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Messages - Lily

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Pond Chat / Re: Blushing bride
« on: February 05, 2009, 11:10:32 AM »
Regular dishsoap, veg oil is fine.  It might even help with the waterlily beetles. I had them also until I starting using this spray.  They may not like the oil either.  I try different things as I try to stay away from chemicals and it seems alot of my customers want other ideas instead of chemicals also.  Lily

Pond Chat / Re: Blushing bride
« on: February 03, 2009, 08:53:03 PM »
Really nice picture.  I sell alot of the blushing bride.  Its a really pretty and larger lily.  It looks like your leaves are getting ate by something.  I'll give you a good natural mixture to spray on your plants that will kill aphids, small bugs etc. and won't harm any fish, frogs or plants.  1 TBL liquid dish soap with 1 cup oil.  Put this in a jar and when you use it put it in a spray bottle with 1 tsp to one qt of water.  Works great.  Just a suggestion.  You don't have to worry about the oil because its not much when added with the water and won't harm anything.

Lily :)

Pond Chat / Re: 4 tropical blooms today
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:41:19 PM »
Thanks for the makes us Northerns anxious for spring.  Your lucky to keep the tropicals blooming that way... 

Pond Chat / Re: I want more lillies!!
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:36:01 PM »
Snails are the natural way to help keep algae under control by consuming algae along sides and bottom of your pond.  Also on rocks, containers etc in your pond.  They also eat decaying matter such as leaves and fish food.  Although it  takes alot of snails to control the algae alone. In order for them to have a positive effect in a pond you need at least 25 for a small pond and 50 or more for a larger pond.  I always suggest to customers to start out with a few and keep adding.  They do multiply but only breed a couple times a year so don't expect them to multiply fast.  Once you place them in your pond you may only occasionally see them as they are dark brown in color and disappear in your pond. :)

Pond Chat / Re: I want more lillies!!
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:14:16 AM »
ok, so I have had about 3 water lillies that I got at Lowe's.  They are pretty and come up every year, but you guys have made me want to get more and I'm not sure I'm going to be happy with just white and yellow now.  SO....where is the best place to get them from???  Come on now, I know everyone out there has an opinion, so let's hear it.  Thanks!!

I have a pond store,  I guarantee all my plants and do business all over the US.  Your welcome to take a look and see the pictures of all the different lilies available.  Most of the pictures I've taken myself.  I recommend to my customers that if you stick with hardy lilies, hardy bog plants and lotus they will come back yearly for you.  If you sign up to receive my newsletter I often offer coupons throughout the year such as free shipping, percent off etc. plus helpful plants tips.  I'll be offering free shipping in Feb. for all preorders.  I've had a pond for over 20 years prior to them getting so popular.  Its quite an enjoyment that's why I started my own business.  Another great way to get hardy lilies is to trade plants with someone.  We all have to divide our lilies after a few years and end up with extras.  Ask around.


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