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Messages - britishcolumbia

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Chit Chat / Re: i found a healthy baby duck crossing a busy road
« on: May 26, 2009, 11:14:37 AM »
cross that bridge when i come to it, i guess...  who knows whats going to happen... but for sure, he is way too tiny to release.  when he gets to be bigger, its up to Donny, what he wants to do...  but for now he is safe.  and though he does poop lots, for now its ok, because he is small....  and my house has sold and passed the inspection so its not a problem... his messes arent that big right now...  later on, i can get him his own area for that.

Chit Chat / Re: i found a healthy baby duck crossing a busy road
« on: May 25, 2009, 10:06:25 PM »
well at first i thought he was a she, so she was Daisy Duck, but then some guys told me he was a boy, so his name is Donny Delishious, now.  also, i began to realize that he is *such* a boy the way he runs around.  he pecks.  me.  tonight he was offeneded with one of the lights so he was pecking sharply at that.  hes very stubborn.  the first day he did not know how to swim.  he floated like a lump, confused and angry, he violently wanted out - after just a few seconds.  ive only had him 3 days.  hours later, when i put him in again, same response, he just wanted OUT!  the third time, a few hours later, i started pushing and guiding him - and he got the hang of kicking, and he seemed okay about it but not happy - demanding to be out (when he wants out he tries to leap out of his bowl). 

by day 2 he was kicking all on his own - no pushing or guiding him from me - and absolutely SHOWING OFF... and just really in a happy & confident place.  then he had a bath - and he LOVED the bath - cruising around his legs going like totally crazy.  he was beside himself with joy.  he didnt want to get out. 

so today, day 3, i had my bath and he stayed in for ages, probably 2 hours.  it keeps him busy.  then i drain the tub and he grooms himself for ages.

he gets his bowl bath after he has finished his foraging.  i like him to have a bath because the foraging situation gets a little gross... he eats constantly.  he cannot hunt at all.  ive tried, but he is scared shitless when i even bring him a dead ant.  so it has to be really dead dead for him to not jump back in abject horror and fear that it might be alive.  so hes big on dusty dead insects in filthy corners of the house. 

so after eating, i put him in his pondbowl (its a big glass serving bowl) with salad and outdoor greens, torn up tiny tiny tiny.  he scoots around eating and swimming and drinking.  he loves rice milk, but hes not so crazy about cows milk.  he loves oatmeal with a bit of sugar and butter. 

all i can say is i adore him.  he goes everywhere with me in a pyrex bowl with a fluffduster in the bottom and a handkerchief napkin for a blanky...  at bedtime he sleeps with me, he likes to snuggle down into something like the crook of my arm, or in my shirt top, or under my neck.

and i wish i could put him on the internet.  he is my sweet boy.  last night he found a new place to sleep.  he stuck his nose into my bra!!!  his bum and legs were sticking out of the top.  he loves his tummy rubbed.  he is the cutest thing i have ever seen in my whole life. 

when we go somewhere in the car, i put him in a pyrex bowl with a fluffduster & hanky and then i put the lid on top, opened a crack, and he is very calm, and is fine for a couple or 3 hours....  and when i get out of the car, i take him with me in the bowl, and put the bowl in a basket.  hes very calm.  but if the day drags on, he will get restless in his bowl with the lid on, sometimes if i cover the bowl with the hanky he will calm right down again, other times i take him out (making sure the doors and windows are closed) and give him a kiss.  at the intersection yesterday, the woman in the car beside said, "What are you doing?"  i said, "Im kissing my duck".  and she said, "oh" like it was ok then.  he is also good inside my fleece hat i place inside my makeup bag and he sticks his neck out.  i do have to keep a very watchful eye though if i am getting ants for him, and not take that lid off for a second, or he will tear off.  hes such a boy duck. 

edit: thanks everyone for the tips and suggestions... i am going to get chick mash tomorrow.
editedit: and am neverever letting him out of my sight in the outdoors, he would make a perfect sandwich for some hungry cat or dog.

Chit Chat / Re: i found a healthy baby duck crossing a busy road
« on: May 24, 2009, 08:49:25 AM »
the pee / poo situation went well.  she did it in the nest i made her.  it was green and yellow so that means she is just eating grass, milk, water...  she drank a lot of water this morning and rice milk bc i dont have any regular right now.  she also enjoys grass nibbleys.  i took her for a swim in her water bowl... weeee.... she certainly seemed to enjoy it more today, as she was more enthusiastic, pumping her legs feroshiously, and staying in a bit longer before trying to jump out.  after the swim i laid her in the sun.  shes sunbathing.  and shivering a bit... same as yesterday... i thought ducks were warm blooded...? 

