AM »
Outrageous, i live in northwest Connecticut and at a elevation of 1500 feet. we had frost last week and some spots in northern mass had light snow. all my tropicals have gone into shock with the pads glowing a orange and red. i am sure the plants are fine, however i do not have one bloom on them. the last time this happened was during the summer of 1878 when the northeast had snow into july. Of course, i don't remember that :)

its a lost summer. bummer


Pond Chat / Re: The Magnificent Hardy - Pink Ribbon
« on: July 09, 2009, 06:45:21 PM »
thanks everyone, she is a beauty and is selling for a wonderful cause. its growing so fast that its jumped out of the bushel size container and searching for mud, which there is none.

i hope it keeps up as it is going now. i fertilize it every two weeks.


Pond Chat / The Magnificient Hardy - Pink Ribbon
« on: July 09, 2009, 05:27:04 PM »
Hi all, this is the second year for this plant in my pond. Last year it was a disappointment, only blooming a couple of times. however this year its going gangbusters. there is always at least 4 blooms open at once. the buds are the size of tennis balls and the blooms are very full and about 7-8 inches in diameter.  Please enjoy.


Pond Chat / Re: Arc En Ciel... PIX!
« on: June 28, 2009, 06:30:01 PM »
hi joyce,

really, really nice photos. I hope you are well.


Pond Chat / Re: Please identify this frog
« on: May 31, 2009, 07:13:05 AM »
thanks for all your help. i did research this morning and i find that he is a gray tree frog. i thought tree frogs were small and green, however this guy is about 3 inches long.  i looked for him this morning and he has gone on to other places. maybe he felt safe and spent the night. you have to feel blessed when nature trusts you and pays  you a visit and keeps you company while you have dinner.

gotta love nature.


Pond Chat / Please identify this frog
« on: May 30, 2009, 06:19:53 PM »
hi everyone,

i hope everyone is well. apologize for not being here that often. nothing to talk about.

i was having dinner on my porch tonight when i heard this croak from behind me, scared the daylights out of me.

this little guy was sitting on the back of the chair. he had to climb a flight of stairs to get on the porch.

i have never seen this type, anyone have any idea what kind he /she is. he never moved while i was taking his photo.


If this bill ever got past committee, and passed, although a slim chance, it would not make you rid yourself of your pets, it would prevent the importation of non native species.

With politicians of both parties trying to get into our wallets and trying to dictate how we live, what we eat and what we drive, we have to be very observant of what is going on. sometimes these things get attached to popular bills.

here in connecticut. two legislators, tried to sneak a bill into the house that would strip the catholic church of managing their finances, including the priests, bishops and cardinals. that decision would have been in the hands of a state approved group. the public went into an uproar and fearing their safety, the two legislators canceled the proposed bill and left town for a few days. the public reacted by staging a protest, 5000 strong on the steps of the state capital.

what might have been dismissed in the past as folly, might not now. you have to be observant.


I am not sure if this has been posted before, I could not find it.

If the crazy legislators in the Capital have their way and pass the proposed bill HR-669, ponding will cease as we currently know it.
 Basically it will make it illegal to import and sell any animal, fish, bird that is not native to the United States. That means that you will not be able to buy goldfish, koi, parrots, and the such. Big box pet stores, such as Petco and others will more than likely shut down.

Virtually all fish in an aquarium are not native to the United States
Most pet birds are species not native to the US
Most reptiles kept as pets are not native to the US
Hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs and ferrets are not native to the US
Most pond fish are not native to the US

Here is a Utube video that will explain it.

Here is a web site to give you more information:


Chit Chat / Re: Susan Boyle
« on: April 20, 2009, 03:39:55 PM »
I shed a tear or two, or maybe a few more when i first heard her. she has a devine voice, and i cant wait till she puts out a cd. hip hip hooray for the underdog, and simon is a jerk.


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 12, 2008, 03:04:51 PM »

If you truly decide to forgo decorative fish, I suggest you consider mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) or fathead minnows  (Pimephales promelas) to keep down mosquitos.  Either one will reproduce faster than the mink can catch them.   The mosquito fish are dark and can usually only be seen by looking intently for them but the fathead minnows are easy to spot because of their color.  See Robyn's pages at and .

hello john and emm,

thanks for the info on the fish. this is something i will do in the spring.


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 11, 2008, 03:45:12 PM »
It's no fun loosing your pet babies  :(  Sorry you had to have so much loss due to culprits.

Are you serious about the mink farm?  :D 

Busy with work is a good thing now a days.  O0

hi annette,
yes there is a mink farm not too far from here. never seen it though


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 03, 2008, 05:58:21 AM »
Good to hear from you Louis.

Hi Mikey., thanks,


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 03, 2008, 05:57:49 AM »
Louis, I'm sorry to hear that.  It's so frustrating, when you work so hard and take such care, and some critter comes along and undoes everything.

Hi Julles,

there must have been an escape from a mink farm in the area. :)


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 03, 2008, 05:56:55 AM »
Louis, oh I'm sooooo sorry :( I'm glad you can see a small silver lining in this....You may just change your mind about fish come spring after the cleanout.  Are you able to go around the Hydrenga with a net?  Minks are a problem, I'm glad so far I have not had to deal with them or coons.
Karen.... I hope that kinfisher has a full tummy.... I don't think they migrate like heron

Hi Marla, i have seen the kingfisher in the trees along the pond but have never seen him take any. not to say that he did not.


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 03, 2008, 05:55:55 AM »
Louis , I'm sorry to hear about you're fish ..... :'(
I  too miss the gorgeous photos of you're llilies !


