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Messages - El Jefe

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Photo Album / Re: The Pond,....
« on: March 24, 2007, 03:13:20 PM »
Barb it was already here when we moved in (1st picture) just a hole in the ground I grew it from there. Only bad thing is that it is not lined, lots of maintenance... :(

Hybridizing How To's... / Re: Planting Lotus!
« on: March 24, 2007, 02:00:39 PM »
Bonnie, you know what I did not and I know better, I did e-mail her and ask permission to use it after the fact. If she wants me to pull the thread I will do so. I really hope she doesn't mind. :-\

Well it is in the Pond. I bought a barrel liner and planted them up. Hopefully I did it up right!
The Lotus were pushing the growing tips straight up in just 24 hours (I set them in my deep sink in our laundry room in a couple inches of water) and they took right off. One day the growing tips were as you see them here and the next they were vertical and reaching for the light. I hope my first try is a good one.  I set it into about 4 inches of water  lets see where it goes from here... O0 Andy

Hybridizing How To's... / Planting Lotus!
« on: March 24, 2007, 08:23:41 AM »
Well this is a whole new world for me. Thanks to Tinkster I have now been introduced to the world of Lotus  O0 Joyce has been very kind and shared her knowledge and tinkster sent me a link with advice from Joyce and Lawanna

I also found this ( I was very surprised at how little there is out there on Planting lotusus properly) What would you add (or subtract) from this advice.... I found this at Bonnies plants

***Body removed at Bonnie Hales request **** 

Great info none the less

I had hoped to plant it in the water just past that tree, but if you think it will make it to small I won't  {:-P;; ;D

Have fun at the Ball, been there done that! have a great time,

Pond Chat / Joyce (or any other lotus expert) need your sage advice!
« on: March 23, 2007, 08:51:59 AM »
Joyce, et al

    In another thread you gave me this advice for my newly acquired lotus (Thanks Tinkster!) Now I need a little more... Please..... Look at the pictures of the lotus do I just plant these as is or do they need to be divided? 2). If I am planting them IN my pond (in a container of course)  how deep can I place the tuber, 6-8 inches 12? how does planting it in the pond change the mix if at all?

Here ya go El Jefe/Andy...
I tend to give my lotus a LOT of room compared to what I see here on the pond forums.
But then again, I get more blooms. Hmmmm...bigger pots...more blooms. :thinking:
I see people starting lotus in what I consider small pots (12-18"),
and they seem to be happy with a few blooms all summer.
I start most of mine in half barrels. (or any container the size of a half barrel)
I get lots of pad growth, and LOTS of blooms all summer, cuz the lotus has LOTS of nutrient rich soil.
The half barrels are lined with half barrel liners I buy at Home Depot or Lowes.
Then I fill them with compost, or with composted cow manure.
Make sure the cow manure is composted.
So many people have read my directions wrong and used straight cow manure.
Straight cow manure will kill your lotus.
If it smells like poop, it isn't composted.
If it smells like high quality potting's composted.
Simple. Easy. Foolproof...apparently not. ::)

For the past 2 years I have been making my own compost,
and mixing that with a little composted cow manure.
This year I will plant as many as I can with my own compost, no composted manure until I run out of my compost.
I always throw in about a half cup of Veggie Formula (14-14-14) Osmocote
(Multicote is another brand name that works as good, formula is a bit richer, something like 17-17-17 and it is usually a bit cheaper than Osmocote)
on the bottom of the container/pot*.
(*For the half barrel sized liner. Smaller pots get less Osmocote, read the directions on the Osmocote label!)
I do not mix the Osmocote in with the soil, because I believe the Osmocote granules near the surface of the soil can leach out, and cause excessive algae to bloom in the water. The algae starts way before the lotus starts to grow, and can smother the new lotus shoots. It takes at least a month for the Osmocote to seep up through the soil from the bottom of the pots, and by then, your lotus tuber has rooted, put up some pads, and is looking for more food. It is ready for the supplemental nutrients from the Osmocote.
I top off the compost with pea gravel, only cuz I like the look while the lotus is getting established.
And I use the gravel to weigh down the tuber.
When you use Osmocote, the Osmocote will fertilize your lotus for the rest of the season (4 months),
you don't have to do any monthly fertilization. @O@
This saves you money too, since only one application is necessary for the entire season,
instead of monthly applications of spike or tabs, which if overdone, can burn your lotus to death.
(speaking from experience here :o ::) >:( )
Besides saving money, it saves you time and effort. 8)
If you want another way to plant lotus, dig a hole in the ground, at least 3 feet wide by 2 feet deep, and drop a pond liner into it.
Fill it with compost, put your lotus tubers on the top of the soil, and then gently cover them with a 1-2" layer of pea gravel.
You can cover the edges of the pond liner with rocks, and plant the edges with perennials, ornamental grasses, groundcovers.
In the winter, to insulate it you can cover it with a piece of plywood, and put some bagged lawn leaves over it.
Make sure all your lotus pots and ponds are in full sun.
I know the way I grow lotus is not for everyone.
Big pots of lotus are hard to move around.
I have a big strong husband, and I am a professional landscape designer,
with access to a lot of hard working Guatemalans,
They help me move my lotus pots into our attached garage for the winter.
Most of my pots can be easily moved with a hand truck by my husband,
with me opening the garden gates and helping him 'steer'.

