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Messages - Oceanbum

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Chit Chat / Re: Today at 4
« on: January 20, 2009, 03:05:33 PM »
Esther, I am so sorry that you are all having to deal with this. It's so hard to stay strong when your heart is breaking. I will continue to keep you and your entire family in my thoughts & prayers. Lean on each other & be there for each other. It sounds as if you have a very loving, close family and that is so important at a time like this.

Chit Chat / Re: Please Pray
« on: January 08, 2009, 02:15:02 PM »
Esther, I am so sorry to hear of this, too. Sending prayers and hugs to you and your brave little guy. He's a fighter!! Stay strong!!

Keeping you and your entire family in my constant thoughts & prayers!!

Keep us posted!!

Chit Chat / Re: Esther! How's our buddy Braeden doing?
« on: November 17, 2008, 07:41:17 PM »
Esther, I am so sorry to hear the news was not good. I was so hoping you'd get better news. It seems so unfair for such a little guy to have to fight such a battle. Will continue to keep you & little Braeden in my thoughts & prayers.

Chit Chat / Re: I got "Employee of the Year" yesterday!!!
« on: November 15, 2008, 04:54:09 PM »
Wow, Nancy, that's scary!!! I don't know if I'd be in banking in that area!!!

I had always heard that the worse times for robberies were opening and closing. So I guess our's was "right on the money" so to speak!!! It was 2:45.

This really hasn't been an area with many bank robberies in the past. Although we have had 2 in the past year. They have both been solved and the robbers convicted.  {-) We did have one of the cash advance places robbed the week after our robbery. The day I came back to work and in the same mall as us!!!  ::)

I still don't know for sure what my plans for the future are. I was talking to a co-worker about it yesterday. I freaked out during our robbery training on the annual bank training day. I just had to get out of that room. I had what you might consider an anxiety attack and I just couldn't get far enough away from it. I thought I was better but that episode made me realize maybe I'm not. So it shows me that any little thing can trigger flashbacks. And I can never be sure when or where it could happen. I can't find a job in any other field. I'm really not qualified for anything else that doesn't involve cash and customer service. So I think I may just have to try to bid into either our loan dept. or bookkeeping dept. if something comes available. Besides they don't work Saturdays!!!!!

Chit Chat / Re: I got "Employee of the Year" yesterday!!!
« on: November 14, 2008, 07:14:37 PM »
Thanks guys & gals for all the responses!! I appreciate your well wishes & support!!!

I know it will just take time to get over this. With the way this economy is the what ifs of the future worries me. We haven't had to worry too much about bank robberies in the past but now it's become much more common. And every check that is presented to me is the worry of is this legit or are you trying to pull something? Banking just isn't what it used to be. Of course, I guess the world isn't the same place it used to be anymore either, is it? It's changed around us and we all have to do what we can to hang on!!!

Chit Chat / Re: I got "Employee of the Year" yesterday!!!
« on: November 13, 2008, 09:13:37 AM »
Thanks, Joyce!!!

Chit Chat / Re: I got "Employee of the Year" yesterday!!!
« on: November 13, 2008, 09:12:22 AM »
Thanks for your wishes, too, Esther. And for your experiences. I knew you had to have many stories to share over your years in banking. Some robbers are really dumb, aren't they. This girl drummed her fingers (no gloves, of course) on my counter while she was waiting on me to gather the money. All kinds of fingerprints for the police to collect!!! No disguise of any kind either. No mask, no sunglasses, no hat. Nothing.

The bank has offered me counseling. They offered it right from the start. I thought I was doing ok and that I wasn't going to need it but as time goes on I'm not so sure. I may still think about it.

Here's the update I got on to give you guys, too. No trial come Monday!!! She has decided to plead!!!!  @O@ They just called me!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! @O@ I am SO happy!!!!!  @O@ I am SO glad I don't have to testify!!!!  @O@ That is such a HUGE relief!!!!!!! It's time to put it all behind me and move on. Well, after her boyfriend's trial is over. He's being charged with complicity. But I don't expect to be involved much with that one. I had to register my rights as a victim with his case, too. But I really have nothing for it. I didn't see him. He stayed in the truck and SENT her in from what I hear.

Chit Chat / Re: I got "Employee of the Year" yesterday!!!
« on: November 13, 2008, 04:35:05 AM »
Thanks Kim & Mikey for the wishes!!

Kim, I have thought about you & Esther a thousand times since this all happened.