Chit Chat / i found a healthy baby duck crossing a busy road
« on: May 23, 2009, 07:18:08 PM »
she was crossing a very busy road... and i stopped just in time... no sight of a mother or siblings.  there was another car coming the other way, so it was a double miracle. 

then she was under my car.  so i couldnt exactly leave her there.  soon the cars were piling up.  i was afraid she would be hit and i couldnt let that happen.  the guy in the vehicle behind got out when i shouted, Help!  then again when we couldnt catch her, to the lady in the vehicle behind him. 

we 3 surrounded the baby duck, on the 3 sides of my car, and she finally ran out from under the car and into my hands. 

now shes with me.  she chirps.  ive made her lots of nesting with grass and dead bugs, plus water, milk, seeds, oatmeal, soaked breadcrumbs.  she really enjoys her rubs.  especially her neck and chest.  shes very comfortable inside my shirtfront.  she enjoys looking at herself in the mirror.  i can tell she recognizes my face when my face is near hers in the mirror.  shes fallen asleep in my lap with her head lolled to the side.  she likes to be in my makeup bag.  she fits into my hand.  shes eaten a little... and enjoys making a mess in the water... she chirps & runs around.  she smells good.  i filled a bowl but she doesnt like to swim - odd for a duck?  im concerned about the poo / pee situation - but as ive passed my house inspection & the house is sold - im not worried if she lets loose.  but how do i train a duck to pee into kitty litter?

Chit Chat / Re: People who won't let you get a word in edgewise....
« on: May 14, 2009, 08:35:35 AM »
thanks guys... good tips for cleaning.  thats exactly what i did.  i washed everything, sprayed deordorizer everywhere, and washed the quilt (i had to toss a bunch of towels though bc i can only do one load of laundry at a time, and the place was stinking).  i just bagged up the towels, to toss out with the trash, bc i just could not do that much laundry at once and i HAD to get that smell out asap as i am having a house inpector over friday (tomorrow) and im afraid this could ruin the offer i have on the house.  i had all the wet and dirty towels bc after she peed and pooed everywhere she decided to wipe her dirty bum on my quilt.  i smelled it instantly.  what a sharp odour.  then the quilt was too big for my washer so it flooded my bathroom floor 3 times, or was it 4...? ive never actually had a kitty before.  but hiho.  thats an unpleasant smell.  later i caught her playing with her poo.  i even tossed out the nightie i was wearing bc she was all over me on the trip back to Assh*les place.  i would rather have rodents.  the rodents arent cute but they mostly let me sleep.  and they dont stink and wipe their dirty bums on my bedding.  for sure she is not the indoor type.  and worst of all she sleeps all day so im tiptoeing around her all day.  she kept starting.  then after five she slept like a log.  but anytime i got up she would follow me.  i usually go to bed between 9:30 and 11:00.  she woke me up repeatedly trying to get into the bed with me.  she kept me up for hours.  she kept trying to settle down, but everytime i would start to sleep she would get up again.  im not used to that.  im winding down at 9 pm and shes just getting up.  she was just getting started with the pee/poo thing after midnight.  anyway.  i was up until 2:30 cleaning.  its hard to function without sleep and i have important appointments today and tomorrow.  anyway, she is an outdoor cat.  too bad.  our cycles are opposite and thats not going to change..  she sleeps all day and is ready to party at night.  shes back where she belongs now.  shame.  shes darling... but trouble?  omg!  i need sleep!!!
im going to need buckets of coffee just to stay awake!!!   :o

Chit Chat / Re: People who won't let you get a word in edgewise....
« on: May 14, 2009, 01:40:17 AM »
Going to an online dating site to get his house cleaned? Will not vet the cat or get flea drops, Cheep creep.

ya, what a twit. 

hey guys, now how do i get the smell of cat pee out of my house and quilt???



Chit Chat / Re: People who won't let you get a word in edgewise....
« on: May 13, 2009, 08:44:57 PM »
you did find love online!!!

somewhat ironic isnt it? 

Chit Chat / Re: People who won't let you get a word in edgewise....
« on: May 13, 2009, 07:46:23 PM »

But it's harder when it's a good friend who's being the jerk.  Also, I've noticed that I'm better at this sort of thing the second time around.  The first time I encounter a situation, I can be frozen, not knowing how to deal with it.


ya it feels like being slapped in the face.  i was just sitting there is shock.  but thats fine.  he emailed me later and said, "Wheres the cat?!"

