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Messages - El Jefe

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Pond Chat / Re: N. 'Atropurpurea'
« on: January 28, 2007, 06:06:55 PM »
Is there any way to acquire  it? just have to know the right person? What? I really like the looks of that lily, since you are always in search of the elusive ones I was sure you had a hook up! ;)

Chit Chat / Re: Watergardening Institute taken over by porn
« on: January 28, 2007, 06:03:12 PM »
Well I googled the name and found the board, (not the name of the magazine) and it appears as though it has been iindeed left to die. As a board admin myself I can tell you that boards get spammed with porno all the time, The common method is to use a spambot You have to block access or go to a moderator approved board or use the code method for approval called a CAPTCHA (you have to input a code to gain access the first time) When the "bots" find your board you have a heck of a time cleaning it up. if you wait to long it will kill off your board. Looks like that is what happened here, left unmoderated and on it's own it got spammed badly. I even tried to look through the member list to see is any REAL people were left. What I found was a memberlist that had very few legitimate posters in it's database. An inadvertent invitation to this board to what may look like a legitimate poster could expose this board. I saw a few names I recognized from this board and others. It appears that anyone after Member #174 or 175 is a result of spambots. Actually anyone who Joined after 30 October 2006. Jerry you should log onto your profile and remove any reference to this site. If anyone knows who the admins are let them know to kill of any names after entry #174, That Database needs to be flushed and started over with more securities in place. May be better off taking it off line at this point. Wish someone would, kids can easily access the porno from the memberlist and do so from what appears to be a legitimate site.... Ugh

Tim Great Info, I used your mix to transplant my lilies, I hope they do as well as yours! I also found this link that is a little more detailed on dividing lilies

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 28, 2007, 05:32:47 PM »
I seem to remember reading somewhere tha you can cut the little eyelets off much like cutting the eyelets off a potato and they will grow. Does that differ from cltivar to cultivar? I cam across this post on another board Marla stated:

Marla11-21-2005, 08:40 PM
yes, lillies can be split, the best time is early spring like April, right now they will become dormant with the cold water temps
To divide:

Remove the plant from its pot and spray with water until all the mud is removed. You"ll see the rhizome and sections where groups of new lily pads emerge from it . Using a sharp knife, slice between the each growth node to section off into a new waterlily start. If you would like to divide a section with more than one growth node, this is okay. Your decision how big or small is up to you as long as you make sure to have one section where pads will emerge.
This is a good time to get rid of any part of the rhizome which has become soft.
Here are some links also that may help

I will leave until I see what the lily does, So do those look healthy despite being tortured (by the WalMart suppliers of course  &-) ) The colorados already have leaves floating on the the surface, I did not expect such a quick growth rate.

Chit Chat / Re: Watergardening Institute taken over by porn
« on: January 28, 2007, 05:10:40 PM »
Excuse my ignorance but what was the name of the Magazine? {:-P;;

Pond Chat / Re: Pond Plants at Wal Mart? Has anyone tried these??
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:49:06 PM »
Craig how is one to tell if the Cultivar is true to form?? For instance in the other thread I had noted that my "Sioux" Lily had several small sprouts, offspring. Once the plant blooms is there a way to tell for certain? How does one identify a lily anyway? Never thought to ask that question  ?)(? andy

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 27, 2007, 08:55:22 PM »
Teresa, If it turns out to actually be a Sioux (which is part of the experiment) and it should, you do not mind that it was started off of a WalMart plant and I do end up with more than one your first on the list... According to some on this forum it is better off in a cooler spot, Shade etc. and I have a couple of those area as well so I know the feeling.  Now if Tim or Sean cares to share on when I should divide this (or anyone for that matter with knowledge) and how.... I would feel much better... Andy
PS and thanks for the Welcome, I am enjoying myself and the company!

Chit Chat / Re: Naughty dog!!
« on: January 27, 2007, 07:06:44 PM »
I used to raise rabbits and often I would find tracks like these next to their pen in the winter (I USED to live in Michigan once upon a time) They were wild Cottontails. I would guess rabbit.

