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Messages - Eerkes

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / Inherited a pond that needs help, I need help too!
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:59:50 AM »
So our new home has a what appears to be a spring-fed swampy/bog area, with a pond about 30' in diameter below it, and a small stream running out from the pond that snakes around the back of my property.

First thing I noticed is that about 50% or more of the pond is covered in duckweed. I looked it up and it seems to be Lemna minor. Then my other concern is that there are two or three trees which have fallen into the pond, which I'm worried if I don't get out will cause problems with the balance of the pond as they decay, they are cedars btw.

I guess my questions are 1. How can I naturally discourage so much duckweed? 2. How the heck do I get rid of some fairly large cedars mostly submerged in the pond, or do I even have to?

I haven't been in the pond at all, so I'm unsure of the type of bottom I have. If it's anything like the soil around it then I'm guessing I'm going to sink in quite a bit of muck if I attempted to remove the branches from the fallen trees. I think I'm in for an adventure with this! Any advice would be much appreciated!

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