Marla, haven't potted the new lotus up yet, still floating in a bucket in the garage.
I think I'll use a quarter cup of Osmocote.  :)

Pond Chat / Re: water garden institute
« on: March 22, 2007, 07:48:53 AM »
I tried in vain to locate the real owners and get the board turned off until they can turn it around. everyone I sent e-mails to either no loger had a valid address or was no longer associated with the board and did not have a way to get ahold of the new owners.

Glad you discovered us here at American ponders. Sean and Jerry Do a great job.  :welcome:

Pond Chat / Re: My Experiment Begins....
« on: March 22, 2007, 07:31:58 AM »
Well seeing as I am receiving my first lotus ever from Tinkster this could be of a great benefit for me. Joyce would you mind going over your formula for planting? I have heard you have the right mix!  I am home from work for a week (had some surgery done) and I may be able to get some small things done with the assistance of my 17 year old son who is home on spring break. I plan to plant it in my pond so how deep can I plant it? Thanks Joyce! looking forward to pictures and your response.

Pond Chat / Re: Shipping directions
« on: March 22, 2007, 06:44:02 AM »
not to detract from what sean just said but
Like tammie just said my lilies almost always arrive the same way, As a matter of fact I just received 2 N. Escarboucle from Lily blooms and they come the same way every time. Wet newspaper is placed in the bottom of a clear trash bag. The lilies are set on top of it and the paper loosely wrapped around tuber and roots. I also noticed that they left a little soil with them but very little. Then that bag is closed up and placed into a second bag and then loosely wrapped shut and placed into a box. They arrived in great shape. Hope that helps. Andy

Pond Chat / Re: Remember when......
« on: March 20, 2007, 05:03:44 PM »
If customer service were like this with every American Company how many loyal customers would they have?? Seems to me there is a lot to be learned here. 1 customer out of 100's or thousands and they remember and act proactively on an issue that was submitted several months before, for a customer who was willing to wait. THIS is why I shop with Lily Blooms.  O0

Pond Chat / Remember when......
« on: March 19, 2007, 08:22:20 PM »
I asked about  where everyone buys their plants and if you have ever had a bad experience with a dealer. Well I had issues with one company that I went back and forth with for months over plants they sent me that were not in great condition when they arrived, and failed to thrive. the replacements were just as bad I did not want to go through the hassle of dealing with their UN-customer Service yet one more time so I dropped it and called it a 20 dollar lesson. I will never purchase from that dealer again (Direct Gardening) as that had to be my single worst customer service nightmare.  I purchase mostly from and now and have looked at others as well but they are my two favorites. One reason is their customer service. I had sent Lily blooms an e-mail last fall shortly after my purchase arrived with concerns about 1 of the 2 escarboucle lilies I purchased. and their response was this

At 12:47 PM 9/28/2006, you wrote:
I just ordered over $200.00 dollars worth of water lilies from you and
they all arrived in good condition with the exception of 1 plant which
just appeared to be of a lesser quality when compared to all the other
plants. All the other plants appeared to be healthy and were of a good
size and weight. good color etc. this one particular lily appeared to
be very small and not as healthy and robust as the other plants. I have
doubts to wether it will survive or not given it's condition.........

Then I got a call from their customer service:
I just spoke to your customer service and they asked me to give it
a chance to grow (2-3 weeks ) and see how it does. If it does not
attempt to grow, call back and lilyblooms will replace it. I will wait and
contact you then. Again good doing business with you. Thank you.

