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Messages - Jennie in MT

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Terrestrial Gardening / Re: clematis info
« on: July 21, 2007, 01:28:02 AM »
I am sure you are right on the nose LeeAnne.  I have a lovely Josephine that was just tiny when I got it and I was terrified to prune it at all.  I think as soon as the heat backs off I will do just that l  It is blooming so beautifully right now, but all the growth is at the top. 

Here is what I think is Jackmanii taken in June.  It has filled out some since then but will still get a major pruning this year. The photo does not show the purple and makes it look more blue than it is....

And then there are the NOIDs  These pics don't show their colors very well either.  I am trying to get an ID on them....

This one is several years old and has not gotten very tall but is shaded by a tall rudbeckia.  It is fairly red/purple, but I do not think it is Niobe.  It would have to be something relatively common, as I know I got it at a run-of-the-mill nursery.

This one is very tall and is one of my oldest.  I have lost the tag to it somewhere....  It is definitely more mauve than the pic shows.

Got any ideas??

I am really excited because I have ordered some more clems and am looking at planting them on small trellises throughout my gardens.  Also, a Sweet Autumn to grow up the East side of my green house.

WOW!  Buy From Santa Rosa Gardens!  WOW!

Yes, I got my plants!  What a wonderful shipping job on some lovely plants.  Several were large and had multiple eyes.  All were incredibly healthy.  I have spent the summer buying and planting hosta, and this seller goes way above and beyond with both service and product.
The box was insulated, and each plant pot was individually wrapped in heavy brown paper and a protective stretchy 'sock'.  They even threw in an ice pack.  What an amazingly good deal and dealer.  I can not recommend highly enough.  I had to use 3 dishpans to set them out in temporarily until I can plant them in the hosta woodland.  Here they are:

Contrast this with the order I received from Hirts.  Each pot was loaded with weed seedlings and moss.  The plants themselves were originally skimpy and in poor condition.  The box was poorly packed:  each plant just floating free in a bunch of packing peanuts and the huge box secured with ONE piece of tape.  No markings whatsoever as to perishable.  Shipped on Tuesday before July 4th and spent 7 roasting days in transit.  The box broke open and many of the plants dried out and were dead or damaged.  Then hassled me over the UPS claim.  Here are some photos of those items:

This is supposed to be a 2 pack of columbine.  It is actually one spindly blown plant and one cell full of weed seedlings.

This is the Pink Spike Cimicifuga I was so thrilled to be getting.  Less thrilled when I pulled it from the box...poor thing.  Think it will live?

DIY Corner / My DIY bottom drain
« on: July 21, 2007, 12:50:53 AM »
I had such fun making this.  It has been in operation for 3 summers now and has worked really well.

Pond Chat / Re: Are they bathing beauties or a double dip??
« on: July 18, 2007, 06:25:34 PM »
Yep Sandy.  There is a BD that leads to a vortex (barrel) settling chamber, and then to the filter box.  It was fun to engineer!  Here is a shot from the headwaters of the stream....

The filter area is just to the left out of the pic, the sunken vortex barrel is temp covered by a small black barrel flipped over and is about in the middle of the pic to the right, on the right side of the stream.  If you look in the first pic, the filter is under the little dock along the garage wall.  I used cliffandjoann's idea of ganging together containers into one multistage filter set up...used 4 kitty litter buckets.  Works like a charm and the water stays very clear.  I just plumbed them in a group....  Too easy and fun.

I ordered also.  I just could not let you guys order from someone new without me, could I??  :o  I got:
Brim Cup
Emerald Tiara
Fragrant Blue
Fragrant Bouquet
Super Nova 

Order total was 48.77 after shipping

I got the notfication that they shipped on Tuesday.  Lord, I hope they don't use UPS from FL to MT.  May be in the mail over the weekend in this heat!  I can't wait to get the order now!  Your plants look awesome!

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Jennie in MT
« on: July 18, 2007, 06:09:10 PM »
Thanks Esther.  And they are not late.  You are just way ahead for next year....  You over-achiever you!!

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Plant markers group order?
« on: July 16, 2007, 07:32:13 PM »
I didn't.  I went with the less expensive ones.  I wasn't really thrilled with the zinc look though.  Here is a pic of my new hosta garden.  Of course, the plants will fill in, as they are all new this year, but I don't really care for how obvious and prominent the silver color is.

I am going to spray paint the next batch black and use the clear tape with white letters.  Then see how I like that. 

As an aside, for an explanation of the condition of the plants above, and some very important scientific information, please check out the following link....

