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Messages - louis

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Pond Chat / Today's Blooms
« on: July 20, 2008, 06:10:44 PM »
Today was a good day. lots blooming but only had time to get photos of a few with early morning light.

There are two photos of Anne Emmet ( first time blooms). Its a pretty flower, very delicate blue, green and white, with yellow center. Pads are plain green.

And another photo of Pink Candy. Note the very dark pad in the background.

And one of Enigma. Its a neat flower, again very delicate with blue/green/yellow. Pads are plain green.


Anne Emmet #1

Anne Emmet #2

Pink Candy




Pond Chat / Re: Some of today's blooms
« on: July 18, 2008, 07:10:10 PM »
Did you read the Silver Moon story in the link below?
(I grew up with these folk stories because I am of Czech decent)

Here it is:

Krykorka begins with "Rusalka" a well known and loved Czech folk tale which inspired the most famous of the composer's operas.

Once upon a time, in an enchanting pool deep in the forests of Bohemia, there lived a water nymph. Her name was Rusalka and her beauty was legendary: her skin was as white as water lily petals, her hair fair as moonlight, her eyes the color of a clear summer sky reflected on the surface of a still pond.
Like the Little Mermaid, Rusalka falls in love with a handsome human prince, and like Andersen's heroine, must give up a precious possession in this case her beautiful singing voice to become human.
Words to the most famous song in the opera, "Aria to the Moon," appear at the end of the book under the title "Silver Moon." Readers may be forgiven for being puzzled about the placement of the poem and the lack of a mention of the poem's author on this page.

I did read it. very nice.


Pond Chat / Re: Does anyone have Pink Ribbon blooming?
« on: July 18, 2008, 07:09:03 PM »
We don't need no stinking Passport. :P
We got the Jeep. It runs over CT border patrol.  ;)

heh heh, give them hell

Pond Chat / Re: Does anyone have Pink Ribbon blooming?
« on: July 18, 2008, 06:58:01 PM »
Passport?!  :o

We are in a little world of our own over here. :)


Pond Chat / Re: Some of today's blooms
« on: July 18, 2008, 06:56:53 PM »
Looks just like the color of a Silver Moon to me.  (8:-)

(I looked it up, no lilies are named Silver Moon yet)  8)

thanks joyce, i do like that name.


Pond Chat / Re: Some of today's blooms
« on: July 18, 2008, 06:38:12 PM »
OMG I just love your un-named!
You should call it Silver Moon. :D

thats a great name. its a difficult color to capture, it has a slight blue tint to the petals.
here it is, its on the main page of one of my sites.

this color is true.


Pond Chat / Re: Does anyone have Pink Ribbon blooming?
« on: July 18, 2008, 06:35:08 PM »
I'm doing great Lou, driving by your way tomorrow on the way to Newport, RI to visit my hubby who has been there since the 10th with his cadets for Leadership Academy at the Naval Station.
Getting the 8am ferry from Orient Point to arrive in New London around 9:20. Want us to pick you up?  :)

We are stopping at a place on 138 (in RI) called The Farmer's Daughter, a way cool Garden Center.
Have you been there?  ?)(?
Then we are heading to Newport with any plants we find and maybe hitting a xmas tree shop.
Looking for curtains for our new house. And stuff. 
Supposed to be meeting Bill for lunch at one point. {:-P;;

We are catching the 8:30pm ferry back to OP.
(hubby stays in Newport until the 25th)

It's gonna be a long day!  :o

sounds like great fun, enjoy your day, it will be very hot tomorros.

do you have a passport to enter connecticut?


Pond Chat / Re: Does anyone have Pink Ribbon blooming?
« on: July 18, 2008, 05:56:52 PM »
Hello Joyce, I hope you are feeling well.

I got this plant in early april and its been just dragging its feet. i finally have some good size pads and i am sure within a week or two, i should have a bloom.  very pretty flower :)


Pond Chat / Re: Does anyone have Pink Ribbon blooming?
« on: July 18, 2008, 04:36:40 PM »

Joyce has one blooming. 

thanks kat, that is one pretty flower. i hope i get one soon.


Pond Chat / Some of today's blooms
« on: July 18, 2008, 04:29:03 PM »
Boy its been hot, the plants love it though.

The first is Charlies Pride, the most red tropical that I have ever seen. Digital cameras do not like red, and i had a hard time to get the color right. this is the first day bloom and its intense.

The second one is one of Craig's,. called Day Glow. Pretty flower.

and the last one is one of my unnamed hybrids. it has a slight blue cast to the outside of the petals and the yellow throat. Its a cross between Golden West and Moonbeam.





Pond Chat / Does anyone have Pink Ribbon blooming?
« on: July 18, 2008, 04:23:28 PM »
I bought a hybrid - Pink Ribbon from Lilypons this past spring and i have  not gotten a bloom yet. Its a slow grower.

anyone have one in bloom?


Pond Chat / Re: Snail infestation
« on: July 17, 2008, 07:17:28 PM »
Louis do you have butter and garlic @O@, perhaps we could have a cook out. 

Actually there are products that will knock out the snails, I think it's Ropel, but check on line.


AHHH,  esgargot . did not think of it. :)


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrids, some named, some not
« on: July 17, 2008, 07:15:35 PM »
Very nice you still have the hybrids I sent you a few years back?

also cool effect on the Manassas

hi gary, i have the white one. the others did not make it. they were good for the first 2 years and then something happened. thanks


Pond Chat / Re: Snail infestation
« on: July 17, 2008, 06:09:59 PM »
Can you put some fish in there?  I have snails, but not an overabundance by any means.  I'm sure the fish keep them undercontrol.

we did have a discussion about snails a month or so ago... Maybe you can search it out and read previous posts on the subject.

thanks julles, i dont have any fish. i cant keep them, i have many preditors.

i will do a search.