I will say this was quiet, thank goodness. I don't know what I would do had it been one of those take over style robberies. It was quiet, a note was passed and she (yes, SHE) was gone before anyone even knew what had happened. Then it all just became a blur. Everything just started moving in slow motion. Through the cops showing up and the detectives, dusting for fingerprints, all of it is a blur. It happend on a Wednesday around 2:45 and the police were there until about 5:15. I was off on Thursday, I took Friday and Saturday off. The police called me on Friday morning and had me come down and pick her out of a photo line up. The FBI came to my house on Friday afternoon to take my statement. She was in custody in another state Saturday.

My husband took Thursday and Friday off to stay with me. Thank goodness!! I don't know what I would have done had he not been with me!!! He was quite unnerved when the FBI guy was here!!! He kept looking at him and twice he said. You look so familiar to me. Do I know you?! Hubby said "Oh, that can't be good?!!!" And when he left he said "You're going to go looking through your mug shots for my picture now, aren't you?!" It was funny. I needed a little bit of humor at that time!!!!

Chit Chat / I got "Employee of the Year" yesterday!!!
« on: November 12, 2008, 07:03:32 PM »
We have had "Employee of the Month" all year long at our bank. To receive it you had to be nominated by someone in the bank and then all the nominations were posted in the newsletter and voted on by the employees. Then the "Employee of the Month" was announced at the end of each month. To be eligible for "Employee of the Year" you had to be voted "Employee of the Month" at least one time during the year. So I was the "Employee of the Month in September. We had our annual bank training day yesterday and the final votes were cast and I came out on top.

It may sound impressive but I think I may have won with the sympathy vote. Our branch was robbed in August and I was the teller that the robber decided would be the victim. I haven't posted anything about it because it has been a very traumatic time for me and I wasn't really sure how to post it. It still an ongoing thing as it goes to trial Monday. I'm not sure how that will go but hopefully it will go ok. I will try to keep you posted if I can. It may not be Monday. It may take me a day or two but I will do it when I can.

I will tell you about the robbery that it was not violent at all, it was extremely calm and quiet, nobody in the branch even knew it happened, I did everything exactly as I should have, nobody got hurt, it happened on a Wednesday afternoon and they were in custody on Saturday in another state. I am still having emotional difficulty with it. But I am trying to cope with it the best I can.

Chit Chat / Re: 3 weeks ago last night
« on: September 07, 2008, 07:25:07 PM »
Krista, I'm so sorry to hear this. My MIL's dog was missing for quite a while but I don't recall how long. She walked the neighborhood looking for her, calling her name and whistling and couldn't find her anywhere. Then a man from her church was doing some work for a couple of women just around the corner from her and when he walked in he recognized the dog and called her by name. She immediately looked up at him and started wagging her tail and trying to get to him. They had her chained to a table leg. He politely told the women that he knew the owner of the dog, that she had been looking for her and that he would like to return her to her. They had found her wandering and liked her so much they thought they would keep her!! She had her id tags on her when the man brought her home. My MIL had walked right by that house when she was out calling her name!! I can only imagine how the dog must have been acting trying to get out to her!!!

Don't give up hope!! Shyla may still come home!!

Chit Chat / Re: Locusts are here
« on: July 30, 2008, 06:03:33 AM »
We were camping when they first started coming out here. We were sitting around the campfire and noticed they were coming up out of the ground. We thought the fire was bringing them up. Then we noticed they were climbing up our legs!!! YIKES!!!!!  :o It was really quite freaky!!!! Our girls was freaked out by it!!!! The next day they were EVERYWHERE!!!!! Hubby and I went back out to the camper a couple of weeks later. There were three times as many and the noise was deafening!!! There were hundreds of shells around the base of the tree next to our camper!!! It was unbelievable!!! There are still a few around. You can hear them but nothing compared to the end of May and all of June!!!

Your Granddaughter's pic is beautiful by the way!!! I'm glad she enjoys collecting them!!! My daughters used to enjoy picking them up and looking at them - until this whole experience!!! Now they just walk away from them!!!!! Or is that RUN AWAY?!!!!!  ::)

Chit Chat / Re: test your memory on the states
« on: July 22, 2008, 12:39:24 PM »
Missed 10, too!! And I just thought of North Dakota and South Dakota as time ran out so I could have had 8!!! Darn the luck!!!  ::)

Chit Chat / Re: Had to take my son to the ER tonight
« on: July 03, 2008, 04:52:45 AM »
Ouch!! Sounds painful!! I'll make sure and tell my daughter so she won't do the same thing!! Just the mention of a shot will make her think twice before she even steps foot on a trampoline while she has braces!!!

Sort of on the same subject last year in her cheerleading squad one of the girls was on a trampoline, only it didn't have the nets on the side. She caught her toe somehow down in the springs and tripped. When she fell she came down right on her mouth and the force pushed her four front teeth up inside her gums!!! OUCH!!!!!  :o  She had to go to Children's Hospital and have them surgically pulled back down!!! Somehow I'm not exactly sure how that all took place but they were able to do it.