And an e-mail from Curtis
If it doesn't grow and do good for you, let us know and we would be happy to replace it.

When I did not see any signs of life I got real concerned and sent this:
At 11:22 PM 1/21/2007, you wrote:
Just as a matter of updating you. Neither Escarboucle has done anything,
they lost what few pads they had and nothing. The other lilies, all planted
in the same soil and same style are all doing great. We have had a
relatively mild winter here in Tallahassee and all of the lilies are growing
new pads, Again with the exception of these two. To be fair I am waiting
until the water warms up to see if I get any response from those two. When
it is warm enough I will wade in and pull the baskets to check for signs of
life. Again I just wanted to refresh this e-mail  to ensure replacement if
these do not grow. Thank you again, Andy

And just last weekend I pulled the baskets out of the water. One (the one I was having an issue with) had some rot and had not done well at all, still it looked as though it might be savageable despite having only one or two roots; so I cut all the bad parts off and  repotted what was left in hopes it would thrive. The second lily appears to be trying and I am hopeful because it finally grew some pilot leaves. Still I thought it only fair to wait and let Lily Blooms know the outcome good or bad when I had some answers. Lily blooms did something I have never heard of.... Went all pro active. I just received this

From: "" <>
To: "Andy Zimmerman"
Subject: RE: Enquiry from LilyBLOOMS Aquatic Gardens
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 15:16:47 +0000

We are now shipping zone 8 and your escarboucle should be sent
sometime next week.

I didn't even have to fuss. They kept track of my response/request from months ago!  O0 THAT  O0 is outstanding customer service!


Tinkster.... Your killin me  ;)

Now that I have a Lotus on the way (Thank you Tinkster) need to pick your brains on how to plant them so they will thrive!

Thanks El Elfe

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: March 17, 2007, 08:13:39 PM »
Marla... thanks for the kudos. I just moved the experiment outside. I had to cut back some of the pads because they were not doing as well as I would have liked. So I left the healthiest and cut back the rest. The Colorados both had a bloom on them, I hope I did not damage them to badly when I repotted and transferred them to the pond. We will see how they adjust, should be nothing but improvement now that they are outside.  I will get some more pictures up when they get a chance to adapt.
    The old post was from ADI, Lots of good relevant info in that post. So I revived it here. Thanks again. Andy

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: March 16, 2007, 06:24:46 PM »
Well tomorrow is the day O0 I will be moving the 4 Wal Mart lilies from the artificial light to light of day Moving th experiment outside @O@

You are Very Welcome My friend. Enjoy!!  O0

Photo Album / Re: The Pond,....
« on: March 13, 2007, 08:21:18 PM »
Actually I do not but I have some friends who limke to eat them they say they are great. Andy

Photo Album / Re: The Pond,....
« on: March 12, 2007, 08:11:16 PM »
Thanks Myra, it is a real labor of love o(:-)  I hope to have it planted out soon. Andy

Pond Chat / Since it was 80 degrees today.....
« on: March 11, 2007, 07:51:52 PM »
I decided that I would check on my lilies that purchased from a dealer (not a big box store) since I had not seen them since I potted them at the end of last summer., actually more like early fall. When I pulled the two escarboucle lillies out of the pond they each had a surprise for me. One had multiple eyes growing from it and the other had one new eye but also had some rot and almost no roots. I removed all of the rotted parts from the one and it still left plenty of tuber. With that I repotted with my new formula and I moved them up into shallower water to get them started. I also pulled out the Pink Sunrise and I repotted it as well. It had some awesome growth! Starting to send runners to the surface and the pads are gorgeous! I made a newbie mistake when I planted it last fall.  I put the cut end in the middle instead of to the edge of the pot. It had crammed itself into a corner, Glad I checked it. All is well with those three for the moment.
    Should I worry about the one lily that had rot? it had new growth and I cut it back to where it was firm what should I be looking for? Anything special?


Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: March 10, 2007, 07:24:56 PM »
Well I cleaned the tank and separated out the dead or dying lily pads. They seem to be doing okay. I moved the smallest James brydon out into the shallows of the pond I will  eventually plant it into the bottom of the pond that area is shaded most of the day, some morning sun some late day sun so I am hoping they will thrive. If it looks like it is going to stay fairly warm I may move them all out and see what we get.