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 27, 2007, 06:44:24 PM »
Well today was the one week mark. I decided that as we enter week two we needed to jump to stage 2. I would remove all of the Lilies from their respective mesh bags and report on my findings.
Lilies 1 and 3 are both colorados and they had sent runners all the way to the surface of the water. Lily two , the James Brydon, had not made much more progress from a couple of days ago, some but not a lot. Lily 4 the Sioux, had opened up a little more but not much else. :-\
    Keeping in mind Andrews warnings about rot and fungus I figured it would be safe to use a pair of latex gloves when handling each plant. Every pant was removed and inspected. All had what appeared to me as healty tubers. Each was firm and did not show any signs of rot or fungus, I was unexpectedly and pleasantly surprised at what I did find when I removed them.

Each of the colorados had a larger tuber than the other two and they appeared healthy I removed damaged leaves from # 3 ... Nuff said. Both were photographed and repotted in their original pot using the planting technique given to me by TimGod (Tim) I will move them to larger pots as we progress.

Lily #2 and 4 gave me a pleasant surprise.  Both had Multiple plants growing from them. I separated the James Brydon plantlet and took a small piece of the tuber with it, I replanted it as well in the same style as the others. Lily # 4 was the big surprise, The Sioux was not getting much larger but it was multiplying. It had 4 plantlets attached to that tuber.  @O@ I did not separate these as they appeared to be too small and I thought I would get the advice of the pro's in here first. I did replant it until I hear what the Pros think and the manner in which I should do it.

On another note. I noted that when each plant was removed from it's respective packaging, the plants were packaged in peat moss and nothing else. Other than to keep the plant stable and take your plant to the pond bottom,  I do not see what use the mesh bag was.  So first lesson, remove the plants out of their respective packages and plant them properly right away.  o(

So if all goes well (correct me if I am wrong) , I could have 2 James Brydons and 5 Sioux to go along with the 2 Colorados..... @O@ Here are the pictures......

Bog Gardens / Re: How to build a Bog Garden and what to plant in it
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:59:33 AM »
Hmm food for thought... ::)

Bog Gardens / Re: How to build a Bog Garden and what to plant in it
« on: January 27, 2007, 06:29:24 AM »
WOW This gives me a great Idea!!  You may have given me the answer to my problem!!  @O@ Because of all the suspended silt in my pond the water always looks green. I put my old old mechanical filter on it and that didn't even slow it down. I need something larger nd by jove I think you have got it! Now I have to research this more to see what a pond my size would take!!  O0

Pond Chat / Re: Flashbacks to early ponding mistakes
« on: January 27, 2007, 06:22:01 AM »
I don't know if giving inspiration to this thread is a good thing or a bad thing. :) I know If I had better foresight I wouild have drained the pond in the begiinning, scraped it down to the hard pack  brought in  some sand to shallow it up a little and either lined it or  because of it's size used the natural way of lining it as suggested in this article in Mother Earth news Given the fish in the Jacuzzi trick I may well rethink that idea.  ::)

Pond Chat / Re: Are you a slave to your pond?
« on: January 26, 2007, 05:30:03 PM »
Even though you pond is mature and doing well on its own doesn't mean it doesnt want your care and nurturing ?)(? too bad we can't identify some of those plants  I really would Like to get some of those pondside 8-)~ Joyce can you help us out? I first saw them in this post ideas?

Bog Gardens / Re: How to build a Bog Garden and what to plant in it
« on: January 26, 2007, 07:06:38 AM »
Sorry Timgod I meant to post a thank you here for that link. Great info. Wish we had a workshop here for that. 1 nursery does them and they are great. Andy

Chit Chat / Re: The Forum......
« on: January 26, 2007, 07:02:04 AM »
If you look right now thaere are baboons and Implas everywhere. Oh yeah and spider monkeys! 8-)~

Pond Chat / N. 'Atropurpurea'
« on: January 25, 2007, 08:33:25 PM »
What can anyone tell me about this Lily? Can't seem to find it at Wal mart, (Kidding) Would like to know all you can tell me.

