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Messages - pegs pond

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Retired RN here, bedsores are the bane of nursing!  They ARE preventable under most circumstances.  Patients need beds with special mattress or high density foam, something to equally distribute pressure, to be turned every two hours (this is where nursing homes and hospitals fail) Frequent bathing, washing after changing diaper, frequent diaper changes, just generally GOOD care!  BUT with that said there are other factors that come into it and the main one is nutrition.  If a person is not eating enough protein the skin will break down MUCH easier, ditto with dehydration.  So with a patient that say has cancer, is not eating or drinking much it is VERY hard to prevent them.  The high tech air and fluid beds help a lot but are cost prohibitive for most.  Once a bed sore starts on a geriatric or terminal patient they are nearly impossible to heal (therefore the bane of nursing).  Therefore the main goal is PREVENTION!  I had a hospice cancer patient that her's ate all the way to the spine and you could see the bones she had it when we got her and no matter what we and her family did it just got bigger.  Family faithfully turned her every two hours, we had special mattress brought in, RN care to change bandages and treat it daily...nothing helped.
More info than ya needed?  LOL

Chit Chat / Re: I need a computer geek
« on: May 25, 2009, 09:53:08 PM »
Esther, I agree #1 make sure it's compatible most things are with xp but vista is a bit fussier.  You can manually delete (last resort)  find the file it has left on your puter (HOPEFULLY IT'S ALL IN ONE FILE)  right click on it and hit delete, then do a search of the main file name and delete all of those too.  If it's a disk could the disk be faulty?  go to the manufactures website and see if there are any updates/patches etc for software...but you will have to have the initial program installed to use them.  I agree that it should have over ridden and "fixed" the initial problem when you first tried to install and it got stuck.  Also check that you have enough RAM to run the program.  My hubby is a computer specialist by trade but he's not going to be home for a week.  If still having problems we can set up a time and he can talk you through it and get it fixed if it's NOT the disk.

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Dead HUSBAND!
« on: May 02, 2009, 07:08:24 PM »
I am going to KILL my husband!  He fessed up today that he had put 7 goldfish in the pond while I was gone! {nono}  I been trying to figure out where all the little fish that weren't there last year had come from and trying my best to see tails to figure if they were wakin or shubunkins!  He thought it was really funny to get some FEEDER goldfish and put them in there.  Ohhh I am sooooooo :swear: I gave goldfish away last year as I decided to keep just the wakin and shubbies!   :'(
Oh and the fish started eating yesterday!   @O@

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: Doing a water change today
« on: April 29, 2009, 07:43:32 PM »
Thanks Tracey, no worries about the one fish and yup I will order more soon.  I want one with a lot of yellow, been eyeing the one with the "tail flaw"!
Hugs Peg

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: Doing a water change today
« on: April 26, 2009, 08:41:42 AM »
Janice, I'm also in Washington and I bought some of Tracey's wakin late last year.  We had snow and ice on top of the pond for at least 3 full months.  I put a little deicer in to keep a hole, hubby had to dust the snow off of it once in awhile but all but one wakin made it thru the winter.  Tracey, I have 3 smaller orange ones now and didn't buy any small orange ones! (haven't got a good look at their tails as I do have 4 shubunkin in there too but they are all calico) Did they change color?  Do I have babies? Giggle what is going on?  Now I know Chubby was quite fat when you sent him..........hmmmm maybe it's not a him but a her?  LOL

Pond Chat / Re: When do plants "sprout"?
« on: April 03, 2009, 07:18:36 PM »
thanks Kat, approximate temps to bring lilies up from deep water?

Pond Chat / Re: Poll: Ponds & Spouses
« on: April 03, 2009, 07:16:53 PM »
 lol Tootsie are you still married???