Pond Chat / Snail infestation
« on: July 17, 2008, 01:36:42 PM »
I have one pond that is infested with snails from some pond grass that i put in a while ago. I have used Potassium permanganate a while ago to treat for snails, but forgot how much to use. The volume of this pond is 1200 gallons. does anyone have a formula for treating and sending the snails to snail heaven?



Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrids, some named, some not
« on: July 16, 2008, 06:58:46 PM »
Pink Candy does it for me too. It also looks sturdy enough not to flop backwards third day.

hello cedric,
i can usually get 4 days out of pink candy. the color is most intense on the first day, as usual, but does not fade all that much by the 4th.

i will try to get more photos of it.


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrids, some named, some not
« on: July 16, 2008, 06:57:08 AM »
Beautiful!  If you have any extras of the multi petal pink (#2 pic), I'll trade you Kishin (Garet Uemura hybrid).

hello Kat,
thanks for your interest. so far, these are all one of a kind. when i plant them up for the season, they are in large pots and usually they are happy in the big pots and will not tuber. our season is so short, to make babies, i would have to plant them in very small pots and literally beat them with a stick to get them to tuber. i choose to enjoy them.

If anything changes, I will let you know.


Pond Chat / Re: New Hybrids, some named, some not
« on: July 16, 2008, 05:57:15 AM »
hello everyone,
thanks for your nice words.

the "Pink Candy" is really a nice plant. the pads are very dark maroon with slight green streaks. its a fairly large plant, about 5 feet in diameter. I have had it for several years and have never had an offshoot or tuber. I noticed this morning that its forming a seed pod.


Pond Chat / New Hybrids, some named, some not
« on: July 15, 2008, 06:02:30 PM »
I thought I would post some of my hybrids of the past couple of years. Most I still have, some I no longer have. Some have been eaten by deer and racoons an now an occasional muskrat. Note the name on the top of the photo:

40 petal pink

Multi petal pink

Named - N. Pink Candy



Unnamed multi pink

Unnamed peach yellow

Unnamed multi petal pink

Another unnamed multi petal pink

Named - N. Raspberry Sorbet

Some not mine:

N. William McLane

N. Pamela

N. Manassas

Hope you enjoyed the long post.


Pond Chat / Re: N. Blue Aster photo
« on: July 15, 2008, 05:31:03 PM »
Lewis, I just visited your sites, and - WOW! - what great pics. 

How can I find the 9-11 photos?

hi julles,

someone on this forum mentioned that they ran across my 9 11 photos. actually they are powerpoint presentations and i dont think i can link to them, and i looked all through my web site and could not find them. dont know how i can present them.


Pond Chat / Re: My Jeep Can Smell
« on: July 15, 2008, 05:27:34 PM »
Looks like the jeep is smiling :)


Pond Chat / Re: N. Blue Aster photo
« on: July 15, 2008, 05:56:18 AM »
That's a truly beautiful lily, Louis!   o(:-) Please share more pics of your lilies as they start to bloom.   @O@

Will the muskrats cause any damage to your ponds, since you don't have goldfish in there anymore?

hi sandye,
i was just talking to the local dep person about the muskrats and told him that they were very active this morning. i found them eating my lawn. cheap lawn mowing. he said that they could be a pest in the ponds, since they eat lily pads and tubers. so far, they don't know i exist.



Pond Chat / Re: N. Blue Aster photo
« on: July 14, 2008, 07:25:11 PM »
Lou,  somehow or another, I missed your blue aster picture until now.
It is just gorgeous.   make more pics and post, everyone loves your


hello marie, nice to hear from you. i will take more photos now that my plants are starting to bloom.


Pond Chat / Re: N. Blue Aster photo
« on: July 10, 2008, 05:47:15 AM »
Beautiful picture Louis. I've missed your photography this year.
I was just thinking of you yesterday when I happened on your 9-11 pictures.


hello steve,
i have been busier than a one armed paperhanger :)

I hope to be around more this summer.


Pond Chat / Re: N. Blue Aster photo
« on: July 09, 2008, 06:10:40 PM »
Hey Louis"

It seems to me that it might be as complicated, but we are building our retirement home in the Northern Neck of Virginia.  Attached is a photo i took July 3 as the dock is near completion.

gary, good luck, that is one handsome looking retirement home :)

you will love living on a lake.


Pond Chat / Re: N. Blue Aster photo
« on: July 09, 2008, 05:49:16 PM »
Hi Louis:

 Teriffic photo as usual.   O0 O0 O0

I wish I had some time this year, since the deer are leaving everything alone, but I have been consumed with my Virginia project.


hi gary, what is the virginia project, i remember what the manhattan project was like, is this similar :)


Pond Chat / Re: See my bloomers
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:13:43 AM »
fantastic bloomers :)


Pond Chat / N. Blue Aster photo
« on: July 08, 2008, 08:54:54 AM »
Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you all. The weather has finally started to warm up. (where is global warming, AL Gore ?)

This lily is probably the darkest blue I have seen. the color in this photo is as true as I can get. the flower is the first day and has a pleasant aroma.

I did not replace my lost goldfish this year, one less worry. Ponds are doing great with plenty of noisy frogs.  I have not seen any mink lately but there is a den of muskrats in my wall by the lake. gotta admit, the babies are cute.


Pond Chat / Re: New red Knockout photo
« on: June 13, 2008, 06:22:50 PM »
Sexy Photo Louis!  8)

how are you doing Joyce ?


Pond Chat / Re: New red Knockout photo
« on: June 13, 2008, 06:11:09 PM »
Is it a type of rose?

hello esther, yes its a rose that blooms non stop all summer


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