Thanks Andy

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Aussie Seed
« on: January 25, 2007, 08:27:52 PM »
Well If they are still any left over I would love to try them out as well, I think I already PM'ed you my mailing address from another thread. If not I will send it again. Thanks for the opportunity to try to raise one of these beauties!

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 25, 2007, 07:56:05 PM »
Well I went out to my Aquarium and Checked my plants they are all dead They were Doomed I guess! Oh wait never mind I had to turn on the lights, Sorry my mistake

Alot has happened in two days I may have to pot these up faster than I thought. Note that Plant three has some black on it,  I know I pinched the plant trying to open it but that does not explain the black coloration. Is this indicative of something? Plant appears to be growing steadily despite the coloration (do I need to break out the Desinex?) Andy

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 25, 2007, 06:20:30 PM »
Andrew I bet you got beat up alot when you were a kid &-)

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 25, 2007, 05:02:12 AM »
Happyoutsidegirl, Thanks for that. and I agree. I do not mind being told I am wrong and even that information I have provided is incorrect or even being corrected, it is all in the delivery.
    I think we have a lot of good info to be gained from this thread and I may well pull those plants loose from their packaging and find that the roots or the tuber does indeed have some issues. Then again I may find that someone took some pride in their work and packed it right, giving it every chance to survive later.
    Joyce, beautiful pictures! O0 thanks for the feed back! Andy

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Anthurium Seed
« on: January 24, 2007, 09:13:08 PM »
sure does! My UPS guy is used to bringing me plants! If you have a Pay Pal account I will gladly pay for the shipping, If not I can send it to you. Andy Can't wait!

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 24, 2007, 09:06:58 PM »
Wow this has sparked some real discussion! That is always a good thing!  I want to keep this thread alive to the benefit of all so that we might all gain from the discussion, especially all of our lurker guests who will read but do not care to post. That being said..... {:-P;;
Andrew, It is obvious that you are a knowledgeable individual with some experience. Knowledge that especially in this thread may be useful. It has already given me insight. Your delivery is wanting, not a personal attack as that has no place on this board. No one likes to be spoken to in a condescending manner, after 23 years in the Navy I do not suffer it well, however I have chose to take it with a grain of salt because I can see that there is some good info in there. If you want people to respect you AND WHAT YOU BRING TO THE TABLE, then you have to earn their respect. You do that by respecting them first and then helping them to grow using the knowledge you have gained to help improve their ponds and choice in cultivars. I do not see what it is that you possibly have to gain by talking to people in the manner you do. If it is negative attention you crave I guess I get it, If you just like being arbitrary and contentious then I would have to ask to what end? Why bother? It gains you nothing but the ire of you peers. and the disdain of everyone else. Ponding and water gardening bring me a huge amount of joy and it is VERY theraputic for me. I want to help others to get started and experiencing the same joy I get. I managed to find what I believed to be a great forum and even invited some friends to come with me. I have a whole 34 posts and you have managed to berate me and what I was trying to do withinin the first 10. Why would anyone want to post here if that was the treatment they could expect from it's members. Remember there are many more guests reviewing this site than members, If we want to have then register and post adding to our knowledge base you are going to have to lighten up. Try and be positive and show us what that kind of experience and knowledge can do. Like it or not people are going to want to gain information from sites like these, they are going to have issues and problems and they will seek the advice of the experienced. Don't feel burdened to try and solve all of their issues there are plenty of others in here willing to help and in a much more receptive and personable fashion. All that being said :-\
Tim, Sean, Theresa Debbie and Joyce you make great points. Tim all I can say is amen, you hit the nail on the head as did Sean and Theresa in their posts, Joyce  seeing those colorados is very encouraging. If my 6 dollar plants actually do well I will be glad to have them as additions to my pond. Given Tims input for planting and the initial indications I may well have something to show! Can't wait to get home and check on my plants! Andy