Pond Chat / When do plants "sprout"?
« on: April 03, 2009, 01:08:48 AM »
Hi all, I don't know if my plants are dead or just still dormant.  I'm in SW Washington state and it's still cold, had a few days in upper 50's but more in the low 40's and still freezing at night some nights...and had snow yesterday grrrrrrrrrr.  I know the water celery is okay as it's sprouting.  A couple of the iris are showing some green,  the parrot feathers are showing growth BUT everything else doesn't look like it's alive!  Mini cattails, the anacharis, purple pickerel and water lilies all don't show any growth.  What do ya think?  Also am I supposed to pull the water lilies into shallow water until they start growing?  And I used osmocote to fertilize them when I put them in late summer, should I do it again or wait until the start growing? Sorry but this is all new to me.
Thanks Peggy

Pond Chat / Re: Poll: Ponds & Spouses
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:52:13 AM »
He didn't to start with!  I had to research, buy and pay for all the stuff to build it out of my personal savings.  He belly ached and moaned and groaned until he started seeing progress and fell in love with it as it got more and more completed.  Now he's super proud of it and does all the maintenance for when I ask him to drag the plants up so I can tend to them he is NOT happy!  We just finished it towards the end of summer last year so the plants didn't get a chance to get established, fingers crossed they will not be dead this year and if and when they bloom I know he's going to be even happier.  I couldn't do it without him as I'm unable to bend over.

Pond Chat / Re: What is the temperature of your pond water?
« on: March 21, 2009, 08:52:28 PM »
48 here! :'(  It warmed up for a few days a couple of weeks ago and I saw the fish and did a head count and lost one wakin, turned on the waterfall as they were all swimming near the top and I didn't know if they needed oxygen or food!  Then it snowed and turned cold AGAIN!  Nice past three days and haven't seen them at all since turning on waterfall.

Okay Sean how on earth can your pond be 73 if you are in Vancouver??? Is it in the house???

Only plants I know for sure that made it is the parrots feather!  Fingers crossed on the rest of the plants!


Jerry, I like #62 best, it shows the most "character" to me.  I also like 49 and 45.   Good luck

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone go hiking in Washington State?
« on: March 16, 2009, 11:33:13 PM »
Hi Greenthumbnails, I LIVE in the mountains in Washington, in a valley between Mt Adams, Mt St Helens and Mt Rainer!  (Between Morton and Packwood if you want to look it up.)  Please feel free to give us a shout and stop by.  I don't climb but my cousins do, but I'm afraid they would tell you places that you might have trouble the beaten track ya know?  Mt St Helens has a hike that you can go right down into the mouth of the crater if you plan ahead,  Mt Rainer has beautiful trails all over!  We have awesome waterfalls all over...Now I can tell you lots of back roads to go investigate IF they have the roads passable after all the mud slides.   If the weather doesn't change soon you won't want to do much hiking! Unless you bring your skis!   Hopefully it will be a few months before you come?  Aug-Sept are the best months weather wise.

Pond Chat / Winter over???? need imput on feeding
« on: March 06, 2009, 12:27:59 AM »
Hi all, sorry I haven't posted in long time, but it's been Looooooooooooong winter here!  The pond finally unfroze!  @O@ and yesterday we turned the waterfall and filters back on..........ummm and it SNOWED today!  :swear: The deicer I bought worked brilliantly all winter and didn't cost hardly anything to run!  Hubby found one dead fish and then I sat out and did a head count and it was the only one that we lost.  Amazing!  I think it was one of the wakins (goldie) :'(  but not chubby he is still there. One of the wakins is not totally orange!  Tracey do they change colors?  When I got it it was orange with white spots.  The shubunkins look like they have grown, either that or Chubby has lost weight!  Also they were all swimming around and looked hungry.  I had hubby put aerator in just in case they were looking for oxygen but it really looked like they were looking for food!  I only have an aquarium aerator and don't like to leave it out there to long, do raise it off the ground and then cover it but when turned the waterfall on took it out as figure that will give them more air.  The water temp is only 42-48.  Some have told me to not feed until water temp 50?  I got magazine on ponding today and it says to feed wheat germ food when water is above 40??? I sure would hate to loose them now!  Thanks in advance.  And please cross fingers for some warmer weather for us in Washington!

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Re: Winter Blues
« on: November 01, 2008, 08:32:52 PM »
Oh cute babies Tracey!  What is the yellow and white one?  is that considered "blue"?  My guys, I got from you,  are doing fine, not sure if they are growing cuz they still look the same size but then they could all be growing at the same rate and I'm comparing them to each other!  Do you offer babysitting service for the winter?   ;)  Like buy a baby now and have it shipped in the spring?

