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Messages - tenuki

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Pond Chat / Re: String algae
« on: August 10, 2009, 03:54:28 PM »
I have to agree with Esther.  I tend to get lazy once things are under control but I think you do have to keep using it.  I will continue with the clay and the pond zyme especially to see if I avoid the "new pond" greenies now that I replaced all my water.  There are people on here who have never had an algae bloom, maybe I can be one of them.

Pond Chat / Re: Tenuki - What Happened to Your Pond??
« on: August 10, 2009, 03:48:52 PM »
Because I am not an experienced plumber, I have always used them.  This year I didn't put them in because I glued all my fittings this spring.  Stupid Hey!  I had one left so put it in as soon as the pond refilled but the others did not work so I had to order two more.  I got the "extra low water" cut off ones - on sale for $45.  NEVER AGAIN - I am still wallowing in self pity (stupidity)!!!

Pond Chat / Re: Tenuki - What Happened to Your Pond??
« on: August 09, 2009, 03:54:28 PM »
Thanks for asking.  Yes, totally empty except for  2 - 3 inches of water.  No fish loss, my lilies look OK.  I always come home, say hi to the cats and then look at the pond.  You cannot imagine the feeling of seeing it empty.  I did take some pictures and was going to post an "empty hole", but don't know how to do it.  I took a pic last week because everything was looking so good and I thought a before and after would be interesting.  Strangely enough, even though my three pumps were sucking air for who knows how long, they are still working.  Had to make some emergency calls to find enough declor to at least get enough water in to save the lilies.  While waiting for Mediacom to come and fix my internet I decided to plumb in the new uv light I got.  Guess I didn't tighten one hose good enough.  I am still depressed because now I know I have to wait for it to cycle again and it takes my pond forever to do that.  I put a low water shut off on the one pump that has hoses that are not glued being as that is the most at risk and then ordered two more - next day air for the other two pumps.  I do not ever want to come home to that again!

Pond Chat / Re: String algae
« on: August 09, 2009, 05:19:37 AM »
I had the same issue this year - and last year.  I had so much algae in my pond when the ice was melting this spring that the ice was green.  I read everything on here and tried most of it.  HP, kitty litter, algae fix, barley straw, barley pellets, barley straw extract and it just kept growing.  I finally started using microbe-lift Calcium Montmorillonite Clay along with Pond=zyme with barley (alledgedly eats the dead algae) and I vacuumed frequently.  After two weeks my water started clearing and my lilies started growing and blooming again.  Last week I could see the bottom of my pond and no more algae.  Unfortunately, when I got home Friday night my clear water pond was completely empty so now I get to start all over again.  I believe there is not one product that works for all but you need to experiment.  I will say, that years ago I was using Koi Clay and did not have a string algae issue so there is something to be said about the clay.  Good luck, I know how frustrating it is.

Pond Chat / Re: Cut flower arrangement - water lilies
« on: July 05, 2009, 03:09:54 PM »
What a great idea.  Thanks for sharing, I shall try it.

Pond Chat / Re: how do you....
« on: June 28, 2009, 01:38:50 PM »
And I thought I was the only person with a toad catching cat  >:(-

Pond Chat / Re: Anyone Tried This?
« on: June 26, 2009, 03:30:29 PM »
Guess I thought I had tried everything - but not that.  Did you?

Pond Chat / Re: repotting
« on: May 16, 2009, 03:46:16 AM »
Do you add anything to your "topsoil"?  I bought the composted cow manure and am going to try it.  I find it hard to get over the thought of putting manure in the pond.  What I bought looks like dirt and does not smell.  However, it has been too cold here in Minnesota to do much of anything in the pond except vacuum the green stuff.

Chit Chat / Re: Cat sensitivity to water lily?
« on: November 25, 2008, 02:25:34 PM »
No frontline, the dechlor is OK according to the vet - it is the trisulfate or something like that.
The cat food is a good possibility and will check on that
She ate 4 pieces of dry food today and one taste of wet food.  So maybe on the mend.  Glad to hear it probablly is not anything from the pond because the other three cats do go outside and they do drink from the pond.
Thanks everyone

Chit Chat / Re: Cat sensitivity to water lily?
« on: November 25, 2008, 03:59:11 AM »
I will bring the jar of declor with to the vet.  Thanks

Chit Chat / Re: Cat sensitivity to water lily?
« on: November 24, 2008, 04:50:59 PM »
I don't know if she drank the water or not.  I have 4 cats, 3 go outside and one drinks from the pond all the time.  She does not go outside.  I will ask the vet tomorrow when I bring her in to re-hydrate. 