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 24, 2007, 05:48:08 AM »
Carole that is exactly why sites like these exist. Everybody knows something everyone has something to add. With as much knowledge is in here we all come out ahead and our ponds will look great! Knowing that a Colorado is a rampant grower tells me alot about how to plant it. Andrew makes some good points even if the delivery sounded a little off.  Tim has given me some great info to try in Stage 2 and there will be others who have will chime in as well.  Knowledge is power and there is plenty of knowledge in here O0 As we move towards the spring more people are going to want to know more, And like you said that is what we are here for. Sean happened to like the Colorados so I bought 2. Thanks and stay tuned! Andy

Pond Chat / Re: Pond disasters, it happened to me!
« on: January 23, 2007, 09:42:29 PM »
Hey now your user name is actually complete! there is a bonus! Glad to see that you decided to stop lurking and jump into the pond with the rest of us!
    This had to be the single most disheartening day of my life. All my hard work washed away or full of mud, and the silt from all that sandy clay mix as well as the other pieces of detritus poured into my pond and took residence in it. choking off much of my pond and leaving me little recourse for removal and killing off many of my fish. 52 to be exact. >:(- I was not happy and I was ready to throw in the towel and fill it in. Or to let it dry out and  start over which means tearing out a lot of plants and trying to keep them healthy while renewing the pond. I may still do this but it won't be this year. and I have to figure out what I am going to do with all my fish while reworking the pond. Anyone interested in making a road trip to help me dig it out, lay in a liner and get it replanted?? :-\ (I need a lot of rock too so if your coming from a state with plenty of it let me know  :) Anyway it was disheartening but all it did was strengthen my resolve!! I get far to much pleasure from it to fill it in So I guess I had better get ready to start digging!

Glad you decided to come in from the cold Debbie, welcome! O0

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Anthurium Seed
« on: January 23, 2007, 08:20:13 PM »
    Looking forward to it, thanks. I PM'ed you my information. Andy @O@

Bog Gardens / How to build a Bog Garden and what to plant in it
« on: January 23, 2007, 11:21:13 AM »
I would love to know. I have seen quite a few Ponds with bog plants next to it in a small bog garden. I know they have a specific soil requirement so if you know and you have any experience I would love to here it! Andy

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 23, 2007, 11:06:58 AM »
What better way to educate the masses then? word of mouth travels fast. I can tell that the plants experienced at least some damage (note the leaves) when being packaged. In terms of the plant itself that may be of little consequence however it could be indicative of bigger things. Judging from 2-3 days of growth the plant is decently healthy or resilient as the case may be. Again when I pull it loose we can check out the condition of the root system. I would love to hear your opinion good bad or indifferent as well as Tim's and anyone else with experience. Thanks Andy

Pond Chat / Re: The experiment begins!
« on: January 22, 2007, 09:30:31 PM »
Wow Check this out! after just 2 days in the tank and the water warmed up, grow lights on etc I am seeing some real movement. The Colorados are the strongest growers so far, The J. Brydon and the Sioux are taking thier time but a definite difference, especially in color. I will post what the 4 starter plants looked like the day I stuck them in the Aquarium (picture to the left of the divider and then what it looked like on the 22nd when I took the pictures is on the right of the divider. Notice the Sioux has nicely developed small leaves. Anyway I said I would get these posted. Andy

Pond Chat / Re: Are you a slave to your pond?
« on: January 22, 2007, 07:02:11 PM »
I believe that if I use a large enough area and slope it gently and add in some landscaping it would look nice and be a value added. ( I love the way Indiana Karens looks so I PM'ed her for plant Ideas) The waterfall is supposed to be the focal point of the pond but not detract from it, that is why I was asking for ideas. All input is appreciated!

I was thinking  about something like this:

But due to the cost of rock here in Florida I had to cut back from my previous plans maybe something more like this.....

Ideas Anyone?

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Anthurium Seed
« on: January 22, 2007, 06:52:51 PM »
Craig I am game, Lets try the Bulb and see what we get. You best guess it and we will go from there O0 Maybe you can give me the rundown on Soil conditions and fertilizers, best time to plant etc..... :)

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