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Messages - Bytestalker

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / Re: Who am I?
« on: July 09, 2009, 11:07:22 AM »
It is an Oak Toad.
Diagnostic Features:
Size: 0.75 to 1.25 inches (19 to 33 mm)
Pearl gray to black ground color, some are almost entirely black
Four or five pairs of spots on back are black or brown
Some warts are red, orange or reddish-brown
Conspicuous light middorsal stripe that may be white, cream, yellow or orange
Back finely tuberculate
Natural History:
This frog's habitat is pine woods. Moist areas are required for shelter, and pools or small bodies of water are necessary for breeding. More common in grassy areas in woods.
Hides under all manner of objects, but is more active by day than other toads
Breeding occurs from April to mid-October, depending on the arrival of warm heavy rains
The female lays eggs in beadlike chains of 2 - 8 eggs, total of about 700.
Breeding occurs in shallow pools, ditches, cypress and flatwoods ponds, etc.


Pond Chat / Re: Turtle now looks at new haul out
« on: July 09, 2009, 11:00:41 AM »
Another great site for turtle information is Austin's Turtle page - they have a ton of information on care, breeding and feeding of all types of turtles.  Very active group on the site.  If you have a sick turtle or want to understand their diet, habitat requirements, breeding, need a vet...  Good site.   O0


Pond Chat / Re: Mollies are the rabbits of the fish world
« on: July 06, 2009, 06:40:10 AM »
Your friend was correct.  The Angels need to be the same size  or a little larger in order to survive.  Also if you can move some of your plants around that would also help.  Angels that are established will take on any new fish, but by moving the plants around you sort of play with their mind and it looks all new to all of them.  It cuts down on the aggression.  That how you have to handle them in an aquirium and it works.


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