Hi Bonnie, there will be next year for the lilies. I had a great year for the tropicals, but was so involved in a house addition, i kinda neglected them and did not take too many photos.


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 03, 2008, 05:54:50 AM »
What's next? Deer and moose eating all your plants? ;D  Sorry. I shouldn't joke but there are no mink here.

Hi Scott, yes deer, moose no, at least not yet. Last year i had deer pull out and eat a lot of my lilies. i have an above ground pond and its the correct height for  the deer. deer are basically lazy animals, they will eat at head height or a little lower, they usually dont bend down to eat.

Lou :)

Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 02, 2008, 05:24:57 AM »
Oh, Louis...I am so sorry!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Thanks Sandye,


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 02, 2008, 05:24:28 AM »
I am so sorry to hear this Louis, I can feel the pain in your words.  Yes mink are incredibly deft at getting into any area they have a mind to.  We had one kill every chicken in our pen and never eat a one of them.  So we are chickenless now.  They are very stinky-almost skunk-like. 

I hope you enjoy your winter not worrying about your fish and look forward to your plantings.  :)

Hi Luann,

so sorry to hear about your chickens. we cannot keep them here either. if its not the mink, its the fox, coyote, raccoons or local dogs, that according to their owners, cannot do any wrong.


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 02, 2008, 05:22:23 AM »
Well, I guess there's two ways to look at your loss and you seem to have spotted them.

Hello Esther, there is always a good side to any disaster.


Pond Chat / Re: I am fishless
« on: November 02, 2008, 05:21:35 AM »

I'm really sorry to hear about the mink problem continuing. I remember last year. Maybe you could contact a local trapper.
Anyways, when I think of you, I do not think of your fish, I think of your absolutely gorgeous photos.
Hope all is well with you,

Hi old friend,

now i can drain all the ponds in the spring and give them the cleaning they so badly need. I caught a 3 fot pike this spring, i should catch another one and put it in the pond. the mink would make a nice snack for the pike. the pike was 4 foot long :)


Pond Chat / I am fishless
« on: November 01, 2008, 07:36:02 PM »
Hi everyone, sorry i have not been around. have been very busy at three jobs (why 3, i cannot turn down a job).

To bring you up to date on the mink problem: I ended last year with about 75 to 100 fish of all sizes, from babies to 20 inch goldie. during the winter some time, mink got into the ponds and ate about 80 % of them. come spring i found many fish partially eaten and still alive. i netted them out and put them to sleep in the freezer. during the summer i caught 3 of the mink, and let me tell you, they are nasty and smelly. up to last week i had 5 fish, and now there are none, even the babies are gone. for the first time in my pond life, i have no fish, and i will not get any more, no sense. its impossible to net the pond due to the hydrangea along the pond.

last summer, i gave a friend about 30 large fish for his new pond, he lives about 10 miles from me. he had problems with raccoons and herons during the summer. they got some, but he has mink also and they took every one of his also.

i never had problems with these little buggers in the past, for some reason there has been an overpopulation of them.

i can look on the good side, if there is one, i don't have to put heaters on the pond this winter, a big energy saving there and i don't have to worry constantly if they are getting enough food when i am away.

i will stick to my plants and be happy.

i hope all is well with your guys :)


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrid revisited
« on: September 26, 2008, 06:51:00 PM »
i have had this plant for three years. its a cross between moonbeam and golden west.

Nice parents!  Did you make this hybrid yourself?

hi annette,

yes i did. thank you


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrid revisited
« on: September 26, 2008, 01:21:50 PM »
Silver Moon is a beautiful lily and a lovely name.  How long have you had this lily for it to bloom so much?  Lucky you!

hi annette,
i have had this plant for three years. its a cross between moonbeam and golden west.


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrid revisited
« on: September 21, 2008, 05:54:06 AM »
Silver Moon.  8) OMG Louis is is more gorgeous than EVER!!!!  @O@ 8-)~ o(:-)
(by the way, I have been wondering what became of this beauty!)

yes yes yes, thats it. thanks Joyce. i am so pleased with this plant. its a non stopper all summer, now that the water is getting cold. the blooms never close. i don't remember if this was the second or third day bloom, however the yellow gets very intense as time goes by. when it opens, the tips of the petals have a pale blue which turns to pink as the bloom ages.

i am glad your memory is good :)


Pond Chat / New Hybrid revisited
« on: September 20, 2008, 07:40:41 PM »
Hi Ya All,

I posted some photos of this new hybrid earlier this year and someone came up with a neat name for it. I don't remember the name and cant find any post to reference. this flower has a peach tone to it from the setting sun. the light was low in the sky and i could not resist the photo. does anyone remember the name?


Todays photo

And its normal colors:

Pond Chat / Re: Pink Ribbon Escapes!
« on: August 21, 2008, 06:28:32 PM »
Hi Joyce, boy they look great. mine is finally giving some blooms.


Pond Chat / Pink Ribbon and friend
« on: August 14, 2008, 04:44:20 PM »
This is my first bloom on the Pink Ribbon plant. It was very slow. I planted it in April and 4 months later the flower comes. I hope now that its established, it will bloom early next year. This little fella spent most of today sitting in the flower, occasionally turning to spread the warmth.


Pond Chat / Re: Today's Blooms
« on: July 21, 2008, 05:22:38 AM »
Ya I like Pink candy, though could be with that colour in the leaf I might be put off a little, its quite a lot with the colour of the flower as well, that would be nice with white,mmmmm but if I saw it I most certainly would take it home I am sure LOL. Is this a young or a mature plant flower Louis?

hello cedric, pink candy is a mature plant, its 4 years old now and has not given me any offspring.


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