Chit Chat / Re: People who won't let you get a word in edgewise....
« on: May 13, 2009, 07:39:08 PM »
i guess i can change my name to cat lady now.

Chit Chat / Re: People who won't let you get a word in edgewise....
« on: May 13, 2009, 07:35:42 PM »
I am SO glad you have her now and not some phyco that's depressed about a dirty house but too lazy to clean it!

ROTFLMAO!!!   lol lol lol

Chit Chat / Re: People who won't let you get a word in edgewise....
« on: May 13, 2009, 12:44:39 PM »
ya.  she doesnt play any headgames.  no mixed messages.  no grouchiness.  no insecurities.  she constantly follows me around.  i put my hand out and she comes right over for a scratch.  if i dont hit the right spot she gently grabs my hand with her paws and places it where she wants to be scratched.  she doesnt mind being picked up.  she loves cuddles.  she purrs all the time.  shes mellow.  shes very appreciative.  we get along.  we enjoy each others company.  and theres no BS.

p.s. she has some post-traumetic stress disorder bc she starts easily.  but shell calm down.

Chit Chat / Re: People who won't let you get a word in edgewise....
« on: May 13, 2009, 11:34:11 AM »
I left there feeling a little angry, because he had essentially cheated me out of an enjoyable get-together.  More than that, I guess I felt devalued and even used, because it was clear that he wasn't interested in me as ME, but he just wanted ANY old body to be his captive audience.

Anybody else?

oh im hearin that. 

guy contacted me off the dating site i am registered with.  we have nothing in common, but weve hung out a few times.  and its been nice, casual.  he said the reason he first contacted me was bc he thought i was "funny"; he said to me, "I laffed from one end of your profile to the other".  he is actually a sweet guy.  but hes grumpy. 

hes so grumpy that all he can do is brood -constantly- about what a mess his place is as he intends to move soon. 

im like, But dude, if you stopped complaining for an hour and just did some cleanup you would get past this.  i helped him clean up for 1/2 an hour.... 

hes whinning away constantly about all his problems.  finally, i said, Look!  You HAVE no problems!

then he says, "This place looks better already!"  

but the actual reason i was there was to pick up some rat poison he said would work on my rodents in the house.  instead of giving me the poison -or offering to do it for me- he says,
"Im going to vacuum now."   :( :'( >:(-

im like, Dude! 

he says, "I gotta clean up". 

so i said: Im going. 

he said, "OK", and then he left the room -and- closed the door!! 

i thought OMG! ive been dumped! 

so i got up to go... 

...i open the door... and on the porch there was this stray that is at his place all the time.  an orange tabby and we love each other.  she purrs when i touch her.  she lets me hold her. 

she doesnt have a name.
he used to say "You and that cat." 

he had kicked her out as soon as i arrived. 

he grabs her and says, Shes goin out." 
i said, no! 
he said, "Shes goin outside! She stinks!" 

and he chucked her out. on my way out i saw her on the porch.  and she looks up at me... 

...and im thinking...
Ok, well, i guess this is the last time for us....

...shes purring away at me...  ...shes holding me with both arms around my neck... 

and in a split second, i decided.   i start running to the car.  we busted out. 

she even loved the car ride over.  shes right at home.  were both happy. 

and yes, she stinks. 
she also has fleas. 
she drools when shes asleep, which is all the time, except when shes following me, but who cares? 
her nap schedule has kept her very busy so i am starting to doubt she will take car of the rodents. 

I think it's time for a photo?????

good idea.  put that on my ToDo list.

BC: Methinks you need to come to Savannah's next pond-pull, then I can play Yenta for you too!!   @O@ 


well we have to have a passport to go to the states now.  fun times.  canada just got even more boring.

Psst! Single-guys!  Pay attention here!  Julles is totally hot.  8-)~  Word to the street.  @O@


oh exactly jerry, & not only that, but apparently, im the only one that isnt getting lucky.     

Chit Chat / Re: Well, this is it.
« on: May 06, 2009, 08:25:09 PM »
oh my im so sorry to hear that.  sad.  maybe your landlord can give you a little extra time.  im sure if you explain youre awaiting your application they will give a break to a good tenant.  my mom used to rent a house & quite often she would accept work in exchange for rent.  one winter we had a hard time so we cut trees & sold a few cords.  we put a sign up & within a fews days we had several hundred dollars.  i know a lady who started her own business doing housework & weeding & she only works 4 days per week & makes good money, she has never advertised & its all referrals.  but things are different in the i dont know... 