Pond Chat / Re: Ya gotta see this!!!
« on: March 09, 2007, 07:08:27 PM »
        o( o(  Wow My Catfish do the SAME Thing! It is really crazy! o( o(

Photo Album / The Pond,....
« on: March 09, 2007, 06:23:14 PM »
Well it started out kind of rough

Then it progressed to this:

Then this:

And now it looks like this:

I managed to get a few plants to grow in and around it....

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: March 09, 2007, 05:38:08 PM »
So  I walk out and look at my tank and look at my lillies, Algae has swamped it almost overnight so I decided to clean it out. what happens?? I broke the heater, man am I upset. now those lilies are in cooler water. Do not know what to expect now.  >:(- not happy  >:(-

Chit Chat / Re: Snoring
« on: March 09, 2007, 10:29:25 AM »
Watch him when he sleeps does he appear to stop breathing and then gasp for air? Every time he does that it increases pressure on the heart. Please if you even suspect it have it checked out.
 I forgot to add something to my last post. Just as a point of reference. My Cardiopulminologist told me this. IF you were to hold your breath until you reached the point that you passed out (because your body pulls an override on your brain in order to force you to breathe) how low do you think your blood oxygen gets? 90 percent! it will only allow a drop to 90%. Sleep apnea sufferers routinely drop to the low 70's their body enters a fight or flight mode and the adrenaline starts pumping. His Organs are trying to survive and they all wake up (enter the active state) then he wakes up long enough to constrict his throat muscles and breathe once he has enough oxygen he drops back into rem sleep and the process starts all over. Yeah I was a typical guy and figured what was a little snoring. Little did I know it could lead to much greater and dangerous things.

See if your doc will send home a pulse oximeter that records the Oxygen levels. he can get the data downloaded and review it to see where your DH's Blood oxygen level is through out the night.

Pond Chat / Re: First Lily from our Lemon Mist
« on: March 08, 2007, 04:44:44 PM »
Ha! I did it! what a pain!! but they are up! Andy

Chit Chat / Re: Snoring
« on: March 08, 2007, 11:00:25 AM »
Wow this is not where I thought I would talk about this in this forum. Kay is right as well as Cindy and the others... Quick story.
While still in the Navy one of fellow Chiefs said I snored bad. At first I was in denial because no one else said anything. my LW (Lovely Wife) is Deaf and could not hear me regardless of how loud it was. I decided to get it checked. I did indeed have Sleep apnea but only a mild case. I had surgery done to correct it BUT that only lasted 6 months. FFwd 6 years. On my way home from an event with my sons in the car, I fell asleep at a stop light. Luckily nothing happend (good thing my guardian angel was on the ball) During the last 6 mile stretch I woke up to my son yelling at me, asking me if something was wrong. I knew I needed help then. Turns out I had a bad case of sleep apnea. my blood oxygen would drop all the way to 69 percent while I was sleeping. My body would wake itself up (up out of REM sleep) 270 times a night. I had short term memory issues, concentration issues, I was always exhausted. Sleep apnea and the lack of Oxygen puts a huge strain on the heart and will eventually cause heart failure.  Here is some great infor. Out of the 20 symptoms listed I had 15 of them. Get him in to see his Family Doc and get him referred for a sleep study. It can take awhile to get the actual study done and if he has it, he is playing with fire by not going. Read through this info and take from someone who has been there and done that, by the 3rd night on the CPAP he will be a new man.


Pond Chat / Re: First Lily from our Lemon Mist
« on: March 08, 2007, 04:34:49 AM »
I actually attempted to upload the pictures 3 times last night. All of them are under 200 Kb and none of them would upload. I kept getting a Page timeout. I forgot the Camera this morning to do it from here So I will try again later today. That is a rather large lily (bloom) and it seems to be doing well in the area it is in.. Sorry about the image. I will try again tonight.


Pond Chat / First Lily from our Lemon Mist
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:51:58 PM »
Here is the first lily of the year and it came from my pair of lemon mist lillies. I almost missed it because I have not been out there enough. Thought I would share:

Pond Chat / Re: Pondside Plant layout
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:24:21 PM »
WOW that Flame grass is awesome!! That will make a great addition.
I think this will look great along with Dwarf Japanese Sungold Cypress
Great call!! I am looking at the others as well.

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Joyce
« on: March 07, 2007, 01:25:36 PM »

Happy Birthday Joyce!!! O0

Pond Chat / Re: Pondside Plant layout, Umm Joyce?
« on: March 07, 2007, 01:07:06 PM »
Joyce could you help a Vet out? ANY idea on what Kind of Grass that is? THanks Andy

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