Pond Chat / Re: Aurora finally bloomed!
« on: July 16, 2007, 07:13:03 PM »
Shanna!  I am so glad our long ago swap is finally blooming!  Aurora takes a long time, but the blooms are so cute!  I love the foliage too.

Pond Chat / Re: Are they bathing beauties or a double dip??
« on: July 16, 2007, 07:11:20 PM »
Thanks all. 

Nope we didn't stack them...they are self-stacking turtles.  LOL  And the hot glue does not hold, so epoxy may be the next step.  *g*

We built them their own pond and 'completed' it last summer.  But don't we all know that a pond is never 'done'.  Last summer they had minnows to snack and watch.  This summer they have 3 really big comets.  We call them Turtle TV

We had Myrtle (top) for several years as an adopted turtle that a friend's child outgrew (when she went to college!).  Then as we worked on completing the Turtle Villa, thought that a companion would be a good idea. We got Meg from a lady in Helena that rescued her from a busy street in the July heat.  RES are not native here.  At first she was shy, then one day as we were finishing the Villa I was hand feeding them some worms we had found.  Once Meg figured out we had the food, she became a total ham--instantly.  Now she follows anyone all around the pond edge begging shamelessly.

Last fall I was totally traumatized.   All these years we were sure Myrtle was a she...NOPE.  {nono}  I caught them in the act and may never be the same again.   {:-P;;  I have no place in the villa for Meg to lay eggs as the pond is designed to be escape proof.  She is such a ham, and I would hate to lose her if she gets eggbound.  But I have no idea what to do.  And don't you dare say, "Gee, Jen...dig another pond."

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Anyone ever purchase from Hirts?
« on: July 16, 2007, 03:02:44 AM »
I'm glad your bugs made it in good shape!  I ordered plants from them on eBay and it was a disaster.  And their customer service is awful.

They shipped on July 2nd or 3rd, over a holiday AND a weekend, so the plants sat for a week in July heat with no water.  The pots were packed with weed seedlings and moss.  Some of the multicell packs were empty..making a 4 pack a 3 pack.  They used ONE piece of tape to hold closed a box that have 20 plants in it.  The box was not labeled 'perishable' in any way.  Even though UPS has a claim open on it, and I have been instructed to keep the dead and missing plants and pots, Hirts is hassling me to send them back for a my expense, o f course.

Seems like any one of these instances would be a reason to not do business with them again....  I have an excellent eBay feedback rating and now I am almost afraid to neg them lest they leave me retaliatory feedback.  So now what??

Pond Chat / Are they bathing beauties or a double dip??
« on: July 16, 2007, 12:42:02 AM »
My hubby caught this pic of the Turtles Myrt and Meg today.  They are such funny to watch.  When they sunbathe they hold their legs straight out to get the solar panel effect.   :D

Pond Chat / Re: Lilies blooming today and a TOMATO in my skippy!
« on: July 16, 2007, 12:30:22 AM »
Jonna, your lilies are breathtaking!  And the tomato in the Skippy is a hoot! 

With such a short season, I never can get tomatoes to grow and ripen before frost comes, but this year I am thinking I will.  Mid-June I took an old coal bucket that had the bottom almost rotted out, lined the inside with landscape cloth so the potting mix did not flush out, and potted up a small tomato plant.  I set the whole works in the bowl shaped rock that forms one of my small side waterfalls.  Now that tomato is HUGE and the roots are coming out the bottom so much that I am afraid it will start blocking the water flow.  Here are some snaps I ran out and took.....

Can hardly see the rock or the coal bucket...

and the roots ARE blocking the flow!  LOL

You will have to post and tell us how your skippy tomotoes taste!  I am not a big tomato fan, but will surely have one in the falls next summer!!

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Jennie in MT
« on: July 15, 2007, 11:38:25 PM »
Thanks Ed  I am glad to be relieved of the 'burden of goodness'  LOL 

I got your PM about the trade.  I will have to get in the pond and see.
 O0 The good news is that the water is warmed up so I can get in and not freeze to death.
 >:(- The bad news is that it has been record-setting hot here and who the @!^%@$#^ wants to be outside?????  I have to work the next 2 night shifts so I am not sure when I can get in to check on the JB  I may also have another BP too.  Then again, I traded and gave away lots of Little Sue last year and then my mother plant "died-ed" (as my nieces say) so I *hope* the BP is still out there. 
I have not fertilized yet this year so growth is pretty skimpy.  I am also slowly recovering from the mess the (RIP) koi did to my plant pots.  Most of them have little soil left...just gravel, and are just creeping along.  I am hoping to get in the pond once I have time, and some out-of-pond helpers to hand me garden soil and fertilizer, and redo the lilies.  No way to I want to haul them out and do them in the grass one at a time.  Skeeters and biting flies would have a field day with me and I would fry.  Plus it would take allllll day.
I have spent most of my summer putting in a new woodland garden.  Lots and lots of hosta, some astilbes, primulas, toad lilies, pulmonaria, bergenia, cimicifuga and a columbine or 5.  It has been a long drawn out project but I am at the point where I can see an end in sight.
Thanks for the bday wishes and the 'let-me-off-the-hook' spanking