Chit Chat / Re: Cat sensitivity to water lily?
« on: November 24, 2008, 04:16:16 PM »
Fancy Feast, wholesome Goodness, Friskies, people tuna in a can, boiled chicken, ham - she won't eat anything.  The lilies were a guess as to what, if anything she could have gotten into.  The lilies are the only different thing I have in my house.  The one lily died so I disected it and the dirt and roots did sit in my basement for a day or two.  Thought maybe she may have tried to eat some of the roots.

Chit Chat / Cat sensitivity to water lily?
« on: November 24, 2008, 03:53:06 PM »
This year I brought two lilies in to try to overwinter.  I put them in a large bucket with water with declor added.  One is doing well the other NOT.  My 2 year old cat has presented with severe dehyration.  Blood work, x-rays, urine tests all normal.  Except that the blood work showed the normal signs of dehydration.  They gave her fluids and I brought her home on Saturday.  She still is not eating or drinking.  My sister, who worked for a vet for years suggested she got into something. The only thing I can think of is the lilies I brought in.  Does anyone know if lily roots could cause some sort of reaction?  I am bringing her in again tomorrow for more fluids.  Thanks

Pond Chat / Re: High PH - I give up
« on: October 30, 2008, 01:07:39 PM »
Some algae, yes, it look good.  But, when it is an inch thick covering rocks, pots, liner, it isn't.  I have been vacuuming for about 2 hours today and maybe and 10% done.  Thing is it seems to come back after just a couple of days.  Right now, my water is clear, but green looking.  I think what is laying all over might be dead algae.  I will start the spring with some good tests, especially because I do have city water.

Pond Chat / Re: Indoor Pond Question
« on: October 30, 2008, 04:12:03 AM »
Sean- I read your tutorial last week.  It is quite good and I printed it out.  Which is what prompted me to jump in on this topic.  However, there is no dirt left to rinse off, just tons of hair like roots and it weighs about 10#.  My hardies get this long tuber that looks something like a very long corn cob.  I have had some success dividing them.
I looked at grow lites online and the cost of those would supply me with tropicals for a couple of years.  I shall check out Walmart.  Thanks

Pond Chat / Re: Indoor Pond Question
« on: October 29, 2008, 03:56:58 PM »
Ignorant person here asking questions.  This year I brougt 2 tropicals in and put them in a tub of water with a light to try to overwinter.  Some posts suggested doing that and it sounded easier than packing them in sand, etc.
Vickey - How do you know if a tropical has formed a tuber?  Especially if the plant is totally root bound?
Landley - are you dividing tropicals or hardy?  Should one try to divide a tropical or a hardy this time of year?
Karen - what is a Kreb cycle?
Anyone -how do you keep your water "fresh", like not smell?
When you think about it, I buy about 6 - 7 tropicals a year because they are so pretty, but toss them out come fall.  Thats about $240 per season.
Where the heck do you buy "grow lites"?
Thats enough silly questions for now

Pond Chat / Re: Help, cannot log in or register
« on: October 27, 2008, 02:15:01 PM »
Esther - yes, the flurries came and went and the wind was horrendous.  Had to empty my leaf basket twice.
Jonna - OH, to be in Mexico where I bet you still have lilies blooming, sun shine and no freezing cold weather.I am certainly glad that you enjoyed your trip to Minnesota.   One tends to forget the beauty of Minnesota.  I was raised in Norther MN, in Ely and it is still very beautiful there.  I have a "crazy" son that lives in Alaska.  That is a beautiful state.  My kids took me there once and it is indescribable.  He is accessible only by bush plane and that is a scarry ride and landing as he got it on film once.  Just post some warm pictures for us here during the winter to help us get through till spring!

Pond Chat / Re: Help, cannot log in or register
« on: October 26, 2008, 04:23:38 PM »
Thank you Jonna, you are too kind.  Today as I was cleaning out the leaves in the skimmer, I was wishing I were in the south seas.  I am trying to over winter some tropicals with a grow lite in the basement so hopefully I will be able to at least see some foilage during our incredibly long winter.

Pond Chat / Re: Help, cannot log in or register
« on: October 26, 2008, 12:15:58 PM »
Attempt to post pic

Pond Chat / Re: Help, cannot log in or register
« on: October 26, 2008, 10:33:16 AM »
Thanks Esther, I shall do a search.  We are currently having snow showers here in wonderful Minnesota.  How depressing.

Pond Chat / Re: Help, cannot log in or register
« on: October 26, 2008, 06:26:01 AM »
How interesting - I don't know where that info came from, but I am in Minnesota.  Maybe I will try to change some info buot the last time I did that I got wiped out.  Would love to post pics, but don't know how to do it on here.  Maybe I will search!