Pond Chat / Re: Waterfall on or off for winter?
« on: October 18, 2008, 01:12:27 PM »
Esther can you explain how to make the deicer with light bulb please?
thanks Peg

Pond Chat / Re: Waterfall on or off for winter?
« on: October 16, 2008, 11:34:06 PM »
Thanks for the tip Cindi, I was looking at both of those at Drs Foster and Smith.  The deicer says for 1000 gal and my pond is over 3000, do you think just one would work?  They are just to keep a hole open aren't they?  Now Esther and Tracey please explain?  The aerator/bubbler line can freeze?  This heater that Cindi recommends only uses 100W and floats.  I am feeling pretty stupid right now as I thought you just put the bubbler in and it kept a hole and if it didn't the heater did? 

Pond Chat / Re: Waterfall on or off for winter?
« on: October 13, 2008, 12:35:22 PM »
Thanks, will shoot for turning off Thanksgiving.  Luckily I DO have a place for the fish to go!  I put a plastic shelf in there to hold all my marginals for winter, so I can get them easily in the spring.  It has a space under it and the fish hide there. With all the plants on it (and they are in the net pots) it would be VERY hard to push it over or get under it.  I have been looking at heaters and will order one soon and was thinking of getting an aerator too.  Better safe than sorry.  Just posted completed photo of pond on the pond construction area "newbie needing enclosed"  If ya want to take a look.  The area with the Iris sticking up is the shelf.  It's one level of one of those plastic shelves with the slat/holes in it and we cut the legs to level it...worked out super! 

It's DONE!  well for this year anyway!  Thanks for all the input and help from everyone on here.  Sorry the plants are hard to see but hopefully this won't be the case by next year.  Oh and it's much clearer now thanks to this forum and your help.

Pond Chat / Re: Waterfall on or off for winter?
« on: October 11, 2008, 11:22:27 PM »
Ohhhhh thanks all, especially you Fred! Gosh I had not even thought about power outages!  That made up my mind for sure to shut it down!  Now when do  you do that?  nights are freezing now.  I am zone 5.  I also hadn't thought about "ice dam" so thanks to all.  Gosh this is such a wonderful site!  You all are super!

Pond Chat / Waterfall on or off for winter?
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:24:38 AM »
Can't decide so thought I'd ask your opinion before it gets to freezing time.  Pump is 5000 gph and have 3 waterfalls and stream about 24 ft long (from 3 inches to a foot deep) 2 inch flex pipe and a run of plain pvc pipe up the hill....none is below freeze line....some only a couple of inches down.  I don't THINK it will freeze if left on as there is a lot of water movement.  We do get some days that it doesn't get above freezing......last year quite a few! What do ya think?  If it was yours what would ya do? 
Thanks Peg

Pond Chat / Re: Is this pond "bloom"?
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:18:39 AM »
Thanks all, took your advice and it took a few days but the water is MUCH better now!  Hubby has been cleaning the batting twice a day but not getting much green at all now so will slow down on it.  Now I wonder if I should vacuum the bottom?  Or just wait until it warms up? Which here maybe 6 months!   :(
Thanks so much

Pond Chat / Re: Mssg from Ky Kim to All
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:15:05 AM »
Hey Kim, so glad you are back and so sorry for all your water troubles!  Well they say bad things come in threes and I think you have had your three so maybe now things will settle down. 

Pond Chat / Re: Mssg from Ky Kim to All
« on: October 03, 2008, 09:34:19 PM »
I'm going to print this thread off and send to Kim tomorrow if anyone wants to send a message please post it.  I think she must be really lonely without her puter!  Our server was offline for last day and 1/2 and I was lost!

Pond Chat / Re: Is this pond "bloom"?
« on: October 03, 2008, 09:32:40 PM »
Okay I stuffed some quilt batting into the waterfall bio filter, no one said how much to use?  Can I also put some in the skimmer basket?  Also there is a mesh filter (much like the ones on furnace) in the skimmer and the bio filter and they are yucky!  Do they HAVE to be washed in pond water?  I have a well so chlorine is no problem.  Thanks again and fingers crossed this clears soon.