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Plant markers group order?
« on: July 15, 2007, 10:02:05 PM »
I got the a PTouch label maker too Jerry.  Used the zinc markers and the matte silver high adhesive tape.  Hoping it lasts well.  I have to admitI was not fond of the look though.  I decided that I will spray paint some of them black and try the clear tape with white text.  Maybe that will help them fade into the shadows better.

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: clematis info
« on: July 15, 2007, 09:55:16 PM »
Thanks LeeAnne.  I have some clematis that I have grown for several seasons including Jackmanii , Josephine, and Warsaw Nike.  Adding Dr Ruppel, Comtesse de Bouchaud, and Sweet Autumn this summer.  I went ahead and ordered some from an eBay seller that came recommended (Killian Donahue, Avant-Garde, and Venosa Violacea).  There are still some on my wish list though (aren't there always??).  Bourbon, Sunset, Tangutica, Piilu, Carnaby, Pink Champagne, Proteus, and a good white among others. 
My biggest concern is that I know some cultivars are harder to grow, less floriforous. less vigorous or just generally more difficult/finicky, especially in my harsh winter climate.  The toughest issue for me is that information is hard to come by in relation to clematis and colder climates.  I joined the American Clematis Society, and hope to be able to network with other gardeners in the north to find out which are their picks and pans as far as cultivars are concerned.  It was also helpful to me to get some ideas of what online vendors were reliable with their clematis.
Thanks for the link.  I will definitely check it out!

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Jennie in MT
« on: July 15, 2007, 09:37:03 PM »
 {-) I know I have been bad.... but please don't spank me!  I promise I will be good from now on.  On second thought, go ahead and spank me.  I would rather get it over with now than have to be good.  How fun is that?!?!?

Thanks to everyone for the bday wishes.

Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Jennie!!
« on: July 15, 2007, 09:35:21 PM »
Oh TY Ed and all!  How sweet of you.  Thanks for telling me this was posted.  I have to admit that I almost never make it to the chit chat board!  LOL  I guess I didn't know it was here.  Thanks again!
Old age must be settling in, because I can't even remember now what I did and it has not even been a month!  Oy! o(

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: They trashed my garden
« on: July 10, 2007, 03:02:54 PM »
I LOVE your garden.  Love love love it!  It is so fun to find new uses for old things.  I have had my eye on an old pot bellied stove to use as a chiminea on the patio, but your little corner fireplace sparks all sort of ideas for me!

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: I'm feeling bad......
« on: July 10, 2007, 03:00:29 PM »
I have traded with everyone on this thread I think.  And have loved it all!  No one here needs to feel bad or guilty...least of all you LeeAnne!  Pffffffffffft.  This is 'sposed to be fun.  So, I say 'piffle ' to those mean spirited traders.  I will just continue making friends along with my trades and ignore the malcontents.  LOL  They must have such small small lives and we have circles of friends.  I am so sorry for them. 
Like you LeeAnne, I love to go out to my garden and remember who sent me what.  It is like a journal of happy memories....

And Ed!  Great to see ya!!  Did the delphs survive??

Terrestrial Gardening / clematis info
« on: July 10, 2007, 02:53:45 PM »
Anyone know where I can find information on the reliablility of clematis cultivars in my zone?  I am interested in adding several, and hate to mess with ones that will just croak.  The money is bad enough, but wasting the time and energy is worse! LOL

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Parks Sale
« on: July 10, 2007, 02:31:50 PM »
I am sorry to hear this LeeAnne.  That is so awful but so good to know!  I live in the great outland, and there are very few retail opportunities here.  I am almost totally dependent on trading and online sales.  Thank the Lord for eBay! 

BTW, I am having the same problem with Hirts.....

Grr and double Grrrrrrrr

I hear ya Sandy!  I need at least 100.....  and at 1.35 each...probably not...Now if I could get it closer to $1 esch, I could maybe swing it.

Thanks for the link Kat.  I will check it out. 

Bless your heart, LeeAnne!  I just had my 43rd this past Friday.  That is my mom in the pic with our last bottle baby Lily.  If I can be as healthy and vibrant when I am 67 as she is now I will count myself very lucky!

