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Messages - jennyb5149

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I just got my pond going and have introduced 3 koi and 2 shubunkins.  Everyone appears happy and healthy and eating fairly well.

I would eventually like to get my koi to learn to eat out of my hand.  But, right now, they won't eat when I'm anywhere near the pond.  I think shadows are spooking them.  I have to throw their food and step back.  It will usually take them anywhere from one minute to 5 minutes to start feeding after the first food is thrown to them.  Then, they will eat very slowly, seeming skittish about coming to the surface to eat another bit.  I tried flakes hoping that as they sank, they'd feel more comfortable eating them but they want NOTHING to do with the flakes.

How long will they behave like this?  Is there anything I can do to help encourage them to eat in front of me.  I have seen nothing that even begins to resemble a feeding frenzy in my pond much less ever having hope that they will eat from my hand - or even near me for that matter.

Thanks for your input!

Koi Feeding, Nutrition and Diet / Re: How cold hardy are koi?
« on: June 10, 2010, 10:51:45 AM »
To all you Canada ponders who overwinter your koi, how deep are your ponds? 

I have 3 brand new koi (ranging from 4 to 6" in size).  I'm wondering if I dare try to overwinter them in the pond this year.  I live in Northern Wisconsin (zone 3) where the coldest it will get is probably -15 to -20 F (don't get me started on the windchill tho  ;) )

My pond is about 32" at it's deepest.  I wasn't planning on keeping koi when I dug the pond otherwise I would have went deeper to ensure overwintering would work for the fish.  oops!  Usual beginning ponder goof up, I guess!

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