I hope your son recovers quickly!!!  O0

Chit Chat / Re: County Fair entry
« on: May 29, 2008, 06:57:15 PM »
Wow, very pretty Mrs_Bouquet!!!  O0 It should do quite well!! I love the county fairs!! I've entered some of my cross stitch pieces in our local county fair and have gotten some blue ribbons and a couple of red ribbons. But, of course, I have had patterns!! I could never do it without one!! Very impressive!!!

Keep us posted on how it does!!! Good luck!!!  O0

Chit Chat / Re: The Credit Union
« on: May 21, 2008, 01:39:00 PM »
Good job, Kim!! Sounds like you are off to a good start!!  O0

Chit Chat / Re: Stressed out
« on: May 15, 2008, 12:11:13 PM »
Oh, I HAVE to have the presidents all facing the same way or I can't stand it!!! It drives me CRAZY when somebody brings me a deposit with the money going every direction!! I will count it but I have to flip the bills around before putting it in my drawer. My kids tease me because my money has to be facing all the same direction in my purse, too. All the presidents facing the same direction and then in order by denomination, largest to smallest!!!!!  ::)

Hang in there, Kim!! It will all  make sense to you once you start working the window. And you will develop your own way of doing things, counting money, etc. And, Esther is right about the 9 thing. Every time I am out of balance the first thing I think is "Is it divisible by 9?" And remember, when you are out of balance not to panic. Recount first. You may have just miscounted something. 9 times out of 10 I find I have just miscounted something. Usually the change. Or sometimes I have forgotten to count something completely. Hang in there. You'll get it!!!!  O0

Chit Chat / Re: I have an interview (I'm back) updated again
« on: May 07, 2008, 04:10:36 AM »
Esther, we have a gal who has been a teller at our bank for 52 years this October!!! She started when she was 17!!! But she won't tell us how old she is!!! But, being in banking I think we can do the math!!!  {:-P;; She says she has seen so many changes over the years and not all of them good. She keeps talking about retiring and what she'll do after she retires. And I mean what JOB she'll do!!! So I don't think she'll ever REALLY retire!!!

Kim, I'm glad the first day went well. I know that shadowing is really boring. I had to do it for like a week!!! It was SO boring!!! At our bank we had to sit in a whole day with each department so we could see what each one does - loans, bookkeeping, and then finally shadowing a week on the teller line!!!! I was ready to pull my hair out by the time I finally got to training!!! And then I had computer learning which was also really boring. But I finally got through all that and went "live"!!! It was a bit scary at first but all that is behind me now and I have the new tellers shadowing me!!!! So you will get there!!! It will just take time!!!!  O0

Chit Chat / Re: I have an interview (I'm back) updated again
« on: May 06, 2008, 11:55:24 AM »
Today's the day!!  @O@ How did the first day of shadowing go?!

Chit Chat / Re: I have an interview (I'm back) updated again
« on: April 23, 2008, 03:42:49 AM »
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ Kim, I'm SO happy for you!!!!! I know you wanted this so much!!! I know you'll do a GREAT job!!!! They must have been REALLY impressed with you to offer you the position so quickly!!!  O0 Maybe they came here and checked your references!!!! I mean, you did put the forum down under the "references" section, didn't you?!!!  :D LOL!!! Just jokin!!!! I know it was all YOU!!!!!!

Chit Chat / Re: I have an interview (I'm back)
« on: April 22, 2008, 11:46:39 AM »
Sounds like it went GREAT, Kim.  @O@ And I think it will help that they know your Dad and LIKE him!!!  O0

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! Hope to hear some good news!!!  :)

Chit Chat / Re: Just got home from minor surgery...
« on: April 22, 2008, 04:12:45 AM »
Sean, sorry to hear you had to have surgery but glad to hear it went well!!  O0 Keep us posted on the results!!

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!  :hug:

Chit Chat / Re: I have an interview
« on: April 22, 2008, 04:10:35 AM »
Good luck today, Kim!! I know you'll do GREAT!!  @O@

Let us know how it goes!!!

Chit Chat / Re: Gonna need some help planning a 50th anniversary party
« on: April 16, 2008, 01:38:31 PM »
We did a scrapbook for my parents' 50th a few years ago. Snuck into their house and took pictures of the kids and grandkids, wedding pics, graduation pics, vacations, baby pics, etc. and scanned them and then made a scrapbook for them. Also contacted everybody for recent pics so we were able to do baby pics and recent pics of everybody. It turned out really well and they loved it.

I also did a cross stitch sampler for them.