Terrestrial Gardening / Plant markers group order?
« on: June 28, 2007, 12:25:23 AM »
Okay...I'll admit it:  I can be neurotic about keeping track of which plants I have and where they are planted.     I have tried window blind slats (they work fine in the pond but get brittle and break in my harsh climate), metal stakes with garden marking pen (varying success depending on the quality of the peacocks pulled off half of the nameplates of my most recent ones this winter.  "Oooooh!  Sparkly!   Let's taste that! " ).  So here I am, needing new markers and trying to decide what to do.  After reading a post last year, I decided to try a label printer (brother  2700 which I like very much so far) but I still need something to stick the labels on!  LOL  So I searched the internet (Well? doesn't everyone??)

I found some plant markers that I love and was thinking about placing an order.  They are a bit more expensive than the ones I usually buy, but if they are nicer, then that works for me!  They are certainly prettier.  Would anyone (pr several anyones) be interested in placing a group order?  I like the idea of a discreet black marker rather than the metallic zinc ones I usually get.  I also am planning on using clear label with a white text for the black markers, so the label blends into the plate.  There is a high adhesive laminated label tape that is recommended for outdoor use. If anyone is interested, I would be willing to make labels for your plants also with the printer for the cost of the label material.....

Here is the link to the labels.  They have a nice slide show of the labels in different uses. 

Any thoughts? 

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Plant markers group order?
« on: June 28, 2007, 12:06:20 AM »
Okay...I'll admit it:  I can be neurotic about keeping track of which plants I have and where they are planted.   {:-P;;  I have tried window blind slats (they work fine in the pond but get brittle and break in my harsh climate), metal stakes with garden marking pen (varying success depending on the quality of the peacocks pulled off half of the nameplates of my most recent ones this winter.  "Oooooh!  Sparkly!  8-)~ Let's taste that! " ).  So here I am, needing new markers and trying to decide what to do.  After reading a post last year, I decided to try a label printer (brother  2700 which I like very much so far) but I still need something to stick the labels on!  LOL  So I searched the internet (Well? doesn't everyone??)

I found some plant markers that I love and was thinking about placing an order.  They are a bit more expensive than the ones I usually buy, but if they are nicer, then that works for me!  They are certainly prettier.  Would anyone (pr several anyones) be interested in placing a group order?  I like the idea of a discreet black marker rather than the metallic zinc ones I usually get.  I also am planning on using clear label with a white text for the black markers, so the label blends into the plate.  There is a high adhesive laminated label tape that is recommended for outdoor use. If anyone is interested, I would be willing to make labels for your plants also with the printer for the cost of the label material.....

Here is the link to the labels.  They have a nice slide show of the labels in different uses. 

Any thoughts? 

The great part about mulching is that if something unwanted does sprout, it is a breeze to yank it out.  I just stir the mulch around to dislodge many of those new pesky little buggers!  It has made all the difference in our gardens.  From hard packed clay to moist and workable beds. 

Well, mulch and goat poop!  LOL  But then again, when they are this cute, who cares if they poop a long as it is in the goat yard!  *grin*  Thank goodness for the bobcat to dig the dang goat pen out every other spring...

Amanda, thanks for the offer of the lily of the valley.  I have scads of the white.  One warning on dividing it.  I used to have one area packed with I have to be careful that the other areas I moved some to don't get packed with it!  LOL
I do have a few that I could share with your for postage....  they are minis.

Bunny, where have you been on MSN?  I miss ya!  All I can say is what you already know:  water and mulch!  I am amazed how much difference my mulch is truly incredible.  We are planning to set up a seep system off our rain gutters in order to use what rain we do get to full advantage.  Keep me in mind as fall comes on and your hostas rebound!

I have many and would love to add more varieties.  My list can be found at  Anyone wanna do some swappin'??

Pond Chat / Re: Hatred of Nature
« on: June 16, 2007, 04:27:24 PM »
We have 20 million ~!@#$^&*+ Cowbirds. They can't even sing nice. They come buy the groves and big out on all the seeds I put out for the other birds and Quail. I have often thought about target practis?

I am such a tree hugger.  But when it comes to cow birds, I say bring out the cannon.  They actually lay their eggs in songbird nests.   {nono} The songbirds incubate it with their eggs. The cowbird baby hatches quicker and out competes the songbird babies who then die.   >:( I saw a PBS special about them and it was just so sad, the dwindling numbers of songbirds and the canibalism (sp?) of the cowbird.  >:(-  It was titled something like The end of songbird song... :'(

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Have Pink Hollandia
« on: June 11, 2007, 04:16:46 PM »
Charlotte?  Are these Hollandia all sold?  I PM'd you but we seemed ot have our wires crossed.

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