Pond Chat / Re: will be eliminating one pond next year
« on: October 21, 2008, 04:14:36 PM »
That is an end of an era.  I remember you from forums for quite awhile and always enjoyed your posts.  However, I do understand your feelings.  Sometimes it just gets to be too much.  I love my pond but the time, money and effort (oftentimes fruitless) gets to a point where you have to make that decision.  I don't have the heart to fill mine in so I put my house up for sale instead.  BAD TIMING.  Hopefully, someone will continue my countless hours of labor.

Pond Chat / Re: Help, cannot log in or register
« on: October 21, 2008, 03:34:02 PM »
Please disregard this, I think I am back on.  Using too many compters I guess.  I did not need the activation code.  I guessed at a password and it worked.  Thanks

Pond Chat / Re: High PH - I give up
« on: October 20, 2008, 04:54:09 PM »
I have not fed my fish all summer.  I was used to feeding them every day but this year when I started, they didn't eat.  So I quit.  Every now and then I would go out and throw a hand full in, but no takers so I quit feeding.  I don't know, I guess I will get a new test kit, start over in spring.  I do keep a bubbler and heater going in winter.  Will continue to post once I get a good test kit.  When I contacted the city about what their PH, Hardness, etc., was, thoey were quite defensive and couldn't give me a good answer.  I was thinking that the total hardness + the clorine, etc, might be the problem. but not much luck there.  I will continue my research through out the winter and hopefully start fresh in the spring.  Sure is sad to think of no lily's blooming for such a long time.

Pond Chat / Re: High PH - I give up
« on: October 20, 2008, 05:40:20 AM »
Thanks for responding Roard - I tried finding your site because there was another post on here about PH and they referenced it.  I had limestone but removed all I could find.  One cement block.  I have suspended algae - green, green algae growing on things and brown algae that is spongy - like a mushroom that is growing on rocks and on the liner.  I will try to find a good test kit and do the numbers.  I think I got my last one from Gene at Koi Village.  All I have is a PH meter and the test strips.  I am more interested in nice lilies than fish.  And clear water.  And being able to enjoy my pond rather than making it another full time job.  I really appreciate everones response.

Pond Chat / Re: another hard decision
« on: October 19, 2008, 03:23:52 PM »
Your pond and landscaping look absolutely beauthiful

Pond Chat / Re: High PH - I give up
« on: October 19, 2008, 03:22:27 PM »
I agree on the chemicals and their expense.  This year I bought 96 underwater plants (anarchis, etc) I had lilys covering 75% of the sufrace, many marginals.  Why was my water not balanced?  I only used micobelift spring summer prep - not a chemical.  I have 9 fish.  1 koi about 11" and 8 gold fish from 6" to 9".  So, I have lots of plants, a low fish load and tons of algae.  The only thing I did different this year, is I did not use the UV light as many people here said it was not necessary. So, WHY do I have so much algae?

Pond Chat / Re: High PH - I give up
« on: October 19, 2008, 12:31:11 PM »
My fish are fine too - when I can see them.  I bought a water witch this year - soposed to control algae but only works if PH is below 8.0.  Which got me started.  I have battled algae all summer.  Did not do chemicals - only the "natural bacteria".  I have gone through 45 yards of quilt batting trying to clear it up.  Nothing has worked.  The pond people and the people at microbe-lift say it is because my PH is so high.  My water is also very hard.  All I want is clear water - you know like the pics on see on this site >:(-

Pond Chat / High PH - I give up
« on: October 19, 2008, 09:38:59 AM »
All year I have been battling high PH.  8.5 - 9.0 in am and 8.8 to 9.4 in pm.  Seems to really help the algae grow well.  I have used vinegar, PH down, softened water, barley straw pellets with peat and nothing helps.  I Know the season is over here in Minnesota, but want to plan my attack for next year, or try and get a start on it now.  Any suggestions as to why it is so high?  The PH of the water I fill and do water changes with is 8.0.  Pond is 3500 gallons and I am running two pumps.  One pulls from a skimmer and flows into a bio filter falls filled with bio balls.  GPH is about 6000 GPH.  The other pump pulls from 3 strainer baskets on the bottom.  Half goes directly back into the pond via a waterfall and the other half goes into a pondmaster pressurized bio filter and out to another water fall.  GPH also approximately 6000 GPH.  I vacuum regularily and use microbe- lift (currently MC+).  Is it true that a high PH contributes to the prolific algae growth?  Any help is greatly appreciated (other than filling it back in with dirt!)

Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: Bio Filter
« on: June 17, 2008, 05:51:17 AM »
I have this filter, the 4000 one.  Not too impressed - have to dismantle it twice a wwk and clean the sponges.  Backwash is kinda useless imho.  I also have a pondmaster PUV 4000.  Much easier to clean but has no sponges.  If my water ever clears, the pond master only requires cleaning every 3 or 4 weeks.A few years ago I had a cyprio pressurized filter -never had water problem.  Gave it to my dil and her water NEVER is green or cloudy,

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