Chit Chat / today i did the funnest thing
« on: May 05, 2009, 10:23:00 PM »
i went to the spca & played with the cats.  so cute.  some of them let me cuddle them.  so im going to go back. 

Hey Brit, I'm not a man but that's ok I forgive you  ::)

oh jw, sweet....  i am thinking of turning gay -one problem though -im not gay.

Reading all this sure makes me glad that I'm happily married and not dating  o(:-) Life is complicated enough w/o all the etiquette's of trying to pair up properly. Too many rules and regs. Just do what the cavemen did and grab her by the hair and drag her to the cave or vice a versa  ;D

hello guys r u listening to this man!?!  this is a wise & happily married man.  im doing the "vice-versa", call me cavegirl.

[...]I'm out walking I see lot's of men and women out there gardening in their yards and I stop to talk to them and admire their gardens. After awhile of walking through these hoods you discover which ones are married and which are not. You might get lucky and find a mate that way....who knows? If you live in an apt then find a hood that you like and stroll on through for a bit and if no hits there then move on to the next one.  It's good for your legs anyway  O0 

this is true.   this happens.  i know a couple who met this way, just walking in the hood.  goin for a gander.  saying hello.  this is really good suggestion.  one guy was doing renos, new in the hood, & this gal went over with a basket, & said after a visit, "uhhhh... so where is your wife?"  him: "uh oh, well im single..."  BINGO!   o(:-)

Chit Chat / Re: I've done WHAT?
« on: May 05, 2009, 09:50:37 AM »
bullfrong,  lol lol lol til spittin!!!

Chit Chat / !!!
« on: May 05, 2009, 08:59:43 AM »
hey leeanne, thanks for the clarification (& yes u spelled it right)...

hey guess wat?!  i decided to re-send another email to the pond club & this time i got a reply!!!

yaya!  im goin to the pondclub meetin!  yippee!  i guess its not as boring as i thought in this town....  this is progess.

mike i agree w. u... w/ one difference...  i see the glass half full: this time i know myself better... so  the logic goes if i know what i like, i just have to find a person w/ same interests. 

& this site proves that there are still people who like to work.  that alone is enough.  very warming.

yes, half are married.  one quarter are wimmin.  one quarter r single guys.  many who confess, by their own admission, to be (a)not interested(b)old(c)grumpy(d)short(e)notrichenough(?)(f)whatever.  these r their words not mine or anyone elses.  & thats fine.  its all good...  all that matters is that pondpeople can get together on a website.  its enough that we all like the pondstuff.  thats the reward.

see, in the states u guys have all this fun cool stuff to do bc the population is so large, so people can do fun stuff, & its a real party.  here in canada its different... options are limited.  example.  smaller population, more conservative & retiring mentality.  im on a large island, & it not just a geographic barrier but a psycholocical one too, bc it costs so much to get off o here, one eventually gives up tryin after a few years, due to all the bother.  shame really.  the long-term islander mentality gets into the brain like a virus.  im 10 years in & i may never get off.  we say it like that too, "oh i havent been off in 15 years" its like a joke here.

but a/who thats not important now.  yipeee!!! @O@ :D ;D

p.s. - thanks so much for all the help everyone! O0 

(even Blind'Too... -& all the grumpy old single guys: aka - grumpyoldsingle -GOS;)

hmmm... maybe i was wrong about the pond guys.   :( >:( {nono}

 :angel:  did i say whine & snivle...?  im sure that is not what i meant.  my bad!  :o  so ... dont be mad.... k?
 :D ;) :)

oh people!  cant we all just get along!   {-)

aww... soreeeee! i didnt know i was going to catch sh*t for that, eh?   ::)

this right here is one baaad woman. :whip:

ok we jus missed each other -im going in - cover me!

goodnight, i guess weve frightened them off.  theyre too short too broke too this too that.  And they all drive used vehsicles!  dis-Cus-Ting!  oh its outrageous.  and we dont flirt or encourage enough either.


oh & p.s. now theyre scared of us! :(

weve driven all the men away!!!     >:(-

k im in the chat all by mysel.

ok tink lets go.  we can gasbag  u can tell me where u r at.  i want to hear about lowes.  i dont think we have that here.

yall wanna do the live chat room bart... blind.... british???

r there that many people?  wheres bart??? isnt he the oke?  or is that someone else???  oh god i cant keep up with this.

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