Pond Chat / Is this pond "bloom"?
« on: October 02, 2008, 09:55:05 AM »
Hi all, Okay the water in the pond was awesome, had been in there about 3 weeks and no "bloom" just a bit of algae starting when I got the not so brilliant idea of mortaring in the rocks and spilled it in the pond and had to do a mad fast drain.  Got it all cleaned up and back together, took about a week, and plants and fish back in.  Well it started turning green pretty fast this time.  (oh we did NOT drain the biofilter as I thought that maybe the "good" bacteria would help?)  Everyday it gets greener, water looks almost thick, can't see but shadows of fish.  Oh it's been refilled for a bit over 2 weeks.  Is this "bloom" that I've read about or do I need to do something?  I've cleaned the prefilter but not touched the savio biofilter, should I clean it out?  Add sludge remover, algecide or just wait it out and it will clear on it's own?  I have put microlift PL in it as I read that was good for starting and keeping pond nice.  It's raining but I will try to get piccys if it quits for a few.  Oh also there is a bit of foam around some of the plants and some bubbles on the kinda looks like a green swamp pit  :'(.  Also I have a pond vac that works on water should I vacuum it? 
Thanks for ANY help/advise.

Photo Album / Re: Pond in Olympia, Wa.
« on: October 02, 2008, 09:19:01 AM »
Dave, same  here if you are going by PM me and stop by and see the pond.

Pond Chat / Mssg from Ky Kim to All
« on: September 29, 2008, 07:21:36 PM »
Hi all, Kim went ahead and sent me plants despite all her problems!  KIM!  Thanks so much but you really should have waited. I am SUPER happy with what you sent!  Thank you, thank you , thank you!

 She also wanted me to post for her that the storm fried her computer and she can't get online.  She is missing everyone very much!  Her power is back on but her PC isn't. She said to tell you all SHE is fine just the PC is fried.  She had some damage of ornaments and wind chimes, tree, and loss of a few shingles... and major loss of food but she seems to be taking it all in stride and just happy they still have a house and the family are all safe and sound. 

Fingers and toes crossed that she gets her puter back working soon.

Jerry we had Wild Blue internet Satellite before DSL was available here.  It was the PITS!  If it snows you loose service, at least until you go brush off the dish, if it rains hard you loose service, if you use it too much, you get cut to dial up speed for the rest of that billing period, (hubby trying to download a file that kept getting dumped before it finished!) you can't use Skype or any of the phone services as there is a delay in downloading, chat is marginal and slow, videos are also the pits, Calls to tech support got a well you ARE in a bad area for it with your weather...well DUH! why didn't you tell me that prior to install and buying all the crap?  Equipment is expensive and yes you have to have two dishes one for tv and one for satellite (which we have CHEAP set up if you are interested!  LOL) Also if you have HD tv you have THREE flipping satellites! IMHO if you have cable or DSL keep it!  If  you have 6 kps dial up (as we did) to for it and put up with it.  Just my 2 cents.

Pond Chat / Re: I met Tracey (Tracey_Shafer) and her husband!!
« on: September 22, 2008, 11:55:19 PM »
Super, lucky you.  I agree it's super to meet your online friends.  An online friend from England is here visiting now.  We've been great friends now for over 6 years and visit each other.  I've only been to her 3 times but she comes to visit me a couple of times a year.  The internet opens up the whole world. 
And aren't Tracey's fish the greatest?  Mine are doing super!  And eating like pigs!  LOL

Photo Album / Re: Pond in Olympia, Wa.
« on: September 20, 2008, 11:38:28 PM »
Dave, we are neighbors (almost)  I am in Glenoma WA if you know where that is?  LOL most people don't!  Hwy 12 towards White Pass.  Your pond and yard are totally awesome!  I have new pond and most of flowers will have to wait until next year now.  How do you plant the impatiens in the waterfall?  Plants from nursery and wash roots? Or do you grown from seeds?  The creeping Jenny is awesome too!

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