And we did a money tree. Spray painted a tree gold, set the tree in cement (or it might have been plaster of paris, I forget) and placed it in a 5 gallon bucket which we also painted gold, then I think we put some moss around the base of the tree. Then we tied dollar bills (denomination of your choice!!) to the branches all over the tree. They used the money for a trip to Florida.   

Chit Chat / Re: I have an interview
« on: April 16, 2008, 01:22:00 PM »
Sounds like my job, Kim!! I work at a bank. I work 8:30 to 2:00 every day and 8:15 to 12:15 about every other Sat. Until recently when I have had to work 3 Saturdays in a row. It gets that way during the vacation season!!! But it still isn't too bad.

Good luck!!!! Go in there and knock their socks off!!!

Chit Chat / Re: Learn English or go to Jail? What do you all think?
« on: April 10, 2008, 07:29:45 PM »
A few years ago there was a 4 year old girl that drowned at an apartment complex in Columbus. She was riding her bike and rode it into a pond on the property. Her father found her and pulled her from the pond. He called 911 for help. He spoke Spanish only and the 911 operator spoke English. He attempted to make her understand what was going on with this little girl but the 911 operator didn't understand. She attempted to get an interpreter on the line and tried to tell the man to stay there, she had an ambulance on the way. The man couldn't understand her and didn't know that they were sending help. So he put the girl in his car and tried to take her the hospital for help. But by the time he got there it was too late. Every time I hear people talking about this subject I think of this tragedy and think how that little girl might have been saved if her father had only learned the language of the country he was living in. It did prompt changes in the Columbus 911 system. But it was still too late for this little girl.  :'(

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Oceanbum...
« on: April 07, 2008, 03:58:08 AM »
Thanks, guys!!  We had a great day - the weather was sunny and 70!!! We should have been doing some yard work but we hopped on the motorcycle and went for a ride!! It was a PERFECT day for it!!!  O0

Jessica, that's funny!!! I knew you shared Loony's birthday but I didn't know I shared one, too!!!!  :)

Chit Chat / Re: I know I live in Ohio but..
« on: March 10, 2008, 04:37:42 AM »
Wow, Jerry! You take care of yourself! Sounds like you are taking it easy just as the doctor ordered. Keep us posted!

LuAnn, I'm in Ohio, too. We got hit with the blizzard, too. It was 70 degrees and beautiful on Monday and then Friday night and Saturday 13 inches of snow!!!! But I guess Columbus got more like 20 inches!! They are still digging out and from what I saw on the news most of the schools are out up there today. My kids are just on a 2 hour delay this morning. Of course, this all came after I was off work for a week with a child with the flu!!! House-bound with and 8 year old with the flu for a week, then a blizzard, now a 2 hour delay!!!! I think you get the picture!!!! I am actually READY to go BACK to work!!!!!  ::)

Our paper posted a blog on their website "How does this blizzard compare to the Blizzard of '78?" I don't know if you remember or were around for the Blizzard of '78. I was in Jr High. I remember being out of school for 2 weeks, having no heat at one of the schools so when school did start the jr high and high school had to alternate days in order to share the building, everything was shut down so you had to walk everywhere, I saw a report on the news on the 30th anniversary date saying the national guard was brought in to help clear the streets and to transport emergency personnel to and from the hospitals, so NO this comes no where NEAR comparing to the Blizzard of '78!!!

Chit Chat / Re: My new bike
« on: February 06, 2008, 04:52:57 PM »
Nice bike, Steve!! We have a '03 Yamaha V-Star Silverado that hubby and I ride. We just got it last spring. We love it!!! We are just waiting on the weather to warm up so we can get back on it and ride!!!

He also has an '84 HD Sportster that he is about to begin rebuilding. He just got a new tank for it and is getting ready to start tearing it down. It's going to be a solo bike when it's done.


Chit Chat / Re: No patches for AP!! Scroll down ESTHER
« on: January 25, 2008, 04:19:14 AM »
Jerry, could I send you some Susan B Anthony dollars for it? Noboby wants them!!!  @O@

Esther, I saw one $500 bill about 20 years ago when I worked at a different bank but it was the only one I ever saw. I still get people asking me for them now!!! It's funny!!! We have one girl when people ask her if she has any "large bills" she says "No, they're all the same size!!" They look at her like she's nuts!!!  @O@

Chit Chat / Re: Am I the only one getting this????
« on: January 05, 2008, 10:09:36 AM »
We saw several similar letters during our annual "training day" at the bank. The local police department brought some in for us to see. It's amazing how many people fall for those. It's really sad. Some of the letters we saw threw up so many red flags to me. Especially the ones with typos. You would think if it was an official letter they would know how to spell!!!  ::)

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